Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 255 - War on the Frozen Shores Part 4: Greater Bloodshed

Chapter 255 - War on the Frozen Shores Part 4: Greater Bloodshed

(General POV)

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Outside the Ruined Port/Battlefield-Dark Legion Vs World Walkers

The Dark One within Ixion, mounted on his new beast, Whiptail was slaughtering a large enemy force alongside his new allies, female cat beastmen that must be a unique race, exclusive in this version of the Old World.

But regardless together they killed over a hundred Norscans, with steel and claws, whilst the fight was ongoing he saw through Ixion, the happy and excited expression on who he amused was the leader of these she-beasts, (Tai Tai Shien) she swoop through the enemy swiping her massive claws.

She'd used her hand and feet claws, to slash, stab, and slice many marauders and Chaos knights all with a wild, bloodthirsty serrated grin splattered on her lovely wild face, as the short engagement was swiftly ending Laharl admitted he was very interested in this three-tailed catgirl.

At the end hundreds of World Walkers lay dead on the Norscan snow, as the hundred of catwomen several having more humanoid appearances, while other reminded the Dark One of more wild like Khajiit, without all the braids and bad hairstyles.

That's when the girl with tanned skin, three tails, and long, wild and spiky reddish orange hair that came out the edges of her hood, she also has a great body in the Dark One observation, large round breasts and luscious curves, she walked towards him and Whiptail with confidence stopping some short distance from them, as she spoke in a cocky sounding voice, "Soo your the Chosen? I see the rumors, don't do you justice hehehe. I'm Tai Tai Shien, chieftain of the Shien Clutter of Catsaber Beastmen." she got onto one knee still looking straight at Ixion/Laharl.

Tai Tai, she resumed speaking, "We came from the northern Wastes, to serve in your army. For glory, strength, and the future of the Shien Clutter!!! Would you have us!?"

Laharl and his brothers inside the avatar, were impressed with the bold honesty of the girl.

She hid nothing, and kept her confidence and pride without grubbling to them, Laharl told his brothers, "They would be a great addition not just to our army, but to the future beastmen in our homeworld. Ohh and I lay claim to them also." Nurgle didn't complain as he doesn't have interest in a race that wants to progress and change, while Khorne just sighed knowing that it more than that reason that their brother wanted these catsabers, and their young chieftain.

Khorne responded, "Do what you will brother. But know should any of these women fall into bloodlust and wrath their mine, agreed?" Laharl chuckled, and responded, "Naturally. Same with you Nurgle should any of them which to serve you, their your. But this Tai Tai Shien is mine, understood?"

They agreed with him, as Laharl commanded Ixion to unmount Whiptail, causing a small rattling sound when his feet struck the snow.

As he walked towards the kneeling Tai Tai, he petted Whiptail, once in front of her he told her, "Tai Tai Shien. You'll serve as the second commander of the Dark Legion, at the same level of Kholek Suneater. Don't fail me, and slaughter my enemies, go!!!" Laharl saw as Tai Tai smiled and stood up, commanding her clutter to rush and hunt, he saw as they rushed off into battle on all four like a great predator cats.

Chuckling a bit, before walking up to the side of his beast and re-mounting Whiptail as there was still slaughter and carnage to be done on this battlefield, with a roar he and Whiptail rushed back into the battle.

Another engagement between the most recent carnage daemons, the mortifinis wielding dual swords, dual guillotines, harberts, and dual sawdisks were fighting against some fimirs and warhounds with the lesser daemons of Laharl having complete advantage over them.

The fimirs' mauls, and clubs didn't even dented their maroon gibbet cages over these withered, horned grey colored, three-eyed lesser daemons and the mutated hounds claws and fangs were unable to even make contact with their flesh, only harming themselves against the sharp, thick spikes that liter their gibbets.

The fimirs and warhounds, became easy prey for the mortifinis as they charged unimpeded as the sawdisk wielding finis threw their weapons, literally sawing and cutting through their victims, while the rest hacked and slashed apart their victims all for the Dark One!!!

Returning to Kholek as he and his shartaks were rushing towards a mammoth, before engaging Kholek commanded his Summoners of Rage to not only strike lightning down on the beast, but on them ad well.

As the shartaks "shamans" rised their giant staffs into the air, causing the black clouds that always follow their lord and prince, to surge with the mighty Tempest Kiss aka lightning.

Swiping down their staffs, causing lightningbolts to crash down and hit the mammoth as it cried in pain, as the lightning struck and burned its back.

Then more lightningbolts came down from the dark clouds, striking down at Kholek and the rest of the dragon ogres, greatly empowering them all especially the Daemon Prince Shaggoth, Kholek.

Kholek not only powered by the Warp but lightning he was more than strong enough to not only easily kill one if not all mammoths of the World Walkers.

As the rest of the dragon ogres focused on the ground forces using the mammoth as cover and muscle, Kholek's target was the beast itself.

He roared out, "In the name of the Gods!!! (Warp Gods)" with that he leaped with the added strength of his four draconian feet, and once in the air, using the momentum Kholek flew straight at his prey the wounded mammoth and he rised his Starcrusher high above his head, as he used his the technique [Lord of the Storm], as he swung down his giant warhammer at the top of the head of the mammoth, the moment the hammer was about to make contact a massive lightningbolt came crashing down, hitting the Starcrusher and causing a humongous explosion of lightning!!

In a intense and blinding flash of whitish electric blue, the fighting around the area ceased for a moment.

As the flash was fading away, revealing a dead, mangled and chard remains of what once was a mammoth, and the Daemon Shaggoth, Kholek Suneater standing proud over his kill, looking down at his kin and enemies he rise his warhammer with one arm, and let out a proud victory cry, which was soon joined by his fellow shartaks.

With that the Herald of the Tempest, flew at his next victims, as the battle quickly resumed...

All the while all Four of the Chaos Gods, watched in shock and amazement!!!

Their Herald of the Tempest, has achieved the impossible he has become a Daemon Prince...without their blessings!!!

Then they realized their newest rival, the Dark One was responsible but in the end his insult to them, has instead become a blessing in disguised for them, never has a non-human gained daemonhood but with the power and abilities that Kholek was demonstrating to them during the battle, they might consider awarding more non-humans with daemonhood.

Little do the Chaos Gods know, Kholek and his kin loyalty and devotion to actual Gods that reward their worship and don't favor just the battle went on.

Wulfrik was fighting against some bloodletters and knightmares, while searching for his true target Ixion Daemonhart.

As he beheaded a knightmare with a wide slash, followed by a powerful thrust attack stabbing a bloodletter with its hellblade over his head, two more kills in the Wanderer's name.

Just as a couple more lesser daemons of blood and carnage were charging straight at Wulfrik, he clicked his tongue and perform a forward wide spin slash, cutting through eight daemons with ease, thanks to his strength and Chaos sword.

He was starting to get iratated, none could pose a worthy challenge for him as he growled, then he noticed that he was losing force much more than his enemy, which only enraged Wulfrik more.

Soo he walked towards one of his forces and roared out, and yelled, "WEAKLINGS!!!! How dare you all shame, the Gods!!? We are strong, we have hunted monsters and became monsters!!!! Where are my warriors!!? Where are the ones favored by the Gods!!!? STAND AND FIGHT...or die by my blade." intimidate by Wulfrik's words, they immediately rush back into battle or face the Eternal Wanderer's wrath.

The clear look of annoyance plastered on Wulfrik's face, as a massive shadow was approaching him, and landing beside him was his great Frost Chaos Dragon, (GW changed the Frost Wurm to be a Kislev unit, and the former Norscan Frost Wurms are now renamed Frost Chaos Dragons...original I know.) Wulfrik not looking at his great beast, commanded it to rain ice and destruction on the Dark Legion, the dragon roared before taking flight once again.

Wulfrik started to rush and wrestle in the snow searching for Ixion, eager to face him and finally enjoy something about this battle.

At the moment Ixion/Laharl were fighting and killing more Norscans, all fell and were a great harvest of souls for him, but Khorne said something that both Laharl and Nurgle had no other choice but agree with what he stated, "Despite me enjoying the blood and's becoming a bit stale without any challenge or real tough enemies to kill."

They knew drastically upgrading their avatar would make things easy but also dulled, the thrill of many battles a bit...regardless at least Laharl was the one operating soo he was enjoying himself more than his brothers that were only spectators in this battle.

That's when the roar of a dragon was heard, seems that Wulfrik was tired of playing as was now serious if he just fully unleashed a Chaos Dragon on their forces.

With a foot moment instructing Whiptail to chase the Frost Dragon, when another large group of Chaos Knights and the other manticore with a man face came charging at them, while not quite the challenge that the dragon would have posed, it would at least amuse Laharl, plus seems he'll gain another monster into the Dark Legion sooner than he thought.

Whiptail recognized the manticore with a growl followed by a roar of authority, which immediately took its affect on the common manticore, clearly sensing a stronger and obvious alpha standing in front of it Whiptail and by extension Ixion/Warp Gods have gained a new monster under their control.

Ixion/Laharl unmounted Whiptail, and said to his beast, "Enjoy and feed." as Laharl made Ixion walk away as the man-face manticore, and Whiptail the Exalted Manticore attacked the Norscan, and Laharl/Ixion heard their death cries and screams as he chased after a larger query.

All the while Laharl/Ixion walked through the battlefield seeing his forces were clearly dominating the enemy, he heard Khorne laugh joyously, complimenting his viciousness.

He requested more, which Laharl responded mentally to his brother, "Worry not Khorne. There will be much more blood, yet to come and spilled." Khorne was pleased with this promise that his brother made, as the Dark One tracked the Frost Dragon through the battlefield.

While the Frost Chaos Dragon, soared through the frigid airs of Norsca, it spotted a force of humans fighting against each other (Undivided Forces) roaring it began descending, as it did so it open its great maw, releasing a chaotic powered ice breathe down upon its prey.

The freezing Chaos powered dragon breathe felt as it was flash burn, followed by complete numbing the Frost Dragon, landed and started directly attacking both allies and enemies alike, one unfortunate soul, the great dragon swipe down its right side of its head and bite into the knight, easily piercing through his armor, before tossing the bleeding man into the air and the two sides of the head re-catch him in it mouth-halves, chomping and chewing as it swallowed it's prey.

This massacre continued until...

A few moments ago...

Ixion/Laharl are finally able to see the Frost Chaos Dragon, before him as it was attacking both enemy and ally alike.

Seeing that his prey would most likely to take flight when they face each other he decided to rid that problem before the fight even begins.

Channeling once again the darkness-void lore of his own, the Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity adding power and mana from the Winds of Magic so he can use [Dark Bolt], channeling and charging magical power of Darkness, causing a large amount of daemonic energy to gather and accumulate around his avatar's right arm.

The arm started to be covered in black and violet energies amassing, gaining power and greater shape, as the Winds of Magic feed it more and more power now having the size of a wheel, once in that size he force all the magical energy into Ixion's open hand, as it kept growing and gaining power.

After a while with the aid of the Crystal, it was now the [Dark Bolt] is the size of a small elephant, but it was still not enough for Laharl, so he kept charging it with power.

Once massive like Whiptail's size the Dark One felt it was strong enough all the while he was channeling power and bending the Winds of Magic, he felt the intense gaze of Tzeentch on him and the scratching was louder and almost erratic meaning the Blue Scribes, P'tarix and Xirat'p were going crazy trying to record and assimilate the spell for Tzeentch and clearly failing to do so.

As Laharl aimed at the Frost Dragon's wings, he felt that Tzeentch was trying to enter his mind, meaning he grew frustrated he couldn't get new magic and as a result Iron Maiden 666 activated its ability, once again Tzeentch suffered the [Void Gate] and another unimaginable and agonizing headache/migraine he'll suffer, with Tzeentch's cry of pain, the Blue Scribes must have left to check on their dark master.

This made all the Warp Gods laugh, as they felt the Sorceror God's pain even from within Ixion, but enough of that resuming what Laharl was doing he took aim and...

Returning to the Frost Dragon, killing all it's prey regardless of being allies or not, soon it sense a enormous amount of power, three of its eyes saw a giant ball of black and violet, soaring at great speed toward it.

Before it could move to evade the black projectile, it hit the dragon's back as the corruptive, and corrosive power of Darkness seeped into its body but the mayor damage it suffered was its destroyed wings and bleeding back.

Screeching and roaring in pain as it thrashed around in the snow, seeing this both Dark Legion and World Walkers warriors fled from the wounded beast, as Ixion made his way towards the wounded dragon, without an ounce of fear, with his weapons ready as the dragon regained some balance and saw the violet heavy armored Chaos Lord, standing before it...