Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 76 - Blood for the Carnage God! The Clash of Two Dark Gods!

Chapter 76 - Blood for the Carnage God! The Clash of Two Dark Gods!

(General POV)

Location the Blood Lands area where Khorne and Laharl fought

As the legions of blood rush to aid their God and Father trembling was heared and felt as some Bloodcrushers and Blood Thrones turned their gaze back as one of the most powerful daemon was leading the chase with a force composed of Forsaken, Knightmares and Slaughter Calvary this is the Elder Daemon, Mordred Deathharbinger during the battle no blood daemon could harm the humongous armored daemon but the daemons born from truest rage and bloodlust refuse to surrender or spare prey as a part of the khornate daemons split off to face Mordred and occupy his time while the rest continued charging towards the Carnage God and protect their Dark God, as they roar and chanted their renowned war-cry "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!" with that the battle resumed.

Mordred charging ahead of all his forces as he gathered his daemonic power reaching out with armored claw armed with a vulcan cannon he let loose a barrage of powerful high-speed Warp infused bolt rounds at the coming calvary belonging to the Blood God as Bloodcrushers as the duo of bloodletters and juggernauts were being blown to pieces as daemonic flesh torn and slightly burn was flying through the red air and staining both the crimson ground and the fellow Bloodcrushers that either managed to evade a shot or were "slightly" damaged from a bolt round unleashed from Mordred's mounted guns.

As blood, and gore was splattering everywhere and thing, Mordred stopped advancing focusing on firing his guns while the rest of his forces were soon to join and the true battle can commence at that moment the Blood Thrones stopped advancing as well positioning themselves in range to begin the cannon volley of flaming skulls at Mordred and his forces as dozens of daemonic projectiles soared across the Immaterium sky of Khorne's domain as all the burning skull began to fall all aimed at the same target...Mordred as several dozens cannon fire crashed and exploded upon impacting the dark armored colossal Elder Daemon crimson and black smock obstructed all view which didn't stop some blood crazed Bloodcrushers from charging straight into the smoke especially when Mordred stopped his assault.

At that same moment Laharl was at arm reach of his younger brother whose strength was slowly returning as his struggles and movements became more frequent even managed to straightened his legs slightly before the pain forced him back onto the ground as he looked at his older brother straight into his purple colored eyes, as the Dark One growled and snarled at Khorne as he quickly contacted Aillia asking about Khorne's current status and if he can survive what he was about to do the famous Lord of Skulls, Aillia responded making the Dark One happy and annoyed that he has to literally hold back of he'll kill Khorne but regardless on how broken the cannon is in the world he still needed him, and to show Khorne some humility as he placed his right claw around his throat and Khorne responded by trying to break free of his grasp, clawing into Laharl's arm as Laharl used his superior strength to lift the Blood God from the crimson volcanic ground that surrounded him.

Laharl and Khorne were looking at each other face to face as Laharl was grabbing the Warp's Blood God by the throat lifting him in the air with only physical power, as Khorne struggled against Laharl's grasp the daemonic followers of the Blood God were close to attacking the Carnage God and save their dark master when countless Bolts of pure Warp induced lightning came crashing from the Immaterium sky striking down several Bloodthirsters that were leading the charge to rescue their Dark God then the lightning was replaced with blinding bright light that followed by a silhouette of a colossal round figure with six huge feathered wings, as horns were beneath a halo many believe it to be some creation of another entity, while correct they were oh so wrong as this entity uncovered itself revealing it dark colored spiked and horned carapace with a elongated mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, opening his violet eyes 12 of them before opening the larger center eye of his thirteen eyes this is the first Elder Daemon of Carnage, Ba'al Allseer as he created a massive psychic barrier around his father and the Blood God the beholder daemon was soon joined by thousands of Void Wraiths and Heralds all rising their respected foci and chanting in dark tongue when Ba'al gave the command to attack diving towards the legion of Khorne the Void Wraiths they swoop behind the Great Seer to battle in the name of Carnage!

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location the Blood Lands behind Ba'al Barrier

Impressed by my sons, along with my wives that were also rushing into the battle leading their respected forces of Carnage, with the glimpse of my right eye I saw Mordred with his Slaughterbane soaked in blood and a Juggernaut impaled in the blade as the Forsaken, along with the forces of the Knightmares joined the Lord of Assault in a brutal and bloody melee as the Blood Thrones try to break my forces and hold the line the Carnage Crawlers came the daemonic siege towers made their way to the battlefield blasting at the Blood Thrones and devouring the daemons that try to attack them grasping their prey with their tentacles and throwing them into their maws I'm glad I took some inspiration from Old World as no one in 40k has siege creatures as mine.

Turning my attention back on Khorne besides feeling his clawed hands scratch and tear into my flesh, the continuation of this battle was helping him as I can feel the Warp answering his plight healing and restoring him slowly seems like even the Immaterium was hurrying me, sighing inside my mind I started charging power into my Claw of Hades as warp-energies started to gather at the point of each of my massive claws, surging with ever growing power as the surging and swirling colors of violet, black and maroon were forming in the palm of my massive daemonic God-weapon I laughed as was about to win this battle, the first of many of the Great Game of Chaos before I unleash my power unto Khorne I said to him "Look brother. This battlefield is mine. And all the blood is now flowing for me, not you." with those words spoken Khorne was blazing in fury, as I closed my clawed gauntlet hand forcing all that gathered power through my fist and with some restrain punched Khorne with charged dark energy blow right into his chest as he released a loud gasp of air, as my Claw of Hades dug deeper into his chest releasing the power of the Warp and Darkness throughout his body swiftly coating his form in dark purple as Khorne was blasted away towards the east not letting this opportunity slide I roared spreading my wings and tail wide, the power of my roar shuke the Blood Lands I actually could feel the fear emanating from the khornate daemons while praise and admiration was all my daemons were feeling seem my Daemon Divinity might have grown once again but that's not important at the moment it was time to finish my fight with Khorne slamming my tail against the crimson soil, cracking through the Warp infused red earth of the Blood Lands I charged forwards using my four lower limbs at their fullest, running towards my target the soaring form of Khorne.

(General POV)

The blow that the Dark One delivered to Khorne was something that shall forever be told within the Immaterium especially since the Dark One has done what no other being has done from there to beyond made daemons, khornate daemons experience fear and intimidation as Laharl chased after his target the Bloodthirster, Skarbrand roared in unimaginable fury yelling at the others cowards and weakling as the Greater Daemon of Khorne beheaded another Bloodthirster near him gaining the command of Khorne's remaining forces and rallying them into battle for they must save their Dark Father less they lose him and everything else in the process. [Speaking of Skarbrand he appears as Warhammer 3 but without scars for he has yet to become the Exiled]

Chi and Kiira having reached the main battle to see the mighty Bloodthirster taking command having witnessed Skarbrand power, might, and ferocity throughout the battle and just like their husband told him he is rage incarnate and will be the greatest of Bloodthirsters despite wanting to destroy such a threat will he was still young and weak both their beloved husband and Ba'al told them to only kill him so he can return later with the Succubus Queen sighing and the Dark Druid Queen shaking her head they commanded their forces to advance immediately joining the charge eager to spill more blood in their beloved's name.

All the while the Dark Druids, Cultists, Enlighten, Succubi and Dark Ents & Trents rejoined the battle following their Daemon Queens their Dark God was occupied with other matters.

Location the Blood Lands, near the Skull Throne of Khorne

As the Blood God kept on soaring through the skies via Chaos infused punch quertecy of the Dark One, Laharl until the Blood God finally crashed against the earth as he struggled to stand the words that Laharl said still echoing through the head of Khorne filling his being with wrath restoring much of his strength but less so of all the damage Khorne suffered in his battle against Laharl but at least he can stand which means he can still fight.

Just as Khorne was getting his barings realizing that he is near his throne he felt a colossal surge of warp-energy which meant one thing his brother has come to continue their fight as he turned towards the west the growing image of Laharl was rushing towards him ever closer this amused Khorne that at least his brother has the will and bloodlust of a Warrior readying himself their battle was about to continue.

Laharl spotting his now standing brother was pleased as he increased his speed to face Khorne once again on the years he has been in 40k this has been his truest battle and quite an experience not only as a Chaos God but a proud Chaos Player as he though about it his neverborn blood surged and he can tell that Khorne could feel it to as their clash was finally coming to an end before facing off one last time he send a psychic message to his wives and sons to end the battle for he is about to the same as he saw Khorne rise his fist and rush towards him Laharl roared exclaiming "Yes show me brother! The power of another Chaos God! So I can show you true Carnage!!!" hearing him Khorne responded "Carnage!? Brother!!! Nothing is greater then battle, to be soaked in the blood of the slain, to claim victory ad true warriors!!!!! Now offer me your Skull for the Blood God shall overcome Carnage!!!" with both drawings back opposite fists as they rushed forward once close enough they unleashed their fists clashing against the face of the other and the battle of two Warp Deities continues and comes closer to its conclusion.

Once they punched the other, forcing the other back slightly from the force of their blow that roared and yelled releasing their respected ruinous power Khorne Blood and Fire, and Laharl Carnage and Darkness surrounding their forms as this fight reached another level of brutality as the two Chaos Gods beat the other with brutal blows of hellfire and darkness no caring for the pain or defending as Khorne headbutted Laharl followed by a double knuckles smash to his back and a brutal spartan kick to the chest Laharl coughs black blood as he responds with three punches to the Blood God's chest followed by a rising claw swipe knocking Khorne back for Laharl to rush pass him but not without wrapping his tail around Khorne's neck slamming him to the crimson ground and start dragging him toward the brass stairway leading to the Skull Throne.

As Khorne tries to free himself he felt Laharl's tail wrap tighter and even lift him up to slam him back down as this act only enraged Khorne he focused his power into his eyes and unleashed concentrated hellfire through them slicing/burning through Laharl's tail that pain forced the Dark One to scream and lose balance as he tripped allowing Khorne to catch his breath as he removed the dangling piece of Laharl's tail off his neck and slowly stand watching as his brother did the same but instead despisement both showed excitement and some respect as their fight continues.