Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 164 - The Greentide in the Sand

Chapter 164 - The Greentide in the Sand

(General POV)

Location the Feralworld-Auhtt, Eastern Desert, an Ork Campsite/Battlefield

The Bloodteef were admist of attacking another tribe a big one called the Dunsluggahz, that has a lot of boyz all under a Boss called Sharptoff Gutzchewer.

Aside from wanting another fight, Doomklaw led his Waagh here to take all the shiniez that the Dunsluggahz have pretty yellow shiniez (gold) perfect for Doomklaw plus he heard a lot from Sharptoff and he saw the git as a good fight!!

The two greenskin tribez were fighting and killing one another while roaring and clamoring Waaaaggghhh as choppah struck green flesh!

The brutality of the orkz killing one another was amazing and fun for all of them, while the Dunsluggahz didn't have anything special aside from numbers, but the Bloodteff using red made them super fast and overwhelming the Dunsluggah boyz charging in untold speed and when they're soaked in more blood they become even "supah fast" all the while Boss Doomklaw was fighting Boss Sharptoff.

As claw clashed against battle-axe as the orkz enjoyed the carnage, another force was also rampaging through the desert, at southwest of their fighting ground...

Location Auhtt Desert-Southwest Sand Dunes

A Greenskin group was being slaughtered by a force they had never faced before in the desert one of the choppahboyz was being eaten... literally eaten by a grotesque, bloated, and great mutated glutton, as the orkz were fighting against L'litha and her warband the Ambrossian Shroud.

Speaking of the Brew Mistress, she was currently admist of the fighting surrounded by her succubi sisters and some of ambrossian spawns, after she and her warband have crossed over to the planet she and her followers have caused utter carnage.

L'litha has slaughtered and harvested all the creatures that they come across, including collecting a mauve colored round cactus, but before she could test these new ingredients and add them to her latest batch she and her warband heard the distinct, and trademarked battlecry "WAAAAGGGHHH!!!!" and over the horizon of sand dunes came the Greenskins to attack.

Which leads to now at the current battle, L'litha was using her "enchanted" sashes to fight, restrain, and defend herself, every so often she pulls in a ork to either stab or force down one of her former cocktails down that greenskin victim's throat.

Those were the orkz that perished or worse after swallowing one of L'litha's brews, some punked out blood, vile, and anything else in their stomach before they dropped dead onto the sand, others mutated into hulking creatures with bone spikes pertruding from their bodies or other gruesome mutations ranging from more mouths to extra-limbs now victims to the Ambrossia of L'litha and her newest mindless slaves.

While the rest of the greenskins had a third effect, which started to over-mutate into sludge of goop and liquid remains soaking the sand.

All the while, her succubi sisters were using their incredible agility, flexibility, and speed to cut down the hulking brutes of the Greenskins.

Swiping their claws and some even started to carry various ring like bladed weapons in honor of their Dark Lady and mother, they hacked and cut down the orkz since Greenskins' are naturally and utterly immune to their [Charm] ability.

But unlike the orkz that the daemons of Carnage faced before the Waagh energy and boost that Gork and Mork gave to all their boyz allowed them to hurt and banish theze daemon gitz!

The succubi that were unable to evade an ork attack would either get seriously hurt or banished back to the Warp.

While this did make things harder for the Ambrossian Shroud, it also made the succubi and L'litha more excited about fighting now that there were high stakes especially since this meant the rewards after all the slaughter and carnage will that much more enjoyable.

They're first real fight, and L'litha was chuckling and smiling wide as she and her warband were fighting and killing their orkish adversaries.

Aside from the fighting, L'litha was the most excited about harvesting all the pieces from this sentient fungus xenos, they'll make great ingredients...additions to her brew!!

Speaking of her brew, using her long tail to scoop a glass flask full of her latest cocktail she had great and unexpected success with it, the results were quite surprising and have become one of her premier cocktails during the fight the ork Boss targeted L'litha and managed to hit her with his warhammer on her chest, the force of the blow knocked her down to the sand but also caused her current brew inside the gord to spill and splash everywhere.

When her brew touched, anything began to mutate, but the biggest effects were on her warband, all fatigue and wounds were healed along with increasing their savagery in battle.

But what happened to the Greenskins was what really shocked and pleased her, the orkz doused with her "Luster Ambrossia Cocktail" started screaming from pain and spewing out their guts before the ones that didn't die from the cocktail, those boyz they started dropping down and eat their bile mixed with sand and ambrossia, mutating like those that survived before now these boyz were her's.

L'litha was impressed by the overall power and effect of her Luster Ambrossia, making her cackle and laugh crazily with overwhelming joy she for sure will be saving and keeping this brew amongst her favorites and more useful in battle, infact she was actually grateful for the greenskinned brute's blow for it granted her a lot of insight on the uses of her brews...aside from drinking them.

Their fight continues, as this proves that the strongest and most brutal forces in Auhtt are clearly the Bloodteef and the Ambrossian Shroud and their unavoidable clash will bring untold amount of mayhem, carnage, and bloodshed on the planet, and that's without including the kreuki.

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room

All the while, within the domain of the Chaos God of Carnage, the Dark One and his beloved wives were sitting upon the thrones in the castle, Neo Oblivion they were watching quite pleased and highly entertained with the Chaos that their little succubus herald was causing on Auhtt.

Kiira was the most impressed and happy with her little daughter, but they never thought that Ambrossia could be so versatile aside from a delicious nectar for them to drink, Kiira turned to her husband who had his chin was resting upon his left clawed gauntlet, with a wide grin on his face as the Succubus Queen could instantly tell what her darling was thinking the same thing as her, as the ambrossia of the Brew Mistress was actually tempting for them to drink...but they can wait until L'litha makes a better drink for them.

Jade, Ragna, and Kiira herself all gave their own form of comment on the cocktails that L'litha is brewing, also their tempted to have a taste but the only way for the little succubus to grow in power and ability is to still be trapt in the illusion of needing to be redeem and that their angry with her.

Laharl was listening to three of his seven wives comment on the Brew Mistress, he chuckled as that little succubus was so similar to Ku'gath in his 40k lore, but she needs to grow more.

They continue to enjoy their ambrossia and food as they continue to watch as L'litha was slaughtering the Greenskins that unfortunately decided to attack her and warband.

She was currently using her sashes to lash and whip at the Ork Boss, even using her brew as projectiles that will make the Leech Lord her only rival in fighting style and similarities.

Location the Feralworld, Auhtt, Desert-Southwest Sand Dunes

This unknown band of orkz was being slaughtered in the most horrific ways as L'litha was starting to use her filled glass flasks and jars as projectiles throwing them at both her followers to heal and boost them, or at her enemies to kill them in a horrible way or turn them into her latest mindless minions for her warband.

The boss was utterly pissed, especially with what the "Grugg Git" as he was calling L'litha, which only made her laugh, saying, "I can't wait to cut into pieces!!! And add you to made newest brew!!! So do me a big favor..." looking sickly sweet and directly focusing on the leather, bone wearing, warhammer wielding Ork Boss as she finished talking to him, " better let me gut you. Ok?♡" and the two leaders clashed against.

While this fight was happening, another was just ending at another side of the desert...

Location Auhtt, Eastern Desert, an Ork Campsite/Battlefield

Doomklaw was still fighting against the Dunsluggahz' Boss, Sharptoff Gutzchewer while they fought Doomklaw's boyz were cleaning up the Dunsluggahz boyz.

The power of the Waaaaggghhh, and their speed was overwhelming the Dunsluggahz numbers it was clear that Gork was in their side, as many Bloodteef were cheering and yelling out "WAAAAGGGHHH!!!!" causing the Waagh energy of the Bloodteef was growing, and making them all stronger and faster it was clear whoz was gonna win this skrap between the two tribez.

At that time, Doomklaw was laughing, enjoying the carnage all around him as he'll not only win the fight, but all the Dunsluggahz will be under his control along with all the shiniez will be his!!!

Sharptoff enraged and tried to kill Doomklaw with a wide, downward horizontal slash with his huge, spiked teef battle-axe, but Doomklaw saw this and countered using his klaw caught the big choppah in between his claw-blades.

With a powerful twist of the wrist and a strong yank, he took Sharptoff's choopah from him, and Doomklaw followed it up with a powerful right cross, knocking out a couple of Sharptoff's teef but before he could finish the git, Sharptoff's arrowboyz took a shot at him allowing Sharptoff to get away making Doomklaw angry and roaring with absolute rage!!!

With the Arrowboyz being the only ones there, Doomklaw charged them with his klaw, eager for blood.

The first arrowboy got impaled, the next was cleaved across the body, and the last ones were hacked and slashed to piece as the big red armored boss of the Bloodteef looked around for the grut git that ran away from him.

Then Doomklaw saw Sharptoff's choppah on the sand, he picked it up with his remaining hand, claiming it as he swore he'll chop off Sharptoff's head before the day done, as he rushed into the deeper partz of the camp.

This fight was all but over, and Sharptoff knew it as he is trying to escape as all his tribe was being slaughtered by Doomklaw's boyz just when he managed to cross pass the last group of hutz to leave to the desert, he was betrayed by his boyz whoz yelled out that he was weak and that "Boss" Doomklaw was the strongest and the true boss of them.

Sharptoff was angry but unarmed, so he ran the other way, only to find more boyz and...Doomklaw now holding his choppah as Doomklaw ordered all his old ladz and new boyz to surround them in a circle for there was about be a propah fight between them and Sharptoff has no where else to escape the fight as it was clear this is Doomklaw's Waagh and he wantz a fight!!!