There was an ancient city in the land of Oz at the time the city was known as stockhōlm. Stockhōlm was known for its great powers as there was a huge Monastery right at the centre of the city.
Monastery was just a camouflage name given to the place it wasn't just
a Monastery and the people living in it weren't just monks. They practiced a strange kind of magic.
Because of this great power, stockhōlm was at the helm of affairs in all of Oz. This fetched them lots and lots of enemies. And also they fought a lot of wars but the monks or rather, Magicians in the city would defeat all their foes with so much ease.
Above all stockhōlm was very Peaceful was I jiji was no crime because if anyone tries to go against the law of the land, the monks always get such people arrested and this highly discouraged crime in the city.
The monastery was a very gigantic structure without any form of security. no one dared enter except he is a monk or was granted permission by a monk.
The monastery enjoyed certain privileges from the government because they were the guardians of the city. They also had a recruitment program where they teach and instill the ancient arts of magic into the people that are being recruited. This made them very many.