Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 285 - Destruction of the Olympians Part 6: Battle Between Gods

Chapter 285 - Destruction of the Olympians Part 6: Battle Between Gods

(General POV)

Location the God of War World-Athens/Greece, the Burning Capital City of the Realm

Khorne and Valkia stood side by side, as did the beaten siblings, Ares and Athena.

Ares was overwhelmed in rage, a rage fuel by his wounded pride as he glared at Khorne who not only belittled and burned him but also stole his chain, he felt it in his being he lost his power to call and use them, he quickly glanced at his sister, seeing that she was near level of damage as him and also like him, she lost her main method of defense her shield.

Athena did the same as her brother, expecting herself and him both were more injured that either would like to, and worse their sister who have the greatest chance of all three of them to equal or tip, the scales to their favor was currently unconscious, beside the Blood God's feet.

Plus Athena was most concerned about her city and followers in Athens they've yet to truly resume their battle, that started in Macedonia while she may be barely standing it was only cause in Athens, she at her strongest here and in a twisted form the Athenians were praying towards her allowing her to fight...but again just barely.

Athena knows that she'll not be able to truly protect the city in her current state, and she knows that Ares won't care to help the mortal or protect what is still standing in Athens.

That's when Khorne and Valkia started to walk towards them clearly intent on fighting again, she rised and pointed her spear at the two Blood Gods, as Ares ran straight at Khorne despite his injuries...

Location the Base of Mount Olympus

Zeus blocked another sword swing from Laharl using his golden braces to clash against the daemonic blade that Laharl was wielding.

The Dark One relentlessly attacked the King of Olympus, slashing Zeus from all angles and areas some slashes and cuts landing on the main antagonist of the Greek storyline of God of War, when Laharl was about to thrust and stab Zeus in the chest with his Ragnarok, the King of Olympus quickly blinked away and left behind a golden ball of electricity to shock the Arch-Daemon.

As the Dark Harbinger's massive, daemonic sword cleaved the lightning-ball and magical electricity surged through the blade and slightly onto Laharl's main body, causing some lesser damage to him, but he was slightly stunned by Zeus attack.

This allowed Zeus to rush from the side and start striking Laharl in the face, delivering around a dozen lightning coated punches to the Dark One, as he was about to blast a current of lightning at the Dark One.

The Arch-Daemon still reacted against the King of the Olympians, his violet and black serpents all struck against the threat near their master/main body, forcing Zeus to dodge the snake-bites and allowing the Dark One to recuperate, and regain control over his body.

The Dark One quickly turned his head at Zeus, preparing to continue fighting the famed King and most lustful God in myth, Laharl started channeling his daemonic power through his blade making burst in a black and violet, menacing aura.

That aura unnerved Zeus, as he could tell that his enemy wasn't yet facing him at his full power, and the blade he was holding has much more darker abilities than revealed.

Quenching his fist, as Zeus, he started gathering his power and magic, making the stormclouds, up in the skies rage and surge with his fury, rising his arm out to the sky, Zeus commanded a massive blue lightningbolt to fall!!!

The Dark One, sensing the danger fast approaching from above, he rised his opened Claw of Hades taking the lightning strike fully.

The current of magical electricity surged through his body it was agonizing, but it also provides opportunity...while his Claw of Hades was taking the full brunt of this attack, it was also absorbing it into his very being.

Like the Sorcerors he and his brothers absorbed in the Old World, Zeus' previous attack was slightly absorbed by him through Ragnarok, soo through his arm with the aid of his Magni'manta he'll greatly benefit from this fight.

The pain surged through Laharl as he fought back the erge to scream, or hiss.

While this was happening Zeus laughed happily, seeing his enemy in agony and slowly being consume by his divine lightning.

Zeus discreetly glanced at his brothers, Hades was starting to stand as he recovered nearly all his lost flesh from Laharl's previous attack, and Poisedon still bleeding was starting to stir meaning soon both of them would be able to fight again, returning his sights at the Arch-Daemon, Zeus noticed something...

Laharl Valboga was starting to become more still and calmer as the lightningbolt surged through him, then Zeus started to feel his magic being drained away from him.

It made the King of Olympus, realize that his damn enemy purposely took his attack head on, in order to steal more from him!!!

Knowing this now he immediately ceased channeling his power, and quickly the blue lightning began to disapate.

He watched as Laharl slowly lowered his left arm and his serpents started to slowly coil around his body, the burning, black smoke was exuding from the Arch-Daemon's form, then a violet, and white surge of electricity started to emenate and coat the Arch-Daemon.

Laharl's body started generating more magical electricity that burst out the black eyes of the eight serpents in a neon purple color, the white lightning coated his body and his sword, as he roared with a great intimidating fury!!!

Looking at Zeus he told him, "I thank you, God of Thunder. You made me stronger than before, soo let me...reward you."

All eight of the serpents stared straight at Zeus, smelling the air in a menacing way as their black tongues slithered around, then their mouths started releasing gathering amounts of neon purple lightning, with his [Leser Magical Manipulation] in order to shape and create this new spell lore that none have ever possessed in 40k or Fantasy, a purely lightning and thunder elemental base magic lore.

Once he channeled and shaped what he desired for this spell he just named (Thunder Burst) he released it onto Zeus, all eight of his serpents opened the mouth simultaneously.

Eight bright neon purple bolts of magical electricity was shot out from each of the serpents mouths, too fast for Zeus to evade and too powerful and foreign for him to manipulate, the King of Olympus was struck by eight powerful bolts of lightning.

He screamed as each magical bolt of electricity struck his body, shocking and burning him as he was knocked back constantly only by using his Godly strength did Zeus managed to stopped himself from going back further.

As he was at the painful mercy of Laharl's attack, seeing his opponent was defenseless against him Laharl mentally instructed his serpents to continue their attack, as he flew closer to Zeus, his Ragnarok coated not only in dark energies but also it new power lightning, surging in neon purple and white throughout the blade.

As he got closer and closer, Zeus was screaming in pain from the electrical surge he was suffering, that brought him to his knees, the Ocean waters now submerging him to his rib area.

Once the Dark One was in reach he prepared to stab Zeus with Ragnarok to absorb part of his Godly essence and knock him off the battle for good, like Hephaestus.

Pulling back his right arm, soo he can thrust and impale Zeus with his Ragnarok when he felt chains bind him, and his serpents with four sharp magical hooks pierce into his upper right serpent's lower jaw, and the side of his lower body.

The physical pain wasn't much, but the spiritual pain was excruciating turning one of his more in position serpents, and seeing through it eyes...he saw Hades, with many injuring has stood back up, and now had bound him with his damned chain hooks.

Since he was truly immortal and made from the essence of the Warp, the "Claws of Hades" wouldn't be able to tear or injure what can be considered a Chaos God's soul, but still it was magical...specifically death and soul magic which was still effective on him.

Hades has him bound, and stopped him from continuing casting/channeling his [Thunder Burst] spell on Zeus.

Which meant he'll soon be trapt between Zeus and Hades, and unable to properly defend himself Laharl struggle against Hades' chain hooks, but every time he was close to physically break the binds around him, Hades would twist or surge his power through them attacking the Dark One's spirit directly causing unbelievable pain to him, forcing him to stop.

As he saw Zeus stir and began to regain his barrings and soon he'll attack, the Dark One double his efforts to escape Hades chain, which amused and made Hades' laugh as he said to him, "Pain. Your agony shall be exquisite. Tarterus awaits!!!" then Hades was struck from behind by a black ball of shadow causing him to stumble and scream in pain.

That was the opportunity that Laharl needed to free himself immediately his serpents tore out the hooks out his bodies, and coiled around tightly around the chains of Hades' weapons.

Laharl turned his head as Hades stood up, to see his chained hooks were now in Laharl grasps, he spoke, "You speak soo much, about pain and agony, Hades. Then let me introduce you, to them!!!" with all the Serpents pulling and lifting Hades, he was tossed over Laharl head and smashed onto a lone island hard, but that was far from over again he was lifted and slam against something else, and again, and again, over and over that the God of the Dead was utterly beaten and bruised.

Bleeding from his helmed and re-opening/worsening the slash wounds that Laharl gave him a while ago.

As Hades gasped for air, his own chains used to wrap and bind him, he felt himself being pulled slowly into the Ocean, as the Dark One was the one that did pulling the chains and in turn Hades onto the seawater.

Gasping and drowning Hades rushed to the surface for air only for the Arch-Daemon to slam his massive clawed-gauntlet hand onto Hades' head and back under the water, after a while he allowed Hades to resurface only to push him down again.

Hades lungs felt like they were on fire, barely getting air as kick and struggled under Laharl's grasp, then Laharl sensed two Gods appearing behind him as black smoke and bog started to appear before him, and soon two giant Olympians appeared before him as he released Hades allowing him to resurface and gasp for air, coughing and spitting up seawater.

Laharl recognized these two, they were Dark Olympians and two of the many children of the Primordial Goddess of Night, Nyx.

Standing on the right was a Goddess, specifically the Goddess of Misery, Oizys came to aid the Arch-Daemon and she wasn't alone.

As well as a deity that resembled a daemonic, dark tree like deity, with a large dead tree sprouting from his right shoulder, sharp black claws, teeth, and eyes this is Moros the God of Doom, brother of Oizys who has come to align with the Chaos Gods, or more specifically the Lord of Darkness and Fear. (Reference check Moros, God of Doom in Google Image.)

Their intervention was most welcomed, as they expressed that they have come to serve the God of Carnage, and the Chaos Pantheon making Laharl smile, as Poisedon once again has entered the sea but didn't become his water projection instead, he restored his strength and gigantized himself with gold triton in hand he stood by his brother, Zeus' side who too got back up on his feet, both clearly angry at what their seeing not only did the Dark Olympians rebelled against Olympus and Zeus, but currently Laharl Valboga was standing over the bound brother, when Laharl used his serpents to bite onto Hades limbs and lift him over the Dark One.

Before either Poisedon or Zeus could react they saw the Arch-Daemon, stabbing their brother in the back with his massive left claw!!!

Hanging from said claw, as Hades struggled but then white lights and wisps started to emenate and exude from Hades.

As the Dark One has managed to grasp onto the Underworld King's core...his soul, and Hades began to thrash more and scream in utter agony as he felt that literally part of him was being torn out from Laharl started to glow in white, draining parts of Hades essence and divinities onto himself.

Location Macedonia-Corrupted Plains Battlefield, Chaos vs Olympians

Thanatos barely blocked Aiikila's pole-axe swing with his rusted and withered scythe, then she rised two of her white, poisonous, spider legs aiming them at the Death God.

At the sametime his cherished daughter, Erinys was fighting against the Plague God, Nurgle as she was sliced across the belly by Nurgle's cleaver.

All the toxins and diseases coating the blade, were quickly surging through the Daughter of Death, she felt weak and nauseous...but her own divinity of Death, provided her with some protection, but not good enough to greatly resist or heal herself from Nurgle's gifts.

While weaken Tabes used his vile magic, to conjure putrid, foul vines and roots to bind Erinys, as she fought off both her growing sickness and the vines that held her, Nurgle stomped closer to her standing towering over her, he rised his Worldblighter high and with a sick...literally a sickly laugh he swung down...

Suddenly everything started to drastically slow wasn't that time was slowed, it just to this God, they were all moving too slow to perseve he arrival.

Running from Çatıören, where he was most worshipped and revered Hermes the God of Speed has at last entered the battlefield, since he lost his magical greaves he has been greatly slown, so when he left Olympus, Hermes immediately went to Çatıören in Turkey to absorb the mortals prayers and devotions to increase his speed, as much as he could amass.

Now he was likely around 45% of his previous top speed, which was more enough to deal with these invaders, he run straight to Macedonia.

Seeing Thanatos' creepy daughter in danger he immediately intervened running up the vine made by the traitor using his superspeed to cut some of the vines, to allow Erinys to bend a bit back providing the perfect platform for him to use to attack Nurgle and Tabes.

Once he reached her head he super dash-jump off Erinys, and kicked Nurgle hard on his disgusting and putrid face as Nurgle started to stumble back from the blow, very slowly, running up to top of Nurgle's head he jumped off of it and straight at the traitor God, Tabes, hitting the old God of Wasting Away with a forward spin kick.

Hitting both Plague Gods has saved Erinys, soo he moved on running passed Bacchus who was being beaten down by the red horned brutes, (Gore Butchers), then passed Hercules and Pavor that were fighting a blue girl God, (Ruu) that leaped over Hercules attack and stretched a long bladed arm onto Ares' kid.

He was about to intervene when he ran into some purple transperent smoke, upon breathing it he felt completely wrong and dizzy tripping and skipping over the ground.

As he was very dizzy and everything sounded distorted, he heard a deep distorted voice, "SUBJECT APPEARS TO STILL BE PARTIALLY CONSCIOUS. CLEARLY UNDER THE AFFECTS OF MY GAS COMPOUND. MOTOR CONTROLS AND SENSORY SYSTEMS ARE COMPROMISED, BEGINNING SURGICAL REMOVAL OF SUBJECTS LOWER EXTREMEDIES, FOR CAPTURE." while he didn't understood most of what his enemy, said he did understood the last part very well.

Standing over him was Scalpel Bleedinhart, with her power sawbone, ready to cut off Hermes' legs as she slashed in a wide arc, just above the knees, Hermes rolled in superspeed to the side, standing in a wobbling state with his fists ready as Scalpel looked at him annoyingly and coldly, "Reminded up the dosage of gas chemicals, against enemy Gods. Let see how much this patient struggles before "cooperating" with the procedure." getting into a low stand, her claw and power bonesaw, at the ready Hermes struck fist throwing a sloopy straight, super-dash punch, that Scalpel evaded with ease and swipe her claw at Hermes right rib area, penetrating his armor and cutting swallowly at the Messenger another duel between Gods has begun.

Location the Base of Mount Olympus

Hades still squirmed and was gasping in pain, as Laharl used his upper serpents to push him off his claw, tossing the Underworld King onto the Sea.

Hades was badly injured by Laharl's Power-Claw stabbing him from the back not only that while being impelled, the Arch-Daemon, he has grasped onto both the Underworld King's soul and essense tearing and absorbing his prices, the divinities of [Riches & Dark Arts] now belong and surge within him.

Along with that his power greatly grew, and he only took 33% of Hades' overall soul since apart the divinities he has already claimed from his agonizing target, he and his brothers, Khorne and Nurgle agreed to split evenly all multi, or unclaimed Olympians like Hades, Poisedon, Zeus and couple more...if they don't surrender, then they'll only lose a divinity or two but still live.

With Oizys and Moros standing beside their new dark master, the battle was about to continue, as Zeus and Poisedon were clearly enraged, obviously after seeing their brother being impelled and robbed of his power.

Poisedon used his power over the Sea to immediately push Hades away from the Arch-Daemon and the traitors, he even pushed far away from the area as he has become a liability to him and Zeus in the upcoming battle against now three Gods.