Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 375 - Decay Through the Snow Final Part: The Hero Prince Falls

Chapter 375 - Decay Through the Snow Final Part: The Hero Prince Falls

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-Kislev, the Land of Oakstuun, Outside of the Festering Dark Woods-Battlefield: Kislve vs Maggotkin & the Dark Legion

Reinforcements have arrived, for the forces of Kislev, meanwhile the brave, young, kislevite prince, Ivan Radinov having just slain a giant monster and remounted his cherished steed, Silverhoof, ways making his way to fight a duel to the death, against the Chosen of the Gods, Ixion Daemonhart.

Swinging his enchanted sword at Ixion/Tzeentch who was easily blocked by the Changer's harbert, causing clashing magical enchantments to burst and collide with one another, from the blades of the two duelist but Tzeentch/Ixion a dual weapon wielder, and swung his Hellbane at the prince.

Seeing the mortal peril, fast approaching Ivan was forced to break the deathlock and pull Silverhoof back, evading tzeentchian lord's attack.

The two look at one another intensively as Tzeentch made the first move in this engagement, starting with a strong thrust attack from his Balewing, forcing Ivan to duck under the harbert attack, then he followed his attack with psychic attack to his opponent's mind.

Ivan scream as he felt like his head was being split open, unable to concentrate on the duel, as Ixion rushed in for another attack, but Silverhoof seeing the incoming danger ran away from the Changer, and leaving the reach of Tzeentch's light mental attack...he didn't want to kill his opponent too quickly now...with the headache ceasing, Ivan shuke his head, and was regaining his senses.

He looked at Ixion, who stood there menacingly Ivan ready his sword again, and tightened his grip on Silverhoof's reigns, as their duel was far from over...

Meanwhile back in the three forces were clashing in brutal and bloody battle, the Maggotkin revigorated and eager to spread death, and cause bountiful foundation for carrion and pathogens to grow and fester, on the rotting bodies of their enemies.

The mighty and famous, Kholek Suneater, ascended to the first non-human Daemon Prince, was a true behemoth and beast of war, crushing and shocking all under the electrified, dark steel of his Starcrusher!!

His Dragon Ogres and Shaggoths were slaughtering everything around them, fighting alongside the Maggotkin, as the skies darken under the presence of the Herald of the Tempest, while between their draconian feet the favorites of OW-Nurgle were chopping, slashing, and infecting all that victims that they come across.

Yuma Trollvile, she slashed a tzar guard with her Troll Knife across the throat, while another kislevite fool came at her on horseback, one of the Winged Lancers of the Prince.

With a smile on her face, she stretched her right arm out, signaling to Gul'galg to latch at the target, which it did for her.

Stretching three long fleshy, and slimy tentacles over at the Winged Lancer, and his horse, wrapping tightly around the targets, completely holding them in place.

A chuckle escaped Yuma's mouth, as she pulled back her arm and with it Gul'galg tossed the rider and month up into the air, letting them fall and crash hard against the snowy ground, this fall killed the horse and pinned the rider under his horse, bleeding and broken he wails in pain, when he hears, "Awww don't threat. It will all be over..." and standing over him was the vile Priestess of Putrefaction, smiling down on him, "...soon." Yuma saying her last words to him, lifted her Spoiling Blade and chop his head in half, killing him.

Pulling back her cleaver, as the body started to rapidly spoil, she saw that there was a Hag Witch with a large amount of baldness, sledding towards her, so she responded with a vile nurglish spell to quickly despose of her opponent.

Gul'galg following her instructions lifted and started spinning the staff in a circle motion, over and over, as Yuma chanted, and cast the [Cloud of Flies] spell, as a rift into the Garden open, unleashing a swarm of flies, that flew out throught the rift, flies which are corrupted and coated in countless disease, as the Hag was then surrounded by a dense mass of flies, bitting and scratching her and her bears all over.

Not only was the Hag, swatting away the vile flies as they kept on swarming and attacking her, forcing her to let go of her staff, as this onslaught continued.

Also every bite and scratch was increasing in itching, and growing in fever, until the wounds grew enough to allow the flies to crawl under her skin, and start eating away at the Hag Witch from the inside.

Yuma watched the Hag, scream in pain as she became a dying incubator for maggots and flies, as she and the sled-bears dropped unmoving and twitch as the flies kept on eating away at those bodies.

Yuma closed the rift and left to fight more, as she walked away some Rotbringers came to her side, to fight for her and protect her.

Allover this slaughter was continuing, as the duel between the Hero Prince, and the Chosen of the Gods.

Blades struck against the other over and over, as Ivan grew ever frustrated that he couldn't land any hit on Ixion, even with him having a higher ground advantage as he was fighting on horseback, but it was like everytime he broke through the tzeentchian Chaos Lord's defenses something diverted his following attack away from Ixion's body, and quite unironically the young prince, guessed correctly.

Tzeentch was by far the least capable in direct non-magic combat, to make up for this disadvantage by using both the strands of fate to his beneficial advantage, and psychically diverting the attacks of Ivan, away from directly or cause any grave damage, and since the Old World was devoid or psykers, this is Tzeentch's greatest weapon against fighters.

Ivan blocked a wide harbert swing aimed at his neck, and to Tzeentch's surprise the prince pulled Silverhoof's reigns, and his horse kicked Ixion/Tzeentch across the face.

Knocked to the ground, Ivan was now commanding his horse to stomp-out Ixion, which was very effective against the Changer of Ways, all the while his older brothers were shaking their heads, clearly seeing that inexperience and arrogance of their youngest brother playing against him.

Ivan again was about to make Silverhoof stomp Ixion/Tzeentch again, only for the Scheming God to grow angry at this humiliation, focused his psyker power throughout the avatar.

This cause lighting blue and pink, psychic energy to surge and course through the avatar, and as Silverhoof came down again a massive burst of psychic that blasted Ivan and Silverhoof off and away from Tzeentch, growling in anger, Tzeentch made Ixion stand back up, and see that Ivan was knocked clear off his horse.

And said annoying beast was squirming on the snow, covered in electrical burns as the Changer walked over to the frightened and injured creature, Ivan having shaken off the disorienting feeling, as he saw his beloved horse, Silverhoof, and Ixion Daemonhart standing next to him.

Rising the tzeentchian harbert, and stab his horse into Silverhoof, causing the horse to wail in pain but then in a brutal swipe to the right Tzeentch/Ixion cut open the horse wide, utterly disinvoweling it, and kill it in a painful manner.

Ivan say his late faithful steed be butchered before him, overcome with rage and the power of Ursun still within him, the young prince stood up, gripping his blade with both hands, as he let's out a anger filled yell, and charges at Tzeentch/Ixion with his sword close to his chest, and over his head.

Returning to the main battlefield, two hags remain in command, quickly losing ground and numbers as the combined forces of the Dark Legion and the Maggotkin were tearing through the Kislve army.

Skarlet now fighting side by side with Tai Tai as the two cut down everyone around them with swift claw slashes and swipes, along with various blood magik attacks and fighting techniques that no one from this world has seen.

Kholek and Harald were crushing human and beast alike with mighty hammers blessed by the Ruinous Powers, Harald fighting beside the Slaves of Darkness as the warriors of Chaos Undivided were usually called by the world, with furies of four of five Chaos alignment swoop down on the Gyphon Legion, Harald smashed a akshina on the side of the head, followed by ramming/impaling a couple things in the woods, with the great shield's bone spikes, then driving the shield onto the ground, crushing them to death in a bloody splatter onto the hard ground.

Yuri Godslayer was leading the Darkwings along with the daemons of the Dark Legion, his massive Plagueblade, that cleaved through rider and mount in one stroke.

Despite the number of reinforcements that came to aid their fellow Hag Sister, they failed to account for the sheer number of daemons and Chaos warriors that managed to cross over to the Motherland, as the other Hag Witch was trying to support her sister only for Dullahan to ram straight through her war-sled's side, utterly destroyed under the daemonic headless knight's strength.

Splinters and shards of wood were blown apart, blasting away the Hag as she rolled hard against the snow, Amonn laughed at this sight mentally telling Dullahan, to kill the hag in the name of their dark master, which was exactly what Dullahan intends to do.

As the Hag groaned and struggled to stand up again, she felt a large armored hand grabbed onto the back of her head, tightening his grip that it pierce her skalp, fighting against Dullahan's grasp as blood trickled down her head, Dullahan said through Ammon, "Your soul shall join, the others on my blade." as she screamed and struggled, Dullahan pulled his other arm with his soul-blade back and in a powerful thrust stab her through the upper chest, blood gushed and sprayed like a broken faucet, ad the bloodsoaked, purple soul-blade started to twist and wail, because another soul/face joined the mass.

Returning to the duel between the Prince and the Chosen of the Gods, Tzeentch/Ixion and Ivan were clashing blades against each other once again, now with both fighters on the ground, since the Changer has just killed the Prince's horse, Silverhoof, and then delivered a wound to Ivan's right upper waist area, with a thrust from Hellbane which was meant to kill, but Ivan evaded to the side at the last moment.

Now wounded and bleeding, fueled by rage and despair all was going according to Tzeentch's plan, Ivan was completely berserk and losing all his usual skill, trading it for brute force and fury, which work entirely in the Architect's favor.

Ivan swung down his sword only to be blocked by Ixion's own blade, but that allowed Tzeentch to strike with his harbert, chopping at the left leg of his opponent, causing unbelievable pain to Ivan but thanks to Ursun's blessing the leg wound wasn't as severe, but still badly crippling to Ivan.

Tzeentch/Ixion pulled out the Balewing from his leg, and followed up with telepathic lift by the throat, surprising and shocking the prince never being the victim of such magic.

The Changer laughed as the puny human struggled and kicked under his psychic power, both Khorne and Nurgle yelled at him, that he should stop toying around, less he wanted another cheapshot, Tzeentch responded with a disappointed tone, "Fine..." and smashed Ivan onto the ground at full-force, and then he walked over at the downed mortal.

Lifting Ixion's right foot, he started to stomp Ivan over, over, and over again with all the strength that his avatar state could produce.

Again Tzeentch was letting his ego get in the way of simply killing off Ivan, and winning their war.

Ivan was tanking the blows, as Ixion kept on stomping him, one of the stomps manage to crush a lower left rib, and when his enemy was about to stomp on him again.

The young kislevite prince, swung his sword returning the earlier favor by slashing the right leg of Ixion, his enhanced strength and the empowered magical power of his sword causing a small magical blast that cause some damage to the avatar, and as Tzeentch groaned, also stumble back.

Thus allowed Ivan to make some distance between the two of them, and he struggled and hissed in pain, standing up with a bleeding leg and a broken rib, as he realized that his attack while causing damage it didn't really slow down Ixion/Tzeentch...honestly it made the Scheming God, mad that someone, a mortal managed to harm at such a extent, even in a meager level.

Regardless their duel was still unfinished, as Ivan started their next exchange between them, swinging low again aiming at the scorched area of his previous attack.

The Changer of Ways, blocked the attack by smashing the pole of his Balewing onto the ground, and thus causing the enchanted blade of Ivan to strike at it instead of the avatar's leg.

Retaliating against the Prince, with a swing of his Hellbane, but the Changer was too slow and Ivan countered by charging in with shoulder tackle, pushing back Ixion/Tzeentch, and opening him up for a rising cross-slash to the right of tzeentchian helmet.

Grunting out loud from the blow, the Hero Prince pressed the advantage attacking without any remorse or restrain, striking his Sword of Heroes over and over, in various parts of Ixion.

During this onslaught Tzeentch's brothers yelled at the Architect to fight back, which he did focusing his psychic might over Ivan and completely restrained Ivan in place.

Psychically binding him, as he groaned as he fought again against this strange, foreign magic used on him, but then looking at the slightly banged up Ixion, with his eldritch blue glowing eyes shining brightly, and menacingly at him, he spoke, "My turn to brutalize you, human!!"

Tzeentch made Ixion deliver a barrage of slashes, chops, and stabs all across his body, blood pouring out, and soaking all his clothes and armor.

Once he was sastified with the little payback he did on the mortal, kislevite prince, he decided to end his opponent at last.

Stabbing his kriss greatsword through the stomach, causing Ivan to cough up blood, as he felt his organ being cleaved and slice like nothing, not letting him any sort of reprieve, Tzeentch stabbed his Balewing into his chest next, pulling both blades he released Ivan letting his weakening body to drop hard onto the snow, barely alive or strong enough to stand...his death is close.

Sheathing his Hellbane, grabbing onto his polearm with both hands, he spun around and chop down at Ivan one more time cleaving deeply into his chest, and chopping his ribs, in one last gasp for breath and spitting up blood...Ivan eyes fade of life and he closes his eyes, passing away.

Ivan is dead, as Tzeentch pulled out the harbert off the corpse, as he looked down at the dead body of the late kislevite prince bleeding out the ground, Laharl told his younger brother to pick up the enchanted sword, still in the warm hand of Ivan.

The Changer felt his brother was up to something very amusing, so he did as he said, banishing Balewing and reaching down to Ivan's body and prying open the hand of Ivan, and taking the famed Sword of Heroes, in his grasp.

Tzeentch/Ixion straightened himself, so he can inspect the blue kislevite blade, admiring it and the magical powers coursing through said blade, as he heard his eldest brother's plan to cause massive psychological, and emotional damage by cutting the head of Ivan with his own sword, and soon they'll display it to all.

Exactly as he expected, Laharl didn't fail to impress or amuse, swing the enchanted sword a couple times, before walking to the side of the corpse and lifted the sword over their avatar's head and swung down, cutting off Ivan's head in one stroke.

Blood gushed out the neck area, as the head lopes off, rolling off the snow, a poetic, dark end for Ivan to have his body defiled by his own legendary weapon, Tzeentch banished away his Balewing and used his psychic power to pull the head, onto his hand.

Khorne commented, "Such a waste of a perfectly good skull. But as honor, demands brother, this trophy and skull is your to do as you please." this made Tzeentch smugged a bit, but then Nurgle said, " lost...your...first Heheheahaha!!" Tzeentch growled, but the Dark One stopped things before they could get worse.

Reminding the Sorceror God, to use the head of the dead Ivan Radinov to crush the spirit of their enemies, for this is a big victory for Chaos, and for them...even if Tzeentch nearly lost that duel, against a controversial character that GW & Total War have been making a whipping boy for ages.

Tzeentch took the head and started to head back to the battle, said battle was fierce and brutal, as the warriors and beasts of the Motherland were desperately fighting against the dark invaders onto their lands, only for a horrific tragedy happened...

Coming out from the previous duel, holding the Prince's sword in one hand and the other, Ixion Daemonhart has killed their heroic leader and was displaying his head as a sick prize...this sight destroyed all morale that remained within the Kislve warriors was shattered, as they all started to flee in all directions.

But Tzeentch along with his brothers, didn't feel merciful at all at the moment, so Tzeentch through Ixion said, "Spare none of them. Claim the souls of these weaklings for the Ruinous Powers!!!" all daemons, monsters, and warriors let out a bloodthirsty roar, and they each chanted/praise their chosen or all the Gods, as they rushed towards the fleeing remnants of the kislevite force...but there was one that Tzeentch commanded to kept alive for them.

The Hag Witch of the Shadow Lore, was dragged before him by a couple of Hell Prides, she was showing unspeakable fear at them, before she could plead for mercy, the Sorceror God silenced her by placing Ixion's hand over her mouth and lifting her up with little effort.

Tzeentch said through Ixion, "Rejoice little hag...your soul, and knowledge will aid the corruption and destruction of this land." laughing manickly as he started to rip her soul from her body.

What vitality she had in her aged flesh was quickly being torn away from her, her skin was turning paler and paler by the second.

Her struggling and what life was in her withering body, as her soul, knowledge, and the shadow magic within her being was torn from her, and she went limp...and lifeless.

Another burst of magic was swirling and coursing through the Warp Gods...Fire, Metal, and now Shadow, three lores now theirs, as Tzeentch sheathed his new trophy the Sword of Heroes onto his waist and re-summoned his Balewing, deciding to join the hunt for any remaining stragglers left.