Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 168 - New Brew & Upcoming Waagh

Chapter 168 - New Brew & Upcoming Waagh

(General POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room

After soaking for a while in the warm waters of the bath Laharl returned to his wives, once again apologizing and comforting them.

Once they were sastified and calm, Laharl sighed as he sat down on his throne and call upon the succubi handmaidens, he saw that the succubi were no longer raddled and he was still craving his bacon burger he ordered one of them to go to a lilim and bring the food to him.

With that mess settled Laharl sighed as he readjusted himself on his throne, and he felt arms embrace him looking slightly to his side he saw visage of the red and gold dress, and beautiful yellow hair of his wife Cassandra Crimsontear, despite having comfort them seem that she decided to comfort him, gripping her arm tenderly Laharl said to her, "Always the royal one, hey Cassandra?" in response he heard her chuckle as she kissed him and said, "It's a Queen's job to comfort her king, haheehee."

This made the Dark One laugh as he told her to rest back on her throne, the atmosphere returned to a good one as they focused their attention on their little Brew Mistress again...

Location the Feralworld-Auhtt Southwest, Nameless Jungle, near a Kreuki Hive

The Ambrossian Shroud, easily slaughter the kreuki drones or sentinels whatever their called because L'litha was occupied with something more important.

Once her warband killed the kreuki that came to attack them the Brew Mistress immediately went to the most intact body of the alien bees to disect and harvest from it's body, using her trusted knife to cut into the giant alien insect and while she was busy with her own kreuki body, her warband handled the others.

L'litha harvested the organs, eyes, exoskeleton shell, bladed limbs, and stinger but found more which made soo happy and excited inside the xeno it was honey...the fame Mad Nectar taking out a glass jar she immediately collected the small amount of honey, she turned to her warband commanding them to defend the area as she's about to experiment with the new ingredients she's collected up till now.

Laughing in a twisted childish manner, she thinks it has been a while since she's cooked a new brew with the Mad Necter, the new plants, and xeno parts they've gathered she'll make quite the delicious new ambrossia cocktail and be one step closer to receiving the Dark One and the Dark Ladies forgiveness.

As she unstrapped her massive gord from her back flew up to the side, grabbing her special wood paddle she began stering and preparing to cook her latest concoction...

While L'litha prepared the Dark Gods watched pleased as soon a battle will begin as they can see the changes that were occurring on the other side of the planet...

Location Auhtt, Eastern Desert

The Waaaaggghhh energy that Gork and Mork send through their domain and onto Auhtt was finally ceasing.

The intense bring green pillar of energy was swift banishing away allowing the sight of a bunch of big menacing red eyed silhouettes to be seen, and in the exact middle was the biggest figure with a huge klaw risen in the air and the actual blades moved slightly as the massive ork yelled out, "WAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" quickly all the other orkz joined in the cry it was clear that Doomklaw rouse from a big tribe boss, into the undisputed Warboss of Auhtt.

The silhouettes of the orkz and wagonz started marching forward as the pillar of waagh-energy was disappearing more.

In a few moments the area was clear and the rift was closed, fully revealing the bigger, tougher, meaner orkz of the Bloodteef Waagh.

But the biggest without a doubt was Doomklaw, the Waagh-energy made him and his boyz very strong along with enhancing the orkz special hive Warp bending/reality warping mentality ability, since they all believe that their megaklawz are actual part of their bodies some of the Nobz started being able to move the pointy bitz, especially Doomklaw being the strongest and everybody knowz it he was able to use the macabre proto-power klaw like it was hiz actual hand.

This made the Warboss really happy, as he laugh with a deep ork voice plus the gitz that originally came to fight him have all pledged themselvez to his rule making his Waagh bigger and stronger!

Doomklaw was about to gather the boyz, and order them further east to conquer the region and be the unchallenged Warboss on the planet when he felt something surging through hiz head...

Location the Immaterium of Waagh, Domain of Gork and Mork

The weird headache that Doomklaw was suffering quickly faded, that ache was so bad it made him close his eyes for a moment and when he open them he was no longer in a desert.

As he shuke his head to look around all he saw was green, plus this weird place felt...well amazing to Doomklaw that waagh-energy surrounding the place was unbelievable that when he heard stomping.

Not a moment soon two massive figures came out the misty green, Doomklaw knowz them well and for the first time since he lived the Warboss of the Bloodteef was scared, in front of him was them Gork and Mork!!!!

Their shining blazing red giant eyes were focused solely on Doomklaw, as Mork spoke first, "Good!!! Seems my plan work better than I originally thought ha!" Gork immediately responded to what his brother said, "Your plan?! Youz git!!!! It was mine!!!" the two wanted to fight but begrudgingly calmed down as theyz had more important thing to do.

The twins gods returned their focus on Doomklaw and once again Mork spoke, "Doomklaw wez called youz here, something important!!! Wez needz youz to krump and kill some gitz from Warp-thinga ma-place, theyz belong to git called the Dark One, his boyz are now in Auhtt and youz are going to kill them all!!!!! GOT IT!!!?

It was clear to even a ork, that the Gods wanted someone dead and they chose Doomklaw to do so.

Doomklaw swore that whoever thez gitz that Gork and Mork want dead, is going to be dead hearing this made the Twin Gods smile as they return inside the green mist leaving Doomklaw alone, as the headache returned forcing him to close his eyes...

Location Auhtt, Eastern Desert

Just like before with a simple blink of his eyes Doomklaw was back in the hot golden desert, looking around he saw all his boyz and he spoke, "Boyz!!!! Therz a big fight wanting for uz that even old Gork and Mork wants uz to skrap thez boyz!!!!" saying this got all the boyz excited as Doomklaw pointed to the east and the Bloodteef Waagh headed to that direction, eager to fight thez guys that even the Gods want krump!

A Waaaaggghhh was brewing the like never before seen in Auhtt which was pleasing two different pantheons Gork and Mork saw as a opportunity to get back at the gitz that took Nauless from them, while the Carnage Chaos God and his wives saw this a great surge of chaos and carnage working at their favor.

Location Auhtt Southwest, Nameless Jungle, near a Kreuki Hive

L'litha was in the middle of brewing her latest Ambrossia cocktail she added the green auhtt berries, along with some other ingredients to the brew adding some Auhtt Cactus juice, along with some other plants and flowers she and her warband harvested from the jungle she focused this latest brew on "green" ingredients, floral exencent, along with sweet and sour tastes to complement the last ingredient she'll add to the boiling gord filled with Ambrossia.

It took a bright pink color despite all the colorful ingredients she added to it, but the fragrances were intoxicating with a joyful smile she reached down her waist and grabbed her jar filled with Mad Nectar and dumped into the bright pink cocktail.

This immediately caused it to take a pink peach tone of color and have a very sweet aroma, she rarely does this tasting her newest brew first, but she craved to taste and drink this latest cocktail so much.

Grabbing a empty flask with her long tail, she scooped up a entire flask full of this new Ambrossia taking another quick wiff L'litha grin as she drank her new brew.

After drinking this latest creation L'litha felt as she was complete euphoria, she felt the dark power of Chaos surge through her and also quite bloodthirsty, this latest brew is pure ravenous bloodlust in a bottle meaning her warband one sip of this brew will go on a bloody rampage regardless on the enemy or risk it was perfect for when the Ambrossian Shroud was in middle of combat seems she has made another brew to add to her favorites she gave some of her latest batch to the warriors, imps, and her sisters so when they arrive at the hive it would be utter Anarchy.

She laughed as she watched most of her warband chug down her "Mad Brew" as she decided to call this batch immediately the eyes of her follows gain a golden sheen, and looks clearly craving bloodshed she quickly strapped her gord on her back and ordered her Ambrossian Shroud forward as they rush through the jungle in search for the Kreuki Hive and prey to slaughter.

While this happened once again she has grown in favor with not just the Dark One and the Matriarch, but also the Gobo and Rampaging Queens as well.

Seeing her progress Kiira decided to reward her cute little daughter early, summoning 200-lesser succubi and sending them to the Materium to join and serve under L'litha as part of the Ambrossian Shroud, of course she ordered her succubi to play into the poor Brew Mistress' delusion of persecution of their wrath to maintain the succubus heralds determination, and chaotic campaign of self redemption...even though is her own mistake in believing that her husband was angered with her...

Laharl was please not only with L'litha's latest Mad Brew but also the previous one she calls "Luster A. Cocktail" she's proving herself worthy of being her unique "lesser" named character in terms of power Laharl believes that she is able to match the Hell Enchantresses in terms of power and strength.

He knows that she has already reached the 10% of progress so for her first blessing her enhance all her "stats" making her both physically and psychically (magically) stronger then before, as his succubus wife given L'litha reinforcements he'll make her stronger.

As Laharl was enjoying his bacon burger with such gusto he and his wives were eager for the big clash between Doomklaw's forces and L'litha's forces but at least they'll have the kreuki battle to entertain them for the first part of the bigger event.