Chapter 12 - INNER STORM

 As he was writing about Terrisa, he was very calm at that time. A low hum pulsed through the room, like the heartbeat of a sleeping beast. He continued writing about her by gazing at the sky, felt like a burden is releasing from his heart. During the moment, a tear rolled down his cheek. He closed the pen, put aside the paper and moved to the bed. He said to himself, "Why can't i have a single good sleep?" and took a deep breathe. Waves of flashbacks crashed over him, leaving him cracked up.

  After a while, he stopped crying, sitting calmly and slowly his eyes started closing after many tortured breaths and unvoiced screams, he slept in the same position.

 The next morning, nurse came in and checked the patient, which made him awake, he opened his eyes slowly, woke with a gasp. Mr.Ryan entered and started saying,"Come on child, Wakeup."After few minutes he sat down, eyes full of tears and said, "Terr-rri-saa! My friend, Terr,-rri-saa!" then he started crying.The doctor came and speak to him, "Look handsome child, Everything is going to be OK.He wiped his tears, patted him on the head,give him a hug. After a while he stopped crying and slowly he said, "I wanna go home, I'll be okay, (he gasped) Take me home." He interrupted, "Yes my son, We're going home right now, Come with mee."Mr.Ryan thanked the doctor, then they both walked out of the hospital.

 As they reached home. Mr.Ryan opened the house and Steve entered the house with each footstep carried the weight of a thousand tears unshed. He sighed, stayed silent for a while and spoke to his father, "I want to sleep, I need my time so I Reckon you must go and rest as well, then started heading towards his bedroom. Mr.Ryan left with disappointment on his face.