Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 39 - New Addition to the Nethervoid part 4: Naulles Merges with the Realm

Chapter 39 - New Addition to the Nethervoid part 4: Naulles Merges with the Realm

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location the Nethervoid, on top of a Fallen Maria Temple

After finishing my thirteen Hell Spires and feeling my domain accept and assimilate with all of them bounding to the Nethervoid and with them and the Observer Hive added to my realm, I left the first Hell Spire flying away towards the northwest direction as the maroon sky filled with black clouds as Aillia updated me like always that I've have passed some quests and that Nethervoid was greatly increased in power and size as the souls I used to aid my design and creation of my new addition to my domain which pleases me as I soar through the daemonic skies I spot another of my Fallen Maria Temple located on the highest peak of my realm seeing that I've have flown some distance away from my Hell Spire as I started to descend to land on the rooftop of the temple.

As I land gentle as to not damage my temple, my feet touched the rooftop of the white marble and violet that all temples share I decided to keep my wing out as I stretch and bend it some I walked forward looking up to my daemonic sky of maroon noticing the small ball that is my Daemon World that I will use for my greatest addition to my realm which shall be easier with my God-Ability Daemon World Domination, along with Warp Manipulation Skill, with the aid of both my Creation Divinity and the large amount of souls I'll use obtaining them from the Jungle Wars lifting my left arm as I stretched out my massive clawed power-gauntlet the Claw of Hades out to the sky I start what I have plan for Naulles.

(General POV)

Location the Warp overseeing the violet corrupted world of Naulles

The warp surging around the former feudal world, now turned into the first Daemon World in the galaxy the once green jungle planet turned into corrupted violet, maroon, burgundy and black world full of daemonic jungles with million corpses and bones of those slaughtered and consumed by the legion of carnage scattered allover the deadly daemonic jungles of mutated and corrupted plants.

Naulles was simply floating in the Immaterium when the daemon world started shaking filling the call and command of it's Dark God and master as the powers of the warp were swirling, surging, pulsing, and whirling all over the planet as it crack and shuke even more as giant sparks of electricity and chaotic energy as the planet was literally splitting itself apart as massive cracks and pull apart into giant chunks of as the magma crust could be seen in the Nethervoid distance away.

Eventually the ruinous powers of the Chaos God of Carnage, tore the daemon world of Naulles apart into several large chunks but it wasn't the end the parts of the planet then broke into more pieces until so many chunks of various sizes floated in the Immaterium but the call and pull of Laharl wasn't over as the powers of the Dark One continue to surge intensifying the spark of warp-lightning and like a blink of light the pieces of Naulles have banished...

Location the Nethervoid, on top of a Fallen Maria Temple

Laharl surged his immense dark powers through the Immaterium focusing on his Daemon World of Naulles as he watched from his view and realm as the small sphere that represent his first conquered world split, break, and tear apart into pieces and those pieces tear into more the orange cracks and lines of the planet magma core seen from the Nethervoid as the warp and daemon world obey his command and desires to not only break apart but also banish in a blink of light meaning that what Laharl desired has begun.

The Nethervoid began to shake and rumble, as it change and expanded, Laharl used his power and skills to do what the other future Chaos Gods could have do to give them more an edge over the other and further their own power, influence, and daemonic legions.

He made the Nethervoid assimilated, merge and unite with Naulles as masses of lands bursted fort and united with the various regions and areas of his realm as he saw this all happen from atop of one of his Fallen Maria Temples, as jungles sprouted all over furthering my vision and defenses as he though "I really should give Nurgle my thanks when we first meet." as I felt more daemonic flora rise, spread and flourish as more spikes came out the ground in my Valley, and even my Infernal Black Forest drastically expanded and gained new dark florrah knowing this will make his Dark Druids and Chi very happy and excite, plus these growing mass of black forests and jungles his Stalkers will have more places to run, hunt, and use to sneak and kill those that dare enter his domain without permission of Laharl as he spread his arms and wing laughing as he felt the Nethervoid becoming more beautiful and hellish fitting its design and namesake he jumped from the edge of the Temple to soar towards the sky heading to a specific direction in his new landmasses.

Flying through the maroon skies and the ground continue to expand and assimilate the former Naulles Laharl saw the ground below enjoying the changes and more manifesting across his Nethervoid, sprout spikes, mountains, more daemonically mutated forests of black leaves, long hellish violet vines, needle covered dark purple trees some with mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth and tongues coming out these mouth some of these Dark Ents, Hanger Trees, and more roam with the black forests and jungles belonging to Laharl as he felt his Stalkers running and roaming through these daemonic forests/jungle pleasing the Chaos God as he approaches the location he heading to.

The giant maw of abyss that originally spawn in Naulles when he crossover the former feudal world with his Avatar, flying over the maw on his grounds of his domain surrounded by the second largest and newest black forest in the Nethervoid as the multiple tentacles coming out the maw he felt the creature/daemonic part of daemonic realm a living piece of the realm Laharl truly believes that Nurgle would be jealous at him and his maw also remained him of the Old World, the Maw of the Ogres and this will serve him well as he channeled hundred thousand souls into it and manipulate the maw to mutate and transform it better while he is pleased with it consuming mortals and prey dragging the victims with its tentacles into the Ambrossia pools serving exactly like the Lake Styx which he also connects one of the thirteen rivers of Styx directly to it to feed it and fill the maw for his designs.

Taking inspiration after the Old World, of the Old Ones greatest servents the Lizardmen and their spawning pools and much more as this Ambrossia started to turn a deeper violet the scent of the raw warp waters was drawing in all Darkstalkers lead by Apexstalkers were heading towards this will serve as the spawning pool literally for his Stalkers, also quench their thirst as both the spawning pool and the Stalker shall benefit and protect one another along with the Nethervoid perfect symbiosis not only that the Mangroves that normally sprout and head towards the Lake Styx also began sprouting around the edges of the maw as more curved massively long teeth sprouting as well on the pools this served Laharl's needs perfectly this became the "Birthing Pool of the Stalkers" and this shall be name after ancient Olympian myth of a great sea monster hence he name the maw "Charybdis" ending his Warp Manipulation as thousands, upon thousands of Stalkers came out the jungle and forests approaching the pool of Charybdis drinking the deep violet of the Ambrossia exclusive for them.

Pleased Laharl flew away toward another location as the Chaos God felt the praise of his Dark Druids for returning their dark jungles and also felt his beloved wife Chi Aahtahg was also greatly pleased and filled with joy and excitement with his additions to the Nethervoid as he needed to finish a few more additions to his realm before returning to her and Kiira in his castle as he flew to another area in the daemonic realm.