Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 308 - War of Change Part 2: Battleground of Olympus

Chapter 308 - War of Change Part 2: Battleground of Olympus

(General POV)

Location the Warp-The Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Mount Olympus-Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities; Balcony Area

As the battle was just about to get underway, Khorne, Laharl and Nurgle were watching everything unfold, looking out for Tzeentch, from what the Dark One briefly explained about his "Guardian", that he calls Iron Maiden 666, Tzeentch was experiencing the worst mental pain that even they two admit, that they would be in such agony that few if none could survive.

This revelation made Khorne proud, that he doesn't care much on using his psychic abilities as much as his siblings, while this made Nurgle, bust into further fits of laughter and coughing, after hearing what Tzeentch was going through and the best yet, the knowledge obsessed eldritch entity, wouldn't be able to retain or recall anything that the "Infinity Void" blasted into his mind, Nurgle only thought that it was "ohh such sweet, karma."

Laharl crossed his arms as he conjured three massive cups, one for each of them, and floated them each to one of his brothers and himself.

They all grabbed their cups, as one of the twisted, and corrupted mortal worshiper/workers of the Palace came with a massive, luxurious chalice filled with Ambrossia, the only advantage and special trait, that these former Greeks have if their direct interactions with divine beings...despite being weaker than them of they could "barely" handle the strain on coming into close proximity/contact with a Chaos God.

This robed human, that resembles one of the future extreme cultists that trademark, as the workers/zealots of Chaos, he even cut his own eyes and face, baring the Eight-point Star of Chaos on his dried, Bloodstained face.

The fanatic servent, came to Khorne's side and poured him a full cup of Ambrossia, continuing with Laharl and Nurgle, as Khorne dismissed the servent, and they enjoyed their drink and progression of the battle, as they wait for Tzeentch to arrive.

As they'll took a sip, from their respected drink it seems that their older brother's latest lover/bride-to-be was about to make her move...

Location the Base of Mount Olympus-Battlefield: Allied Chaos Forces Vs Tzeentch Forces

As Scylla finished her secondary water lore spell of [Flowing Stream] which has buffed all the daemonic forces of Carnage, Decay, and Rage with the spell's effects, she noticed that dear sister Camilla, has placed all their ranged forces into position of attack.

Smiling and showing her shark-like teeth, Scylla started to sing like...a pop-rock idol, with melodious choruses...Laharl felt his younger brothers, turn their head to look at him, so he simply said, "What? I like that music genre." this was another of the powers, that Laharl granted Scylla.

Being a songtress is more than just a tittle, but an actual form of magic/sorcery using one's own songs and talent, to cast and manifest spells into reality through the art of singing.

As Scylla sang her song, immediately it started to affect the allied forces, causing them to overflow with daemonic, magical power, which made their special daemon traits enhanced.

Carnage daemons were getting more frenzied, and their other unique characteristics were amplified the knightmares excitement of mayhem and carnage, the succubi charm and graceful agility and so on, the Blood daemons were further empower in physical strength and resilience, along with their anti-magic defense of the Magic Resistance being enhanced, as well as their bloodrage.

Lastly the Plague daemons, their enhanced traits being pain tolerance and physical endurance, as well as their infection rate and radius becoming greater and more violitile than before.

Not only the daemons were augmented by Scylla's song which name was "The Predelum of Carnage" but also the Chaos Goddesses were affected by her song.

While it didn't enhance their traits and characteristics, it did boost their overall stats and abilities one that greatly felt this surge was the Lesser Chaos Goddess of Victory, Ioke.

Feeling the tides of victory, further tilt to their favor, without even officially starting the bloodshed, she flew over to Ladies Valkia and Bellona telling the shift of Victory, which made them smile that meant also that the battle will be intense, if any little thing done even before the battle officially started, causes such mayor shifts in the tide of battle.

This was especially exciting for the War Goddesses, as things were about to started at last.

Scylla while she sang, she'd stopped channeling her water magic to sustain the [Sea Wall] spell, causing the giant wall of water to crumble, and flood more of the area, as well as allowing the tzeentchian forces to finally advance on.

Sarthorael immediately pointed his staff forward, and gave the command to attack officially beginning the attack on Mount Olympus for Lord Tzeentch's name.

But to the Lord of Change's surprise, he didn't expect one of the Lesser Goddesses to lead an assault this early, as pink and blue horrors scrambled forward along with a few flamers, they were massacred by Camilla's advance force.

Under soaring buzzsaws tossed by the mortifinis, the icicle rain of the shi'lanorai Crystal Wraiths-Archers' bows, the putrid projectiles of the repulsive khaos flying around, and lastly the brass talos were letting their blazing scrap-bullets and hellish flames stream out to the Changer's minions, bringing gruesome death to them all.

All the while, Camilla had a front row view of the lovely carnage, but she was also eager to participate...but using this opportunity she pointed her flail-scepter forward, signaling the rest of the allied daemon forces to charge.

With that the four daemonic legions clashed at the flooded battlegrounds, around Olympus, three forces against the newest force of Change.

All the while the higher members of the Chaos Pantheon were watching everything unfold Tzeentch was forcibly using his connection to the Immaterium, to hasten his recuperation so he can join the battle, and not fall into the effects of one Laharl's curses.

The battle began with absolute ferocity, daemon clashing with daemon, as well as corrupted facing against neverborn.

Immediately the Roman Goddess of War, Bellona rushed ahead accompanied by several bloodshield amazons, blood valkyries, and bleeding banshees.

She charge straight into the heat of chaos, cutting down horrors and their lesser spawns with her greatsword, or flail, all the while she has the most happy smile on her face, as the Blood Valkyries chopped every single change daemon that cake in range of their axes, while the bleeding banshees were healing the wounded allies and cutting down the pink, blue, and brimstone horrors without issues.

As the Bloodshields stood beside Lady Bellona, as they destroyed everything in their way, the khornate amazons were beasts unaffected by the eldritch corruption of the Horrors and their warp-fire.

The Bloodshield swung down their swords, spears, and axes with absolute fury.

They brass red shield, and armor providing them ample defense against the tzeentchian sorcery and attacks, even when some of them died in horrific fashion under the changing bluish flames of a squad of Flamers, they still charge ahead, overflowing with bloodlust and battle hunger, all in the name of the Blood Gods.

Then it was Bellona, that used her drastically enhanced powers from Blood Corruption, and her own divinity of War, to rip and tear everything!!!

Eventually she attracted the attention of a Lord of Change, named Aetaos'rau'keres, the Slayer of Souls.

The white-robed Greater Daemon of Tzeentch, roared/shrieked at Bellona as he swung his eldritch staff aka Staff of Cataclysm at her, which Bellona easily dodged it with a backflip, and whilst in the air she changed her greatsword into a Warhammer, she landed with ease and stared down her opponent that roared at her...

Meanwhile Valkia was slaughtering tzeentchian daemons on another part of the battlefield, with Karanak and not only his pack of flesh hounds but also Khorne's newest infernal hounds that he has claimed for his own, and also became apart of Karanak's pack.

Khorne took and turned the infamous, cerberuses of the Greek Realm as part of his Blood Legion, turning them into khornate hellbeasts, and were now unleashed upon the battlefield from within the caverns of Olympus they emerged and immediately recognized the Hound of Khorne, the Elder Daemon, Karanak as their alpha.

Hence them fighting alongside the Gorequeen, and her daughters, (Imagine Smite Cerberus, but more khornate with the draconian frills, spikes, claws, and khornate serpent-tail, while being red colored) these cerberuses were smaller, weaker versions of Karanak, the Blood God even managed to preserve their unique spawning ability to spew out a one-headed cub that will quickly grow into a adult cerberus.

Meaning that the forces of Khorne, has obtained a constantly self-replenish unit of daemons, even with this being their first use in battle, both the Gorequeen and the Blood God were quite pleased with the results.

Valkia, she'd impaled a fluxing the eye, causing the daemonic spirit to unleash wild psychic energy before it went limp on her spear, tossing the corpse aside a swarm of more fluxing eyes and screamers, were coming to her.

Roaring she stomped her hoof, hard against the flooded ground, as did this all the khornate hounds and their elder daemon, Karanak, rushed to their Dark Mistress' side and growled menacingly, at the tzeentchian daemons flying toward them.

While the Screamers immediately dive at top-speed at the Gorequeen, the Fluxing Eyes stay out of range and began firing concentrated, warp-energy composed rays at their targets...but it didn't matter to Valkia, slamming down her Daemonshield, she blocked the incoming onslaught at her.

This allowed her daughters the Blood Valkyries and Bleeding Banshees to soar passed their Queen, and take the battle to the sky.

Soon after, Invidia in purple, magenta armor came in with her claymore at the ready to fight and protect her lady, (Invidia is Roman Nemesis, and her appearance is like Smite) she cleaved everything in her path, to protect the Gorequeen, a Goddess worthy of her loyalty and service forever.

Another part Ragna, Ruu and Jinx were fighting another another force lead by Lord of Change, the resembles a terrodactyl from his head shape.

That Greater Daemon's name is M'Kachen, with a massive, gold and azure balesword with eyes all looking solely on, surrounded by firewisps, blue and brimstone horrors, M'Kachen sought to kill one of the false new Dark Gods, as he believes that only Tzeentch and by default the other three, Khorne, Laharl and Nurgle were the only deities in the Immaterium...for now.

As all the lesser daemons, and daemonic elemental shot warp-fire at the three Carnage Queens, they're protected by Ruu's slimes all huddling together to form a protective wall, using their own mucous bodies.

This allowed Ragna the opportunity to strike directly against M'Kachen, with Jinx's assist she leap over the Daemon Slimes and soared across the gap between them, and she landed right at front of M'Kachen ready to fight!!!

The Lord of Change, swung his massive curved blade to cleave the Rampaging Queen in two, only for Ragna to slightly evade with a backstep.

Lessening the damage she'd will have to suffer, and use it to empower herself, as she leaped straight to M'Kachen face and delivered a devastating heavy, right cross to the Greater Daemon's face.

M'Kachen suffered a powerful blow, that made the avian/reptilian daemon spit-up blood and saliva.

M'Kachen stumbled back from Ragna's blow, and then she followed it up by placing the long blue feathery neck of the lord of change, in a tight hold, immediately causing some suffocation to happen to M'Kachen but this wasn't the intended reason for Ragna's move...instead using her Godly strength, she started to bending herself back, using said strength and momentum to lift M'Kachen, and perform a powerful chokehold suplex onto the Greater Daemon.

Smashing, splashing, and causing a great blast of noise from the suplex, M'Kachen was in agony, and shocked never suspecting that the "Dark One Whore", would do that to him.

After letting him go, she went to stomp onto M'Kachen body relentlessly causing a lot of damage from bones breaking, pieces of the Greater Daemon caving-in, and fluxiating blood to spill.

When Ragna noticed that the Lord of Change wasn't moving, believing her "opponent" had already died, she'd whined that it wasn't as fun as she imagined, turning away from the "body" of M'Kachen and saying out loud "Brother Nurgle's, Great Unclean Ones put up more of a fight, than these big chickens." Ragna, carelessly let her guard down.

Behind her was the beaten, bruised, overwhelming shadow of M'Kachen still alive...but barely...with his balesword ready to strike down at Ragna, when...

The Lord of Change, screamed in absolute pain!!!

This alerted Ragna, skipping some distance from her possible attacker, she saw the Greater Daemon was in pain, bleeding profusely from a large wound on his right shoulder, Ragna turned to the direction where the mass piercing M'Kachen was coming from...and it turns out to be from her younger sister, Jinx that has just saved her.

Just as her Love, bestowed her with the power to mold, and shape her body and parts as weapons and attacks, Jinx used what her fiancee called [Cryptic Needle] on M'Kachen.

As she was impaling M'Kachen through the right shoulder, and even managing to pierce his wing as well, as Jinx had her right arm outstretched and covered in a coiling mass, acting as a harpoon that currently was piercing M'Kachen's upper body.

That arm was useless, limp and powerless as M'Kachen dropped his weapon, and futily tried to pull out Jinx's arm from his body, which only served to make the newest Carnage Queen to laugh in a sensual sounding voice, like the succubus she was modeled from.

Jinx spoked, "Now now, little birdie. Don't you know, is bad to hit a girl, especially my sister? So it time, to be punished." Jinx focused her daemonic power, through her arm causing a violet pulse of electricity to surge throughout her limb, and straight into M'Kachen, causing the area to explode in gore and violet energy.

M'Kachen screamed in pure agony, as his right arm and wing, were blown off along with majority of his upper body, but it wasn't over as Ragne used that moment, to deliver a vicious uppercut to the lower beak of M'Kachen, blasting him in the air.

Jinx quickly reverted the mass back to her normal arm, and wings that she'd stretched wide, and even sprouted a rocket boosters between her wings to increase her speed.

She blew a kiss to her sister, Ragna, as sign of thanks and Jinx flew towards the crippled lord of change, as she stopped flying and floated in place with her rocket.

Spreading her wings and turning them into, spread out, spiked webbings she aimed and said, "So long♡" and unleashed another attack that her love, taught her, it was called the [Final Shower] from every point and end of her wings, came several pointed bullet-like projectiles that soared straight at M'Kachen.

Upon impact, each of those projectiles exploded in great force, finishing off the Lord of Change that was M'Kachen.

From the ground Ragna, smilled and clapped her hands in appreciation to Jinx's work, and as much she wanted to watch the "fireworks" there was still Tzeentch minions for them to kill.