Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 263 - The Bear God's Woes

Chapter 263 - The Bear God's Woes

(Ursun/Bear God POV)

Location the Mountain Borders of Kislev, the Den of the Bear God

This new evil, was getting closer to Kislev.

As I still am uncomfortable and in pain from my wound suffered by the Godslayer, that has also started moving again.

But fortunately, it seems Yuri is targeting Kislev yet that grants the defenders of Kislev more time to prepare for the upcoming invasion of Chaos, while Tzarina Katarin with the Golden Knight, Naryska Leysa by her side, and Kostaltyn have united to face these approaching threats I fear it might not be enough especially with Mother Ostankya acting a rogue agent, only caring about the forests then Kislev as whole.

I must awaken Borus Ursus from his slumber to lead Kislev in their darkest hour...

Groaning in pain, adjusting myself in my cold, and crystal den.

I must call out to the other warriors and heroes of Kislev to come to fight for her, or not only our home but the world might be doomed, with no more wall stopping the tide of Chaos.

I focused my divine power, and started scowering Kislev and beyond to find the heroes that Kislev, desperately need in their darkest hour.

Grigori Medvezhiy, once a blacksmith that proved his strength when his village was invaded by northmen, even crushing the strongest invader with only his strength, a true hero that shall come as a great aid to Kislev, on his workshop, sharpening his curved blade, I contacted him and sent him to fight for Kislev, I watched as he grabbed a thick fur coat and left to south of Kislev were Katarin was amassing the defenders.

Olesya Pimenova, the Handle or as many have come to know her the Bane of Vermins, a proud old kislevite woman that has face hordes of vile skaven and has become pivot in defense of Kislev from skaventides, I saw her drinking in the Red Moon Inn, that's when I contacted her, telling her the dangers that Kislev faced so she tossed her drink away, pick up her pike and headed to the stables to get a horse to right to the Tzarina's aid.

(Lore conflicts between GW and Total War, Ivan is supposed to be Katarin's younger brother and Total War retconned this. So I'm following GW lore.)

Ivan Radinov, a young prince of Kislev, the younger, adventurous brother of the Tzarina, Katarin but still a great warrior and hero, Ivan is natural hero, and by using his wit, cunning, swordplay, and unparalleled bravado, will always try to save those in danger, wielding some magical artifacts called "Sword of Heroes" & "Boots of Seven Leagues" he was riding through the shores of Kislev on his famed stead Silverhoof, when I contacted him, making him stop his warhorse hearing that his sister and homeland was in peril he drew his shining sword and rode with great haste back to the capital, to fight alongside his sister.

Ulrika Magdova during her mortal life, she was the daughter of Ivan Petrovich Straghov, a march boyar and a distant cousin of the Duke of Praag, but after that as she travel and made her name, a vampire name Adolphus Krieger, began the process of giving her the Dark Kiss which eventually turned her into a Vampire of the Lahmian bloodline, but her will and purity was stronger than the madness of vampires, she still fought for Kislev and hunting down undead, hence her riding toward Sylvania to strike down more vampires and undead, when I called her, informing her of the threat that Kislev was facing swearing to defend her homeland she turn her horse around, and rode back to Kislev.

I only hope calling out to these other kislevites warriors and heroes would change the tide to Kislev's.

Greatly tired, especially allowing a part of the vicious blizzards of the area to rage and form a natural barrier preventing some of our enemies from coming directly to Kislev...this is all I could do for now...I must rest, and hope for the best...

(Tzarina Katarin POV)

Location the Kislev-the Capital City

Ever since we've rescued Ursun, from the clutches of the damned shadow, Be'lakor, I'd hoped that we could have a short respite, after all we've suffered...

But our enemies still seek to claim Kislev, as Ursun called to me and even the fanatical Kostaltyn to defend the motherland, from a new and great evil that making its way south.

A monster that has been blessed by a new Dark God, known as Laharl Valboga that has even made our beloved God, warry.

I refuse to allow my queendom to fall into the hands of Chaos and daemons!!!

So I made truce, with Kostaltyn and we've united our forces to stand against our enemies that seek to destroy all we hold dear.

Standing once again in front of a mirror, I mentally prepared myself for what could be the greatest war that Kislev has ever faced, thinking of my beloved father, Borus Ursus, he would have told me to be brave, strong, and ready...thank you, father.

Picking up my Ice Crown, placing it on my head and retrieving my ice sword, "Frost Fang" and my magical cloak known as the "Crystal Cloak" I'm ready to face my enemies, as I leave my hut.

Passing through the flaps, a couple of heavy armed Tzar Guard with blade and shield saluted and accompanied me.

As we walked deeper into the camp, I saw more tzar guards and warbear riders were all preparing their gear and in the riders case their faithful bear mounts, proud warriors that will be greatly needed in this upcoming battle.

Kossovite Dervishes were gearing their horses in the stables along with the more heavy armed Winged Lancers, our more faster calvary.

Some my warriors were taking care of the bears and the war sled, promising me that they'll be ready for the upcoming invasion.

Many of my and Kostaltyn warriors were preparing throughout the camp boyars ranking nobles and elite warriors of Kislev, druzhina they may look like middle-aged, reactionary landowners, but the Druzhina fight with considerable skill when their way of life is under threat.

Along with hundreds of Frost Maidens of ice or tempest, under the command of the Ice Witches upon seeing me kneeled and bowed to me, I respectfully responded with a nod of my head as I continued making my way through the camp.

The Ice Guards were dealing with our snow leopards, these ice wielding warriors shall smite down our enemies with the cold fury of the motherland's children.

The Streltsi were checking their axeblade gun, and practicing their aim on targets.

Countless of Kislevite Warriors training their spears, and Kossars Archers and Warriors also preparing for this great war.

And once the battle begins I'll shall have my Ice Court summon our greatest beasts, the Frost Wurm and the Elemental Bears they'll strike fear and death upon all the foes of Kislev!!!

While these thousands of brave men and women will fight for Kislev and Ursun to the last, I could only hope it will be enough, especially with Mother Ostankya refusing to join forces with us.

That's when one of my scout came rushing in to inform me that Prince Ivan, my brother has been spotted riding to the camp leading a large force of Gryphon Legionnaires (what Gryphon Legion call individually.) Ursun be praised not only will we gain a great addition to our strength, but my brother himself shall join us.

But the news didn't end there, my greatest warrior and guard, the Golden Knight, Naryska Leysa came to me, telling me that Kostaltyn along with followers of the Great Orthodoxy, were marching to join them numbering 2000 men, maybe more.

Seems Ursun has greatly aided us, this day.

Not only my brother returns to the fold, but Kostaltyn has brought more warriors that he original believed, he could...praise be to Ursun.

Most certainly bringing with him, several Patriarchs the fanatical sentinels of the Kislevite faith.

Bombastic, loud and proud of their creed, they exhort the warriors around them to acts of courage, protecting them with the power of faith, Patriarchs stride into battle bellowing the folk-songs of the Kislevite people with the cadence of battle-hymns, regardless their aid will be greatly welcomed.

(Mother Ostankya POV)

Location the Hag Mother Den, Deep in the Duklys Forests of Kislev

I was warned not just by the spirits of the forests, but by Ursun himself of a great calamity that is to befall Kislev.

Not that I truly care, for those that abandoned the old ways of being one with nature and the true faith of Kislev wilds.

But I'll defend and punish all that dare harm the forests and lands of my home!!!!

As I prepare hexes and brews within my Cauldron of Power, for the upcoming war, my hag witches were aiding me creating these concoctions and vile curses that shall consume the fools of the far north.

All around my den, were spiders (Hatchlings & Giants Spiders) tamed and bound to us, not these creatures of the woods but also Giant and Cave Bats, as well as Bears, and the greatest horror in the dark wood, nameless and ferocious...

Many fear these creatures under my command, only known as the Things in the Woods, but I know them as Balewolves, and their pack leaders is the largest and white maned of them, called the Mordheim Balewolves.

The Akshina were ready to fight for the land, and destroy those that dare harm of homeland.

Commanding the akshina, are the Wolfhearts, far more skilled and ruthless than the average akshina.

But that was not all we'll summon the Beast Incarnate to utterly destroy and kill these invaders all was coming along nicely.

I still don't understand the Bear God, wanting me and my followers to fight alongside the likes of the Ice Court and the Great Orthodoxy, the Daughters of the Forest need none of them to protect Kislev, in the end I, Mother Ostankya shall punish all that threaten our lands!!!

I released some of my magic making the spirits and beast rile up, as I smile like crooked smile...

(General POV)

Location Norsca, the Lands of Vargs-Within Enzium, the Throne Chamber

It's been another week already the Warp Gods, have claimed nearly 8% of Norsca as their territory, and just like the west of the Chaos Wastes it is protected from all invasions and drawing in those that align with the Bat/Laharl.

Speaking of the Warp Gods, they were enjoying watching another slaughter done by Khorne's followers, lead by his newest champion, Skarlet as she performed one of her fatalities on a random Norscan Chaos Khight, tendrils of blood pierced through his armor and onto his body, as Skarlet pumps liters of blood onto that marked for death, Norscan.

In a flash all the blood forcibly pump into the heart of Skarlet's victim exploded and burst out his chestplate.

This brutal and bloody kill, made the Blood God very pleased and happy, as his joy and devil like laughter actually burst out their avatar.

Once again, this proves that Skarlet was destined to be one of Khorne's all she had to do is win Valkia over, if she ever wants to sit on a throne, as a queen, Goddess...and wife to Khorne, as Valkia is.

While they enjoyed the slaughter, and feast upon hundreds of souls claimed by their forces, all three of the Warp Gods sensed a powerful surge of dark emotions of various kind coming from the south.

Woe...fear...hopeless...despair...and soo much more, but it didn't came from any mortal but a God, and Laharl suspect that is likely the Bear God of Kislev, Ursun that was the source of these powerful emotions.

Immediately Laharl told his brothers on his suspicions, with the stunts and deed they have done in nearly month and a half, of coming to the Old World, it must be causing great disarray and chaos amongst the Gods that dwell in this world.

Twisting the truth on his knowledge of the current event of the world, the Dark One basically told Khorne and Nurgle that by consuming one of the previous Chaos sorcerer's knowledge and memories, he knew who and why this Bear God is and his suffering.

He basically told them the main campaign story of TWW-3 involving the First Daemon Prince, Be'lakor, trapping a God, Ursun and manipulating all the strings in the shadows, he lead to the downfall of a mortal now Daemon Prince, named Yuri the Godslayer, who mortally wounded the Bear.

As Be'lakor tried to escape servitude to their weaker counterparts by obtaining Godhood himself from the Bear God's corpse, but failed as Kislev saved Ursun, but it seems that the Bear God has not yet fully healed from the wounds of Yuri Godslayer aka Laharl said that last part in his mind, in a joking manner...

Now that they know the reason that their feeling the woes and pain of a God, Khorne stared to laugh again gaining both Laharl and Nurgle's attention and confusion.

As the Plague God asked his brother, "Khorne. so...funny" taking sometime to calm his laughter, the Lord of Skulls, answered his brothers question.

Khorne began to speak, "Do you not see Nurgle? This presents a great opportunity for all of us!!!! A weakened God, soo close to us and ripe for the picking." immediately both the Dark One and the Maggotking, understood what their brother was saying to them, and both of them sported a diabolical grin across their faces.

Nurgle laughed, coughed, and applaud at his older brother's plan, and Laharl smiled and said, "You my brother are a genius. Harvesting a God for our own, will greatly strengthen all of us. Well we might gain some of Ursun's divinities for ourselves once we claim him." Khorne looked at his brothers, pleased they understood.

Seems that charging towards Kislev to reach Sylvania will prove to much, more fruitful that what any of them originally plan.

As their target priority has partly change...Kislev will fall, and the Bear and all his power shall belong to them...