Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 148 - Blood on the Snow Part 2: The Horrors of Slaughter

Chapter 148 - Blood on the Snow Part 2: The Horrors of Slaughter

(General POV)

Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, outer snowfields of the Mountains of the Shi'lanorai/Battlefield Carnage Forces Vs. Loyal Shi'lanorai

While the forces of Carnage rage hell upon the loyalist of the king's army with the princess, gobos, and the dreadpede causing untold amount mayhem amongst the ranks of the royal army of King Shik'Adammine.

The loyalists were fighting with all they had as that they were struck from multiple points in the battle the most damage their suffering was from Crystallyl, the Dreadpede and the Infernals.

As Jar Zera'val also send them into the battle stomping fast through the snow, ignoring the ice arrows shot at their daemonic stone bodies, the six broke through the entire defensive line of the King Shik'Adammine's army.

Smashing and crushing all Shi'lanorai in their path with their razor-sharp stone claws, they even acted as heavy artillery for the Carnage forces as these infernals dug their claws deep into the ground ripping out huge chunks of black Ymirian stone, surging the ruinous powers of Carnage into these boulders causing them to burst into light violet fireballs throwing them at shi'lanorai forces, burning and crushing all frost eldars struck.

The Husks were clashing against the loyalist ice warriors and royal guards in direct melee with several bio-crafters skittering across the snow, avoiding close combat, using their high-powered concentrated lapsgun/cannons arms to fire highly concentrated red glowing lasers to kill several targets from range while the husks kept most of their enemies engaged on them.

The ghoulish cyberized monsters of husks were being struck by ice-spears and axes only to either barely cause damage or any at all as the metallic machine installments were tougher that the ice warriors weapons so many fell to the metal claws and fangs of these flesh horrors.

One of the bio-crafters that was caught and forces to fight in melee, making her victim regret facing the bio-crafter as she had one high-powered left laps-cannon for right arm, and a huge razor-sharp buzzsaw for a left hand as it cut through the ice warrior's ice-spear with ease as the buzzsaw fell upon the shi'lanorai's head, as the spinning saw bit and cut through, blood, bone, and gore being cut and rip out the victim's body as he was cut in half horizontally.

Once the bio-crafter's victim was sawed in half, she activated her wide red visor for eyes as it shined red, signaling their final flesh horrors to attack, and quickly the cold air of Ymir was filled with the sound of intense and mighty roars.

Soon hundred of grayish greenskined Flesh Gorrs rushed, rustled, stomped, and more through the snow being mentally summoned by a bio-crafter to attack as the savage brutes that they are.

The huge flesh horror abominations that combined the dead bodies of greenskins with macabre advance dark machinery, were slaughtering their way through the royal army, only for royal guards and snow hunters using their speed and experience to take down the huge monsters.

One of the Gorrs with a massive power drill for a right hand charged at a shi'lanorai royal guard seeking to pierce and rip into his prey only for said prey to counter the gorr's attack, by driving his wraithbone and shi'lanorai silver bidant into the joint of the back of the power drill, causing it insides to grind together and eventually explode taking out not only the weapon of the gorr but also majority of his right side.

Suffering from mayor damage, it was easy for the royal guard to strike down the flesh horror, taking his bidant and thrusting the blades through the gorr's skull and brain killing it.

This how the battle between the shi'lanorai loyalists and the forces of Carnage was progressing they may have had a chance if it was only Crystallyl and her warriors, but the add power and savagery of these new enemies was something that the uncorrupted shi'lanorai have never faced before.

Currently, the king was cutting down gobos with their wraithbone enhanced macabre weapons of serrated blades, axes, and buzzsaws.

Also, with his Frozen Dragon sword, he was causing mayor and fatal damage to the flesh horrors that come to face him delivering a frozen death to all his foes as his ornate armor was cover in blood stains and some snow from the battlefield.

While things were looking grim for loyalists, the strength and courage of their king were driving them forward to keep fighting for their lands and mountains.

King Shik'Adammine was in the middle of a fight against a few gorrs that upon spotting him charged straight at the Shi'lanorai King, but their brute strength was no match against the battle harden king who stood strong and tall against the flesh horror roaring and charging straight at the first with twin power-clampers struck at the king aiming to crush him, only for the king's sword Frozen Dragon to not only destroy the gorr's machine limbs but freeze in one strike.

Unarmed, the gorr was defenseless against another strike, slashing the greenskin across the body, killing the monster as it fell into two large pieces of the dead, not letting the other gorrs a chance to retaliate against him first stabbing his sword into another gorr quickly freezing the gorr completely to death.

The other gorrs also fell to the king's Frozen Dragon, impressing all his warriors around him that's when he was distracted to notice the purple, burgundy, and grey lightning that soaring through the Ymirian air, but before this psyker sorcery hit him when a royal guard pushed him away taking the blast electricuting not only the body of this poor shi'lanorai royal guard but his soul as well leaving a shard corpse on the snow.

Seeing his advisor and trusted guard has died in utter agony, causing him rage as he stood up from the snow and looked at the one responsible for this atrocity and saw a pale and light violet tint skin she-eldar with dark style beauty and at same time a horrendous mutant in the eyes of the king, as he inspect her features her hair along with multi-curving long horn, and her daemonic like right arm gripping on a Chaosbrand scepter surging with dark power.

Jar Zera'val has come to fight against the king behind the back of Crystallyl that was still slaughtering royal guards, alongside her trusted and dearest companion Frostfang allowing the Carnage Champion to obtain the greatest honor of slaying the Shi'lanorai king in the name of the Dark One.

Spinning her Carnage Blade in her left hand, she spoke to King Shik'Adammine, "I've found you! That princess won't take this glory from me!! Your death and soul shall greatly please the Dark One, surrender yourself, and I'll promise to make your death as painless as I can." this was received as taunting by Emrril, and rage filled his mind for the death of his former advisor and friend, pointing his Frozen Dragon at Jar Zera'val he responded with saying, "Heritical witch!!! I swear by those that have fallen this day and the Frostfather!!!! I'LL KILL YOU, WITCH!!!!!" as he charged her and Jar Zera'val counter-charge at him, once close enough they swung their respected sword against the other's blade causing sparks of chaos-energy and frost psyker energy, as the two started their battle.

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/Bed Chambers

After we enjoyed the warm waters and relaxing in the bath, we changed the location, all snuggling in our massive burgundy covered bed.

Currently, me and all my wives, Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Jade, Cassandra, Ruu, and Ragna, were all around him, enjoying each others warmth and afterglow of our passionate love making hours ago.

Using my divine sight and dark powers I made so we can still watch the events unfold in the shi'lanorai civil war, I watched the Carnage, Atrocities, Devastation, and Horrors being wrought already my new divinity has proven quite broken the power I'm feeling surged through me was massive, especially with the fear many alderi and shi'lanorai are feeling against my mortal followers, I laughed in amusement of this...but I and my wives had enough entertainment it was time for massacre.

Telling my wives to follow me as they groun a bit as they got up from the bed, and all of us manifested our usual weapons and clothes we leave the bedroom and headed to the outside of Castle Neo Oblivion for an invasion...