Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 100 - The Fall of Kolbaline, the Last Battle Begins

Chapter 100 - The Fall of Kolbaline, the Last Battle Begins

(Grand Highlord De'sanguine POV)

Location Hiveworld Kolbaline, the Grand Highlord's Personal Chambers

It's been years...

Years, since this horrific war has begun and fester our once proud technological utopia...

From bio-mechanical nightmares spawned by the madness of one of the most promising minds in medicine to have risen from the ashes, but got corrupted by madness...Karim Ireneie Von Grimm, also known as Scalpel Bleedinhart, creator of the Flesh Horror abominations...

Next came from below, I'll admit from our hubris and desires we created actual sentient life meant to serve, only to rebel from tyrants that I as a man and military commander must say that despite being adhumans, they deserved better...

While the first rebellion was squashed, and once again, our overconfidence has proven to ne our downfall, as the adhumans called Gobos rouse once again through the flames of rebellion led by the most violent, vicious, ruthless, and downright unrestrained soul among them, turning these stronger, more skilled mechanics and engineers into savage beasts that only want destruction and carnage, this Gobo woman known for her violence, and atrocious action was given the moniker the Havoc Queen, by the few survivors of her attacks, her name is Jade Emerlhyde the Boss of the Iron Kollarz...

Just those two women caused untold chaos and misery to our once prosperous world...

But there is another that rouse amongst the same time as Scalpel and Jade...

She is my greatest greatest sin...and regrettably my only daughter...

I punished her from extreme methods and abuse ahe caused her fellow man, I tried to teach and try to curve the pride, ego, and extreme superiority complex that girl has shown.

I tried like many fathers to save their child from the darkness that they willingly walked into, but my efforts were in vain being punished, disciplined, and denied broke what remaining restrains that held back a monster that hid under the flesh of my own blood.

She left a scene of horror in our old family estate, the beginning of the rising amount of death, destruction, ruin, and anarchy that was unleashed by that vile spawn that ashame me to call a De'sanguine, she rouse to power corrupting once proud, and loyal soldiers of Kolbaline into demented fanatics and insane cultists worshipping a being called the "Dark One" that girl slaughter countless, turn many into traitorous killers, and defiled all ahe touched, her attacks were strategic and cause us great harm her name De'sanguine or Crimsontear as she even defiles our family name further...

Three enemies attacking us from all sides...

Many with me included hoped that these three enemy forces would tear into each other and weaken themselves for our forces to rid what remains among those that had hope for that happen was myself included...

Instead, these three different factions united into one great army and the enemy we have been in war against for years...

Even now, I fight on...

I led brave men and women to war, to save our slowly decaying world...

I've done many things for my homeworld, some even quite vile that include my rise as the ruler of Kolbaline itself, as Grand Highlord.

I did it all not only for Kolbaline's future but also to redeem the De'sanguine name by personally destroying the Crimsontear Battalion and killing that who once was my daughter!!!!

Currently, my forces are engaged in battles all across Kolbaline, we have managed to win some ground, in some aspect, but the unhuman creature that now reinforced the enemy has proven to be unbeatable.

Lessen men would have subcome to despair, but I'm no meer man, I've faced many horrors in battle from xenos to the most vile man and survived.

I've been cut, shot, broken and beaten, and have never surrendered, even time and death that should have claimed me I've defeated thanks to the technological might of our world disposable

I'll will not die until I wipe the filth that stains and treathens our world away!!!

My name is Gilford Lox De'sanguine, Grand Highlord of Kolbaline, I record this vox as either my last memoirs, or as testament of our victory.

I sit in my chamber, planning the last assault on our enemy upon Maxum Plain, I pray for victory.

Soon I shall leave for battle ready for the end...I've never feared or run from death of today be my last, I'll shall take hundreds of thousands more of the enemy, for Kolbaline, for Victory, and Prosperity signing off...

(General POV)

Location Hiveworld Kolbaline, the Maxum Plains Battlefield

The Grand Highlord De'sanguine, rolling onto the battlefield on his personal tank, the "Vengeance of Innocence" with the countless men and women of the Guard, matching behind the legendary tank that not only made it's name from conquering multiple battlefields, but never being defeated it became a symbol of power, hope, and vengeance among the people of Kolbaline.

De'sanguine has rode this war machine across many battles both from the past to present, being a war veteran and hero, the old Grand Highlord/General, and he has always led from the front.

With the entirety of the Kolbaline Guard following their lord and leader towards the Maxum Plains, once one of the greatest, most beautiful, and luscious botanical preserves in the whole hiveworld.

Now, a barren wasteland caused by Grand Highlord De'sanguine himself launching a tactical nuke upon the area to stop giant invading force of the monsters (daemons) from entering the last remaining strongholds, the last years since the portals opened across Kolbaline...

And those monsters invaded and joined forces with their enemy under the new leadership of a man called Corex Andamalas the Wicked One, the enemy have opened these portals causing their once flourish utopia to turn into a horrific hellish wasteland.

The monsters, which were nearly impossible to kill unless super powerful weapons were used against them, were led by some heinous creature that emerged from the grand spire in the enemy's main stronghold, it name is Kha'braxi when that being emerged the whole sky of Kolbaline was twisted, and turned a deep maroon color permanently, these monsters are powerful and savage delighting in murder, carnage, and chaos possessing abilities that were unnatural for the guardsmen.

Since their arrival, the abominations that are the Flesh Horrors, the vicious short, crazy adhumans the Gobos, and the mutated witches/fanatics of the Traitor Guardsmen have become more confident and vicious in their assaults.

With the enemy numbers drastically increased, along with being more than just reinforced.

It was as the planet itself was being corrupted and bending to the will of their enemy, as their sorcery and weaponry has become more violatile than before, majority of their world now belongs to the enemy.

But Grand Highlord De'sanguine refused to surrender his people, his home to traitors and monsters, ever since he usurped the high council, he has fought, he has rallied, and he has charges against the tide of Chaos.

Right now, the entire Guard was marching to meet their hated enemy in the last battle for Kolbaline.

Just across the horizon of the wasteland was Corex Andamalas and Kha'braxi, leading humongous legion of Chaos followers and Carnage Daemons.

Grand Highlord De'sanguine, he didn't wait for the enemy to get into their range command bikers, Tauros drivers, and what remained of their aerial forces many were shot down to a point of being unsalvagable, but he keep a dozen Marauder Bombers in storage as their mechanics improved them the best they could do with their dwindling resources.

These twelve remaining Marauders were rebuilt, focusing on everything on speed and aerial dominance that not even the gobos' Doom Seekers will be able to pose a threat to them.

The plan was simple, their faster moving vehicles would rush in the enemy with long-range hit-and-run tactics, while their more powerful along with the heavier vehicles will slowly get into ranged position to bombard the enemy, a simple but affective tactic, as their ground troops march forward to eliminate the enemy will hail of gun/laps-fire.

As the bikes, humves, and war planes soared across the wasteland about turn battlefield.

The countless Chaos worshipping warriors ranging from carnage corrupt guardsmen and civilians, adhumans gobos hungering for a bloody rampage, and the unholy spawns of Chaos inspired science the Flesh Horrors were marching calmly alongside the holy spawn of their dark master, the Dark God of Carnage, the Neverborn from Knightmares, Void Wraiths, Stalkers, and Observers the legion of carnage was ready to bring the final ruin unto Kolbaline.

When the Kolbaline Guard faster ground and air units got into range, the guardsmen either operating the vehicle or the ones manning the weapons started unloading everything unto the Chaos army.

Their psykers, sorcerers, and cultist immediately began to chant in the dark tongue, forming a psychic barrier that shielded most of their forces, apart from the Husks, Defects, Gorrs which marched/rushed passed the barrier's protection, and the more bloodthirsty of the Gobos that charged in once the spotted the enemy.

These creatures were riddled with bullet holes, burn clear through by laps-fire, and oblirated by the multitude of explosives thrown, while the Guard has obtained first blood, they didn't cause as much damage or disarray within the enemy forces, as intended so as their lord ordered the bikers, tauros drivers, marauder pilot began falling back, while still attacking the Chaos Forces.

Corex, being once a normal guardsman, until he was enlightened by Chaos, immediately saw through the enemy ploy.

Turning to the side, as the behemoth that is the Abyss Defiler, Kha'braxi was standing beside him, his insectoid eyes focused on the battle before them as Corex spoke to the Greater Daemon of Laharl, "Lord Kha'braxi. Please take our psyker units to eliminate the incoming enemy attack." the Greater Daemon turned his attention to the Chaos Sorcerer Lord, using his incredible power, and psychic might to read the mortal Warp Sorcerer's mind and the Abyss Defiler was impressed by the strategy that he came up with, so Kha'braxi decided to listen to his request.

As the Greater Daemon of Laharl walked away using his staff like a cane, Corex planned his next move of this battle...

[Author: Thank you, for all your support and more. As I finally reached 100 chapters, I hope you'll keep reading and supporting my story I decided to release the 100 chapter early of my break as I get caught up in the latest 40k lore. But don't worry I'll b back enjoy.]