Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 179 - The Meeting Between Chaos Goddesses

Chapter 179 - The Meeting Between Chaos Goddesses

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the Blood Lands-the Gathering Spot for the Plague Garden Invasion

Currently me and my wife Valkia, were meeting with the "guests" that have flown into my blood filled realm.

My brother, the Carnage God, Laharl has appeared before us accompanied by some of his wives...the mortal nurse wench that had earned my brother favor to become a lesser goddess of chaos, her name Scalpel Bleedinhart.

Next was the child-like one made of slime...from first glance one would suspect a innocent, docile, unthreatening creature...but I feel the bloodlust within this little one, a predator like no other...while Scalpel has some bloody aligned qualities that I can respect, this girl, Ruu doesn't have the aspects of warriors but still is a worthy daemonic Goddess in my eyes.

Lastly was the lastest bride to we'd my elder brother, her name is Ragna Kaalika.

I can sense the brutality, strength, bloodlust, violence, and a warrior's nature emenating from her, got to say amongst my sisters-in-law she the one I most like.

Turning my sight slightly to my right, to focus on my beloved wife Valkia, I could sense the same thoughts and opinions as I, especially involving the black skinned three-eyed she-daemon, Ragna.

I looked at my brother, in his new form...and after inspecting it closer I must admit I can see why he is know as the Dark God of the Neverborn, his form was strong, dark, would have made a worthy trophy his skull would have made.

But if not been for the clarity we share, that all including us need the other Dark Gods, plus the revelation of our patron who Laharl calls "Absolute Chaos" me and Laharl wouldn't be speaking right now...let alone share this...brotherly relationship.

Sighing I felt the aggression, battle-hunger, and bloodlust of my legion stewing but they calm immediately down when I simply rised my right arm, and said, "ENOUGH!!!! My legions, the Dark Harbinger and his Daemon Queens are my guests..." turning my sight on them, and focusing a bit of my mighty hellish flames through my form and eyes I made my warning clear, "...ANY OF YOU, DARES TO ATTACK THEM, AND IN TURN DEFY ME!!!!!!! YOUR SUFFERING WILL BE LEGENDARY, NOT EVEN YOUR SKULLS, SHALL SURVIVE MY WRATH!!!!!!! UNDERSTOOD!!!!?"

Immediately after ending my short speech, I saw as all my daemons bowed their heads and lowered their arms.

Shaking my head slightly cause of this idiocy my daemons were about to cause, if I hadn't stopped them, then they would have broken part of the contract that bind me and my brother...with me having to suffer the backlash!!!!

Before I could unleash my anger in a greater level, I felt the touch of my wife on my shoulder, turning to face Valkia which she surprised me with a quick kiss on my mouth piece which serve to calm my hellish anger...until..."Well brother, seem that me and my wives are disturbing, in your couple moments. Hehehe" brother said that...

Once again I sighed, as my wife and sisters-in-law all chuckled at my expense.

Do they truly believe that such meager, immature, childish ridicule would affect me the Lord of Skulls!?

Again, I forced myself to calm down, as I looked directly at my brother, Laharl and asked, "Asides your usual antics brother. What have you come to me, at the eve of the next Great Game?" after finishing my question, I stared at the new grand daemon like face of my brother, waiting for his response.

After a few seconds...we all head, the deep, daemonic, multiple, echoing voices of Laharl, as he spoke to me.

He said, "First, sorry for the teasing Khorne, but it's a elder brother's job to make fun of there's younger siblings. Now I came to speak to you on matters of great importance, involving not only the upcoming battle but our bet/oath we have." hearing him I only nodded to Laharl, turning to Valkia telling her to wait there as he and the Dark One, talk.

Laharl did the same with Scalpel, Ruu and Ragna as we left to another area to talk...

(General POV)

With their respected husband, leaving them this allowed Scalpel, Valkia, Ruu, and Ragna to speak to one another for the first time ever.

Valkia crossed her brass armored arms over her chest, with her massive daemonic wings folding on her back, her crimson burning eyes focused on her sisters-in-law.

The Gorequeen had a neutral expression on her pale face, while observing Scalpel that was clearly uninterested in the situation as she was observing and investigating the area and khornate daemons as the Daemon Nurse, was recording every observation on somekind of machine (vox-recorder) in her bandage wrapped hand, Valkia was not impressed with the light blue haired daemon goddess of Carnage.

Next was Ruu, the blue slime she-daemon the little girl was running and jumping all around the place, exclaiming her excitement of the upcoming "Game" and also she was eager to eat new things from the Garden...when Ruu said that, Valkia actually gagged and nearly threw up as she remembered from her time as a mortal Norscan champion of Khorne, she has witnessed and even faced the diseased, foul, servents of the Plague God, she couldn't imagine any creature capable of eating...gagging again, as she thought of this...let alone finding any of Nurgle's creatures...appetizing.

The only one amongst her sisters, that is impressing her as well as earning some interest from Valkia, was Ragna.

Ragna was commenting that she'd love to fight against the daemons of the Blood God, then she looked straight at the Gorequeen and said, "Your...Valkia...the Bloody Queen of the Blood Lands, right?" Valkia turned all her attention towards Ragna, and with a small smirk replied, "Yes. And must be the latest whore, in Brother's harem correct?" immediately after she said to Ragna, both Scalpel and Ruu stopped what they were doing and looked at Valkia.

Surprising everyone Scalpel was the first to respond to the Gorequeen's insult.

She banished her vox-recorder, and calmly walked straight at Valkia, with the Gorequeen being taller than the Daemon Nurse, Scalpel had to look up at the Blood Goddess and drew back her right arm and actually swung up at Valkia's face.

The more cold, and analytical of the wives of the Dark One actually threw and connected a punch to the Blood Goddess and since Valkia didn't expect this from Scalpel of all her sisters-in-law, while the punch wasn't that painful to Valkia especially being a Chaos Goddess but still Valkia was knocked down to the scarlet ground by Scalpel's punch.

When the blood legion saw their dark lady being struck they immediately started to rush to her side to defend her, and attack the Carnage Goddesses for their strangration against their Goddess.

But Valkia quickly rised her right hand, as a gesture of ceasing to her daemonic subjects.

Valkia rubbed her left cheek, with a smile plastered on her face as she looked at Scalpel looking directly at her, with a clear look of anger as Scalpel spoke, "I don't care if your stronger, or more skilled than me or any of my sisters...but if you ever insult me or them of our love and marriage with matter what."

Once Scalpel finish saying that to Valkia, Ruu followed up with a look of anger completely deprived of any of her usual cheerfulness, bubbly persona, or child-like joyful nature as she spoke, "What Scalpel said. If you dare, insult our family again I'll will eat you. We are the proud Queens, Wives of the Dark Harbinger, Laharl, first of the Chaos Gods, and you will respect that Gorequeen." that's when Ragna came cracking her knuckles as she stared at Valkia.

Ragna, squatted down to look at Valkia straight in the eyes as she said, "I saw you as a worthy opponent to fight a moment ago. But now...after what came out your dirty mouth. Know this bitch, say anything like that to me or my sisters again and it will be me claiming your dirty skull, for my throne. YOU HEAR ME, BITCH!!!!!!?"

A short moment of silence, followed after Scalpel, Ruu, and Ragna ended their speech at the Blood Goddess.

The reaction of Valkia was something that they didn't expect her to do, Valkia started laughing hysterically with so much joy, as she stood up without a care and explain herself at her sisters-in-law.

Valkia told them that she originally expected the punch to come from Ragna, but in the end result she was greatly pleased with all of their reactions, as she told them about her assuming the dark throne she had to slaughter countless blood daemons to not only justify, but defend her love and wedding vow with Khorne.

Valkia went further telling her sisters-in-law that she wasn't that impressed with Scalpel or Ruu, but Ragna was another thing entirely for her, so she wanted to see the rising Rampage Goddess' power, devotion, and more by insulting that one thing that all of them share...she turned her face to the side, as Valkia whispered and grumbles out "Love" which calmed Scalpel, Ruu, and Ragna some.

After hearing Valkia's explanation they decided to let what she said before go...for this time, as Valkia started to converse with her sisters-in-law in a more calm matter.

This made the khornate daemons calm, but still vigilant waiting for the moment to attack as they roam around the "campsite" awaiting for the Blood God to order the march, to give the signal to invade and fight against the recently born Plague God.

Few moments before...

Location the Blood Lands-Far away from the Gathering Spot

Both Chaos Gods and brothers have gone some distance away from the "campsite" for the invasion of the Plague Garden.

Khorne was leading their little walk, eventually stopping in a area near a pool of lava, and several red rocks around the place, Khorne he rested his Unmaker on the scarlet ground stabbing the daemonic God Weapon on the ground, as he turn around to see Laharl flying towards him, with his serpents wiggling around in the air, occasionally letting out a hiss as the Dark One descended as close to the ground as his body permitted.

Khorne swing his left arm to the side and said to Laharl to speak, when they both sensed the rising anger of Scalpel, Ruu, and Ragna then both Khorne and Laharl felt that their binding oath being at risk of being breached alerting both of them.

Before either could quickly react, and return to their wives to prevent this breach and suffer any of the consequences of their oath, they both felt Valkia's joy, along with Laharl's wives calming down and immediately the feeling of the oath breaking ceased.

That meant that their oath/contract was still holding strong, both exhaled with relief as they calm themselves, and after remaining silent for a moment Laharl commented, "Brother..." Khorne turned his attention to his brother as he continued his comment, "'ve married a Hell of a woman, you know." Khorne could only shake his head and respond with, "You have no idea brother..." they looked at each other again, and started laughing for a while.

After laughing for while, they started to diminish their laughing and Khorne walked back at his blade, Unmaker getting it unstuck on the ground and resting it upon his shoulder, the Blood God turned at Laharl and asked, "So, brother you were about to say?"

Laharl composed himself, as two of his eight serpents stretched up to comfort him, and Laharl responded by petting their heads.

The Dark One started to say that they should attack the Plague God from three fronts, explaining that his other wives Chi, Kiira, Jade, and Cassandra along with around 40% of his overall forces to attack the nurglish daemons in the Materium to prevent Nurgle any reinforcements or power boost from the Materium, while he and the rest of the Carnage legion attack the Plague Garden directly.

Khorne saw the strategic point of Laharl's plan and agreed he'll send some part of his legion to support and fight alongside Laharl's forces in Realspace, while he and Valkia will strike at Nurgle directly along with Laharl, he fully agreed with him as Khorne cracks his neck as he asked, "And the Avatar, and our bet is it still in play or are you backing down, brother?"

Laharl closed his eyes and spoke, "Yes, Khorne. Our bet is still on, remember I am the God of Promises I never break my word. I just want to add some more incentive to it if your willing to bet more?" saying this with a cocky tone, awaiting for Khorne's respond.