Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 193 - The Aftermath of the Second Chaos War

Chapter 193 - The Aftermath of the Second Chaos War

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle

After all three brothers bid farewell, and ended the Second Chapter of the Great Game in the victory of Carnage and Blood, the contract that bound Laharl and Khorne was finished, and Khorne promised his brother he'll send the winnings of their second bet to the Dark One in do time.

The legions of Nurgle were about to take their badly injured, God back to his Blighted Mansion to heal, but before they carried the armless, half a face, bloated rotting body of Nurgle away he allowed both the Dark One and the Blood God to have safe passage outside his Garden, and also commented that next time they face each other he'll destroy them, this taunt/threat excited both the older Chaos Gods, encouraging their younger Sibling to bring it once he is heal, this in turn made Nurgle laugh.

Both Laharl and Khorne told him they'll bring back their forces in the Materium, and that the eldars are his...for now.

Nurgle nodded as he was carried away by legions of plague daemons taking back to his Blighted Mansion to rest and heal.

Khorne turned to Laharl and said, "Regardless it was a great battle. Next time it'll be my forces claiming all the glory for themselves...and about the wager between us, involving the Infernal Destroyer...considering that this battle we both equally fought, and won... I think we should postpone it in another battle, what say you?" the Dark One thought about what Khorne said/asked and begrudgingly he was right, so while Laharl, he won the kill-count wager, the wager for his avatar shall he resolved in a later date.

The Dark One agreed with his brother, extended his claw to him as to mark that their oath shall be resolved later, the Blood God took Laharl's hand and shuke it, and with that the second war has ended along with the cease fire between Laharl and Khorne.

Khorne and Laharl along with their respected legion left to their own path out of the Garden.

During the march back, Laharl was rejoined by his elder daemons Ba'al Allseer and Mordred Deathharbinger, Ba'al requested to teleport ahead of him and the Dark One allowed this while Mordred which was completely covered in filth and gore from the obvious slaughter he has wrought.

Ba'al as he usually does bowed respectfully in his own form at his dark master, and manipulated the power of the Warp to teleport away in a blinding white flash.

With that done the Carnage Legion, started to march out of the Garden, following their Dark God as they traverse the disgusting realm of plagues.

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the edge of the Plague Garden

Walking or in my case flying back to the Nethervoid, traversing the horrendous looking and foul smelling landscape of the Garden, I decide to check my rewards and progress with Khorne, and Valkia.

Just as I was about to contact Aillia I was distracted by my wives all snuggling closer to my neck, and falling asleep seems that the battle really took a lot out of them, so I adjusted my flight so to not disturb them as we made our way out of the Plague Garden.

So again, just when I was about to contacted Aillia she spoke to me first, instead.

Aillia in her very excited, and bubbly voice told me, (My Lord, good news!!! (^v^) The Pantheon list has gain some updates, I suggest you inspect it first before the rewards, which you have accumulated a couple.) taking my advisor's advice I told Aillia to bring out the Patheon List.

In a flash and as usual, a transparent blue screen appeared before my face as I start to check it.


Chaos Gods

1.Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Promises, Infernals, Punishment, Horrors, Domination, Desacration, Devastation, Madness & Omni-bending.

Worshipers-Carnage Daemons, Neverborn, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Carnage.

Rank: Mid-High

Faction: Chaos/Carnage

God Artifacts-Ragnarok, Claw of Hades.

2.Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, War, Wrath, Hatred, Rage, Murder, Strength, Courage, Honor, & Martial Honor.

Worshipers-Blood Daemons, Warriors, Berserkers, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultist of Blood.

God Artifacts-Unmaker.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 61%, Enemy 50%, Submission Progress 33%

Rank: Mid-Low

Faction: Chaos/Blood

3.Valkia, Lesser Chaos Goddess of War-maidens.

Worshiper-Blood Daemons, Blood Valkyries, Warriors, Women, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 50%, Enemy 59%, Submission Progress 30%

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen

Faction: Chaos/Blood

God Artifacts-Slaupnir, Loceplex Daemonshield.

4.Nurgle, Chaos God of Plague, Disease, Decay, Death, Despair, Rebirth, Renewal, Stagnation, Life.

Worshiper-Plague Daemons, Sick, Diseased, Plague, Suffering, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 5%, Enemy 95%, Submission Progress 0%

Rank: Low-Mid (Newborn)

Faction: Chaos/Decay

God Artifacts-Worldblighter.

Carnage Patheon

Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Promises, Infernals, Punishment, Horrors, Domination, Desacration, Devastation & Omni-bending

Worshipers-Daemons, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists.

Faction: Carnage

Highest Deities of the Pantheon

Brides of Carnage-1.Chi Aahtahg, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Corruption of Nature.

Worshipers-Dark Druids, & Dark Florrah

2.Kiira Blakenroze, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires.

Worshipers-Succubi & Lust Corrupted.

3.Scalpel Bleedinhart, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting of Life.

Worshippers-Biocrafters, Medics, Scientists, God Complexed & Unhinged.

4.Jade Emerlhyde, Lesser Chaos Gobo Goddess of Anarchy.

Worshippers-Gobos, Rebels, & Opressed.

5.Cassandra Crimsontear, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry.

Worshippers-Soldiers, Nobles, Chaos Guardsmen, & Prideful Souls.

6.Ruu, Lesser Chaos Slime Goddess of Twisted Innocence.

Worshippers-Slimes, Lost Children, Broken Innocent, & Daemons.

7.Ragna Kaalika, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Rampage.

Worshippers-Brutes, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Terrorists.

Low Deities of the Pantheon

Elder Daemons of Carnage-1.Ba'al Allseer, the Great Seer.

Worshipers-Daemons, Seers, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

2.Mordred Deathharbinger, the Ultimate Slaughterer.

Worshippers-Daemons, Warriors, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

3.Nidhog, the Destroyer.

Worshippers-Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

4.Beelzalbub, the Fly of Ruin & Gluttony.

Worshippers-Flies, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

Named Herald-L'litha, the Rising Succubus Herald.


Elder Daemons of Blood-Skarbrand, the Rage Incarnate.

Aillia was right the Patheon List has gone a huge update, not only does it now include Nurgle in the list but it also showed the God Rank of each Chaos Deity and their respected artifact, like my Ragnarok and Nurgle's new weapon the Worldblighter.

Having checked all the update, I noticed that my [Atrocity] divinity has changed to [Desacration] not only that but my little succubus herald still in Auhtt, was still fighting and slaughtering in that desert planet, I have to get her to return to the Warp before she and her Ambrossian Shroud warband get killed and banished back to the Warp.

While I constantly replenish and add to my daemonic legion, all my daemons that have been slain up till now have yet to regain their form and with no Forge of Souls, and Vashtorr yet to manifest it will take some time for those fallen daemons to restore themselves, plus my new death stingers have yet to be registered...

Mentally shaking my head, as I'm avoiding to disturb my darling wives I asked Aillia to bring up my reward next.

(Congratulations, you've have contributed 50% to the victory of the Second Chapter of the Great Game.)

(Rewards-1.The Plague Garden, has a meager decrease of affect on all Carnage aligned force by 2%.

2.Plagues have a less affect physically against you by 5%.)

(Congratulations, you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've contribute the enhancement of the Plague God, Nurgle.)

(Rewards-1.Free Absolute Creation.

2.Absolute Corruption Ticket.)

(Congratulations, you've achieved a mayor milestone, you've aided in the hasten ascension of the Blood God, Khorne.)

(Rewards-1.Free Absolute Creation.

2.Absolute Corruption Ticket.

3.Free Daemon Conversion.)

(Congratulations, the Divinity:Atrocity has ascended to Desacration.)

(Congratulations, by absorbing and spreading Love unto the Chaos God you've achieved a mayor milestone.)

(Rewards-1.New Blessings:Joys of True/False Love.

2.God Ability: Final Decider of Love.)

That was quite the hull this time, I'm quite please especially since these rewards have also shown me, that despite my divinities reaching their max level I can still gain new skills and abilities from them.

But among my rewards were new usables, Absolute Corruption Tickets, and a Free Daemon Conversion, that's when Aillia started to explain to me what these things are.

Aillia said, (Allow me, my Lord♡. First, the Absolute Corruption Tickets or ACTs are basically 100% corruption on a target ranging from weaker individuals to even planets. Next are the Free Daemon Conversions or FDCs, allow you to summon any monster, or daemon from the multiverse and convert them into Chaos Daemons exclusive to Carnage, and loyal to you, but because of their value, they'll be harder to obtain than FACs and FGDCs.)

Well damn, of all the rewards I can easily say that these were by far the most useful and expensive I'll need to think on what to do with them later...

As wonder about what to do with my latest rewards, I dismissed the reward list, and just like that a new pair of transparent screens pop up one being the Skills, the other Divinities, that's when I heard Aillia say (Worry not, my Lord. I've already brought up the lists. (•v<♡)) once again Aillia knee how to make me smile as I started to inspect the final lists.


1.Warp Manipulation-Lv: 97

Manipulations-Lesser Daemons Success 100%

Higher Daemons Success 83%

Greater Daemons Success 58%

Elder Daemons Success 17%

Lesser Daemon Constructs Success 27%

Lesser Warp Items Success 100%

Higher Grade Warp Items Success 80%

Greater Grade Warp Items Success 47%

Low-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 73%

Mid-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 51%

High-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 17%

2.Daemon Creation-Lv: 70

Lesser Daemon Boost Rate 73%

Higher Daemons Boost Rate 62%

Greater Daemon Boost Rate 25%

Daemon Prince Boost Rate 55%

Lesser Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 20%

Greater Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 15%

Ancient Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 5%

Lesser Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 74%

Greater Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 71%

Daemonic Mutations Boost Rate 24%

Daemonic Over-Mutation Boost Rate 5%

3.Daemonic Reinforcement-Lv: 20

4.Daemonic Resilience-Lv: 15

Resistance to Physical Weapons 25%

Resistance to Psyker Energies 20%

Resistance to Magical Energies 10%

Resistance to Opposing Corruption 5%

5.Physical Shift-Lv: 50

Forms-1.Laharl, Chaos God Base Form.

2.True Chaos God Colossal Form/The Arch-Daemon, Valboga.

3.The Shadow. 4.Dark Spirit of Corruption.

5.Visage of Atrocities.

6.The Embodiment of Truth.

7.The Void Hydra.

6.Avatar Possession 7.Ascension-Lv: 30

8.Greater Ascension-Lv: 30

9.Dark Bolt+-Lv: 32

10.Darker Rip-Lv: 12

11.Black Haze-Lv: 10

12.Calling of the Void-Lv: 5

13.The Grasp of Laharl-Lv: 2

The Grasp of Laharl: A dark spell, that summons the litteral hand of the Dark One composed of pure shadows, charging at the target to crush, or pull into the void of darkness.

15.Soul Rend-Lv: 5

16.Smite-Lv: 20

17.Mechanomancy-Lv: 30

18.Chaotic Architect-Lv: 1

19.Warp-Devastation-Lv: 10

20.Warp-Ray-Lv: 28

21.Chaos Strike-Lv: 12

God Abilities

1.Materium Manipulation.

2.Materium Communication+.

3.Materium Breaching.

4.High Chaos Dominion.

5.Bestow Blessings Blessings-Bestow the Mark of Carnage.

Bestow the Horns of Ruination.

Bestow the Influence of Carnage+.

Bestow the Embrace of Chaos+.

Bestow the Essence of Darkness+.

Bestow the Arms of the Nethervoid.

Bestow the Dark Knowledge of Chaos.

Bestow the Desire of Slaughter+.

Bestow the Madness of Atrocities+.

Bestow the Voice of Convertion.

Bestow the Idea of Utter Desacration: The blessing and curse of the Dark One, bestowing terrible ideas, and desires to utterly destroy and defile the object that means great importance or hate, fighting this blessing will result in great punishment, but great reward for those that heed the call of the Dark Harbinger.

Bestow the Thrill of Desire: The blessing to unleash the unlimited thrill of pursuing or sastifying all desires this releases the ultimate path into self-destruction and madness, which only ends in Carnage.

Bestow the Joys of True/False Love: A unique blessing/curse that once implemented on a mortal they'll fall in either true love or fake one overwhelmed with emotion the recipient shall devote everything to keep experiencing the true/false sensation of love, making them willing, unquestionable slaves to the Chaos God of Carnage & Love.

Bestow the Bliss of Lust: The ultimate blessing of lust, the unquenchable need to have something from food, music, sex, emotional sastifion and more all inserted into the very essence of those that worship the Chaos God of Lust.

6.Blessing Manipulation.

7.Mutation Manipulation Punishments.

8.Immaterium Senses/Detection.

9.Daemon World Domination+.

10.Infernal Worship.

11.The Ancient Moniker.


13.Unbreakable Promise.

14.Words of Truth.

15.The Bind of Love.

16.Final Decider of Love.

Final Decider of Love: The final decision of what beings can fall and obtain love, resides on the Dark One alone by your word, you can shatter years of commitment, forge new love with strangers, or bless unions forever.


18.End of Ways of Life.

19.The Fire Against Extablishment.

20.Wave of Madness.

21.The Whisperer of the Mad.

22.Consuming Void.

Consuming Void: The Darkness, the Void are one in the same, as the entity that only resides, but governs it, Laharl emenate a aura of Void that can consume all mortals that dare dive into the Void, not only devouring all their being but their existence.

Greater Divinities

1.Love-Max Level

2.Lust-Max Level

3.Infernals-Max Level

4.Omni-bending +9

5.Devastation +8

6.Void +7

7.Desecration-The ultimate state of atrocity, the act to not only destroy something physically but also what it represents as well, the vile actions to defile an object or soul feed your power, as you are the God that rule over the horrendous acts of desacration all across the Materium, any meager to great act defiling is known by you and encouraged.

8.Promises +8

9.Domination +2

Lesser Divinities

1.Punishment +9

2.Horrors +4


Very nice, these skills, and abilities show why the Gods of Love in mythology are quite feared across their respected regions.

I swiped away the lists, quite sastified with what I've gained plus soon Khorne will deliver his wagers to me, for losing the kill-count bet, now that the Nurgle devacol has been settled me and my wives can rest, and relax for a I'm sure all of us are going to need multiple, and long baths to be clean of all crap from Nurgle's Garden and daemon that we're practically coated in.