Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 188 - War in the Plague Garden Part 8: The Dark One Attacks

Chapter 188 - War in the Plague Garden Part 8: The Dark One Attacks


(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle, some distance from the Battlefield

After dealing with last remnants of Nurgle's children, reaching a kill count of 2012 I was quite confident that I'm winning the bet between me and Khorne.

Swiping my claw and sword in the air, swatting away all the gunk, filth, and gore that they've bathed in these fights, I already send Ragna, Ruu, and Beelzabub ahead to help Khorne, while Khorne is stronger in power than Nurgle, Nurgle has some many counters to that advantage that the Blood God possess over him...terrain advantage...poisons...acids...ungodly endurance...and more.

Despite Khorne being a Chaos God like Nurgle, Nurgle's "gifts" will be God-Tier hence I suspect that Khorne will lose against Nurgle in a prolong fight, especially since neither him or I want to kill our newly born brother not only for our own reasons...but also Absolute Chaos demands it, well they did reincarnated me to finally unite the Chaos Gods and spread beyond 40k.

Stopping my reminiscing...and internal monolog...I saw a smaller force of nurglish daemons heading to my legion.

Despite their best efforts, my legion has only suffered around 6% losses overall because many of my daemons have long range capabilities, plus my Infernal which were currently hurling some purple flame coated boulder at the plaguebearers, crushing them and causing a burst of violet flames to burn those around the blastzones.

They along with the Scalpel's Flesh Horrors were devastating the daemons of Nurgle, I'm both surprised that Nurgle managed to spawn these many but Ba'al who was obliterating a couple of Great Unclean Ones, with a super-charged eye beam composed of pure Chaos energy unleashing a blinding flash of light in the wake.

I laugh as I saw another forces of plague daemons coming to attack, so I command two of my upper serpents to attack by using my [Warp-ray] skill.

Both serpents hissed menacingly before they both started to exude increasing warp-energy from their mouth, I saw as various shades of purple and black energy started to spark and surge around the lines of the serpents' mouths, their black eyes began to turn dark glowing violet, as they both opened their mouth releasing two huge rays of lilac and black edged, with a swirling surge of lavender and amethyst colors making up the full form of these rays of destruction.

I could sense that my ascension has made that skill much stronger than when I used it a while back within the Infernal Destroyer's body, the proof was right in front of my thirteen eyes.

Those rays of death would make Shin-Godzilla proud of the destruction they've caused on the Garden, and those plague daemons, utterly obliterating everything in their path with pure burning energy, leaving only ruins and fiery explosions, as my serpents swayed around twisting and guiding the rays around the green ground.

After a few moments I started to lessening the channeling of my daemonic power through my serpents, causing the rays to dwindle in size and power until they both faded, and the serpents closed their mouths.

I was greatly pleased even one of my most basic skills has gotten a massive boost after gaining my Arch-Daemon form, if it wasn't for my exposed teeth without any flesh over them I know my face would have a devilish grin splattered over it.

My daemons cheered at the destruction I wrought, as I was enjoying the results of my attack and kill count now at 2109 I sensed something that caught my attention.

Turning my body toward the source, which was very powerful and foul, which only meant that Nurgle has finally entered the battle, I expected the Decaying God to join the war, I wasn't expecting him so soon...this only meant, Khorne has really pissed off Nurgle, to make the most "calmest" amongst the Chaos Gods come out to fight.

Knowing that this will change the tide of battle more to Nurgle's favor, with him personally joining the battle, before I could give order at my legions, I sensed something else powerful emenating from Khorne's battleground.

It felt similar to...then I realized another major shift in the timeline cannon, has happened aside Nurgle's birth being hasten and him being stronger possibly, the Plague God has created a God Weapon as well, from what I can sense whatever this weapon is it was clear it felt like my Ragnarok and Khorne's Unmaker.

This was an unexpected surprise, the Rot Lord has a weapon in original cannon only Khorne has a God Artifact, seems things are getting more interesting for me, as I laugh out loud with joy and excitement.

Scalpel, and Ba'al were concerned when they heard me laugh out of nowhere, while Mordred was busy still fighting and slaughtering everything being immune to all forms of physical damage he is another asset in my side, but enough of that knowing that Khorne is losing more and more forces as time passes, I rested my black blood and rotting gore covered Ragnarok over my shoulder, as I spoke, "Scalpel. My beloved it's time to go on the aggressive. Charge ahead with your Flesh Horrors, aid Ragna and Ruu along with my foolish, brute of a little brother." I sensed my wife concerns, probably about me once again lessening my numbers.

I gently lowered my right index claw over to my daemonic nurse, wife and gently patted her head, I reassured her that sound this battle was going to be over and I'll end with our victory.

Seeing my words have calmed her worries, she looked at me with a cute expression her normal collected persona was betrayed by the blush spread across her lovely face.

Scalpel commanded her creatures to follow her, as she and her flesh horrors marched to the main battlefield under my command.

Then I send the rest of my laharlish daemons to join the carnage, alongside my beloved Daemon Queens.

Watching my legion storm off to engage in slaughter and bloodshed, as I originally wanted to kill the rest of Nurgle's nuisances before joining the battle myself, but to my surprise it was my second elder daemon, Mordred Deathharbinger told me to forget about this meager annoyance and go onto the main battlefield.

I stared at my Ultimate Slaughterer, riddle countless plague daemons in bullet with the mounted mini-vulcan gun, attached to his right claw, then I turned at my flying first elder daemon, Ba'al Allseer who was raining down daemonic light diamond projectiles at both the rot flies annoying him and the ground Nurgle forces.

Seem I'm not needed, with my two Elder Daemons ripping and tearing any of Nurgle's forces that he send to me I have nothing to worry from this area, and can focus solely on the main battle, as my serpents hiss pleased that they'll get to kill more prey, I turn toward the direction of Khorne and Nurgle, spreading my wings as I flew forward.

I'm eager not only to see what the legendary Papa Nurgle looks like but also what challenge he can provide me, since Scalpel and the rest of my legion were sent ahead, and I wanted to take my time I didn't use my full speed in flight...mostly because aside from Slaanesh, one of my main Chaos armies I played were Nurgle both daemons and Death Guard Legion, so I wanted to enjoy some fan admiration of this horrific, putrid place...

When I nearly arrived at the battlefield I noticed immediately that Khorne was in mortal danger, and badly beaten.

Like I predicted Nurgle's poisons and plague wouldn't infect Khorne, but will to affect and hurt the God of War, acting quickly I bended and call fort the power of my Void Divinity to conjure a giant claw made from darkness, blocking Nurgle's deathblow shielding Khorne, then I commanded said claw to pull Khorne away from danger as I make my presence known at last.

Present Time...

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne and Laharl Forces vs Nurgle Forces

Floating out the depths of Garden, was Laharl in his Arch-Daemon God form all eight of his serpents focused on Nurgle, which was on the other side of the battlefield.

Laharl floated beside Khorne that was blinded and wounded by all of Nurgle's attack, he joked about Khorne's current status making the down Blood God laugh with some clear difficulty.

The Dark One was relieved that his brother was fine, and he'll later deal with his wound first all his focus was aim exclusively on the God of Decay, Nurgle it was clear Khorne dealt some damage to the bloated, daemonic, green God but within the Garden, Nurgle can not take but give huge amounts punishment before being remotely tired.

Well things could be the same when Laharl fought Khorne in his realm the Blood Lands, it was just because Laharl used his brother's pride, and honor against him, plus he broke his back if not the fight would have continued and eventually Khorne will have overpowered and out last him.

In this case, against Nurgle he must focus on speed, relentless strong attack and majority of those attack will be from range if Laharl can help it, lastly he needed to utterly crush Nurgle or make him surrender, despite being a Primordial Force of Nature, he knows that his physical strength was still a little below, Nurgle's physical endurance and pain tolerance.

Plus some of the Dark One's eyes, shifted their sights on the giant daemonic cleaver that the Rot Lord, was wielding if that newly made God Weapon could not only harm Khorne this badly, but willstand against Khorne's sword, the Unmaker it was clear it was threat to him.

Laharl flying a bit forward, he spoke to Nurgle, "Nurgle. A pleasure to finally meet, and talk to my new little brother." Nurgle surprise at what Laharl said, for a short moment Nurgle was stunned, with a shocked look on his disgusting face, before he smiled and started laughing allowing the maggots swarming through his mouth, to fall out.

The Plaguefather was laughing for a while, he laughed so much that he started to wheeze and cough badly for a while as well.

It took Nurgle a moment to compose himself, before he finally responded to his brother the Dark One, "My, my. I...wasn't suspecting...that...reponse...from...the soo called...Dark One, hehehe... I am...the Plaguefather, Nurgle. Pleasure...hahahahehehehee." Nurgle, with a joyful tone of voice, exclaimed taking a short pause as he spread his arms wide as he continued to speak, ", you're...about to...become...apart of it...and rebirth. Hehehee." the Dark One, stood floating there unfazed.

One of Laharl's lower serpents spotted the growing puss filling boil behind it master, sharing what it saw directly with Laharl, he immediately knew Nurgle was casting a Blighted Boil against him.

Too bad, for his new brother he was much, more faster than his spellcasting, so before he moved he started channeling his [Warp-ray] skill through that same serpent, since he needed to destroy it or Khorne will be caught on the putrid blastzone, he insured the ray was on it's weakest form and tightening the grip on his Ragnarok, he began his move.

Starting by using another skill, channeling his power of Darkness & Void, through his left arm forming a giant ball of dark purple, and pure black, surging with chaotic ruinous power, manifesting itself in a lavender colored electricity and amethyst colored aura coating the sphere, this is his [Dark Bolt+]

Grasping tightly the [Dark Bolt+] with his Claw of Hades, Laharl rised his left arm and shot it straight at Nurgle in such a speed that not even Nurgle believe it, unable to dodge or continue casting his surprise attack he crossed his arms in front of his massive body, in order to will stand the incoming dark projectile from Laharl.

When the Dark Bolt hit him, Nurgle he felt a huge amount of burning pain as well as cold nothingness, as he was pushed back hard.

Both his arms were in pain, something that really shocked the Rot Lord as he is practically numb at most pain, even Khorne attack while a few were painful it couldn't compare to Laharl's attack.

Seeing Nurgle pushed back, and by crossing his arm he blocked himself from being able to see his next move.

Laharl, fired his weakened Warp-ray at the Blighted Boil forming behind him, completely destroying and burning that pustule as well as using the force of the ray, to launch himself forward, the Dark One spread his wing boosting his speed as he aimed directly at Nurgle.

As Nurgle grunted in pain, and lowered his burned blacken arms he was surprised to see Laharl rapidly closing in on him, before he could react Laharl thrustes his massive daemonic sword at him.

Laharl stabbed Ragnarok in Nurgle's right peck the blade piercing deeply and coming out the back of Nurgle, making Nurgle scream in pain.

Following it up not allowing Nurgle and chance to retaliate he commanded all his serpent limbs to strike, two bite at Nurgle's shoulders, two other bite his wrist not letting Nurgle move or retaliate against their master with his arms.

Next, two of the serpents bit at Nurgle's waist and the last two at his legs once restrained what the Dark One did next, was something that shocked everyone witnessing their fight.

Grasping the handle of his sword, Laharl tightened his grip and used every ounce of his strength from all his limbs and body, to lift Nurgle off the ground, the Dark One grunting as he literally powered through, and lifted his brother, the Plague God over his head and throw him hard against the ground.

Upon Nurgle impacting against the ground, a huge impact sound and the entire realm shuke from the Nurgle smashing against the Garden's grounds.

On his back, straining, and groaning from the impact that he just suffered under the hands of his brother, the Dark Harbinger, plus the blade that stabbed him in the body left trace amount of dark energy causing more pain to Nurgle inside, as he tried to get up he looked up and saw his older brother floating over him with his left arm drawn back, as he thrust said arm to stab his Claw into Nurgle.

Reacting as fast as he could, Nurgle managed to rise his cleaver, Worldblighter over his chest and block Laharl's Claw of Hades, the five razor-sharp claws some feets away from piercing into the Plague God as the two Chaos Gods struggle against the other's strength.

The Plaguefather used all his strength to push back Laharl's claw, when he felt several bites over his body as the damn violet and black serpents of Laharl were pulling him, which in turn made his brother claws get closer, seeing that if he doesn't act quick Laharl is going to badly wound or even kill him, Nurgle started to channel his dark godly power through his body, causing his eyes to burst and shine a brighter lightsaber green.

Nurgle, he closed his mouth, Laharl reacted with some concern at watching Nurgle's eyes glow brighter, then the Lord of Decay sprew countless amounts of flies and nats at Laharl's face, Laharl growled loudly backing away from and the serpents to release him, as they swipe at the swarm of flies annoying their master.

This repreive allowed Nurgle to quickly catch his breath also slowly and with difficulty stand up from the ground.

Nurgle growled angrily at his brother, as he stomped forward to swing his Worldblighter at him, only for a couple of his serpents to strike at him making the Plague God back away.

Huffing, Nurgle decided to attack from afar if couldn't do so up close, channeling his power of plagues, to form a green ball of miasma in his hand which was emenating power, disgusting odders, and vile decay he created another Plague Ball only stronger and bigger than the one that fail to hit Khorne earlier with a huge smile at his face the Plaguefather was ready to attack.

But the same serpents that were busy keeping the Plague God away from their master, also saw Nurgle's Plague Ball and the incoming danger sharing what they saw with Laharl, he knew it was his turn to act fast or suffer a lot of damage from Nurgle.

So it was time to hit Nurgle hard, but first he needed to charge as much power he could muster onto his Claw of Hades, to deliver a brutal and powerful [Chaos Strike] at him.

Nurgle chuckled a bit, as he threw his disgusting projectile at Laharl which he suspected was utterly oblivious to his attack, only for the Rot Lord to be shocked that Laharl managed to block his putrid attack, by using his wings to shield himself.

Laharl folded his six wings over his body taking the blow of Nurgle's Plague Ball with his hissing in pain as his wings all burned and sizzles from all combined carrion that, that projectile then he heard Nurgle yell angrily, followed by stomping which meant Nurgle was coming closer to him which is quite good, as his eyes looked down at his Claw of Hades, surging with emence power, as violet, amethyst, maroon, black and grey colored lightning sparked all over the clawed-power gauntlet, so he has to do is wait for his younger brother to get closer...