Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 370 - Summoning the Daemonic Tide & Sailing to Kislev

Chapter 370 - Summoning the Daemonic Tide & Sailing to Kislev

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-Within Enzium the Central Rooftop-The Open Training Hall

Returning to their Avatar, and they immediately left the Clock Tower of the Infinity arrived to where Laharl told them they can summon their daemonic reinforcements, along with the newest additions to their respected, daemonic legions.

This area in massive area resembling a stereotypical training ground in many fantasy settings, it was filled with many training equipment in a much more darker tone a mannequin of flesh which their whole purpose is to train and to relief stress for their mortal warriors.

Racks of weapons and much more, anyway that was not important at the moment, Ixion/Warp Gods, Laharl made Ixion grab onto the Haz'kariot and pointed forward out on the open space, as the chaotic relic created by the Dark One himself.

The Haz'kariot shriek opening a portal back onto their homeworld, starting with the Dark One's own realm of the Nethervoid, as Knightmares, Mortfinis, Infernals, and Succubi were replenish with some more numbers, along with Observers they floating hard carapace eye-mouth hellbeasts have been summon by Laharl, as well as half-hundred Hell Seductresses the higher ranking succubi.

Lastly Laharl has called for his newest daemons from the Hell Lusts that were able to be one or opposite gender, and slightly improved in beauty to charm victims, and the three shadow wraith like Greater Daemons called the Terrorfiends.

The second portal to be open was to Khorne' Realm of the Blood Lands, as more Bloodletters, and a couple of high daemons lieutenants Rendmasters, along with the latest creations the Warblooded.

Plus his wife daughters the Blood Valkyries, and Bleeding Banshees that will be the deadly "healers" of Khorne's forces, he also called more Flesh Hounds roaring and growling as they await for their attack command, as Bloodcrushers the Blood God's daemonic calvary ready for battle, and a couple of Slaughterbrutes, lastly Khorne's latest additions to his daemonic legion, the more wrathful and stronger Hell Wraths, and the Oranggueras, Khorne's giant ape Greater Daemons smashing their chest as they join in praise to Khorne within Ixion, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!"

Making the Blood God smile inside of their avatar, as Laharl stopped opening a rift to the Blood Lands, in order to open the next portal into Nurgle's Plague Gardens to bring fort Nurgle's new reinforcements for their Dark Legion.

A green portal open and allowed a large number plague daemons to crossover, first the Maggotking's favorite little gremlins as swarms of Nurglings were the first to come through, more Plaguebearers, and a couple of high-daemons called Poxbringers.

Flying around nearly a couple of hundred of Repulsive Khaos that resemble sickly crow winged tumors, and some Plague Toads croaking and waiting to be commanded, lastly the latest daemons of Nurgle, more sickly looking and filth covered Hell Sloths, and the giant rooting, flying tumor like heads, covered in chain-hooks called Sibriexes.

As the Plague Legion reinforcements, have happily come to serve Papa Nurgle, which filled the Plague God with pride.

And finally it Tzeentch' turn as the revolting portal to the Plague Gardens closed, and for a final time, Laharl made Ixion use the Haz'kariot to open a portal to the Realm of the Sorcerors, to bring fort Tzeentch's change daemons onto the Old World, while the Changer did assimilate and daemonfied the mindstealer sphiranxes into his legion, they weren't as numerous in his domain yet, so he remained with the ones they acquired in the submission of Throgg.

As the portal open and the first throught were Tzeentch's lesser daemons the Pink, Blue, & Brimstone Horrors, lead by a couple the cresent-moon headed high-daemons called the Changecasters.

The some Decarabia came swarming out, along with more Flamers, and Exalted Flamers, lastly his newest daemon the Hell Prides now with more tentacles wingling and swaying aroun their form, along with more eldritch energies of Change flowing through them, and a couple of Cockatrice coming through the portal as well it hasn't been that long but it seems that new tzeentchian hellbeasts were starting to multiply, across the Realm of the Sorcerors, and lastly was the Changer's newest greater daemons the Malachi, three in total resembling the "Black Bible" that HP Lovecraft has described in his books.

Four various legions of Chaos from the Warp, all gathered in one location the only thing preventing them from killing each other being their dark masters, that they know dwell inside the avatar, Ixion Daemonhart.

The Warp Gods were pleased by the massive daemonic surge that came to join the bloodshed and downfall of such a small but important world, at the sametime the Dark One was kinda of disappointed cause this Old World is based in the Total War storyline, cause he'd loved to influence and destroy the Age of Sigmar timeline...but it seems that will come in another opportunity.

Aside that they've drastically replenished and expanded their numbers, calling on the assistance of Aillia to show them the current status of the Dark Legion forces, as Aillia brought all they requested as a blue transparent screen appeared floating before them, and they read it.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch

Chaos Marks Obtained-Nurgle, Khorne, Laharl, Tzeentch, Chaos Undivided.

Faction: The Dark Legion.

Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword

Weapon Name: Hellbane.

Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, Ring of Damnation, The Chains of the Gilded Prophet.

Laharl: Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.

Khorne: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury, Spinecage Plate, The Bloody Warlord Greaves.

Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, Incense of a Thousand Corpses.

Tzeentch: N/A

Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress

Territories-1.Chaos Wastes 20.02%

2.Norsca 83.25%

3.Troll Country 6.05%

Army Size-Total: 18451.


Lord/Heroes-1.Kholek Suneater.

2.Tai Tai Shien.



5.Yuri Godslayer.

6.Throgg the Troll King.

7.Harald Hammerstorm.

Mounts-Exalted Manticore: Whiptail.

Daemonic Forces

1.Carnage Daemons-1353=Knightmares 350, Mortfinis 350, Succubi 300, Hell Seductresses 50, Hell Lusts 250, Observers 20, Infernals 30, Terrorfiends 3.

2.Blood Daemons-1574=Bloodletters 400, Blood Valkyries 250, Warblooded 5, Rendmasters 2, Bloodcrushers 300, Bleeding Banshees 200, Flesh Hounds 350, Hell Wraths 50, Slaughterbrutes 20, Oranggueras 3.

3.Plague Daemons-1405=Infectors-250 [Hostless Maggots 96, Werekin 5, Marauder Hosts 62, Chaos Knight Host 30, Warhound Hosts 50] Nurglings 300, Plaguebearers 400, Poxbringers 2, Repulsive Khaos 150, Hell Sloths 250, Plague Toads 50, Sibriex 3.

4.Change Daemons-1514=Pink Horrors 300, Blue Horrors 400, Brimstone Horrors 250, Changecasters 2, Decarabia 75, Flamers 112, Exalted Flamers 100, Hell Prides 250, Cockatrice 12, Mindstealer Sphiranxes 10, Malachi 3.

5.Chaos Undivided-303=Chaos Furies 300, Hell Vanguard 3.

Mortal Forces

1.Frost Eldars-954=Ice Warriors 300, Cryowitches 200, Shadow Hunters 200, Dark Wendigo 5, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 250.

2.Beastmen-747=Beastlord 1, Catsabers 200, Harpies 225, Gors 110, Ungors 105, Bloodbulls 85, Slaangors 20.

3.The Blades of Khorne-1200=Aspiring Deathbringer 1, Khornate Norscans 425, Wrath Khights 248, Mighty Skullcrushers 60, Khornate Chaos Spawns 32, Bloodreavers 200, Blood Warriors 188, Bloodstokers 12, Bloodsecrators 8, Slaughterpriests 8, Realmgore Ritualist 1, Khorgorath 1.

4.Plague Marauders-707=Plague Marauders 250, Rotknights 20, Plagueknights 100, Bile Trolls 300.

5.Hedonites of Slaanesh-324=Myrmidesh Painbringers 120, Chosen of Slaanesh 60, Pleasurebound Knights 80, Blissbard Archers 62, Chaos Sorceror 1, Shardspeaker 1.

6.Disciples of Tzeentch-260=Chaos Lord of Tzeentch 1, Doom Knights 90, Kairic Acolyte 167, Tzeentchian Chaos Spawns 2.

7.Darkwings of Carnage-1883=Anarchy Overlord 1, Lords of Terror 18, Nightbourne Beasts 120, Dark Warlock 13, Unhallowed 175, Hauntknights 200, Blackbane Hellrisers 500, Havocpreachers 6, Carnage Marauders 650, Hellbats 200.

8.Slaves of Darkness [Norscan, Kurgan, & Kvelling]-4280=Berserker Marauders 500, Spearmen 650, Great-Axe Marauders 300, Chaos Knights 1500, Fimir 15, Axe-throwers 195, Skin-Wolves 100, Chaos Mutants 450, Curs'd Ettin 15, Chaos Warhounds 300, Norscan Ice Wolves 200.

9.Daemonhosts-600=Bloodhosts 200, Plaguehosts 200, Carnagehosts 200.

10.Darkoath Savagers-200=Darkoath Warqueen 1, Chieftains 10, God-speakers 4, Proven 65, Gloryseekers 20, Wrathtouched 10, Savagers 90.

11.Chaos Sorcerors-31=Tzeentchian 10, Laharlish 7, Pyromancers 5, Metalmancers 4, Shadowmancers 5.

12.Titanomachy Giants-12=Khornate Giants 4, Nurglish Giants 4, Laharlish Giants 4

13.Shartaks-80=Shaggoths 20, Dragon Ogres 50, Summoners of Rage 10

14.Monsters of Chaos-88=Manticores 9, Mammoths 2, Chimeras 12, Raptoryx 65.

15.Trolls of Throgg-925=Trolls 375, River Trolls 200, Stone Trolls 200, Ice Trolls 150.

After they inspected the screen they were so close to reaching 20K troops, but regardless they've gained a lot units in their forces, which are all summoned upon the Old World, all eager to please and fight in their names, dismissing the army-screen, while Khorne, and Tzeentch didn't say any appreciation for Aillia's assistance but Nurgle and especially Laharl thanked her, only for Laharl to heard her happy giggling.

They then ordered these new daemons to wander and get comfortable with the levels of Enzium, to await for the upcoming battles and they did so with the Hells and Hell Vanguards are fasted to leave through their teleportations with lesser hells having new forms of teleportation.

The Prides banishing a burst of arcane energy, the Lusts banished in shadows, Wraths roared/groaned in rage as they banished in fire, and the Sloths in vile and muk.

With that matter settled they teleported straight back to their throne chamber, greeted by flesh hound, mortfinis and Laharl's Whiptail, they made Ixion walk over to their throne, and sit down, while they rested and watch what Enzium is looking through the glass orb.

They saw that Enzium was at the Bay of Blades, at last with the deadly and unpredictable waters of the Sea of Claws...apart from the Sea of Chaos, or the Sea of Chill, it is the third most dangerous sea on the Old World, but not for Enzium as the Warp Gods commanded their Daemon Fortress to take a swim and head officially to the southlands.

As they swam to Kislev, they're all very eager to bring the soo called final bastion to the Known World, to fall to their hands, while his brothers relax, Laharl once again privately contacted his sweet assistant, Aillia, as she was very happy to speak with him, (My Lord, your the best!! You practically rule all the North now!!! Yaaaaaaayyy!!! 🥳❤️) Laharl thanked her for the compliment and cheering, as he requested from her the Stat, Skills, and Divinities Screens to inspect them, since he hasn't done so in a while.

With a happy and loud, (Right away!!!) Aillia, she brought up all three transparent, blue screen for him to read and check.


Name: Laharl Valboga

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, Valboga, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the Shadowking, the Bat, Lord of the Twisting Nether, the One that Dwells in the Void, Tresb (Tres-2b).

Titles-The Dark Emperor of Daemonkind, Warp Bender, Keeper of Oaths, Breacher of Realities, Cultor of the Universe, the Great Seductor, the Void Lord of the Shi'lanorai, the Defiler of Reality, the Dark Creator, the Sacred Creator, the Bat God of Norsca, the Father of the Neverborn, Primordial Source of All Daemons, the Arch-Daemon of Chaos, the Throne Giver of Infernal Princes, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Nether Titan, the Force Within the Void, the Destroyer of Atlantis.

Major Divinities: Carnage, Infernals, Abyss, Oblivion, Condemnation, Creator, Supremacy, Oaths Lust & Love

Dark Divinities-Greater: Desacration, Insanity, Dark Arts, Terrors, Bats, & Fel

Lesser: Curses

Noble Divinities-Greater: Bonds, Relics, & Riches.

Lesser: Smithing, Symbols & Hierarchy.

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Primordial Force of Creation

FON: The Void

Rival: Tzeentch.

Enemy: N/A

Army Size-15.7B

Soul Collection-18B

Strength: 914M

Durability: 906M

Psychic: 888M

Resistance: 784M

Domination: 953M

Worship: 2.1B


Magic: 674M

Endurance: 511M

Leadership: 602M

Instinct: 789M

God Artifacts-1.The Sword of Darkness, Ragnarok.

2.The Claw of Hades, the Blades of the Abyss.

3.Iron Maiden 666, the Void Guardian.

4.The Chains of Insanity, Gleipnir.

5.Magni'manta, the Divine Fortitude.


1.Warp Manipulation-Lv: 150

Manipulations-Lesser Daemons Success 100%

Higher Daemons Success 100%

Greater Daemons Success 100%

Elder Daemons Success 70%

Lesser Warp Spawn Success 20%

Higher Warp Spawn Success 10%

Lesser Daemon Constructs Success 80%

Higher Daemon Constructs Success 53%

Lesser Warp Items Success 100%

Higher Grade Warp Items Success 100%

Greater Grade Warp Items Success 100%

Chaos Ambient Success 38%

Low-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 100%

Mid-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 100%

High-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 70%

Ancient-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 44%

Primordial-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 5%

Lesser Daemonworld Construction Success 36%

High Daemonworld Construction Success 2%

2.Daemon Creation-Lv: 165

Lesser Daemon Boost Rate 100%

Higher Daemons Boost Rate 100%

Greater Daemon Boost Rate 100%

Supreme Daemon Boost Rate 1%

Daemon Prince Boost Rate 100%

Exalted Daemon Prince Boost Rate 100%

Daemon King Boost Boost Rate 70%

Lesser Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 100%

Greater Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 100%

Ancient Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 100%

Lesser Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 100%

Greater Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 100%

Ancient Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 75%

Lesser Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 80%

High Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 65%

Greater Daemonic Spirit Boost Rate 5%

Lesser Daemonic Elemental Boost Rate 50%

High Daemonic Elemental Boost Rate 15%

Daemonic Mutations Boost Rate 100%

Daemonic Over-Mutation Boost Rate 90%

3.Daemonic Convertion-Lv: 15

Effect on Chaos-Corrupted 100%

Effect on Human 85%

Effect on Beasts 35%

Effect on Monsters 3%

4.Kingmaker-Lv: 1

5.Daemonic Reinforcement-Lv: 25

6.Daemonic Resilience-Lv: 40

Resistance to Physical Weapons 50%

Resistance to Psyker Energies 45%

Resistance to Magical Energies 35%

Resistance to Spiritual Energies 15%

Resistance to Holy Energies 25%

Resistance to Elemental Energies 25%

Resistance to Opposing Corruption 30%

Resistance to Opposing Divine 5%

7.Physical Shift-Lv: 65

Forms-1.Laharl, Chaos God Base Form.

2.True Chaos God Colossal Form/The Arch-Daemon, Valboga.

3.The Shadow of Despair. 4.Dark Spirit of Corruption.

5.Visage of Atrocities.

6.The Embodiment of Truth.

7.The Void Hydra.

8.Supernatural Catastrophes.

9.The Greatest Fear.

8.Avatar Possession+ 9.Avatar Operation Bonus+

10.Ascension-Lv: 45

11.Greater Ascension-Lv: 45

12.Lesser Magic Mastery-Lv: 13

Magic Skill Exp Bonus + 6.5%

Mana Cost Reduction 6%

Mana Regen + 4.5%

13.Dark Bolt+-Lv: 45

14.Nether Blast-Lv: 3

Fel Damage Bonus + 12%

15.Darker Rip-Lv: 25

16.Black Haze-Lv: 30

17.Calling of the Void-Lv: 15

18.The Grasp of Laharl+-Lv: 20

Bind Effect + 5%

19.Void Vortex-Lv: 7

20.Maw of the Arch-Daemon-Lv: 5

21.Pulse of Darkness-Lv: 2

22.Thunder Burst-Lv: 4

23.Bolt of Suffering-Lv: 3

Stun Damage + 7%

24.Flowing Stream-Lv: 6

Water Damage Resistance + 10%

Movement Speed Increase + 10%

Aquatic Movement Bonus + 7%

25.Sea Wall-Lv: 3

26.Soul Rend-Lv: 12

Fatal Wound Bonus + 5%

27.Smite-Lv: 22

28.Mechanomancy-Lv: 30

29.Chaotic Architect-Lv: 15

Construction Time/Energy Cost Reduction 5%

30.Warp-Devastation-Lv: 15

31.Warp-Ray-Lv: 40

Effect Against Divine + 10%

32.Chaos Nether Strike-Lv: 1

Fel Magic Damage Boost + 10%

Physical Damage Boost + 10%

Mana Absorption 5%

33.Daemon Cleave: Shadow Cutter-Lv: 10

Chaos Damage Boost +11%

Darkness Damage Boost +2%

34.Magic Core of Void/Laharl-Lv: 36

Magical Darkness/Void Damage + 38%

Magical Darkness Resistance + 41%

Magical Darkness/Void Absorption + 16

Laharl Spell Range + 30%

Spell Affect Boost +6%

35.Magic Core of Fire-Lv: 28

Magical Fire Damage + 31%

Magical Fire Resistance + 33%

Magical Fire Absorption + 18%

Magical Fire Manipulation + 13%

Fire Spell Range + 25%

36.Magic Core of Metal-Lv: 7

Magical Metal Damage +3%

Magical Metal Resistance + 1%

37.Magic Core of Fel-Lv: 30

Magical Fel Damage + 33%

Magical Fel Resistance + 35%

Magical Fel Absorption + 18%

Magical Fel Manipulation +10%

Fel Spell Range + 25%

38.Magic Core of Lightning-Lv: 34

Magical Lightning Damage + 37%

Magical Lightning Resistance + 39%

Magical Lightning Absorption + 22%

Magical Lightning Manipulation + 14%

Lightning Spell Range + 29%

Spell Affect Boost +4%

39.Magic Core of Water-Lv: 26

Magical Water Damage + 29%

Magical Water Resistance + 31%

Magical Water Absorption + 16%

Magical Water Manipulation + 11%

Water Spell Range + 24%

40.Summon the Nether-Lv: Max.

41.Fel Surge-Lv: 3

Fel Damage Bonus + 7%

Fel Magic Bonus + 7%

42.Fear Drinker-Lv: 28

Regen Bonus + 26%

Range Increase + 14%

God Abilities

1.Materium Manipulation.

2.Materium Communication+.

3.Materium Breaching.

4.High Chaos Dominion+.

5.Daemonhood Bestowing+.

6.Magical Core.

7.Second Lesser Magical Core.

8.Low Magical Manipulation.

9.Source of Rituals.

10.Temptor of Dark Arts.

11.Knowledge of the Darker Arcane.

12.Spreading the Darkwings of Carnages:

13.Bestow Blessings Blessings-Bestow the Mark of Carnage.

Bestow the Horns of Ruination.

Bestow the Influence of Carnage+.

Bestow the Embrace of Chaos+.

Bestow the Essence of Darkness+.

Bestow the Arms of the Nethervoid+.

Bestow the Dark Knowledge of Chaos+.

Bestow the Desire of Slaughter+.

Bestow the Madness of Atrocities+.

Bestow the Voice of Convertion.

Bestow the Idea of Utter Desacration.

Bestow the Thrill of Desire.

Bestow the Joys of True/False Love.

Bestow the Bliss of Lust.

Bestow the Release of Fear.

Bestow the Turning of the Night Beast.

Bestow the Turning of the Night Beast: Also known as the blessing of the Bat, bestowing the individual with the feral power and traits of the Bat, becoming the most favored are given these gift and also possess a deeper connection to the Bat God, all appearances and call are heard and responded by them the Nightbourne.

Bestow the Shadow Cloak of the Black Serpents.

Bestow the Shadow Cloak of the Black Serpents: A gift special to great or aspiring champions of Carnage, a cape or cawl composed of shadows, bestowing the barers with the ability to be almost as one with the shadows, and the greater the favor the champion gains they'll sprout black serpents that can defend them and enter the shadows, granting another deadly weapon for the bestowed.

14.Greater Blessing Manipulation.

15.Mutation Manipulation Punishments.

16.Immaterium Senses/Detection.

17.Daemon World Supremacy.

18.Infernal Worship.

19.The Ancient Moniker.

20.Dominion of Chaos Monoliths: After spending enough time, spreading your dark influence, and receiving prayers and worship from mortals, a dark connection to altars, shrines, monoliths, and marked lands has been established between them and yourself, providing the divine authority over them like other Dark Gods in the world.

1.Chaos Monolith: A altar of worship and dedication to a great champion of Chaos as a whole, and in turn dedicate to all the Ruinous Powers, enhancing the worship and devotion to Chaos Undivided, so all Chaos Gods receive equal sovereignty and dedication over these "sacred" places.

2.Amethyst Monoliths: When a sacred memorial to a grand champions, and commonly compose of amethyst, while these are the less amount of them than the other Chaos Gods, exclusively devoted to Laharl the Bat God, so is only his to oversee and speak through.

3.Altars of the Bat: A statue altar that resemble a multi-winged bat with amethyst crystal for eyes, commonly surrounded by swarm of Bats, these statues are build by the chaotic tribesmen of the Old World, exclusively dedicated to Laharl the Bat God, so is only his to oversee and speak through.

4.Herdstones: The stone monoliths build and revered by the chaotic beastmen, like all other Chaos Gods every herdstone is connected to your divine senses, then your have authority and command over them.


22.Maker of Daemonic Kings.

23.Dark Origins of Daemon Kind.

24.Soul Bound: Iron Maiden 666.

25.Unbreakable Promise+.

26.Words of Truth+.

27.Bounds of Divine Oath

28.Bounds of Heinous Curses.

29.Bounding of Promises.

30.The Bind of Love.

31.Final Decider of Love.


33.End of Ways of Life.

34.The Fire Against Extablishment.

35.Divine Punishment.

36.Wave of Madness.

37.The Whisperer of the Mad.

38.Consuming Void+.

39.Relic Connection.

40.Empowerment of Artifacts.

41.Artifact Detection.

42.Origin of the Forge.

43.Spark of Inspiration-Greater.

44.Divine Rule of Bat: Upon gaining the divine rite and authority over Bats, your presence near them and call towards them, gathers them either by a altar, shrine, or unholy manifestation bats shall always come, they'll serve those deemed worthy by you, and will be sacred/unholy symbol of the coming of Carnage.

45.Fel Domination.

46.Source of the Twisting Nether.

47.Bringer of the Realm of Fel.

48.Reader of Terrors.

49.Weather Detection.

Weather Detection Alignments-1.Lightning 9%

2.Rain 6%

Prime Divinity: Carnage

Greater Divinities

1.Love-Max Level

2.Lust-Max Level

3.Infernals-Max Level

4.Creator-Max Level

5.Oblivion-Max Level

6.Oaths-Max Level

7.Abyss-Max Level

8.Condemnation-Max Level

9.Supremacy-Max Level

10.Insanity +1

11.Bonds +5

12.Desecration +8

13.Relics +7

14.Fel +3

15.Terrors +4

14.Dark Arts +2

15.Riches +2

16.Bats: The collected belief and worship of mortals, has bestowed the divine dominion over the greatest and most connected creatures of the Night and Dark, the Bats, these flyers and owners of the night flock, sing, and answer all calls and sighting of you, you're the God that rules and cherishes bats, hence they shall always be near any shadow you make.

Lesser Divinities

1.Hierarchy +4

2.Curses +2

3.Smithing +3

4.Symbols +2

He was quite happy, with his stats being much closer to a billion, and the next ascesion of the Dark One, as well as all the new skills, abilities, and also the new divinity that he now has dominion over.

Which also meant that Khorne was Hound God with dominion over hounds, that represents savagery, nobility, unity, and rare time battle and brutality.

Nurgle is the Crow God which made some sense since crows represents death, decay, and carrion, the Eagle is Tzeentch which many see the eagles a symbol of wisdom and mysticality, and lastly their sister-to-be Slaanesh the Norscan Goddess of Serpents, which represent beauty, sensuality, cruelty and in cases overindulge in some that the Dark One, thought it clearly GW did their research and found the perfect animal to match and represent the OG four Chaos Gods.

Then he thought of his own animal representation, the Bat it was also perfect they represent darkness, fear, ruin, along with bonds of familiarity and groups, all in all everything was going smoothly, thanking Aillia one last time making her chuckle happily, as he dismissed the screens and enjoyed Enzium sailing across the Sea of Claws, for the next stop will be Kislev at last.

Meanwhile on the Motherland, a young kislevite prince was hunting down a carrion bringing enemy to Kislev...

(Ivan Radinov/Kislevite Prince POV)

Location Kislev, the Land of Oakstuun, Abandoned Settlement-Near the Festering Dark Woods

As I promised my sister I've been hunting down the Plague God's accursed followers of the Maggotkin, lead by the vile Priestess of Putrefaction, Yuma Trollvile.

Such horrid legend surrounding that priestess almost rivaling if not equaling Mother Ostankya's own tales, told to all the young children.

But that was not important at the moment, as I lead my personal army by horseback, this army of Gryphon Legion, Winged Lancers, and Kossovite Dervishes my light armored calvary.

With a few dozen War Bear Riders and a couple of hundred Tzar Guards that my dear sister, Tzarina gave me to act as my footsoldier they trekked closely to our bear and horse-riders along with some Patriarchs from the Great Orthodoxy lended to me by Konstantin, with this forces the Maggotkin, shall be crushed and purged before the real threat of the Dark Legion arrives.

We've been marching to the far southwest of Kislev, to the infamous land of Oakstuun, which fell from many evil invasions, that my sister was forced to abandon this land, as we made are way through a abandoned and desolate settlement from battles long ago...the structure frozen over and barely standing from the damage of many enemy raids.

Bodies and bone long forgotten in the snow, I pray to Ursun for their souls to know peace and rest...but we been marching from sometime and we need rest.

As much as it cause me discomfort, this is the only shelter we'll find until battle is meet, so I'd order the men to respectfully remove the corpses and start preparing camp for soon we shall head to Festering Dark Woods, a continue our hunt.