Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 191 - War in the Plague Garden Part 11: Darkness, Decay & Rage

Chapter 191 - War in the Plague Garden Part 11: Darkness, Decay & Rage

(Nurgle/Plague God POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle, Far from the Battlefield-Nurgle's Landing Zone

Everything is spinning...

Everything hurt, I've never felt this kind of pain in my short existence, all I remember was having my brother Khorne at my mercy then facing my other brother, Laharl...

We've battle for a short moment, then I got careless allowing my rage and frustration to blind me, I'd recklessly charged at him with my cleaver eager to chop into my brother's flesh, when I was blinded by the flick of wings on the face followed by a punch from the Dark One...

As I struggled to stand from the huge pool of ooze I landed on, I started coughing and weezing not from the infection and gangrene that flowed through my being, but from the pain and strain my body is suffering at the moment...

When I finally managed to get back on my feet, soaking in ooze, sludge, and vile I realized that I'm half blind, that I could see out my left side.

Reaching up to my face, the moment my hand touched my face I felt stinging pain but managed to feel bone...then I started to remember what happened to me.

I remember him, striking my face with some clawed gauntlet and felt pain like nothing before, I felt as my flesh burned away, as I skull was breaking from the impact, and my eye was completely destroyed.

I've felt as the ground was separated from my feet, and the pain got soo much worse.

Then I was launched in the air, followed by total blackness...

I've must of fell unconscious after Laharl struck me, and sent me flying to here looking around with what remaining vision I have, I saw the devastation around me!!!

My lovely much has it suffered, countless spores and debris flouting in the air along with many once lovely fungus, trees, and more destroyed, crushed, and ruin by Laharl's action!!!!

I couldn't contain my rage or my power, as the Garden started to tremble and quake to my outburst, I roared out to the green skies in utter fury!!!!!!

I swear I'll make them both pay!!!!

Looking around, carefully I saw where my Worldblighter ended up, driven into a moss covered landmass I walked towards it and grabbed it's handle with a simple tug it came loose, along with destroying the chuck of land it was stuck into.

Grumbling, I thought of all the trouble and time is was going to take me to heal my realm, restore all that was destroyed, and replant new life in this putrid paradise...when I sensed my brothers were coming to me.

Growling I smashed my cleaver next to me, as I chuckled at bit thinking that at least my brothers were polite enough, to come to me instead making walk back to kill them...

I laughed, it was delightful as I started to make my way through the destruction and remains of this part of my garden, this time I'll kill them both!!!!

(General POV)

Both the Blood God and the Dark One were making their way through the horrific, putrid nightmare that Nurgle calls a home.

Every so often a lonely, meager force of nurglish daemons tried to impede them only for them to be slaughter by either Dark God.

After the seventh attempt, Khorne tried to one up Laharl by saying "1422" Laharl just gave him quick glance, before replying "3107" which made the Blood God, stop in his tracks and stare at Laharl with disbelief.

Once the shock subside, the Blood God, returned to following his brother that kept moving forward but it didn't take them long to sense Nurgle was approaching them, meaning that their little jungle...forest...swamp...whatever the Garden is classed at...excursion was going to be cut short.

The three Chaos Gods...brothers were about to clash once again, the most eager to fight being Khorne and Nurgle, while Laharl didn't care to him it was all fun, entertaining, and quite fulfilling as he is the only Warhammer fan that has managed to enter, and see the horrors of the Plague Garden, without any issue.

Soon enough, the Decaying God made his presence known again appearing badly damaged but still able to fight, Nurgle was most surprised seeing Khorne not only completely healed but stronger than before.

While Khorne looking at the state that Laharl has left Nurgle in he couldn't help to comment, "Damn. Laharl, if I wasn't blinded before I would have quite enjoyed the beating you've dealt to Nurgle." this obviously upset Nurgle, as he let out a low growl but what Laharl said next really pissed the Plague God off, "Well, Khorne I had to show our little brother some manners. But it seems he didn't learned since he broke his stuff in a tantrum after getting hit by his big brother." Nurgle exploded!!!

He yelled at Laharl and Khorne to be silent, panting with anger as he was releasing a large, ever growing amount of daemonic, godly power from his body.

Nurgle spoke, "You PAY...FOR WHAT...YOU'VE...DONE!!!!..." Nurgle grasping his cleaver with both hands rushed at his brothers.

While Laharl and Khorne answered in kind, tightening their grip on their respected weapon and charge at their younger brother, all three blades clashing against one another, causing a massive shockwave of chaotic energy to flow throughout the realm.

The three were scrapping their God Weapons against the other, causing sparks to fly but it was a short lived deathlock, as Nurgle was no longer fighting one on one, but both his older, and stronger brothers at the same time.

With a simple push, both Laharl and Khorne knocked back Nurgle as Khorne started the exchange by spartan kicking the Rot Lord straight in the gut, followed by Laharl swiping his claw, cutting into Nurgle's side.

Grunting in pain, but refusing to back down Nurgle swung he cleaver at Laharl only for two of his upper serpents to catch the cleaver, stopping Nurgle's attack and holding the Worldblighter in place.

Khorne move in, Nurgle saw him since fortunately Khorne was on his right side, so Nurgle focused his vile through his throat and vomited at Khorne causing the Blood God to back off but left the Plague God opened to an attack from Laharl.

Laharl made one of his serpents spit actual liquid darkness, a acidic poison that will even affect the God of Decay, that serpent hissed and spat out boiling black blods of Darkness at Nurgle's chest, burning Nurgle badly he yelled in pain as he kicked Laharl away.

Nurgle quickly conjured vile and applied on his burns to cease the pain, and counteract the poison, Khorne decide to continue the assault by igniting his right arm in hellfire, then pointing at Nurgle he fired a huge fireball that exploded upon hitting Nurgle.

The Plague God, he was ignited in hellish flame but taking inspiration from his child, Rotigus Rainmaker he conjured a monsoon over them and unleashed a giant version of [Nurgle's Deluge] quelling the flames, and the putrid rain was healing some of Nurgle's wound as the three Dark Gods stared down one another.

Nurgle was a bit annoyed that his rain wasn't doing anything to his brothers, aside from soaking them in lovely filth, the Plague God glared as Khorne ready himself to continue the battle, and Laharl's serpents were dead focused on him as the Dark One starts to sharpen his weapons using the blade, and claws against each other.

Nurgle roared, Khorne yelled and Laharl hissed as they charge at each other again.

Nurgle used his body to shoulder tackle Khorne, ignoring Khorne's blade slashing into behind his shoulder blade, literally tanking the blow as the Rot Lord performed a rising slash at the Blood God...but with the Blood God having just ascended his armor was even stronger, than before so all the Worldblighter did was scrap against daemonic brass.

Not caring, Nurgle immediately spun to his right aiming to hit Laharl next, only for his brother to block his cleaver with his massive sword.

Khorne rushed back in but Nurgle had no way to see or block his brother attack, especially while dealing with his other sibling as well.

Khorne attacked stabbing his Unmaker through the Plague God's the elbow joint, causing Nurgle to scream from not only the stab but the burning being unleashed by the Unmaker as it burned and set Nurgle's entire left arm on fire, Laharl attacked delivering a brutal slash to his right ribcage area.

Black blood, giant parasites, and puss flowed out the wound dealt by the Dark One to Nurgle, before Nurgle could even think of retaliating both his brothers punched him hard in the stomach which made said stomach-mouth spit out some nurglings, blood and slime, then the Blood God elbow strikes Nurgle on his damage face on the left side, further cracking his skull and causing it to bleed at last since Laharl's blow basically catorized it, Khorne open the wound basically.

None of them were finished yet, still staggering Khorne pulled out his sword and reverse cross slashed his brother as Laharl finished the assault by firing a weakened Dark Bolt straight at Nurgle body, causing a dark explosion that blast the Decaying God some distance away, laying flat on the wet muk and mub as the monsoon continues to pour down on their battleground.

Khorne and Laharl stayed on guard, watching Nurgle struggle to stand and his left arm still burning despite the thick, infectious rain still pouring down on them.

Laharl spoked to Nurgle, "Brother. Face it, you've lost. Surrender, even a God can't win when he is outnumbered and outmatched." Nurgle moaned and coughed, as rolled himself back onto his feet.

Beaten and bleeding, he stared at his brothers for a meer moment before looking down as his mangled and still burning left arm, Nurgle gave a long exasperated sigh, before he rised his Worldblighter and chopped off his left arm, just above his elbow as his bloated, burning, disease ridden arm flops down unto the mud, quickly soaked in gallons of black blood, maggots, parasites, and other vile carrion, he looks up with his only eye to see his brothers shocked and worried expressions.

This confused Nurgle as in why would enemies be concern for another enemy?

So after shrugging off his brothers concern for him, Nurgle spoke, "Don't...worry. My...eye...body, and...arm, will...heal...restoring themselves. Right after...I...kill you...both." Nurgle then charged at them again.

Both Khorne and Laharl had some respect and admiration for their younger brother's will, determination and drive, but it didn't matter cause in the end they'll win.

Now all they have to decide who among them will deal the winning blow, which in turn marked the winner of their wager, as the two older Chaos God, braced themselves for Nurgle's latest attack.

While this fight continued, closing in on it's apex and climax, their forces were still fighting both in the Materium and Immaterium...

On the Alderiworld, the forces of Nurgle were being decimated by the combined might and power of the Bloodthirster, the Storm Prince and the Dark Ladies Cassandra, Kiira, Chi, and Jade even from within realspace the nurglish daemons, they could sense the pain of the Grandfather, making them unfocused and desperate to return to the Garden to aid their dark master.

But Cassandra's Crimsontear Battlion, Jade's Iron Kollarz, Chi's Dark Druids and Kiira's Succubi forces combined with the savage blood legion made that impossible for them.

All the while within the realm of Chaos, Valkia, Ragna, Scalpel, and Ruu were devastating the Plague legion within the Garden preventing them from reinforcing or interrupting the final battle between the Dark Gods, even from this distance they notice the blackish-green clouds meaning Nurgle was desperate to resort to using such mass amount of energy to summon such a scale of [Nurgle's Deluge].

Valkia still in her God state, was swiping and stabbing her spear at the remnants of the children of the Plague God, while also making sure her sisters-in-law were safe as her husband...and brother would want...

Returning to the battle, Nurgle was clearly losing and despite his insane endurance and poisonous, gangrenius power he was no match to his older brothers.

He hack and slashed at either Khorne or Laharl but the loss of depth perception, and balance in his body made it easy for his brothers to counter and evade his attacks.

Nurgle even tried using his still bleeding wound as another weapon, spraying his tainted blood hoping it would grant him some leverage in the battle, but all the black blood from the thump that is his left arm did was annoy his brothers, he did managed to chop off some of Laharl's tentacles when he tried to restrain him...but that was meager damage compared to himself and his state.

Nurgle tried for another overhead chop at Laharl only for Khorne to slash/burn his back, allowing the Dark One to slash his front again.

But they weren't finished yet...

Laharl thrust his left claw at his brother's neck but he didn't cut him...much...instead he grabbed onto his throat, choking Nurgle.

Khorne seeing this did the same, both brothers had their tight grip around the Plague God's throat, as Nurgle choke and gagged he tried to swing his cleaver at them, only for all upper serpents of Laharl to bite the Rot Lord arm, then wrap themselves all around the arm.

With no strength or leverage, the four serpents began to squeeze, and turn his arm forcibly and smoothly but stop when a pop was heard and Laharl asked Nurgle, "Give up, brother?" Khorne also waited for Nurgle's reply which was said in a choking elderly voice, "'ll both...will...rot..." Laharl sighed as he commanded his serpents to proceed twisting, and crushing Nurgle's right arm until...several snaps and crack were heard, followed by Nurgle's agonizing choked screaming.

But Laharl didn't stop there, he commanded his serpents to continue...

More snapping, cracking, and then followed by wet tearing as Nurgle's bones were starting to rip out his bloated, mangled arm.

As the four serpents kept on turning Nurgle's remaining arm, bathing themselves in gore and black blood Nurgle lost feeling and control over his hand causing him to let go of his Worldblighter, as he fell onto the mud, not a moment later Laharl felt that arm of his brother was giving way, so he asked one more time "Give up?" despite the agony that Nurgle was in, he still refused so...

With one last twist and strong pull, he tore off Nurgle's right arm, and since him and Khorne were choking him he couldn't scream...much...

He looked over a Khorne and said, "Brother let me show a new move, to use against your enemies." Khorne helmet may not show it, but he was smiling hearing Laharl say that.

Both Khorne and Laharl used their strength to lift Nurgle off the ground, suspending him in the air and both once again used their strength to slam Nurgle hard against the ground.

The impact was so strong that it shuke the Garden, Nurgle let out one last moan before he fainted...meaning that they won, the battle they banished their blades Khorne Unmaker, Laharl Ragnarok as they looked at their beaten brother, Laharl commented on, "Regardless of what happens next, Khorne. We have to give Nurgle his just respect, he fought hard and in the refused to surrender." Khorne didn't said anything but nodded in agreement.

After a short moment of silence, the Blood God asked his brother what was that move that they did on Nurgle, Laharl chuckled for a bit before turning to Khorne and answering, "That my dear brother, is called a Chokeslam."