(General POV)
Location the Warhammer 40k World-The Materium/Realspace: The Outer Rim of the Milky Way-North, Outside of Anarkarr Stars-Tombworld Cyrpheruss Underneath/Activating Necron Tomb
Power was surging through all the ancient, as stasis-tombs were lighting up, as robotic xenos resembling mechanized skeletons with a Egyptian theme, were starting to rise and leave their tombs.
Their programs were activating, and support scarabs started awaken and crawl towards the various Necron Warriors, armed with various Gauss Weapons, from Cannons, and Flayers, along with other members of this dynasty were awakening to, like the Crypteks which are Necron technological specialists whose purpose is to study the highly advanced and ancient technology of their race, they commanded the Canoptek into action, fully re-activating the rest of their kin.
Then from the top of a pyramid like structure a more ornamental stasis-tomb was opening and a Necron Overlord, the master of this world and dynasty, armed with a Abyssal Staff, he more sentient than the other in his dynasty, the lord of this "small" dynasty, with more Warriors than Tek-Constructs, his name is Ahhephokh the Abyssal Liege.
A couple of Hexmark Destroyers were activating as they started to emerge from the deeper parts of the Tomb, as for what they look like, these are six-armed Necron Deathmarks who are part of the Destroyer Cult and want nothing more than to kill everything around them.
In battle, they burst from their dimensional oubliettes, and the Destroyers' corrupted engrams aid them in targeting and dispatching nearby enemies in a hail of Enmitic Disintegrator Pistol fire, they stood beside their Overlord.
Along with the main Necron, a few of their automitons were also awakening, such as the Canoptek Acanthrite is an autonomous Necron war construct which resembles a monstrous, artificial insect enfolded in shadowed wings of tenebrous force that propel it through the skies, Canoptek Tomb Sentinels, resembling robotic centipedes were crawling out with their single neon-green eye shining, and their Exile Cannons prime to kill.
Canoptek Spyders or Tomb Spyders are also awakening, resembling a ancient robotic, floating spider, these are constructs utilised by the Necrons, their main function is watch over and maintain Necron Tomb World, for they never sleep once active, Spyder is mainly a support construct but still a formidable foe and is armed with hives of Scarabs in addition to self-repair backup systems, this was all this dynasty with thousands of warriors preparing to march out the Tomb, under Ahhephokh's command, these are Necrons.
What are Necrons?
Necrons are a mysterious xenos species of humanoid, robotic skeletal warriors that have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for more than 60 million Terran years, though they have begun to awaken at last, from the surge of psychic and daemonic energies from the Chaos claimed area in Realspace.
They are the soulless creations, former servants and now the captors of the ancient C'tan, the terrible Star Gods of Aeldari myth.
The Necrons are ancient beyond reckoning, predating even the birth of the Aeldari, and at long last, however, they are beginning to awaken from their Tomb Worlds, for the galaxy is ripe for conquest and the restoration of the Necron Empire since the disappearance of the Old Ones more than 60 million standard years ago, but the reactivation systems of Necrons.
The Necron were originally known as the Necrontyr, that craved life for they were suffering from their iridiated home-planet, and resulting in their horrible existence and a painful death in a short life.
They once begged the Old Ones, to grant them the secrets of Immortality, and thus escape their horrible fates, but the Old Ones refused their request and they started a Galatical scale war, that became known as the War of Heaven.
But regardless their technological superiority they couldn't match against the Godly powers of the Old One, until they found some gas-based ancient life-forms, much older than the Old Ones themselves, eating from the radiation of dying stars, and the Necrontyre until they gave living metal made bodies and thus granting bodies and actual sentiency to their New Gods, known as the C'tan.
Yet their blind desire for vengeance against the Old Ones, and finally achieving their long pursued desire for immortality, allowed the Star God to use their trickery on the Necrontyr, offering them actual Immortality by shedding their original organic forms and lost all forms of compassion and empathy, along with the C'tan devouring their souls and making them emotionless slaves, and personal armies against the Old Ones, for the Star Gods desire more power, and hunger for more souls, thus causing a large number of deaths of the Old Ones.
In response to this threat immune to their psyker might, the Old Ones created a powerful weapon, one that crave carnage, relief violence and didn't depend on psychic power, but instead use the collected belief and though as their weapon, these creatures were the Krorks, the ancestors of the Orkz.
Meanwhile the first Eldars, knowing the danger their race faced should the C'tan and Necrontyr win the war, so re-using and redesigning Old One tech, to create their own technology known as Wraithbone they joined the War of Heaven, fighting alongside the Krorks against the Star Gods and machine monstrosities.
Then the war took another turn, when one of the C'tan, named the Deceiver along with the now living Laughing God of the Eldar, Cegorach, deviced a scheme.
The Deceiver convinced some of his fellow C'tan, called the Nightbringer, the Outsider, and the Void Dragon that they should attack their fellow C'tan while they were weakened and consume their power for their own, thus causing a intense infighting while the War of Heaven, was still ongoing.
Which resulted in the deaths and consumption of the weaker C'tan, but the Nightbringer, Outsider, and the Void Dragon realized that they were expending more energy and forces than gaining, all the while the Krorks and Eldars were assaulting them without mercy, with no other choice the remaining C'tan entombed themselves with their armies and slumber in hopes that upon awakening in the distant future they can eliminate all life, and feed on the souls of a unsuspecting galaxy.
At the sametime, a Necrontyre by the name of Szarekh, also known as the Silent King, is the last ruler of the Triarch of the Necrontyr and later Necron race, many believe he was one of the few Necrontyr that manage to retain his personality, sentiency and ego, but buy his time to free his people and to exact vengeance against the Star Gods, for making them nothing more then soulless pawns.
Biding his time, Szarekh waited until the Old Ones were defeated before finally leading a Necron revolt against the C'tan, eventually defeating their former masters and shattering them into shards.
Yes the Necrontyr now calling themselves, the Necrons, were the only race in the Galaxy to basically "kill" their Gods, shattering them and using them, as nothing more than weapons and power-sources for them, but...
However Szarekh saw that the new races created by the Old Ones such as the Eldar were now becoming dominant, and the Necrons, exhausted by aeons of war, could not stand against them.
He ordered that the Necrons withdraw into their Tomb Worlds and slumber in the Great Sleep, to reawaken sixty million years in the future and assert their dominance over the galaxy once more.
The Silent King, however, did not join his people in slumber, instead he destroyed the command protocol that allowed him control over the Necron race and journeyed into the void of intergalactic space, where he may find not only solace but also penance for dooming the Necrontyr race in the far future.
Thus is the history of the Necron, while their awakening earlier than originally then what their supposed to be, and Ahhephokh, while confused, as he can't understand what has happened to him and his dynasty, as his memory banks were showing him what has happened during his "blank" state, which is most likely the period of the War of Heaven, he'll not make a move yet, until he understand what has happened.
Location the Immaterium: The Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion, the Throne Chamber
Laharl was enjoying spending time with Chi, and Jade, along with their children Mandraggohza and Gjelbër respectfully, while the rest of the Carnage Queens while they wanted to be with their husband, and stepchildren (help me out, what do polygamous marriage call the child of a sister-wife?) spending time together, but important things came up, that required their personal attention.
Just as Laharl was about take a drink of his Ambrossia, when a familiar, daemonic presence of the first Elder Daemon, was sensed by him and his present wives.
As a bright light flashed brightly across the room, and a roar was heard as Ba'al fully teleported into the room, the beholder daemon had his mouth opened wide as he roared, his six angel-like wing spread as feathers scattered and floated in the air, as he started to float in the air focusing his massive central eye, and his twelve surroundings eyes focused on his dark master, and ladies present, as Ba'al, he floated up higher to be at the eye-level as his dark masters.
Ba'al expressed his forgiveness for interrupting them, and appearing before them unannounced, but he brought grave news involving the future, like his previous warning that involved the eldar, Laharl immediately knew that, that meant there was another mayor timeline shift like before, and told Ba'al, "Calm yourself Ba'al. And tell us, what is needed to tell us, my Seer." Ba'al, closed his eyes and did a "nod" as he began to tell the Dark One, the Dark Druid Queen, and the Anarchy Gobo Queen, what is occurring in current time.
Ba'al Allseer, told them of a Necron Overlord, that rouse from a unsuspecting planet, and using pylons to weaken the grip, and spread of Chaos, he successfully managed to awaken all the other great Necron Leaders, and renowned members of their race, like Imotekh the Stormlord, Anrakyr The Traveller, Trazyn the Infinite also the role model of the Blood Ravens, Nemesor Zahndrekh and his faithful vanguard Obyron, Orikan The Diviner, Kamoteph the Crooked, Hasmoteph the Master of a Thousand Worlds, The Illuminor Szeras, and with the mass early awakening of this well-known Necron, the Silent King, Szarekh would return earlier as well.
If not impeded, and this Overlord name Ahhephokh the Abyssal Liege, is not slain that he will spark the upcoming doom to all life in the galaxy, but utterly starve Chaos of sustenance, and the pylons of blackstone, shall become the eternal lock and end of Chaos as a whole, excusing himself Ba'al left with his dark master's blessing, the beholder daemon teleported away from the place, and immediately this revelation caused worry and fear on Chi and Jade, also like feeling their mothers woes both Mandraggohza and Gjelbër started to cry.
As the two mothers tried to comfort and calm down their children, Laharl was emanating a dark, rageful aura around himself and soon his entire realm started to shake, and raddle in response to the Dark One, growing anger.
Even the other Daemon Queens of the Nethervoid, started to feel worried and concern, as they felt their beloved husband's growing anger, from their far off locations, feeling this disturbance they immediately setted out to return to the Castle, and uncover what was happening.
Meanwhile back with the Carnage God, he was acting like a...like a Love God, as not only was his wives being threatened by this menace, but his children as well, when his brothers and sisters-in-law learn of this they'll understand the surge of anger and power that he's most likely flowing throughout the Warp at the moment.
Only by Chi and Jade's caressing touches, and words was the Dark One, calming down.
He looked at his still whimpering kids, he realized that he was adding to their stress, so he took a moment to control his divinity influenced rage, and calm down.
Reigning in all his power and fury, Laharl asked his wives and kids, forgiveness and brought Chi and Jade close and kissed them both lovenly, then he gave a small peck on top of the head of his son and daughter, making them calm down as well.
Then came Kiira, Cassandra, Scalpel, Ruu, Ragna, Crystallyl, Scylla, Nyo, Camilla, and Jinx through the door, all clearly worried and they rush up the stairs to join them, once they settled down, he told them of Ba'al's vision and warning, this of course sparked new worry in them, but Laharl calmed them down and told them to prepare cause he was going to call a meeting between the Chaos Pantheon, and of course they'll be attending with him, they nodded and left with Chi and Jade so they can put the babies away to sleep.
Meanwhile, the Dark One sighed, and focused his psychic powers to send a message to his brothers and families.
Location the Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Mount Olympus-The Palace of the Dark Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities
The Dark Harbinger, called a emergency summons to his brothers, and sister-in-law, to the neutral zone of Mount Olympus, Laharl was on his throne section of the golden council chamber with his twelve wives sitted on their respected spots beside him, while Mandraggohza and Gjelbër were in a close by cribs to them, and just like he predicted they came rather quickly.
Khorne was the first to appear in a blazing, hellish fireball crashing down onto the west-side balcony, as the hellfire ceased and beside him was his wives Valkia holding little Krom in a bundle, Bellona on his left side with her proud posture, and standing in front of Valkia was Painwheel, Khorne nodded to his older brother and lead his family to their section of the chamber.
Then came in a burst of blue arcane energy was Tzeentch with his fiancee Mitochondria Eve, with their arms hooked over each other, Tzeentch was grinning, as Mitochondria Eve were nodding respectfully to the others, as Tzeentch lead them to their section and lastly to arrive was Nurgle and his family.
They appeared in a massive, rotting, and nauseating smelling corpse flower, with tentacles and spoiled teeth, as it bloomed they came walking out along with a cloud of flies, and gnats.
There stood the decaying, Nurgle, with his dear Evaline in his bloated arms, waving at her aunts and uncles, beside him was his darling wife, Aiikila with their older daughter in her arms, Limos, and like her little sister she was waving at the rest of their family.
Once Nurgle and his family were sitted in there section, with a smaller bench like throne for Limos and Evaline to share, sitting beside their dear parents, they can finally start the meeting that Laharl called for.
After some short greeting exchange, Laharl started the meeting by saying a oath, rising his left arm, he spoke, "In my name, Laharl, God of Carnage and Oath. I swear what I'll say, in completely true, and in the binding of my Oath, I speak." this changed the mood entirely.
The other Dark Gods, know that Laharl not only as a God of Oaths, he never lies to them ever, so for him to use his divinity over [Oaths] to claim his word is truth, it meant that whatever their brother was about to say to them is extremely important, not only that not sometime ago they felt his anger and power, surge fort across the Warp, which made them all shut up, and listen to Laharl's next words.
Laharl looked around at the serious, and attentive looks from his young brothers, and spouses, and with Cassandra and Nyo sitting beside him this time, grab his hands to show their support, which he greatly appreciated it.
The Dark One spoke, "My family and fellow Gods of Chaos, I have grave news to share. Both Khorne and Valkia, can serve as witness for this source of this information." when he mentioned this, both the Blood God and the Gorequeen thought that it was quite possible that the source might be that Elder Daemon Seer, that the Dark Harbinger has in his service.
Also Tzeentch suspects that whatever was troubling his brother, might be the source of the mass disruption of to the Strands of Fate, he couldn't see them, for they were constantly changing in a speed that he couldn't keep up...him the God of Change, worse yet when he trieds to tampered with them and find the reason for this disturbance, but his power couldn't touch or manipulate this power, he truly hopes that the Dark One has the answer that Tzeentch's craves.
Laharl began telling them, that his first Elder Daemon and trusted scryer, Ba'al Allseer, came to his throne room, to deliver a dire warning to him and them.
An ancient race, responsible for the literal current state of the Immaterium, as they know the Warp was once was the Realm of Souls, and their domains were pushed to edge of this dimension until the surge of souls, and denial of souls and emotions from an entire race of billions, cause the Warp in its entirety to become their domain, and that race were the Necrontyr...or as he should call them the Necrons, and they are awakening.
Laharl explained that in that short moment that he sent the call to them, he psychically spoke with Ba'al, he said that on a desolate, and barren world called Cyrpheruss, a necron dynasty was waking up and were preparing to leave that planet to start awakening all the rest of their race.
He explained that despite being as ancient as the Eldar, they are soo advance that they have access to technology that is a grave threat to them all, mainly their blackstone pylons which can cut off the access and surge of the Warp, and basically restrain them.
This was shock to the other Chaos Gods, and immediately just like Laharl suspected Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle started to release their wrathful powers, understanding that these creatures are threatening their own families, all the Godlings were starting to feel their father, and uncles power, causing the babies to cry and the girls to feel scared it took the Dark One yelling, "ENOUGH!!!! KHORNE, NURGLE, TZEENTCH, REIGN YOUR POWER, CANT YOU NOTICE WHAT YOUR DOING!!!!?" this snapped the younger Dark Gods back to reality, they saw the Godlings were threatened by their power, and they expressed their apologies, as the meeting was still starting, as they must plan what to do against this upcoming threat...