Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 185 - War in the Plague Garden Part 5: Nurgle Enters the Battlefield

Chapter 185 - War in the Plague Garden Part 5: Nurgle Enters the Battlefield

(General POV)

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne + Carnage vs Nurgle Forces

Rotigus was forced to divide his force literally in half as the two invading daemonic forces of the Blood and Carnage Gods.

While the Carnage forces were still small they were causing more havoc to the Plague legion than even Khorne, with the Blood God's forces if their weak they'll subcome to the Garden bounty and the gifts of Papa Nurgle, but these forces of the Dark Harbinger were entirely insane brutally attacking without a care and if they managed to infect them, then they'll take the nurglish daemons responsible to death with them.

Rotigus himself just smashed a knightmare, all to see Ragna drive her fist through poxbringer's head covering her clawed large fist with maggots, slime, puss, gore, brain-matter, and decaying green flesh.

Several Pox Riders jumped at her their tongues harpooning the Rampage Goddess on the back, while the plaguebearers ridding the toads hack, slash, and stab at her but all that did was make said Daemon Queen stronger, as she took the constant strikes to her back causing her to bleed the pain, was meager compared to what she's about to wrought.

Ragna she slowly pulled out her fist from the limp high-daemon's corpse, letting drop to the filth of the Garden, while she enjoyed the blood, carnage, slaughter, and brutality of battle and killing enemies...she was utterly disgusted by this entire realm, and it's creatures.

If it wasn't for Scalpel's medicine she'd threw up many time over, just by the smell of this realm, let alone the guts, and black tainted blood that she soaked on her usual white...or red if she fighting leotard was completely green, black, and cover in puss stains...not even twelve baths will ever make feel clean after this battle...but that wasn't important at the moment.

While the pox riders kept attacking her, building up her power she shuke off the putrid remains off her arm, and calmly turned around facing her victims, just when they were about to attack again, trying to threaten the Daemon Queen of Brutality, she manipulated all her build up power emenating a blackish, maroon colored aura around herself, making her red eyes flash with menacing power and one quick moment, she let out a vicious roar as she fire a bright maroon colored beam from her eyes.

That beam burned through those poor Pox Riders and many other unfortunate daemons caught in its path, Rotigus watched as Ragna's attack was ceasing and all the wound she just suffered were completely healed.

This sacrilege against death, and decay infuriated Rotigus Rainmaker as he finally understood Ragna's power.

Through pain and damage she grows stronger, and through battle she regenerates meaning she's been using the Grandfather's gifts and blessings as simple fuel, he roared on rage summoning seven other Great Unclean Ones ordering them to kill Ragna at any cost focusing on fatal points, he though that if they avoid fighting, and wiring out the Daemon Queen going straight for the kill, than they can completely bypass her power and eliminate the biggest threat...aside of course, as Rotigus turned his head towards Khorne and his daemons, fighting and cutting down his forces.

The Grandfather was still far, Rotigus knew that he was losing despite the Grandfather constantly sending in small batches of reinforcements to aid him.

If the Carnage God and the rest of his forces join this battle it will mean their dear Grandfather will be in grave danger, so he needed to buy time for Nurgle to arrive along with weaken the enemy forces as much as possible, tightening the grip of his Gnarlrod he stomped forwards preparing to fight the forces of Blood himself with his legion, slowly marching alongside the Great Unclean One.

Location the Plague Garden-Distance away from the battlefield

The horrendous, disgusting hellscape of plague and disgust was ever growing, releasing foul odders either racidly putrid, or deadly toxic, or just both at the same time.

Florah made out the most disturb, disgusting nightmare bloom along with the decaying trees and multitude of horrid fungus.

The pools of muck, slime and puss scattered allover the hellscape, with a thick chartreuse green mist surrounded everything, the Garden was growing as such a rapid rate all thanks to the Plaguefather's growing fury releasing his ruinous and great dark power allover the realm.

Speaking of the Decaying God, Nurgle was slowly making his way through his garden, with an expression on ballistic fury on his horrendous face.

Khorne act of burning his lovely home, and daring to insult him as forced the Plaguefather to leave his dear manor, and march onto war earlier than he originally intended.

But he couldn't let this insult and challenge go unanswered especially when his home is in grave danger from both his brother.

Nurgle grunted causing him to hack and wet cough heavily, he was accompanied by a large legion of his children, all eager to fight for him and defend the Garden.

Nurgle sensed the quickly dwindling numbers of his daemons from the battlefield, he can't keep sending reinforcements while also attacking Laharl he was still a newborn, plus seems his brothers foresaw his first tactic of attacking the Materium, for he saw and sensed many of his children in Realspace being banished back into the Immaterium.

Which in turn meant he'll not got more souls, or possible reinforcements from that invading legion either.

He was soo angry that he struck a giant decaying tree near him, completely knocking it down.

That when the Plague God, also realized that his brothers have also powerful weapons that will give them an edge against them, and he just though of something to even the odd, and he has everything to make that happen, as Nurgle chuckled and reached out his clawed hand and picked up the broken tree to forge...something, very special for both Khorne and Laharl.

Location the Plague Garden of Nurgle/ Battlefield-Khorne + Carnage vs Nurgle Forces

Rotigus was fighting Khorne forces directly, as daemons clashed and tore each other apart as he himself along with Spoilpox Scriveners focused on range spewing thick blobs of acidic sneezes/vomit burning and infecting the khornate daemons.

But they counter them with those damned Skull Cannons blasting their forces from afar at least with Rotigus' previous rain they managed to dwindle the skull cannons down to three, which Rotigus immediately send the Plague Drones to deal with them, and as the Great Unclean One expected the Gorequeen and the blood valkyries to descend upon their putrid flyers.

Rotigus let out a sickly wet laugh, as he planned for this he unleashed all their remaining rot flies, thousands of them to eliminate what remained of the flyers of the Blood God, Rotigus though that this will be the turning point when another came and join the battle...signaling it's presence with the sounds of countless buzzing.

At first Rotigus and the other plague daemons though it was a massive size reinforcements of Rot Flies being sent by Papa Nurgle.

They rejoiced and cheered at first when they heard that beautiful melody of putrid insectoid buzzing closer, but they were very wrong just like Ragna and Ruu before another daemon came from depths of the Garden, emerging from the burned forest around the battlefield, what emerged wasn't a swarm of rot flies but different kind of flies that they've haven't seen before.

A giant mass of black giant flies was swarming around a powerful four armed, crown wearing fly daemon wielding a giant greataxe and a pair of giant sickles.

The legion of Nurgle at first believe it was a new kin, send by their Dark God to aid them.

The nurglings happy and cheerfully swarm over to the giant fly daemon, believing it was a new ally and fellow child of Grandfather, but then Rotigus send the ruinous power from within this new daemon, it wasn't was Carnage!!!

Before Rotigus could warn and call back his lovely little nurglings from the danger, the Fly of Ruin and Gluttony, Beelzabub already made his move letting one of his hands go of his axe and pointing insectoid clawed finger at the approaching swarm of food, he commanded his drones to attack and feed, and immediately upon command the probably millions of giant daemon flies flew up and away from their master, and like a black wave of flies they descended upon the Plague Legion.

The flies of Beelzabub were completely destroying all of Rotigus forces, along with Khorne himself swing down his titanic daemonic greatsword, upon the Unmaker smashing against the green ground another hundred of nurglish daemons were killed.

Rotigus swore he heard the Blood God mention a number "932" before Rotigus could give anymore commands or attack, the Greater Daemon of Nurgle was attacked by a brutal shoulder charge courtesy of the elder daemon of blood, Skarbrand.

Skarbrand stood tall and proud as he circled his prey, occasionally scrapping his axes against each other causing them to both sharpened and blast sparks off the edges.

Rotigus took a moment to stand back up, thanks to his bloated body but he saw his opponent and slowly mimicked him also circling Skarbrand, as he laugh and spoke to the former bloodthirster, "As much as I would love to share the embrace of decay, and death with you. Others are at need of my attention, namely that fly over there and your weak Dark God. Hehaahehahe." Skarbrand keeping his sights locked on Rotigus didn't buy in his pathetic provocations, instead he responded, "Sick. Weak. BLOATED MAGGOT!!!! A weak, cowardly sorcerer has no right to challenge the mighty Khorne!!!! Let alone breathe. Rejoice, spawn of the Plague God, for I'll claim your skull."

Rotigus frowned as he used his psyker ability to conjure a lesser/concentrated form of rain-water, firing a wave of lawn green, thick liquid to burn and blind Skarbrand, but the Rage Incarnate reacted to quickly using his burning wings to use the force behind a strong flap to launch himself away from Rotigus attack.

Landing hard against the green mud, Skarbrand immediately rushed in with his right axe held high and the other close to chest seeking to end the Great Unclean One quickly.

Rotigus he grunts frustratedly as he kick the ground splashing mud towards Skarbrand, seeing this the elder daemon of blood used his axes to cover his face, less he be temporarily blind and at Rotigus' mercy.

Taking the opportunity of Skarbrand's action, he drew back his right arm and struck Skarbrand hard at his side once he got into Rotigus' reach, the blow did cause a bit of pain to Skarbrand but the main point was to make him lower his guard for another attack.

Before Rotigus could use his psyker power to strike and poison Skarbrand at point-blank range, the Rage Incarnate retaliated.

The few moments that it takes the Rainmaker, to channel his chaotic sorcery, Skarbrand struck back by dealing a brutal headbutt at Rotigus, the said Great Unclean One wasn't expecting that as he felt his skull crack under the strength of the Elder Daemon's blow.

Skarbrand's face was stained in Rotigus tainted black blood, but Skarbrand he was finished using his horn he rammed at Rotigus' body impaling the greater daemon, plus the hellfire mane of Skarbrand was burning Rotigus upon contact.

Using his super daemonic strength, Skarbrand easily lifted to impaled Rotigus with ease as blood poured and cover Skarbrand, he smile at Rotigus' pain coated scream and futile attempts of struggling against him.

Performing a half side turn, Skarbrand smashed and tossed Rotigus from his completely blood-soaked horns, looking at the great unclean one struggle to stand, as Rotigus turned towards his enemy showing the burns and catonized holes from Skarbrand's last attack, all while such a horrendous order of burning spoil meat.

Rotigus was breathing heavily from the pain, tiredness, and his own diseased lungs showing a angry expression towards the Elder Daemon, as Rotigus yelled at Skarbrand, "You damned, brutish, non-sick bastard!!! You come to the Grandfather's Garden, burn it with such uncaring way, insult our beloved Dark Father, and lecture me on cowardness!!? Your rotting corpse, shall look beautiful in the muck, feeding the lovely maggots, and housing new carrion for other to experience." Skarbrand blew a puff of heated steam, clearly showing a rage filled uncaring face, responding, "Just keep barking sick dog. Come. I'll shall claim your skull now.".

Rotigus and Skarbrand kept fighting as death and bloodshed occurred all around them, with the Blood Forces clearly dominating especially with the aid of Laharl's reinforcements.

Ragna was slaughtering everything in her path, while her sister Ruu either killed and eat her victims or the bodies the lay scattered on the foul ground which in turn cause her to spawn more Daemon Slimes once she ate enough, which replenished and added to their force.

But with Beelzabub's being added even more losses were suffered by the Plague Forces of Rotigus, as he to was cleaving and slashing through the nurglish daemons, then ate them and like his dark lady, Ruu once he ate enough he spawn more giant flies that also cause mayor devastation to the plague daemons.

With Skarbrand being clearly the more physically stronger and faster of the two daemons, so the end was all but asured.

Once again Rotigus tried to use his daemonic sorcery to overwhelm Skarbrand as Cleary his infected blood has no affects on the Elder Daemon, but that marked the Great Unclean One's doom.

Stepping back to cast another spell granted Skarbrand with the opportunity to deliver the killing blow, rushing in and cleaving his left axe on the chest of Rotigus then using his greater strength to pull down the Greater Daemon, for Skarbrand to strike at his exposed back.

Targeting the spine of Rotigus he chopped and chopped, deeper and more brutally at the great unclean one's back splashing black blood, muscle tissue, and parasites everywhere as the elder daemon chopped straight through the spine of Rotigus completely paralyzing the Greater Daemon, unable to move or defend Skarbrand easily went for his price...Rotigus' head, rising his gore coated axe high, he swung it down.

At the amist the fighting all heard the roar of Skarbrand, as he dedicated the skull of Rotigus to Khorne, when the plague daemons saw their leader's head in the hands of Skarbrand they broke, and started to retreat which Khorne wouldn't allow it, just when Khorne was about to order his minions to slaughter the rest they felt the shaking of the earth, the deep, loud stomping coming slowly closer to the area.

From within the thick chartreuse green mist came a pair of lightsaber green eyes shining bright, cutting through the foul miasma.

This stopped the khornate forces, along with Ragna and Ruu's forces in their tracks while the nurglish daemons started to cheer as they know exactly who has come...

Swiping through the mist, came a huge green bloated arm as the disgusting, grotesque, bloated form of the Plaguefather, has emerged talking a few more steps forward, Nurgle has enter the battlefield.

(Nurgle/Plague God POV)

As I finally arrived on the battlefield, seeing my children rejoice on my appearance I've spotted the forces of my older brother Laharl were aiding my other brother Khorne, reinforcing his army after my child, Rotigus practically crippled his forces.

Amongst the still remaining forces of rage, was two lesser Chaos deities, which I sense my brother Laharl's taint on them, and a powerful daemon that is wasted serving my brother. [Quick note: This is the first encounter of Nurgle and Laharl, so Nurgle knows next to nothing about him including his sisters-in-law.]

One was of pure black skinned, horned, three-eyed she-daemon with white burning-like hair (Ragna) greatly reminds me of my brother Khorne but Carnage and Slaughter permeate the lesser Goddess not Rage or Blood.

That woman has caused great pain and losses to my child Rotigus' forces, such a pity and atrocity this daemon woman is utterly immune to my gifts, such a pity she would have been welcome in my decaying embrace...but all that await her was death, hehehe.

Then it was the other she-daemon, she resemble adorable child made of slime, I admit I would have loved to have her in my rank as an adorable daughter, serving me as rot spreads across the Warp and beyond.

But just like the other she-daemon she was utterly immune to disease, poison, and plague I sighed with utter disappointment, shaking my head as I do so.

But the entity that most caught my attention by far is the giant fly daemon, pointing my bloated clawed left index finger directly at him, I ask, "You child...child...of...Carnage. name,...and...why, Laharl...when you'll...enjoy...and be...loved, and me...and my children?" coughing a bit at the end as I waited for the daemon to respond.

The fly daemon, smashed his axe pummel onto the ground, cross his right-front arm front of his form, and made a makeshift respectful bow to me before speaking to me in a mature, insect-like voice filled with pride and devotion, "Ohh great Lord of Decay. I am the Fly of Ruin and Gluttony, Beelzabub, the Fourth Elder Daemon of the Dark One. I am his child, his proud General, and follower I'll never betray my father, to any of the other ruinous powers!!!" so a shame, I must admit this changed some of my opinions of my brother the Dark One, he must be quite the deity to earn such fealty, and admiration not only from this "Elder Daemon" but all his spawn.

While I'm curious on what an elder daemon is, and what exactly did Beelzabub meant by the "other" ruinous powers.

Aside from myself, Khorne, and Laharl himself there aren't any other dark powers of Chaos, this is something I must check later, right now I must focus on other matters.

As all my children regrouped around my feet, I spotted Rotigus' headless body, I felt sad for my child, he fought with everything he could for me and my Garden.

Turning my gaze at his vanquisher, it resembles a even greater, and hellfire coated Greater Daemon of Khorne, but I could tell this daemon was at the same level as Beelzabub perhaps another of this Elder Daemons but under the service of Khorne?

Whoever this daemon is he had Rotigus and another Great Unclean One head strapped to his loincloth except my other greater daemon head was clearly burned, regardless of what comes next that Elder Daemon will pay for my children deaths, it'll take time for them all to reform and return me, but as their dark father I'll avenge every single one of their deaths...if they've deserve it.

[Regardless of Nurgle being the most caring of the Chaos Gods. He is still a Chaos God and quite vindictive to those that enrage him. Even his favorite son, Ku'gath Plaguefather was punish inside a tree for centuries after failing in lore.]

I'll soon face my brother Khorne in the battle, I look at my beautiful garden, burned, strampled, and destroyed by the bloodthirsty brute I call brother.

As I breathe heavily not only from my infected lungs, but from the rage building up within me, I roar and unleashed my violitile powers, as cloud of fade green miasma flood the area causing everything to regrow, and bloom especially on the corpses that litter allover the battlegrounds.

Khorne held his blade tightly and close to himself, clearly ready for a battle.

I had a neutral expression on my face as I start to manifest my power...and new weapon...hehehehe.

[I know Nurgle doesn't have a weapon. Lore gives vibe that Nurgle is more of a spellcaster despite him hating magic..."cough, cough" Tzeentch "cough, cough" but I felt giving him a weapon along with magic fitted him as a tank.]