Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 229 - Approaching Tempest

Chapter 229 - Approaching Tempest

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/The Folly of Malofex-Within Enzium, Throne Chamber on the Route North

They have passed the first trail that their weaker counterparts have set for them, even if was an obvious trick to see Laharl's corruption/blessings' abilities as they know of the Dark One and their supposes leader was Laharl's avatar state of Ixion.

They or better said Laharl has completed the trial on a pocket realm, Laharl really compared the trial a lot with Thorgar's trail in Mark of Chaos, all it was him using Ixion to fight and kill all the things prepared by the Chaos Gods with his shi'lanorai...the Dark One suspects that, that was apart of Slaanesh's stipulation on the trail making him lose sixty-four frost eldars to slaaneshi marauder.

At least Laharl, he obtained and created a new weapon for Ixion using a discarded morningstar from the Slaanesh Warriors.

He decided to name it the Wailmaker, capable of causing twice the damage to all struck by it, and using the weak slaaneshi corruption coating the mace, any victim he struck with it shall feel twice the pain than the blow was originally suppose to deal, as the power of Carnage also surge into the Wailmaker, as well represented by the maroon tips of the elongated sharp spikes.

A perfect weapon to cause carnage, while their preparing for the upcoming war against the Heralds of the Tempest, Kholek's army if what they believe that the Speaker, Zxaie-xie is leading them to battlefield which will be highly at their disadvantage.

So during that time they have been raiding and conquering lesser settlements and camps belonging to the Kvelligs, even raiding and claiming the Palace of the Princes as part of their territory, gaining over 400 more mortal marauders and knights of undivided and plague alligance...many of these tribesmen willing offer themselves to their service and loyalty, while the rest seemed insignificant so they became a feast for their daemons, Enzium included.

All of this occurred in the time frame of a month, since much of the Chaos Wastes, acts like Warp at times screwing with the flow of time...but they and all within Enzium are unaffected in anyway, Laharl's [Void] protects them from all ill affects of traversing the Chaos Wastes, as the Warp Gods look through the crystal ball to see...

That Enzium is heading north under the direction of the Speaker, meaning that the only location that they might clash against Kholek would be Bloodfire Falls.

Which also meant they might be also attacked by counterpart of the Bloodthirster, Skarbrand will weaker to Warp Khorne's Skarbrand will still be a annoyance if the greater blood daemon, decides to leave his cave in Infernius to fight them...

Cause of this, Laharl was convinced that in this battle with Kholek, that Khorne should take command and crush their enemies, which greatly excites the Blood God, he hasn't had an opportunity to cause mayhem, bloodshed, and chaos since his short battle with Ud'ghar Baine.

The Speaker, has left probably going to the dragon ogre shaggoth, Chaos champion to prepare for the upcoming battle and obvious sabotage that the herald has prepare.

But Khorne didn't card, he'll slaughter them all but Laharl reprimanded him, "KHORNE!!!! I said it before, win and spare Kholek and as many dragon ogres that you can. We'll make the Dragon Ogres our and I believe having Kholek as the leader and immortal lord of them will better serve us, in the future when the Anathema, begins his little crusade."

Khorne grumbled but responded, "Yes. Yes. I know brother. Just let me enjoy the slaughter, battle, and blood. I swear, I shall be victorious and these dragon ogres, and this Kholek Suneater shall be our to command."

Laharl and Nurgle sigh, it isn't that they don't trust their brother ability to if he can he control his bloodlust enough to do what they need...

That's when Laharl requested Aillia, to show his avatar state stats wanting to see the result of the slaughter in the Cavern of Dark Worth.

And just like that, a blue transparent screen appeared before...Laharl was way beyond used to this, while Khorne and Nurgle still found it fascinating...all the Dark One thought of his brothers was that they were like newbies when playing their first the trio checked, Laharl avatar state stats.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle

Chaos Marks-Nurgle, Laharl

Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword, Chaos Morningstar, Khorne Heavy Axe.

Weapon Name: Hellbane, Wailmaker, the Bringer of Slaughter & Pain-[Laharl Exclusive], The Axe of Rage, Bloodreaver-[Khorne Exclusive].

Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, the Ring of Damnation.

Laharl: None.

Khorne: None.

Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex.

Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress

Territory-Chaos Wastes 12.33%

Army Size-Total: 2338

1.Frost Eldars-272=Ice Warriors 105, Cryowitches 80, Shadow Hunters 40, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 46.




5.Flesh Hounds-50.


7.The Blood-Drinkers-412=Khornate Norscans 89, Khornate Khights 101, Bloodreavers 110, Blood Warriors 109, Slaughterpriests 3.

8.Infectors-93=Hostless Maggots 31, Marauder Hosts 36, Warhound Hosts 26.


10.Plague Marauders-235=Berserker Marauders 40, Great-Axe Marauders 50, Plague Knights 100, Axe-throwers 45.

11.Hedonites of Slaanesh-1=Shardspeaker.

12.Chaos Marauders [Norscan & Kvelling]-759=Berserker Marauders 200, Spearmen 175, Great-Axe Marauders 104, Chaos Knights 100, Fimir 15, Axe-throwers 80, Chaos Warhounds 100, Norscan Ice Wolves 25.

Avatar Status-Laharl

TITLE: The Dark Master of the Daemonharts.

WEAPONS-1.Hellbane Darkness.

2.Wailmaker, the Bringer of Slaughter & Pain.



POW-214 + 25








Magic Lores-1.Lore of Laharl Lv-4

2.Lore of Fire Lv-4

Spell List-Laharl: Dark Bolt, Dark Rip, Black Haze, Void Vortex, The Grasp of Laharl, Maw of the Arch-Daemon.

Fire: Fireball, Kindleflame, the Burning Head, Piercing Bolts of Burning, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin.


1.Chaos Corruption Spreader Lv-15

Undivided Corruption 35%

Carnage Corruption 20%

Blood Corruption 20%

Plague Corruption 20%

2.Physical Empowerment Lv-12

Power + 12%

Endurance + 12%

Agility + 4%

3.Lesser Chaotic Resilience Lv-2

Physical Damage Resistance + 4%

4.Chaos Strike Lv-5

5.Daemon Cleave Lv-4

Chaos Damage Boost +5%

6.Lesser Toxicity Lv-20 [Nurgle Boost]

7.Darkness Force Lv-20 [Laharl Boost]

Ability List

Undivided Abilities

1.Operator Switch.

2.Chosen of the God 3/7

3.Unholy Presence.

4.Soul Collector.

Laharl Abilities

1.Void Cloaking.

2.Daemonic Patriarch.

3.Mark of Laharl+

Khorne Abilities

1.Blood Rage.

2.Magic Resistance.

Nurgle Abilities

1.Vile Miasma.

2.Sickness Immunity.

3.Nauseous Aura.

4.Mark of Nurgle+.

All three of them are pleased with Laharl's progress and it was a genius idea of his bestowing his own mark on their avatar bestowing them with new abilities.

The battles in the Cavern of Dark Worth, proved to be the most beneficial for the Dark One, now it was Khorne's turn to improve...and for what Laharl has witnessed the level up system in Old World, was pretty high, any other game they all be in the twenties with all the enemies they've killed, since coming into this world.

(Kholek Suneater POV)

Location the Shifting Monolith

We've have reached the tzeentchian monolith, as the entire area was corrupted and dedicated to the Raven God.

Blue and pinkish eldritch landscape, surrounded a cyan and light blue floating crystal monolith, surrounded by smaller crystals the puny sorceror Kuurath'gaad was performing a dark tzeentchian ritual to contact the Changer of Ways, and led myself and my warriors to find this "Chosen of the Gods".

Over the month we've spend traveling south from the World's Edge Mountains, many tales have reach my ear of the rising warlord that has conquered and destroyed all the Kvelligs and also before that has conquered the Blood-Drinkers as well...there can't be any doubt that my rival, the one that has multiple souls and champions within them is responsible...Ixion Daemonhart, you have become a worthy prey to crush under my hammer.

As the storms around me, react to my excitement and battlelust, the Tempest Kiss struck me and re-energized me!!!

Rising my trusted weapon to the Starcrusher to the sky, allowing lightning to strike down at the warhammer and flow more power into me as the storm was as strongest and most furious, the Tempest Kiss was befalling on me and my kin.

Restoring my lost strength from my long slumber.

When I sensed Kuurath'gaad approach it seemed to me that the follower of the Architect of Fate, has finally come to guide me to my oh so desired clash with the rising Chaos Lord.

The tzeentchian sorceror, kneeled before my claws and told me that they will soon be visited by a herald of the Gods, a Speaker that shall lead them to face Ixion Daemonhart and his Dark Legion of the Damned.

Just when I was to demand Kuurath'gaad, to explain himself to me, a swirling mass of magic and chaotic energy in the form of a sphere appeared in front of me and my warriors.

Once the energy settled, revealing a hooded specter, clearly this must be the herald that Kuurath'gaad spoke of.

Just like Kuurath'gaad tried to charm and appeal to my hubris only served to...Anger Me!!!!

I smash my warhammer, against the tzeentchian earth causing the storm to rage and strike down lightning around me!!!


The Speaker, asked for forgiveness and told me that the Gods have chosen him and his warriors as the judges of Ixion Daemonhart's worth, telling a month ago not only has he passed a great trial of the Gods, earning great notice and rewards.

All the humans of the Kvelligs tribe have submitted to that Chaos Lord, thus making thing more interesting to me as I grin and demanded the Speaker to say more.

He mentioned that I was to face him, as he holds several souls dedicated to one of the Gods...and a Fifth!!!

I was outraged, I would have crushed this vermin for saying such sacrilege in my present...but when this Speaker, said that the Gods themselves set the previous trial Ixion Daemonhart was in his "blessed form" of the fifth God, name Laharl Valboga...

The moment that, that name was utter I felt goosebumps and a strange connection...this must be Krakanrok the Black oath, the oath made to the Dark Gods of Chaos exchange for my kin and my own immortality, uttering his name felt like the Oath was fortified...seems that this Speaker, spoke the truth...there is a Fifth Chaos God, now.

The more that I know of this future opponent of mine, the more I'm eager to face and crush this weakling, that believes he is worthy of being the new Everchosen!!!

I thought when I was next awakened, I'd be apart of the greatest army of the Gods, to fight under the banner of the promised Everchosen that is destined, to bring the End Times at last to the world...

But I'm summoned back to the Ancient World, to fight a Chaos Lord that only hold some meager favor with the Gods, I at least see that this Ixion Daemonhart might prove something of a challenge.

The Speaker, Zxaie-xie, told me that Ixion is leading his forces to the south, and I must travel north to face him in the khornate lands of Wastes, the Bloodfire Fall.

At last after a month of only marching and killing wayward beasts of the Wastes, I might have a worthy battle!!!

That's when Zxaie-xie spoke to me again, "Lord Suneater. Should you defeat and kill this aspiring champion, Ixion Daemonhart, the Gods desire you to travel to northeast edge of the Chaos Wastes, and serve Lord Archeon. The End Times, are either close or now, all shall be decided in this battle. In the name of the Gods, challenge the Daemonhart Brothers!!!! But be warn aside from the eldest of the Daemonharts a Champion of the Dark One, the chosen of the Maggothking, known as the Infection Prince is quite the threat."

After saying his last warning to me, the spectral Speaker banished from my sight, as the tzeentchian sorceror, Kuurath'gaad asked me "if we should start, heading to the Bloodfire Falls?" grunting I told Kuurath'gaad in response, "Be quick about it, follower of the Raven."

Looking over the Tzeentch corrupted landscape, I crush the stone I'm standing on with my claws, as I smile regardless of the upcoming of this battle it was clear that the End Times are nay...

Turning around, my tails swaying a bit as I drag them and stomp my way to my kin ranging from great warriors armed with war-axes, giant morningstars, great spears, not only them but also our eldest and most primal of our kind are truly titanic beings, each a towering mountain of muscle and fury, reinforced by the power of the raging storm these are my Shaggoth Warriors, acting as my lieutenants in this upcoming war.

Lastly amongst the Shartaks, are the legendary Summoners of Rage are under my command as well, their able to call upon the power of the most violent storms, these Dragon Ogres manifest their anger in terrifying lightning displays that frequently end in mass death for their foes, their fury will wrought doom on my foes.


Finishing my declaration and oath to my warriors and the Gods, my warrior let out a mighty battle cry, as the Tempest raged around us.

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes, Near the Bloodfire Falls

A volcanic region near the Chasm of Torment, lakes and rivers of fire overflowed and fall after a cliffside of the area.

Skulls and bones of vanquished from ages passed, were scattered all over the infernal, khornate landmark, this place remained undisturbed for years...until now as war approaches and two powerful force of evil, are about to clash under the watchful eye of thirsting Gods...