Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 174 - The Reactions of Blood & the Sprouting Garden

Chapter 174 - The Reactions of Blood & the Sprouting Garden

(General POV)

Location the Blood Lands-the Brass Citadel/The Skull Thrones of Khorne

The brutal we'd couple of Khorne and Valkia were enjoying themselves with drink, and watching the blood flow throughout the two realities.

They felt stronger than ever, they hardly could wait for the upcoming battle against the Plague Lord, while enjoying their version of a "peaceful evening" which meant endless battle, slaughter, and bloodshed occurring all around their domain, along with the sounds of battle and violent supported by the roar of volcanic eruption happening all over the Blood Lands.

Karanak was enjoying his master's Khorne petting it, as they enjoy themselves of Ambrossia and the blood and skulls being offered across the Materium, at the moment that Khorne raised his cup to drink he felt a surge of Chaos-energy that he has ever felt before, this shocking revelation caused him to choke on his drink...impossible at it may seem.

Seeing him in this state, Valkia immediately went to tend to her husband, smacking his armored back as she too felt the massive force of chaotic power, surging through the realm of Chaos.

Her concern was appreciated by the Blood God, but still as he got his coughing under control, after the whole checking experience.

The Blood God looked up passed his crimson red skies onto the ever swirling, twisting, and chaotic Warp.

Sensing the ever growing power of Chaos, it took Khorne a moment before he could recognize this power...Laharl...after realizing what this source of power was, the once "calm" and joyous Blood God was filled with uncontrollable and unbridled rage, once again his older brother has grown stronger than before.

His rage grew by the second, again his brother and rival dared to challenge the Lord of Skulls, Khorne then stood from his throne to Valkia's surprise.

Seeing him stomp down the stairs of the Brass Citadel, she too stood from her respected throne and followed her beloved lord and husband.

The Blood Gods traversed through the Blood Land heading far north, towards edge of Khorne's domain which was closest to the abyss leading to infinite vast of the Warp.

Once they arrived Valkia walked up to her husband that was looking upwards to the endless tralls of the Warp, placing a hand she asked him, "My dear husband, what has you so railed and angered?" Khorne stood over the edge in quiet for a moment before he responded to his wife, "Wife...Valkia... It seems my dear brother is moking me again..." going quiet again before, the Blood God started unleashing his dark divine power.

The Warp reacting to Khorne rising anger, turned from it usual almagamation of colors into pure blood red...

The Blood Lands then started expanding slightly but quickly passed the armored feet of the Blood God, as he continued to talk, " INFURIATING!!!! AGAIN HE GROWS IN POWER, CHALLENGING ME!!!? THE LORD OF BLOODSHED AND BATTLE!!!?" roaring out a humongous pillar of hellfire, that forced Valkia to step back a bit from the intense heat of Khorne's hellfire.

Once Khorne "calmed" himself, breathing deeply and heavy releasing hot vapors, with spark of daemonic fire from his exposed mouth.

He resumed to speak, "Forgive me just this sensation...these emotions are foreign to me. I feel anger, frustration, and envy towards my rival for the total control over the Immaterium...but also pride, admiration...respect...and anticipation of once again seeing my brother outside of battle...strange, so strange..." Valkia listening very attentively, smile "gently" as she walked up next to her husband.

She started to tell him in her best way to explain the emotions his feeling, and that is respect and brotherly rivalry...

Valkia went on further explaining the difference between the him right here, and the him from the Old World.

Not only was she was glad and honored that the stronger and more "sensible" version of him summoned and proposed to her, she told him of how she is gaining some margin of respect for her brother-in-law and her growing number of sisters-in-law, especially after convincing them to utterly conquer the Realm of Chaos, and the other Gods instead of annihilating them.

Khorne hearing Valkia was understanding much of himself, and these emotions at first he saw Laharl, his brother only as a enemy to crush and kill so he alone could rule the Immaterium and in turn later the Materium.

But that was before facing his brother in battle, and regretfully losing against him that he saw the lonely existence and eventually descent to utter madness of solitude would cause him, never has he regretted the deal that gave him Valkia...his Queen...his beloved wife...his equal, that he'll rule all side by side for all eternity.

Khorne once again revealed his diabolic jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth from his helmed head, turned his face to his Gorequeen and wife, Valkia and shared a loving kiss as dark crimson blood, and burning lava (Khorne's blood) dripped down their faces as their teeth cut into the other's mouth.

As soon as they parted lips their wound immediately healed like they never suffered harm in the first place.

Valkia placed her gauntlet covered hand over her husband's chestplate, and rested her head at the crook of his neck as Khorne continued to stare up into the Warp, feeling his brother fast approaching, all the Blood God could think now is that the upcoming battle has just gotten more interesting for him...

Location the Immaterium-Deep in the Warp, the Resting Place of the Plague God's Cocoon/Incomplete Plague Gardens

Deep withing the grotesque, plague riddled hellish-scape of various rotting tree that look both dead as well as alive, sludge and pools of ooze, and filth of unclean green sickly waters are all around the growing dwelling of the New Chaos God.

Scathered around the horrendous "vegetation" bulging and pulsating sacks of yellow puss of various sizes with fleshy tendrils wiggling around the landscape.

Some of these plants and trees not only were they infected with huge or microscopic maggots, but also swarming flies as these insects seemed to be attracted to this rotting place.

But the most noticeable feature that several of these plants have is a massive rust covered bell/s hanging from the branches baring a symbol on it resembling three entwined circles with three spiked points crossing between them...

Already life and decay was sprouting all around this rotting domain, to the pleasure of it's maker and ruler...

At the center was a colossal, titanic sickly green sphere...a cocoon pulsating as it grow in size, power, and understanding.

It released a constant flow of foul miasma, and putrid stench the like not sane, healthy creature would ever be able to bare, this cocoon was protected by tendrils of sick flesh as a giant rotting tree was growing and twisting around it. [Future site of the Blighted Mansion]

Surrounding the cocoon were the minions...children of this deity, as it grows it used its godly connection to the Immaterium, to spawn these creatures from his own essence.

Among them are the Nurglings, which are surely some of the most numerous and becoming amongst the most favoured children of Plaguefather.

Even their appearance is pleasing to the Plague God, for each Nurgling is like a minute copy of the dread master himself.

These pernicious and capricious Daemons erupt from the boils and pustules that pock the fleshy which were accompanying titanic daemons, as they cheer, laugh, frolic, and dance not only around the resting place of their dark master but also these Greater Daemons known as Great Unclean Ones.

The next amongst this Plague Legion were the other numerous daemons.

These Lesser Daemons of the still not full formed Chaos God, now scatter joyously about the ever-growing garden.

They are shambling, pustulent creatures called Plaguebearers they have gangling, bony limbs, their bodies swollen with decay, so much so that glistening innards are exposed through rents in their skin. They possess a single eye and a single horn rising above their haggard, drawn faces, their bodies covered in filth and parasites.

Armed with a serpentine long "sharp" sword riddled in disease and rust, these blades are called Plaueswords, a welcomed gift from their dark god.

Overseeing all the daemonic beasts and lesser daemons, that were celebrating and rejoicing in the ever-growing Garden of their Dark Father, were the Greater Daemons of the Plague God, the Great Unclean Ones.

These grotesquely corpulent Greater Daemon of the Plague God were enjoying themselves as their "children" the Nurglings were playing and climbing out their festering open wounds, and exposed innards from their colossal green, sick bodies.

These loathsome Daemons are the harbingers of the lord of rot and ruin, and amongst Plaguefather's greatest and most powerful servants, bearers of his most viotile plagues, diseases, and poxes.

Their forms are squat and mountainous, covered in rotting flesh and open sores that weep foul rivulets of pus.

Hot ropes of intestines dribble out of huge tears in their enormous, bloated and distended bellies their horrific girth is supported by two impossibly small and atrophied-looking legs, and their inordinately large, bulbous heads are crowned by enormous stag-like antlers.

Some have a third horn on their foreheads, others were cyclops baring one huge central God.

Their armed with various mountain sized weapons from a skulled-tiped chained flail called the Plague Flails, or these Greater Daemons wield a giant bell as weapon called the Doomsday Bells, or lastly they wield either one of two massive swords called the Bileblade or the Bilesword.

Buzzing in the green colored air was the insectoid creatures known as Rot Flies these are colossal daemons in the form of hideous insects whose appearance is so repugnant it will scars the mind of mortals. These vile creatures are the most loathsome beasts of plagues that were gathered amongst the cocoon, swarming the sickly skies.

While on the ground inside the pools of slime, muck, and ooze were other beasts enjoying themselves amongst the filth, grime, and disgust.

These are the Plague Toads, massive amphibians plague daemons, another of the growing numbers of beasts of the Plaguefather, these cyclopian toads have three horns on their heads, their skin is covered in puss filled boils and slime.

One open it massive jaws with large sharp teeth revealing the mutated tongue as it...yawns...closing it again as it and it's fellow toads soak in the disgusting pools.

Slowly crawling and leaving trails of thick, disgusting slime are the Plague Snails or Molluscoids is a large, snail-like Daemon of Nurgle that is protected by a hard shell, these Molluscoids is surrounded by the virulently infectious fluids and rancid smell that defines all the daemonic servants of the Plague Lord.

And lastly amongst the ever-growing amount of daemons all chanting and praising their Dark God and Father that granted them life and his ever increasing gifts are the Beasts of Plaguefather (Nurgle).

As they slither across the plague riddled landscape leaving a trails of slime behind them, the other plague daemons believe them to incarnate the Plague Lord's bountiful excitement, and show a friendly nature utterly at odds with the consequences of their presence.

The beasts are propelled forward with undulating ripples and clawed flippers, and include fronds of writhing tentacles that sprout from their blob-like heads and which expel vomit-inducing gasses, clouds of flies and deadly fluids; these poisonous tentacles they use to hug and wrap the playmates they find in area, unwittingly causing their deaths, so they go out and search for a new "playmate".

All in all the Plaguefather was happy, extremely happy and joyous on his creation and domain.

As more and more mortals indirectly clamor to him, the fear of death, and the spread of decay and carrion feeds his power and consciousness, he begins to realize his existence and goal.

To welcome all into his loving embrace, to care for all life from the littlest bacteria to the most ill mortal.

He shall be not only a God to them, but a doting and caring Grandfather to them all bestowing the gifts of Plague and Disease, awakening in them the truth of this world everything rots, everything decays, everything dies and gets reborn...and he shall spread this love and blessing across the stars soon, as well as face these other entities that share some similarities as him...these siblings of him, shall be most happy to experience his first concoctions of carrion, and welcome disease to their essence.

For he is the Plaguefather, the Plague Lord, the Lord of Pestilence and Death, the Fly Lord, the Master of Rebirth, the Rotting One, the Decaying God, Nurgle.