Chereads / The Extras / Chapter 1 - BEFORE THE BEGINNING

The Extras

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Have you every wished to have a completely luxurious life, to sit with arms folded while your account gets flooded with credit alerts?

Have you very tried to imagine what would happen if everyone had that same dream, and if all those dreams came to pass, and how possible it was that everyone attained wealth?

And if every human did gain enough wealth, then what?

Little did we know that the answers to those questions would soon be given to us.


In the year 2050, the human race became what we all considered, lazy. There was no work getting done, no competition, wealth finally became attainable to everyone that cared to have it, and so, there became only two sorts of people, the producers, who were very few and the consumers, the plenty. People had accumulated enough wealth, so they could go to, do, and afford whatever it was that they desired, whatever it was that they so much as thought of.

The number of producers started to dwindle even more, and the number of consumers increased, and increased ,until there wasn't enough to get by, until the economy began to fall, until it was on the very brink of collapse.

2055, earth had began to die, along with the people within it, pollution was unbearable, food became scares, only those that toiled the fields fed, only those that went to the streams drank, only those that did the work reaped the fruit. Sold commodity became too expensive to afford, humanity sank back, deep into poverty.

2057 the human race had began to increasingly reduce in number, the leaders of the countries had collectively come to the conclusion that the actions of one affect the whole, and so any weak limb must be cut off. Countries no longer trade in currencies, but in goods, an old trading system also known as, TBB, Trade by batter, any country that does not have goods to offer shall not trade.

Year 2058, a state of emergency has been called throughout the entire nations of the earth, the new law has been adopted, every human is mandated to work in a facility run by the government, all personal establishments have been shut down, and communal living has been adopted.

2060, Adolph Grey, once the world richest and most influential man, had raised and sponsored a nine hundred billion dollar project to make a new earth in space.

2061, after over half a billion man power, and hundreds of hours of work, Earth B has been launched, and are only inhabited by the rich population of the earth.

2062, Earth has been profiled inhabitable, The soil no longer produce, water was more scares than edible food, and the little left was too dirty to drink, more people have been given free pass into Earth B, now known as, 'The work heaven'. A class system has been put in place, based on the work done by a person, and the contribution him or her has to the growth and development of the society. Earth has become a toxic waste land.

2064 human beings have started to retract to their old habits, work lay undone, production speed has continuously seen a steady down fall, procrastination has started to rear its ugly head, if this continued the life of Work Heaven will be at risk. Therefore a lock has been put on the class system, one can fall in class, but can never go higher, no matter the class he or she was before they fell, and both the parent and the children will remain in that class for the rest of their lives, only one year is given for people to work hard, and rise in class before the lock becomes effective.

Year 2065, the lock is in place.

Year 2070 the threat of overpopulation grows, and is made known to Grey. A restriction on child birth is put in place. The leading members of the society are allowed to have only three children. The lower high class members of the society, and the higher middle class members, are allowed to have not more than two children ; the slight difference is that three children would be pardoned for the lower high class, only in the case of twins. The middle-middle class and the lower middle class are permitted to have only one child; with the rule that the child belonging to the lower middle class, must, have two working and functioning parents. Lastly, the lower class is not in any way allowed to have any child at all.


The doors to Grey's office bursts open, but he was unaffected by it, there was only one person who could dare such, and that person, he was used to.

"What did I just hear from the announcement screen?" she screamed.

The architectural team quickly left the room, leaving the blueprint of the new project with Grey, who continued looking it over without a single glance at Sahara. "How was your spar session with your lady friends my dear? It took quite a lot of effort to be able to make this whole place a hundred percent water proof and to have as much gravity as earth." He said still holding the blueprint to get a closer look at the details.

"Drop that sheet or I will drown it in water." Sahara said in a low warning, her already tiny voice growing even tinier, her golden brown eyes, becoming almost black as it squinted to a slit.

Grey looked at his wife, her face was burning red, her fingers clenched to the side, and her breath came out in low puffs, he knew she would do it, the woman feared not even death itself, so he dropped the paper. "What do you want woman?" he asked now, his full attention on the only person with him inside this completelywhite room.

"What was that I saw in the morning announcement?" She asked, her tone still deadly, her eyes still squinted.

"I don't know honey, I wasn't there with you, I was up here, working, on the new project for the kids." He said with a blank expression on his face.

Sahara looked her husband over, his dark brown eyes looking at her, waiting for her to speak, his dark brown hair the colour of chocolate, perfectly disarranged like it always was, his all white suit that he recently grew obsessed with but only wore on good days, perfectly buttoned, his brown beard well trimmed. Sahara could tell, he was not in any way affected by this his latest decision. "You are really not going to change your mind are you?"

"You are not in any way concerned with this honey, it honestly shouldn't bother you. And I have already talked it through with the board, and they all agreed." He said standing from his seat to go to his wife. Despite stereotype about rich husbands and how they cheated, Grey loved his wife, and respected her kind heart, but there were some things he couldn't do, even for her, like put the structure of work heaven, and the entire human race in jeopardy, or letting her get pregnant after she had gone through cancer.

"So what would you do to the other children, the ones that are born outside the number?" she asked.

"They will be provided for, back on earth, there will be a structure put in place." - He said going back to his seat. - "I was just working on the arrangement for their stay. Do not worry too much, I shall make sure they are given the opportunity to reunite with their family, it is my promise to you, but I would make sure they first prove themselves, useful."


Year 2071, the dark year in all of Work Heaven, Sahara Grey loses the battle against lung cancer.

But it wasn't dark for everyone as Isabel Tanta meets Henry Blake. The two were inseparable lovers of the low class, when there was a cut in their food rationing after the class lock was put up, they combined there food and went searching for any other source of more, and then they ate together. They cared for each other, loved each other so much that even the sadist that condemned other lovers of the lowest class district left them alone. Before the year ran out, Isabel found herself to be with child, she panicked, and decided to remove the baby, but before she carried on with the procedure, she told Henry.

He was happy when he heard the news of the child, and somehow managed to convince her that all was well. "They didn't name any consequence. - He said. - And they wouldn't be so heartless as to harm a child, and what about Tiffany? She gave birth to a girl last week and the baby is still with her." He had managed to calm her for the moment. And as the pregnancy grew, she found that it was difficult to hide a growing belly, or to work with it.

Henry however was true to his word, gave her his ration to make sure she was well fed, worked twice his cleaner shift in any facility that would employ him, and got paid for his work in the average wages allowed a member ofthelowest class, so he could at least afford a good warm blanket for the child, and more food for the both of them. Then one day, on the first day of June, a baby girl was born, she had lean hands, and light brown hair, and skin so very pale, and wide green eyes, just like Henry's, and pink cheeks, and a head larger than her body, she looked frail, but had the cry of a survivor.

She grew, loved by everyone around her, even the drunk sadist loved her, and they all protected her, she did not lack. When Henry and Isabel found it difficult to provide, those that could, donated. They did the same to Tiffany's child.

Tiffany's child had turned two and little baby June was only one, but nothing happened, they were still safe, and with their parents.

A year later the birth rate has aggressively increased, everyone had become fearless, Tiffany's child had just turned three that day, and little June was still two. But something strange happened, the next morning after the child's birthday, Tiffany was found lifeless, an empty bottle of pills on the floor next to her bed, and her child wasnowhere to be found. Those of that region suspected that the father of the child that was from the low middle class took the baby, and so she took her own life, after all Tiffany was known to be sometimes unstable.

Year 2075, a month before June's third birthday , Isabel found out again that a child of one month was living within her. She was happy, and so was Henry that he was soon to get another angel. But on the night of June's third birthday, the authorities came, armed with electric guns, and despite Henry's struggles, and Isabel's cries, they took June, along with every other three year old in the whole Work Heaven, and they took them down to earth, where they would begin their training.