Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 68 - Carnage & Blood part 7: The Return of the Brides of Carnage

Chapter 68 - Carnage & Blood part 7: The Return of the Brides of Carnage

(General POV)

Location the Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room

Laharl was very happy as all three Scalpel Bleedinhart, Jade Emerlhyde, and Cassandra Larmes De'sanguine or Crimsontear have all being ascending into Daemon Queens as he speaks and further good news is that Aillia has just informed him that Chi and Kiira have finished killing all the Thraakhi Greenskins, and left some of their followers to finish corruption the planet fully into a Daemon World this was one of the things he loved/hated about the Immaterium when he was a human player with how screwed up is the concept of time in the Warp none of the Chaos Gods or their servants ever exploited it to their fullest Laharl realized that he was fan raving again he calmed himself as he waits for the arrival of his beloved wives, Chi and Kiira.

Soon two worlds will fall to his thrall making Laharl very pleased things were progressing smoother than he can ever hoped for and soon he'll be able to fight and crush Khorne as the surge radic warp-energies as all the while he was watching over Kolbaline and the western boarder of his Nethervoid, he made sure to keep watch in the changes to the Warp and those said changes meant that the Earth was reaching it most bloodiest eras in its history which in turn meant his new little brother, the Blood God, Khorne along with all his daemonic legions of blood were close to being born these thoughs of the coming slaughter within the Immaterium made the Dark One smile and laugh as the though about how fun it was going to be fighting against another daemonic deity and winning was filling the Carnage God with much joy.

As the surge of familiar entities were entering the Nethervoid this meant that Chi and Kiira have returned home and soon after the countless daemonic and Chaos-touched entities started to also come into the Nethervoid meaning the larger amount of succubi, now ten Hell Seductress meaning his beloved has ascended one of her daughters to join not only the rank of a High-Succubi and the Amethyst Council, not only that but the two ranked of Chaos effected Ents along with the fanatical Dark Druids, and also the Chaos Cultists have returned with one of his wives, as Laharl was curious about the added number Laharl told Aillia to make the math of the overall addition to the army preparing for Khorne's arrival with a few seconds Aillia responded she always made him smile she is so adorable and useful to him, and like clockwork Laharl heard his cute, little advisor let out her cute squeek, he knows that he promised to cut back on the teasing but it was hard not too do so.

As he felt that Chi and Kiira were calmly approaching the renovated, and improve castle as they came Laharl sent a psychic command to his beloveds armies to head to the western boarder and join the mustering defenses and be under direct command of both Ba'al and Mordred as the Great Game fast approaches Laharl decided to wait for Chi and Kiira in the Bathroom with the exception of soaking in the Lake Styxs, he and his beloveds haven't felt the joy of soaking in a warm, soothing bath but with the remodeling and additions he added to the castle via Free Absolute Creations he knows they'll enjoy greatly as he made his way to their Bed Chambers.

(Chi & Kiira POV)

Location the Nethervoid/Infernal Black Jungle

As we walked through my jungle I wipe the sweet from my brow and gently ran my claws through my dark colored, spiky hair I felt great to slaughter those damn Orks or in my former homeworld native tongue Mau Ka, it been a few months since me and Kiira were sent to Thraakhi to conquer and corrupt it in our husband name it was so much fun killing those countless Greenskins bastards, and I know my fanatical, loyal, Chaos enlighten followers enjoyed themselves greatly as well I felt stronger as the battle progressed in Thraakhi this power...the power of a greater entity was glorious as I looked as my raised right arm covered in black colored fur up to my elbow, with my sharp long claws I willed the powers of the Warp causing a violet colored aura to swirl around my claw and this energy was also causing all the Chaos-touched Florrah around my Black Jungle to react excitedly, and with great affection as they welcomed me back home, their queen, the Dark Druid Queen...but what I want most is to return to my beloved husband's side and rest together but I still wonder why so many daemons of my beloved Laharl are gathering to the west including my Dark Druids, and Ents.

Me and Chi were currently traversing her Black Jungle as we walked I sprouted my wings, locked my fingers together and stretched all my limbs including my tail enjoying the snaps and relief of stress while I and more than certain Chi enjoyed ourselves in the carnage and slaughter we wrought that feudal world in Realspace called Thraakhi, I truly enjoyed cutting those orkz apart, making bleed and suffer with my powers, ring blade, and claws I sure knew that my lovely daughters the succubi truly enjoyed themselves in their second battle and slaughter since Nauless , one of my daughters impressed me so much in the conquest and corruption of Thraakhi bringing fort over 2-thousand deaths earning her a spot in my Amethyst Council and to ascend to a Hell Seductress basically a High-Succubus bringing the total to ten Hell Seductress in my command making me pleased, and chuckle a bit as we kept on walking through the Infernal Black Jungle.

Turning my head slightly I saw as my sister-wife, Chi Aahtahg the light grey skinned, saurian skull helmet wearing Daemon Queen doing something with her right black claw channeling daemonic power through it causing a violet colored aura to emerge, and swirl around the said claw which emitted a powerful pulse of chaotic energy which I would felt it across the Nethervoid regardless how close we are to one another and the jungle was welcoming back its queen, but I understood we have grown greatly stronger since returning from Thraakhi only things left was death, blood, carnage and some destruction since their beloved husband wanted the planet as his own so we left some few Cultists and Dark Druids to perform a special ritual that will haste said planet's corruption and pulling it into their side of the Immaterium just like Sweetie (Laharl) did to Nauless while I don't understand why he wants corrupted planets inside the Warp I'm not one to argue with the one I love, and so is Chi who is still cutely fiddleling away with her daemonic power, bringing my right gloved hand to my mouth I laughed slightly as we kept on walking towards our home and enjoy a nice deserved rest alongside the one we absolutely love...but still I'm curious why all our legions are heading and gathering in the west my daughters included?

We walked sometime as my jungle open the way towards the castle to reunite with our lord and husband I could tell my Succubus sister-wife who like always is the physical description of beauty, and lust...well she is the Mother of All Succubi after all this though made me close my red eyes and shake my head for a short moment when I heard Kiira gasp this got my full attention I saw her just standing there with a face filled of amazement before I could even ask her what's wrong with her, my sight turned towards her same direction and I too gasp and was shocked by the great view in front of us...

I could barely believe it Castle Oblivion has drastically change both in form and presence the statues, arquitexture, style...everything even at this distance still some ways into Chi's Infernal Black Jungle and the clearing in front of the castle I could feel the great overwhelming power of Chaos and Carnage from here and obviously so did Chi.

It was majestic, dark, and hellish all at the same time and the statues just below the Abyssal Watcher that I might be imagining this gave us a look of welcoming...forget that our statues along with those rising Daemon Queens, Karim (Scalpel), Jade, and Cassandra were resting upon our beloved while I never seen this form maybe some basic interpretation in the Throne Room Doors I could feel that is Laharl's true godly form before either of us could say anything the new more daemonic gothic entrance/drop bridge gate dropped open which has also greatly changed alongside the rest of the castle no longer was it only a black gate but it gain violet and maroon colors with the Mark of Carnage in the exact center of the gate seems that our beloved husband is welcoming his wives back home as I called out to Chi knocking her out of her shock getting her attention as she looks at me and with simple gesture of my head I told her to follow so we can finally enter and see what improvements and surprises our dear husband has in stored within the new Castle Oblivion.

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location the Castle Neo Oblivion/Bed Chambers

Mine and my wives Bed Chambers nothing had been changed to the mainly burgundy colored room since our love section a while ago the succubi have done a fantastic job of cleaning and organizing the room completely even replacing the previous candles, refilling the scented oils inside the golden insences, and even repairing some damages from our extreme love making...sighing with happy comtemp on the wonderful memories of those nineteen days, enjoying the lovely aroma as I walked to the eastern side of the chamber towards a light violet colored drapes hanging over a large golden door this is the newest addition to my castle aside from the outside, the dinning hall, and kitchen this led to the private baths exclusive for my and all my beloveds both current and future to use.

Walking closer to the gold made door with daemonic women edged on it as artistic design on it with a simple hand gesture of my Claw of Hades equipped right claw, the door open leading me to the baths as I'll await my wives inside walking into the bath as the door closed behind me.

(General POV)

Location the Castle Neo Oblivion outside the Throne Room

Both the queens, Chi Aahtahg and Kiira Blakenroze have finally after walking and inspecting the new additions and changes done to the castle, also managing to find a Succubus that explained to them that Laharl has done these enhancements to the now named Castle Neo Oblivion, Chi and now Kiira used to this...Warp Tesseract that Chi explained to the Succubus Queen after experiencing the power that those things are capable which further increased her admiration, adoration and desire for their husband which Chi also agreed with her Sister-wife as the duo walked up the stairs leading to the thirteen level of the castle which meant the Throne Room upon the two Brides of Carnage witnessing the door they saw the drastic changes and additions it gain...more color...more detail on the Daemon God which as they suspected represents their beloved...more Daemon Queens and another possible Elder Daemon (Mordred Deathharbinger) joining the design right next to Ba'al it was amazing as well as darkly majestic fitting the rulers of Carnage as they admired the craftsmanship displayed on the doors they heard their husband's psychic call "My dearest, beautiful wives. Welcome home. Come...come join me in the Bed Chambers I have a special surprise for you both."

Hearing this made both Daemon Queens really excited so with a quick head motion the Knightmares on guard open the door for Chi and Kiira as they walked into the throne room not much has change with the exceptions of Mordred's throne to the right side of the door massive in size a throne fitting a Warrior made entirely out of weapons and armors forged together while above said throne was Mordred's banner violet, maroon, and red in colors with the custom mark of Carnage as the daemon head is covered by a full covering helmet, a long black, knight plume and instead of a cross its two blades replacing it.

As the sister-wives took the left stairway up to the second level they saw the new hallway that has been added to the throne room both curiosity and excitement overwhelmed the Dark Druid Queen and the Succubus Queen as they walked through it to inspect the new chamber...

Location the Bed Chambers/Private Bath

Laharl designed the giant bath able to even fit one of his siblings or his own true form with comfort but the style he used one of the FAC to create is a cross between a demon lord's private bath with both warm water spewing statues of Gargoyles and Succubus mounted on gold cluster surrounding the warm pool and the largest cluster of statues twenty six in total were at the exact center of the bath only five were fully detailed as their based after his beloved wearing toga like clothing that exposes much of the luscious features and traits while their holding various sized jugs made from marble, gold, silver and amethysts each jug was pouring out more water while the other twenty one statues were more hooded and more covered up but still have a womanly aspect on each of them, Laharl designed them to automatically change into an exact replica of each of his future wives once they reach daemonhood that same massive concentration of statues was build on a small rounded pedestal with golden rims and daemonic runes with rounded sitting submerge truly meant for relaxation and enjoying the waters.

On the ceiling hanging from black chain cages were violet colored fireballs acting as illumination for the bath giving a further daemonic aspect to the decor.

While the other style that Laharl has based and crossed the bath after was of mythology, specifically Greek/Olympian with the marble decor, surrounding style with statues of Greek women bound and chain as their are merged with the half column connected to the walls with violet and dark purple toned murals depicting the various grand moments of carnage that humanity and other mortal races have been responsible from the Soul War wrought by the Necrontyre/Necrons, to other events using his own memory of wars, atrocities, and slaughter done on his Earth, from WWII, Native American butchery done to them by "White men", and so on this brings back some more memories of his shattered previous life...Laharl believes he used to adore history and myth probably one of the things that drew him to Warhammer 40k seeing GW re-imagine various cultures.

On the opposite side of the massive bath Laharl walked towards a special huge stone that rest on the edge of the pool with the upper half baring many runes glowing a light violet emeting a warm wave the maintains the temperature of his bath and produce steam while the rest of the huge stone is submerge he admits to himself this is based off of some memories of his previous life combined with a bit of fantasy.

He was quite impressed as Laharl never gets tire of the ability of the Free Absolute Creations able to break all established rules of the world and make all he imagined reality as he sensed that his beloved wives have entered the castle taking their time as they traverse the new Castle Neo Oblivion currently their really close to the thirteen level so he decided to test the bath first as he waits for his wives Chi and Kiira to come and join him with a slight manipulation of the Warp his clothes, armor, and weapons banished leaving him completely nude with the appearance of light skinned humanoid as he sprouted his three dark feathered wings, stretched his arms from black daemonic left claw, to his clawed right hand, his dark horns pertruding from his black and dark purple colored spiky hair, his dark purple skinned clawed toes curled and stretched as he walked towards the waters immediately once his right foot went below the waters the sensation of the warm pool aliviated him as he went further in the warm waters of the bath until the water reaches his thighs and he sat down enjoying the soak...aside from video games, getting to know what come next in GW, reading fantasy and watching shows this one of things that Laharl missed the most...a nice warm bath and it will get better once his Wives/Queens join him in the waters.

Location the Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room

Both Daemon Queens have just left the dinning hall and kitchen they are highly impressed by it grandiose and large just like Laharl is known to do with all his creations be it a object or a creature as they went towards the dark violet draped entrance to their bed chambers.

Once they passed the drapes into the bed chambers as both Chi and Kiira sighed happily that their finally home and they sensed their beloved was there but after checking the room they didn't see Laharl but they did see a large golden door with light violet colored drapes hanging over it in the east edge of the bedroom surprising both queens Kiira turned towards her sister-wife Chi asking her "Hey Chi sweetie has there been a door over there?" Chi closed her eyes and shook her head to answer Kiira's question before the four horned Chi could say anything to the lustful Succubus Kiira they felt their beloved Laharl great dark presence inside whatever room that was in front of them, understanding that Laharl is calling/waiting for them so their shock change to eagerness, excitement and anticipation so the two walked towards the golden door as they approached it, it began to slowly open letting out warm steam into the bedroom.

Laharl was soaking in the bath, the warm waters washing away all worries and stress as he was resting next to the runed stone of the bath's edge with his arms resting on the edge of the pool that's when he felt the presences of Chi and Kiira just entered the Bedroom which meant that they'll soon notice the gold door of the bath meaning that they'll be joining him very soon as Laharl readjusted himself with a smirk on his face he waits for his beautiful wives to come into the bath when the door was slowly opening...

And once the door opened all the way their they were with such happiness that Laharl showed to them as he saw the light grey skinned, dark spiky hair with a saurian skull helmet with four horns, deep red colored eyes this is Chi Aahtahg the Dark Druid Queen, first Daemon Queen of Carnage and Wife of Laharl.

Next to Chi was his second wife that like all his beloveds/wives he'll gain Laharl loves them all such a beautiful, sensual and sexy succubus with flawless light skin, dark pink long spiky hair with long white horn, with her wings and tail out while Chi looked completely shocked Kiira looked utterly excited with her left gloved hand on her chin while her magenta colored eyes roam around the bath and on her naked...handsome...and delicious husband as Laharl spoke "Surprise!!! Welcome to our new private bath." pulling out his daemonic left claw from the steamy bath water, making a hand gesture he continues to speak "Want to join me...Chi...Kiira?" both Chi and Kiira were flustered, blushing and greatly excited as they enter the bathroom and with an extra sway of their step and waist they walked towards the bath slowly and sensually removing their clothing until they stepped into the warm water still partially clothed with the exception of their panties, blushing and greatly flustered they spoked in unison "We've love to join you sweetie/my Lord...but do you want the bath or us" holding one another close as they said those things to Laharl who's smile turned from one of excitement to one of a hungry predator as he answered his wives "Ohhh I'm having both." as he walked towards them...