Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 351 - Battle Against the Hedonites Part 3: Corpseyard

Chapter 351 - Battle Against the Hedonites Part 3: Corpseyard

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-Norsca, the Lands of Vargs/Outside of Doomkeep Ruins Battlefield; Dark Legion Vs Hedonites & Daemons of Slaanesh

Ixion beheaded the Keeper of Secret sending a shockwave of euphoria and shock to the rest of the daemons and hedonites of Slaanesh, in a long time none have slain a Keeper of Secret with such ease.

With that the Dark Legion morale and vigor drastically increased, the Greater Daemon was fading away and the purple blood of it stained the armor of the Warp Gods' avatar, as he was walking back to Whiptail that was waiting for them to re-mount, Khorne spoke through the avatar quickly changing it to his state, as the red khornate champion commanded all the Dark Legion to cause as much violence and bloodshed imaginable!!!

Inspiring their daemons and warriors to fight harder, as OW-Khorne was extremely pleased with the blood and brutality being wrought.

Khorne relinquished his total control over Ixion, sharing it and reverting their avatar to his Undivided State, as he walked back to Whiptail and mounted the exalted winged beast, and taking off to the air and back to the slaughter, especially now that both slaaneshi forces were leaderless.

Meanwhile Skarlet had just killed the Hedonites' leader, the Lord of Hubris, draining his blood and feeling stronger than before, she was disappointed with their kombat before but at least the sweet life nectar of the weakling's blood more than made up for everything.

Drawing his short blade, she walked over at the ensanguinated corpse, all the while the slaughterbrutes, flesh hounds, bloodletters, and blood warriors of the blood-drinkers were slaughtering the remaining daemonettes and fiends that remained, while the hedonites were backing away from the blood witch of the Blood God, as she continued to ledgerly walk over to their fallen lord.

She reached her target, and getting on her knees beside the corpse, started to cut off the skull of the late Lord of Hubris, and gaining/offering the skull to her dear, Blood she did this, her lust and strong emotions towards Khorne, were sensed by the Dark One, that suddenly smirked, knowing that soon Skarlet is going to join Valkia and Bellona as Blood Goddess and wife of his brother...then Khorne sensed the offering of a new skull, and looking through their avatar saw Skarlet bathed in blood...completely beautiful in his eyes...screaming to the heavens, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!" this sparked the blood daemons and khornate warriors to join her in her chant.

Meanwhile Dullahan, has just finished consuming the souls and adding to his weapons causing both the blade and shield, gaining more wailing faces adding to the overall mural of suffering.

Amonn laughed at the death, and carnage wrought by his partner Dullahan, as he finished his growth of power, all the while the knightmares and mortifinis were cheering at their daemonic champion.

As the Shien Clutter along with the succubi, were celebrating another great victory over the servent of the Dark Princess, as Tai Tai was giving praise to the Dark One, for he has been visiting her in the dark and shadow, even in her dreams.

He was magnificent in the eyes of the young Catsaber Chieftain, as she felt a slight gentle brush on her tanned cheek, she immediately knew it was her Lord and Dark God, which she was correct as the Dark One heard and sense all her praise and worship to him.

At that moment the Shien Clutter, and the daughters of the Succubus Matriarch have returned to the fighting, hunting down any that catch their attention, meanwhile within the Avatar, Ixion Daemonhart...

Khorne and Tzeentch sighed in exasperation since even the Changer has learned from Khorne and Nurgle of their brother's lustful nature...while the Decaying God was being joyful that he'll soon have a new family member, and a aunt for his darling daughters.

Laharl sighed and told them they still have enemies to kill, which made all them focus, as the Alluress now came to challenge them.

As he daemon sorceress came charging at Ixion/them, they swiftly jumped off of Whiptail and waited for her.

The Alluress with her right claw rise high to deliver a powerful cross slash at the Chaos Lord, but only to be blocked with eased by them, their Hellbane caught in between the pincer claw-blade of the Alluress of Slaanesh.

Not wanting to waste more time on a weak spellcaster, Khorne commanded Ixion to strike the Alluress with a brutal knee-strike, the Avatar did soo causing major damage to the high-daemon of Pleasure, that the Warp Gods felt the bones of the she-daemon shatter and break under the force of Khorne's blow.

Not wanting to give a pleasure daemon a slow, or a pain riddled death, Laharl commanded to wrap his arms over the she-daemon's head and place her on a chokehold and before she started to choke or feel pleasure from this the Warp Gods made Ixion twist his arms, and snap the neck of the Alluress, before she could feel anything...this and deprivation of senses, are the worst fate for slaaneshi daemons and followers...the Alluress, went limp and lifeless in the avatar's grip, letting go and the she-daemon's body fell lifeless toward to the snow, all the while she faded back to the Realm of Chaos.

Khorne and the other were...underwhelmed, the Keeper of Secret was a better challenge for them, despite also falling with ease against them.

Regardless they're was more to slaughter and beat in their name, so they resumed with Whiptail rushing towards them and with a powerful jump they landed and re-mounted their brother's beast and returned to focus on the battle.

All the while the hedonites and daemons of Slaanesh were greatly suffering, especially since their warshrine and leader have been taken out not soo long ago.

The Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh was forced to take command of both slaaneshi forces, less they are utterly defeated and fail to meet the expectations of the Godslayer.

Now they were surrounded by the laharlish and khornate forces, then from the side came the catsabers and the she-daemons called succubi.

It was clear this was a losing battle, as the Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh started channeling the glorious powers of the Dark Princess, shrouding himself in pinkish magical energy, and begins to cast the [Phantasmagoria] spell, as complex sigil started to emerge in the air in luscious purple and pink gradient, as it transfixing the enemy with a shifting array of hallucinatory images that disjoint and befuddle, inviting their deaths, at last ditch attempt to push back against the forces of the Dark Legion.

But just as the spell was about to affect the forces of the Dark Legion, the cyclopian starfish daemons of Tzeentch, swarm around the area and started to cast [Makajama] which seals the magic of multiple enemies, or this case cancel the sorceror's slaaneshi spell.

Not expecting any being to be capable of completely canceling a dark spell of Chaos of any kind, the slaaneshi sorcerer was in utter shock!!

They were circling closer to the Hedonites, as they've heard a great roar, from the sky came the Chosen of the Gods, Ixion Daemonhart mounted on his mighty Chaos beast, which roared menacingly at them, all the Dark Legion stopped their advance upon their Lord appearing before them.

They awaited for Lord Ixion/Warp Gods' command, with the Chaos Sorcerer seeing the famed and rising Chosen of the Gods in the flesh, his aura and presence was like none they've seen before even the Godslayer, a champion risen to a Daemon Prince pale in comparison.

Just then the few surviving slaangors, that were fighting against the daemons of Nurgle, as said daemons and mortal followers were slowly making their way to their location, Nurgle expressed his pride on his children and the decay they've caused on the battlefield, typical Papa Nurgle all of them though inside of Ixion.

The Slaangors immediately join the rest of Hedonites, but still completely outnumbered and the rest of Slaanesh's daughters and children were occupied fighting against the marauders, giants, daemonhost, and dragon ogres under the command of the Herald of the Tempest/Kholek Suneater.

This meant that they were at the complete and utter mercy of the Dark Legion's, Chaos Lord, Ixion Daemonhart who was keeping Whiptail calm and didn't speak anything.

With a slight pull of the beast mane, Whiptail started to get closer to the Hedonites, as the said favored warriors of the Dark Princess, cowarded and backstep from the presence of Ixion Daemonhart, the Warp Gods were enjoying this display especially Laharl the God of Terror, as he drank in the fear and terror these so called "perfect" warriors, they made Ixion swung his sword and spoke through him, "Pathetic. These are the most favored warriors of the Perfect One, Lady Slaanesh? All we see are sacrificial peons to the Dark Gods. Show us if there any brave warriors, among you peons." this played against the pride and ego of the Hedonites.

Triggering their rage and they ignored the warning of their Sorceror, nearly a hundred hedonites warriors, and a couple slaaneshi beastmen went to face them, pleasing Khorne and Laharl within Ixion.

With various blades, (barbed whips) hellscourges, slaaneshi blades/claws rush at Ixion and Whiptail, only for some of them to immediately die at the tail of the manticore, the sharp tail-tip easily cutting through several pleasurebound knights and painbringers.

Making the Warp Gods, chuckle which came out the mouth of their Avatar, the first slaaneshi knight that managed to reach Ixion, only for him to die before he was even able to swing his scimitar, cause Ixion's blade has cleaved through the helmet and skull of the dead knight, splashing blood all over him and Whiptail, that immediately struck bitting at the dead body, splattering blood and gore all-over the area.

But that didn't stop the other hedonites from attacking, the Warp Gods commanded Ixion to block against all the attacks sent towards them, a gilded armored slaaneshi, single horn warrior attacked next only to meet the Warp Gods' Hellbane stabbed through his throat, and then was kicked of the dead hedonite.

The next victims, were slashed and stabbed to death, even Khorne joined the slaughter channeling his dark power to shot a large hellfire ball, blowing and burning away the hedonites that were slightly away from them.

This battlefield, was becoming more akin to a field of corpses, which made the Maggotking very, very happy.

Seeing Ixion's strength, power, and skill has terrified the Slaaneshi Sorcerer that inforced his command over the rest if the hedotines, since it was clear that they've lost.

Even with the daemons of their Dark Goddess, were being slaughter by the rest of the Bat's daemons and followers.

When Ixion/Warp Gods devoweled the last Pleasurebound Knight, that tried to challenge the Chosen of the Gods, all the while from above in the sky, the Speaker, Zxaie-xie, was watching the battle unfolding both annoyed that the pretender Ixion has practically won the battle, but not before suffering quite possibly the largest amount of loses in their campaign.

He watched as the Hedonites began to kneel before the Chaos Lord, and surrendering to the Dark Legion, and to Ixion Daemonhart that has just slain one more hedonite, even if the Hedotines are assimilated to the Dark Legion, Zxaie-xie was convinced that with the fast approaching forces of the Godslayer and the Troll King, finally the soo called Chosen of the Gods will finally fall.

Plus the surprise that Lord Hammerstorm, was also making his way to Norsca, he believes that even if the Dark Legion managed to barely survive long enough in the battle between the two armies, the forces of Harald Hammerstorm will destroy all that remains.

Despite the New God, challenging Lord Archeon to attack the weak Empire of Man, the Speaker truly believes that it will all end in the Everchosen's favor and finally bring the End Times, not wanting to be discovered Zxaie-xie teleported back within the daemonic beast, Enzium, begrudgingly awaiting the damn Daemonharts, and eager wait for the death of Ixion Daemonhart...and like always, the Warp Gods already know and sense the presence and emotional desires of the Speaker of the Gods, it was getting tiring, the Warp Gods with Tzeentch the newest one amongst them really wanted to kill him.

But now they stood over the defeated and surrender forces of Hedonites, as they've have won this battle...