Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 281 - Destruction of the Olympians Part 2: Growing Despair

Chapter 281 - Destruction of the Olympians Part 2: Growing Despair

(General POV)

Location the God of War World-Boeotia/Greece, the Ruined Temple of Joy

As the battle raged on in the Godly realm of Greece, as the forces of Chaos fought against the forces of the Gods of Olympus, many were being affected by the starting chaos wrought by the war.

A Olympian, in the lands of Boeotia, wearing a fine toga, beautiful light brown hair with a crown-veil made of flowers was surrounded by mortals cowarding in fear, praying for hope and salvation, as she, Euphrosyne the Goddess of Joy & Merriment inside her barely standing temple was comforting them trying to shelter those that wish shelter from the expanding war.

She was one of the few Gods that Zeus allowed to be free and not participate in the war, as she wasn't a fighting but beacon that mortals rushed to for safety.

As she aided an old couple that have suffered greatly from the first attack (Khorne coming for Kratos) mourning the lost of their son and family from the monsters (bloodletters) that butchered them and destroyed their home.

Euphrosyne sensed other divine beings coming to her temple, one clearly stronger than her, while the other was darker...

Appearing from a warm fire came a short, black haired beauty with grand white clothing with bluish tints, immediately Euphrosyne and the mortals refugees bowed before her, Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth, sister of Zeus and one of the most powerful, and passive of the Goddesses of Olympus.

(Reference she appear like her Danmachi model, cause it's the most cute and beautiful version of the Goddess I could find.)

Hestia was happy her niece was safe, along with soo many mortals being alive, after the tragic purge that was made to cleanse their lands of the bloodlusting lunatics that cause, as much if not more damage than, the monstrous servents of the invader.

With a very happy and warm smile, she rushed to her niece and hugged her, but before she could request their mortals to stand and speak to her niece Euphrosyne, another Olympian came...

Then a black fog started coming into the temple, as a pale woman beautiful but menacing Goddess manifested.

Upon seeing this other black haired and crown wearing, violet dressed, clawed Goddess all started to back away afraid apart from Hestia and Euphrosyne, on her shoulders were several skulls, and long curved bull-horns strap to them along with several lite candles, this is the daughter of Nyx, Oizys, the Goddess of Misery & Anxiety.

(Reference look up Oizys Cabin Pic on Google Image)

As Oizys stepped further into the temple she spoke in a low, creeping voice, "Hestia...Euphrosyne...can you fell it? The misery, sadness, anxiety, its glorious. These new Gods have come for Greece...I welcome their dark embrace..." listening to the dark Olympian, enraged both Hestia and Euphrosyne.

That they unleashed their divine power, normally this would intimidate and push back the Lady of Misery, but the recent events have only strengthened her and all the more dark aligned Olympians.

Oizys, laughed as she knew she wasn't wanted buy before leaving she gave her proposal to the Goddesses of Joy and Hearth, "If you two want to survive...if you want survive? You'd better think on who to stand with in this war..." as she faded back to black fog, leaving the whimpering mortals, and two annoyed and confused Goddesses alone, hoping their fellow Olympians can win...

Location the God of War World-Macedonia/Greece, Corrupted Plains Battlefield, Chaos vs Olympians

As the War Gods fought, Khorne and Ares in a deathlock while the Gorequeen fought against Athena and Bellona that was getting up from the Blood Goddess last kick, all the while other Gods were starting to clash as well.

Nurgle was crushing all the weak creatures of the lesser Gods with his new God Artifact, and weapon the Phthisis, regardless of being crushed under one or more of the seven spiked skull-club heads, the aftereffects were worse...Nurgle's newest and more viral creations the "Leper's Embrace" all that come in contact with this pandemic will rot and fell to piece, as the centaurs, minotaurs, and even the undead cursed fell victim to the rapin spreading rot, all the while his children the nurglings, and plaguebearers lead by poxbringers marched through the miasma and infection welcoming their Grandfather's newest pox and growing strong, easily cutting down those few still standing from the Leper's Embrace.

The other pox within the Phthisis was called the "Black Blood Boils" those infected with this pox start to gain black patches on their skin, as fever rapidly increases along with the flowing of infected blood, which not only results in more black patches but boils of blood to form on every part of the skin, the agonizing pain only increases along with the amount of infected blood until they burst with unending blood and black puss, many creatures especially the Cyplopes were victims to this pandemic as a berserker cyclops screamed in agony as it was covered in black patches and boils.

As the black boils swelled and grew they all burst/ruptured at the sametime.

Black, foul smelling blood gushed out, non-stop from the cyclops and the other infected falling to the ground in sick agony, wheezing and struggling to remain alive as the rest of nurglish daemons got rid of stragglers.

With bilepipers playing their literal infectious music, as they and other plague daemons flolick in the new pox of Papa Nurgle.

As well as the newest Greater Daemons, the Rotten crawling their way through the battlefield collecting and reanimating new corpses for their mass forms, and chopping apart all that stand against them with their massive cleavers!!

Nurgle was very happy, and laughing as well as wheezing with joy at the aftermath of his two created/chosen pandemics for his new chain flail that his dear brother, Laharl gifted him.

While he swung it and his beloved Worldblighter cleaver onto the mass of creatures of the lesser Pantheon, known as Olympians.

Speaking of them, the Goddess of Harvest and the Earth, Demeter saw and felt the vile happening to her domain, the plants and earth scream in pain, and begged for help from her soo she flew straight at the decaying, antler-horned giant, called Nurgle to stop his defilement and rotting of her domains!!!

Flying over Nurgle as he brought down his cleaver nearly killing her nephew, Hercules who rolled out the way, as the titanic cleaver started poisoning not only the earth but those close to the blade as well.

The pain and cries of the earth, were almost unbearable to her, Demeter pointed her Harvest Cornucopia at the back of Nurgle's head, as she started to gather and channel her magic, preparing to attack the Decaying God, whilst he was distracted.

Demeter was almost ready to fire a massive ball of green magic, infused with the power of life, believing that it would cause great damage to the vile invader, Nurgle...when, at the moment she was about to fire, a massive fleshy, and pustule and slime covered parasite with a huge maw, with rows of sharp-teeth came at her!!!

Barely able to fly at the way, when another came with some infected sores on it form, again she flew away from the other parasite, for two more to come after her.

At the end four humongous parasites were coming after Demeter, as she dodge and flew away from the parasites attacking, and trying to devour her.

Demeter hear, an elderly, sick sounding voice filled with amusement and joy, "Ohh...the...little...Harvest Goddess...doesn' parasites?" Demeter took a brief moment to look at Nurgle, realizing these parasites are tentacles coming from the Plague God.

All this time Nurgle knew, she was there about to attack him, and was able to attack her whenever he desired.

She only had one massive shot, ready and wasn't allowed a moment of respite to aim and shoot it.

The Harvest Goddess then thought of a plan to use against Nurgle, as she waited for him to send his tentacles/parasites at her again, she flew throught and circle around them until she was able to fire her magical shot, from her cornucopia, but instead of hitting Nurgle the massive, green, magical ball struck the ground causing a burst of green life-giving energy to erupt.

Nurgle was confused and about to mock the little Goddess for missing him, when the ground started to shake around his bloated, gangrenous purple feet.

As vine and strong, vibrant plants erupted from the ground wrapping tightly around all of Nurgle's body and limbs, restain and slightly squeezed, he let out, a slight sound of pain that alerted his beloved, Aiikila that was either stabbing her poison oozing spider-legs onto her victims, or cutting/crushing them down with her polearm, the Black Death.

She turned to see her dear Nurgle, being bonded by growing plant, she call out to him and also let out, an high-intense insect screech, as she tightened the grip on her polearm and rushed fast to her husband-to-be's side, to help him.

Demeter flew down to head level of Nurgle, as he was completely restrained by her plants but she noticed they were quickly becoming sick, withered, and rotten, meaning that she has to attack now, especially with the insectoid Goddess, Aiikila rushing towards her at this moment, using her spider-legs to increase her speed.

Again she pointed her cornucopia at Nurgle face, and began to gather as much magical power that she could, as Nurgle struggled and fight against his binds.

She was close to unleashing her newest magical blast at the Plague God, when she suddenly felt her connection with life and the plants being severed.

Before she could react several of the plants both restraining Nurgle, and on the ground were twisted becoming violet colored, sprouting black leaves, gaining sharp needles as thorns, and mouths with razor-sharp teeth all quickly reaching out and wrapping themselves around Demeter, while the corrupted plants released Nurgle, Aiikila arrived and checked on her beloved.

Nurgle reassured her, he was fine, as another joined them coming towards them was the giant Dark Druid Goddess, Chi Aahtahg, who just used her dark druidism to save and help Nurgle.

Once Chi was with them, she asked if Nurgle, "that he was okay?" Nurgle responded with "yes" and thanked his sister-in-law, with Aiikila doing the same.

The three Chaos Gods turned their attention at the small, Harvest Goddess, that was struggling and being hurt by the mouths bitting to her body, causing her to bleed, seeing her brought some joy to the Plague Gods, as they heard Chi ask them, "Brother, Sister. Can I have her? I want her divinities and to see if she is a challenge to me." Nurgle laughed as he responded, "Enjoy...sister." with that settled, he and Aiikila turned to another part of the battle, and left Chi with Demeter...

Nurgle and Aiikila stomped their way through the battlefield causing rot and decay to spread all around their wake, along with their children happily following them to battle.

Unbeknownst to them another Olympian was watching, an old dark Olympian, that resembled an old man covered in fungus and mushrooms, with a red mushroom cap as the top of his skull, holding a long rotting, fungus and mold covered scepter.

This is the Roman God of Decay, Tabes, (aka Phthisis, I'd decided to use his Roman name so there wouldn't be confusion between him and Nurgle's flail) he sensed the coming and rot that Nurgle, Aiikila, and their children are causing to the world, and it drew him. (Reference look up Phthisis God of Decay on Google Image and that how he looks.)

He watched and saw a worthy master to serve, the only reason he obeyed Zeus was that he couldn't challenge him, with both Zeus and Demeter purposely weakening his power and preventing rot and decay to spread he has become a weak, nearly forgotten God, but under Nurgle he can thrive again soo when he noticed Thanatos sneaking behind Nurgle and Aiikila, he made his move...

Nurgle was looking for the Death Gods, he knows that Hades was knocked away by his brother Laharl, so he'll reappear soon enough and claim his divinity over the Dead.

Persephone was somewhere on the battlefield but he has yet to spot her, and the God of Death, the Grim Reaper of the Olympians was no where to be he and his beloved looked and sensed around, they something or someone behind them!!!!

Manifesting behind the two Plague Gods was a great black smoke that became Thanatos, in his giant state, with his scythe ready he swung with all his might, thinking, "At last I shall reap the soul of a God!!!" overflowing with murderous intent and excitement.

Too slow to evade or block the incoming threat Nurgle used his own body to protect Aiikila from the swinging death scythe...

Aiikila was shocked and tried to help her beloved but wouldn't let her go or help, soo she cried thinking Nurgle was about to gravely harm, when the sound of clanking alerted them both.

Turning around Nurgle and Aiikila saw an old withered, and decaying God covered in fungus and mushrooms holding a withered scepter, blocking the Reaper God's attack...protecting them.

Thanatos was shocked not only cause he failed to kill the Plague God, but the old, decaying Olympian, Tabes betrayed them!!!

He yelled at Olympian Decay God, "Tabes!!! You dare betray us!? Olympus!!? Lord Hades!!!?" Tabes didn't respond only breaking the deathlock and blasting Thanatos with pulse of necrotic energy, blasting away the Reaper God.

Now safe he turned around, facing the Plague God, with a bow he spoke, in a elderly sounding voice "Lord Nurgle. Lady Aiikila. I am Tabes, God of Decay and Wasting Away. Please allowing this old one, to serve true bringers and masters of decay, and rot." Nurgle let go of his beloved, Aiikila as they saw this Plague God's honest motives and ambitions.

Aiikila thanked him for saving her beloved, husband-to-be, and stood next to him as Nurgle placed his bone and ooze coved claw on Tabes' shoulder and said, "Tabes. I'm more...then...happy...and...grateful, my...and But...first...we...have...a" Tabes responded with, "Of course my Lord. It'll be a honor to serve, you and Lady Aiikila."

Tabes turned to face the standing Thanatos alongside Aiikila, as Nurgle laughed, spinning his flail, Phthisis around and standing in between his beloved Aiikila, and his newest servent and companion, Tabes.

As Death shall fight Decay.