Let's go back in time,595 years from now.The Love of Queen of king Siriyadeva and King Siriyadeva of the Kadamba Dynasty was trending in the small village called Chandrapur,present day Chandor the old capital of Goa.Goa is a Small state in South of India.People chronicled the journey of two people meeting romantically and seemingly hitting it off.After few months of dating and romance,they were engaged to be married to each other. The king of hangul, and his queen came to celebrate their daughter's wedding and many Royal people were present at the wedding.The bride and groom were dressed in a mixture of Odisha and South Indian wedding costume and jewelry. The groom's family were very happy. People joined in to the live marriage as she described their conversations and how much they seemed to be into each other.It was a romantic Traditional wedding.After the marriage, They had their first night and then their love begin to become stronger and stronger.