Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 53 - Dark Celebrations part 2: The Queens Joy

Chapter 53 - Dark Celebrations part 2: The Queens Joy

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location the first level of the Abyssal Library

My new wings along with my complete ascension to the mid ranking deities of 40k has drastically enhancing my power as I soar through the dark basement level of my Elder Daemon's domain that is the Abyssal Library the great increase of my flight speed and control thanks to my new lower wings as I flapped once more passing by the countless tomes, paper, and books written by the Void Wraith having the title/name Scriptors this many prophecies impressing me as in only a few moments I reached the main staircase that connects the Forbidden Sections with the main levels of the library.

Arriving at the main level of the possible ever expanding daemonic domain of the Great Seer, his first son that he created with a Free Greater Daemon Spawning and immediately I used my Greater Ascension on him and he became this a Elder Daemon that fills me with pride I believe even Kairos or his dear daddy that dropped him in the Well of Eternity since I made a better scryer and this will give and advantage in my corruption of the Materium and my battle against my future siblings especially with Tzeentch using his vast omni-knowledge to see Ba'al and try to take him from me...I could only chuckle at that until it became a full blown laugh that got the attention of my lesser daemon within the Abyssal Library as my thoughts continued Tzeentch has always had an obsession and frustration to command and see all fate as he pulls on his "Strands of Fate" but his own very mayor divinity doesn't allow him to see all the ever changing futures ironic and by my power and the system I've achieve what he most desires unrestricted access to the Web of Time which served to fuel my laugher and amusement as I leave through the entrance of the Abyssal Library and saw the outside many of those mutations caused by what I believe is the surge daemonic power and psychic energy of Ba'al when he scribes and the large dome of maroon colored vines covered in thorns as I had enough of admiring the scenery around the Abyssal Library I want to meet with my loves and wives so I walk down staircase and through the open area that separate the library from the thorned entrance...

As soon as I'm out of the dome of thorns I walk towards the edge of Ba'al floating cloister that is his territory in my Nethervoid I had a quick thought "Perhaps I should give my future Elder Daemons all their own cloister this will serve as watch-spots against invaders and quick response from them and their individual force." I was knock out my thoughts once I have reached the edge of the cloister overseeing the swirling colors of the warp and my domain stretching my three wings I leap over the edge falling for some distance until I curved my angle and soar through my maroon sky heading back to Castle Oblivion.

(General POV)

Location Castle Oblivion/Bed Chambers

After the nineteen straight days of passionate, dirty, hot sex between them and their husband they were exhausted so they sleeped for a long while together under the covers of their sex scented bed for sometime until they woke up and immediately greeted by succubi that were cleaning and organizing their bed chamber after the night they spent their Chi and Kiira were still naked and barely fully awake when Kiira demanded to know why her daughters were so eager to work and clean before they have woken up she didn't say those thing out of annoyance or anger just pure curiosity.

One of succubus currently cleaning one of the sofas in the chamber turned towards Kiira her mother and dark master filled with so much excitement and being very giggidy as she explained to the Daemon Queens that Atzhia had great news for them and they wanted to fix up the place before they awoke but it seems the did woke up before they could do so.

When the very Hell Seductress, the first of the Amethyst Council came into the Bed Chamber wishing a good morning for Chi and Kiira as she ordered some of the lesser succubi to bring Ambrossia for them which some immediately rushed to the fountain that Kiira created nineteen days ago...filling two chalices and bringing them directly to Chi and Kiira respectfully while still a bit confused but still drank from the glorious nectar that is Ambrossia filling themselves being revitilized as the sweet warp nectar went down their throats as the light grey skinned, Dark Druid Queen, Chi Aahtahg after having another drink from her chalice sighing in blissful content before focus her red eyes on the Hell Seductress and spoke "Enough with these delays Atzhia! Tell me and my sister why all of you succubi are acting...weirder than normal?!" while Kiira wanted to be offended by what her sister-wife said she must admit her daughters are acting completely strange and to tell the truth like Chi she was also started to annoyed but this obvious misdirection and changing the subject so Kiira remained silent and drank from her own chalice letting Chi speak what their both starting to feel.

As Atzhia nodded she told them about a surprise she was originally going to say later but even she and the rest of the succubi are to excited to wait so she started explaining that all began earlier in the day when Lord Laharl summoned her to give an important task that involved them Lady Chi, and Lady Kiira this got their undivided attention that when Atzhia faced morph into a huge smile and her three eyes close as she revealed "The Dark One has task me help plan your Dark Wedding! I already have some ideas and some from my sisters! I hope by the Warp you love them!" with the exclamation both Chi and Kiira eyes opened wide as they looked at the Hell Seductress as they process what they just heard and then...

Location the skies above the Nethervoid

Laharl felt his wives awakened a short while ago when suddenly he felt massive wave of psychic forces expand from the castle followed by a loud, world shaking pair of squeals that he was sure every neverborn in the Nethervoid heard and felt it which only meant one thing...the girls learned about his plans to hold a dark wedding for them as promised Laharl sighed as he stopped his flight and repeated what he though a while ago "No matter the race all women love weddings." as he shook his head and continued his flight.

Location Castle Oblivion/Bed Chamber

Chi and Kiira were overjoyed with what Atzhia told them, their excitement, happiness, joy, and more caused their power to go out of control as their squealed which was amplified by their great daemonic powers as they jumped off the bed, knocking their chalices not caring about that as they jump around from excitement holding each other hands with their fingers/claws intertwined like teenage girls as unlike other Chaos touched/embraced/ascended that are destined to fall into full emotion warping of Khorne which pure berserker rage, Nurgle is utter joy of carrion, Tzeentch enhance the hunger for power and creates manipulators, and Slaanesh make addicts that will never feel that first overwhelming sensation that made them fall to her thrall Laharl is different needing versatility and some freedom of though and expression once someone embrace carnage they need all their emotions, all their quirks and access to their full personality to spread carnage across the stars of Realspace hence how the Daemon Queens/Wives of Laharl, along with all the daemons created by the Dark One are so varied of personality and much more dangerous than any other neverborn that will and does exist.

Atzhia got the attention of the Queens as they giggle and used the manipulation of the warp to dress their naked bodies with their usual clothing as they started talking and discussing thing about their wedding ceremony which the discussion was joined by more and more succubi as they planed for a grand dark celebration when they felt their beloved husband has enter the castle and quickly appeared in the throne room as he soon entered and both Chi and Kiira felt the greater force of Chaos and the Immaterium radiant from their beloved and once they saw his new appearance from his extra pair of wings, daemonic feet, more daemonic armor, and his more stylish cloths as the Dark Druid Queen along with her sister-wife the Succubus Queen stared deeply toward their husband as Chi face blushed in a grey tone over her light grey skin, and Kiira also blushed as their husband and dark master but after getting over their shock of Laharl new appearance they smiled and called out his name with a voice filled happiness and excitement as they rush towards him and lead onto him, as Laharl caught in mid air and brought them close to his body with his left massive clawed power-gauntlet and his right fingerless power-gauntlet hugging them both, Laharl kissed them and commanded the succubi to leave them for a quick conversation bowing in respect the succubi started to leave the bed chamber.

Laharl kissed Chi and Kiira one more time as he let the go and he told them about his visit to Ba'al Allseer's domain name the Abyssal Library and what is currently happening in the Materium...