Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 272 - Plotting Against the God of Schemes Part 4: New Artifacts of the Dark Gods

Chapter 272 - Plotting Against the God of Schemes Part 4: New Artifacts of the Dark Gods

(General POV)

Location some distance away from the Iron Gallow City

The city was done, and already daemons and cultist were being drawn to it and their was already a growing, surge of mortifinis starting to spawn into existence from the Pit.

Now it was time for the final spawning ground before commencing the creation of the new God Artifacts.

Flying away from Iron Gallow City, heading southward this time, to create the daemonic spirits and elementals' spawning ground he'll use another FAC along with several divinities [Abyss, Infernals, & Creator] and if what he expects to be true then also [Fel].

The Dark One has used already three of his previously eight FACs now that number drops once more to a total of four remaining Free Absolute Creations, and as many times before, as Laharl was opening a breach into the Twisted Nether which immediately obeyed his commands pouring it daemonic power, as the Free Absolute Creation was just about ready to create the new location/spawning grounds for his daemonic spirits and elementals.

The Everdark, is what he decided to call the new landmark that was about to be spawned into the Nethervoid.

As the FAC, was finished reading Laharl's thoughts and desires, bursting into a massive flash of intense light, all the while merging and mixing with the powers of the Twisted Nether that the breach brought into the Nethervoid.

At the end as the light was fading a black dome of darkness appeared covering several miles in its radius.

Smirking the Dark One flew into the dome of darkness, entering what can be a complete void of darkness, shadow, and fel-energy.

Already he felt countless daemonic sources started to manifest and begin to form within it, this meant that already his little advisor and helper has made the Everdark connected to the Oscurias and Shadowweavers.

Not only will this Void, serve as the spawning grounds to those daemons it will also serve as a "natural" barrier against invaders, and power source for not only Psykers that invoke his chaotic powers, but also the future Warlocks that will emerge in the Materium, hence why he connected this void with the daemonic dimension of World of Warcraft.

With that he was finished and pleased with this final spawning ground, he flew out the void of darkness, which everything that isn't aligned with Carnage or Darkness won't just be forever lost inside of it, but become easy prey for the daemonic entities that reside within it.

Now the Dark One can focus on creating the new God Artifacts for himself and his brothers, soo he decided to fly towards his makeshift workshop...when he thought of that word, a new idea and inspiration surge through the mind of the Dark Creator, as he headed to the Mountain of Creation.

Location the Nethervoid-The Top of the Lone Mountain of Creation

Flying for a while, he eventually returned to the Mountain of Creation, from having finished creating several things, from Varimathras kingdom/cloister, the new spawning grounds for the mortifinis the Iron Gallow City, and for the oscurias, and shadowweavers the share spawning grounds of the Everdark, and lastly spawning the Lujuria Dancers by making them the succubi exclusive ascension into Greater Daemon, and making these things were both a joy...and tiring now he understood why the Chaos Gods of Warhammer lore, were they way they are, their divinities drives them more than one can imagine as fan...

During this moment of creating the Dark One gained more ideas one that has to involve where he heading at the moment, as arrived in his destination.

He landed on the top of the mountain, and retracted his six wings he stretched out his right claw he channeled the power of the Fel, creating a green daemonic fireball that is fuel by daemonic energies of himself, fel, and the Warp itself it was clear that Fel-energy no longer came only from the Twisted Nether, but from the Warp itself.

While he hasn't check his stats and possible new additions to his divinities, skills, and abilities yet, he could tell he has gain a lot.

Before he began creating the new God Artifacts for himself and his younger brothers, he had to create his new..."workshop" he contacted Aillia to use one of his FACs to create his ultimate workplace as a ball of light appeared floating into the air.

The Free Absolute Creation floated in mid-air for a moment before in a brief, glow it soared straight into the chest of the Dark Creator, as it read his thoughts and desires, as once again...for the last time in a while the barren, and damage mountain top was shrouded in a blinding light.

In the end, a giant floating perfect, sci-fi/magical looking sphere appeared over the mountain, with green and violet powerlines and runes all over the sphere, those energies being Carnage and Fel but that was just the outside the real "magic" was the inside, now all his daemonic and mortal followers can truly call this the Lone Mountain of Creation, and this workshop, the Baetylus, named after a sacred stone endowed with the power life aka creation in Greek mythology.

As Laharl finished marveling over his workshop's exterior he rised his left massive arm, pointing it at the Baetylus.

Obeying the mental command of its creator, a innumerable amount of tiles started to merge and form a light violet energy bridge towards the opened entrance at the end, Laharl lowered his arm and started walking inside his new and official workshop, the Baetylus.

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Top of the Lone Mountain of Creation, Inside the Sphere of Baetylus

It was finished the futuristic cause I wanted to have a location that truly honor the 40k ascetic, hence this sphere of the powers of daemons and creation, with a slick metallic and marble interior, with amethyst crystals encrusted on the walls, ceiling and floating around the area quite honestly I believe this will cause Vashtor to really despise and hate me, and cause a lot of friction between us...whatever it was still sometime before the Arkifiend manifest in the Chaos Realm of the Immaterium.

I'd added everything I needed to create countless of Artifacts and objects for not only myself but also all the Dark Gods.

Starting with the main focal point of the Baetylus, a giant power core floating near the ceiling, composed of several of my divinities, as they were held inside a crystal sphere held swirling serpents four in total that flew around inside the crystal orb.

The Darkness Serpent made of black shadows releasing wisps of black, the Daemonic Serpent which resembles the Chaos Dragon from Old World but with a more serpentine aspect releasing chaotic energy as it flew within the orb, the green Fel Serpent exuding the daemonic magic covered in spikes and scales, and lastly my Creation Serpent which looked quite regal and almost ethereal, I made these serpents naturally produce and exude endless amount of these energies and breathe them to the metallic orb inside of there.

That orb then surges all those energies onto the worktable at the center which allow me to bend those energies, to create energy tools and more to forge and make anything I desire in the case of God Relics, Artifacts, and Weapons.

With my admiration of my work done I could begin working on my original purpose of making the Baetylus,I walked towards the round platform and worktable of my Baetylus, in the center immediately upon my contact with the platform my serpents started breathing their energies into the orb, and powering up the platform lighting up in violet, green, and white energies as I manifested a violet energy mallet to begin.

The first God Artifacts I'll start creating is going to be for Khorne.

I'm planning on making a special wrist stone that is capable of not only protecting him against magic and psychic powers but also restore my brother's strength, during battle it will be fuel by the bloodshed augmenting the artifact's power making it a devastating relic fitting the Blood God especially once I finish adding the special abilities to it...but first I have to begin in order to finish.

I started as the energies formed into a multi-colored ingot I rised my work-mallet high and struck the ingot, causing spark of daemonic and creator energies to fly.

After a while working on the ingot, as it bended and shaped to my desires just as a Free Absolute Creation would do only it required more physical and my [Creator & Relic] divinities to make all of this possible.

But after a while the first God Artifact, was finished laying before me was a brass colored plate that Khorne would attach to his gauntlet and forever bound with it, the plate was very khornate with a blood daemon head with bleeding eyeholes encrusted on it, with its open mouth and long tongue holding a ruby jewel that will store all of Khorne's absorbed magical and psyker powers, along with all the blood of all those slain around him, I named it the Angra Stone of Bloodsoaked Destruction, or simply the Angra Stone.

This stone activates at my brother's mental command to defend himself, taking all the blood and absorbed energies to form a round shield of pure, unholy hellfire, not only will it burn away everything that might harm Khorne it will used all burned attacks to restore my brother's strength...the perfect "shield" for the Blood God, never standing in his way and always there when he needs it.

Picking up the Angra Stone, I gave it one last inspection before I commanded my Baetylus to secure it placing the artifact in a bubble so I can give it to Khorne later, but now it was time to begin creating Nurgle's new artifact.

Again a new ingot...I'll call it the Baetylus Blocks, manifested in front of me, on the worktable, rising my energy workhammer again I started to work.

I've already have a name for this artifact I'd named Khorne's after Angra Mainyu of Iran myth, this one will be named after the Roman God of Decay, Phthisis.

The Phthisis, I'm making it a chain flail with seven links and spiked head at each chain, these ends with by in the shape of elongated skulls covered in spikes with a crystal vail for Nurgle to add his most deadly pandemics, and plagues inside of them.

Not only did I purposely made this artifact after Nurgle's sacred number, it be able to infect all my brother's victims with his most virulent creations, but that's not all each skulls' eye can release a gas version of those Plague grating Nurgle a much need range and multiple hitting option and weapon.

Hammering away as I was finishing this titanic chain flail for Nurgle, I was mentally making the final designs for my newest God Artifact, the Magni'manta which I'd name after Magni Nordic God of Strength and Fortitude.

A few more swings and strike as the Phthisis was finished the white and green skulls connected to a blackish dark green chain all linked to the rings of Nurgle or as the mortal call my little brother's symbol, the "Rune of the Fly" just like the Angra Stone I commanded the workshop to store it as I worked on my artifact now.

Again I hammer away at the Baetylus Block, on the worktable, I'm making a special piece of armor that merge with the layered body armor underneath my coat and vest.

The main purpose of the Magni'manta is to augment my resilience and resistance against magic and psychic energies and forces not only from the Warhammer universe but beyond.

As I forged this relic it was already starting to resist against magical forces striking it, making me smile happily, as swung down once more.

At the end, after some time banging and bending this armor piece into my desired form and purpose, resembling a core made with grey colored eight-point star edge, surrounding a maw of teeth made from metal sharp needles.

In its center a green crystal orb of fel energy, as well raw Warp-energy and Magic I quickly picked it up and slammed it into my abb area were my dark armor was on, it immediately merged and reshaped itself becoming some what thicker armor with a shadow like mouth that house my Magni'manta, the power that surged made me feel secure from any source of magic as long as it wasn't vastly stronger than I am.

I couldn't create an infinite level of protection and fortitude against my greatest weakness...magic, but with the Magni'manta I can surely say that my resistance against magic, sorcery, psychic and other mystical forces has increased to be around 45% more of my natural defenses and fortitude, plus I'd made it ever evolving...meaning as I grow and ascend in power so shall my Magni'manta.

I've finally finished these three new God Artifacts, one for each of the Chaos Gods, Magni'manta for myself which now merged with my armor, Angra Stone for Khorne and the Phthisis for Nurgle all that was left for me to deliver them.

Releasing the workhammer causing it to banish in particals I started to move away from the worktable.

That's when I thought the even with new powerful artifacts, we might still be better to be prepared then lacking, so I'd started to think what could we need...and then it hit me, saying out loud, "We need more generals." Tzeentch's daemons are masters of long range and magical power of all the Chaos God, me included.

We have to focus on Tzeentch 100% to win the upcoming battle, unlike the battle against Nurgle whose domain was a mayor issue for our forces...Tzeentch damn Realm of the Sorceror, while a total pain to traverse through it was still doable, 40k lore states that when Tzeentch was at the height of his power, he was the strongest of the Chaos Gods that Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh had to have a temporary allience to bring him down, and making Tzeentch destroy the source of his power his scepter...if those three weaker versions of the Chaos Gods, could reach Tzeentch at his Impossible Fortress, than my brothers and I can do so as well...but this brings me back to the Realm of the Sorceror itself.

The domain of Tzeentch is an ever shifting and changing maze of eldritch design, and that's why we'd need more Elder and Greater Daemons acting as generals in the upcoming battle, to lead their daemonic legions when they get separated from one of us.

During that thought process I'd remember five characters that can perfectly serve as our newest Elder Daemons, and extra generals on the upcoming war...those characters are Alcina Dimitrescu of Resident Evil Village, the Glottkin of Warhammer, and lastly the Ghost of Sparta himself Kratos!!!