Chereads / Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit / Chapter 169 - Chapter 168 - Setting the Record Straight

Chapter 169 - Chapter 168 - Setting the Record Straight

—Next Day—

Waking us up at the crack of dawn, a messenger arrived from the capital with a notice from the King. Since everyone else was passed out at the moment, I begrudgingly dragged myself out of bed to answer the door. Peeling Hilda off of me so that I could get up, she began to stir as I left the room. Hearing him pounding on the door as I came down the stairs, I shouted at him to calm his ass down.

"I get you are on the job, but I have killed people for less.", I complained, in an irritated tone, "What is so fucking important that you are pounding on the goddamn door at dawn?"

"S…sorry sir, I…I am just following the King's Orders!", he insisted, fumbling around for the message in his pouch, "The King would like an audience with the Boreas Greyrat family and your Adventurer's Party. Please come as soon as you can, the King is a very impatient man."

"While I appreciate the warning, I could honestly care less about his urgency. We will show up when we are good and ready unless any of you want to end up like Darius.", I said, opening a fissure into the space where the broken man was being tortured endlessly.

Turning pale as he saw the former Prime Minister's state, the messenger quickly asked me to shut the portal. Shivering with discomfort, the messenger assured me he would communicate the information to the King personally. Quickly vacating the premises, he stumbled out the front gate and began sprinting back to the castle. Certain that we would not be rushed now, I shut the door and read the notice he handed me.

"Who the hell was it pounding on my door?", Sauros groaned, coming down the stairs with bags under his eyes.

"The King has requested an audience with us this afternoon to discuss the events of last night.", I remarked, handing him the scroll, "I am going to put some coffee on for all of us, how did the interrogation go last night?"

Reading the notice as we headed to the kitchen, he let out an irritated sigh as he threw the notice in the trash. Telling me about all they had learned from James last night, it had become apparent to Sauros that Darius had done a number to his son. The Prime Minister had manipulated him into thinking that it was his family versus the rest of the Boreas Greyrats. They had made many plans to kill Philip and Hilda, ensure that Gordon's family could never stake a claim to the Boreas Greyrat name, and eliminate any possibility of bastard children from Sauros' flings with the Beastwomen Staff he had flings with.

"Look at the bright side, the King now has a worthy man to place all the blame on.", I chuckled, pouring him a cup of coffee, "I can ensure he shoulders the blame, and the rest of you go into self-imposed exile. If you play your cards right, we can settle in the Beastman Territory where you can enjoy their company till the day you die."

"OH!!", Sauros said, very pleased by my suggestion, "That would be an excellent place to retire, though expenditures will be high initially. There is only so much we can carry, even with your storage ability."

"What do you mean, we are taking the damn mansion with us when we leave. I am sure you have plenty of junk in here that will fetch top dollar over there. All you will need to do is use some of your charm to woo a few widows, and you will be a happy man.", I told him, patting him on the back.

"The whole mansion, you have a spell that can bring the whole mansion with us?", he asked, "I may not be a mage, but I can certainly tell you that no such spell exists. If it did, you could make a small fortune relocating homes for wealthy noblemen or transporting goods for merchants."

"Who says I do not already do that on the side.", I teased him, as I poured Hilda and I cups of coffee, "You will understand when I show you later today. For the time being, just start getting ready to see that idiot you call a King."

—Throne Room—

Arriving at the Royal Castle around noon, the guards held back their criticisms when they saw I was with the group. Recalling what I did to many of their colleagues last night, they went out of their way to give us a wide berth and did not speak a word to us. Surprised by how meek they were acting, Ghislaine asked what I did to warrant such a response from them.

"I killed roughly fifty to sixty guards in an instant last night without touching them. They probably remember the screams of agony their colleagues let out before went silent permanently.", I chuckled, pulling on the rope tied to James' neck, "Any hope you had of convincing a guard to help you is gone, just accept your fate. Be happy that Darius is gone so at the very least your wife and children will be spared the fate you wanted for Eris and Hilda."

"Shut up, I am still a Min-", James started to say, before I zapped him with a million volts of electricity.

"Watch your tongue boy, I can just as easily hand your corpse over to the King.", I remarked, glaring at him.

Getting the point, James kept his head down and obediently walked behind us without another word. Reaching the Throne Room door a short time later, the Royal Guard quickly pushed the door open for us and announced our arrival. Stepping inside, I immediately noticed the children from last night over in the far right corner with Elize and the Royal Guard Commander. Seeing us walk in, the girls started waving and thanking me again for saving them last night.

"Thank you Mr. S-Rank Adventurer!", Elize shouted, giving me a happy smile.

"You are welcome.", I replied, with a polite nod.

Stopping several yards from the Royals, everyone knelt in respect to them, except for James and I. Staying where they were as we approached, the King demanded to know why I was not kneeling to him.

"Kneeling is a sign of respect, and you lost all of it from me in two fucking days.", I snapped, grabbing James and throwing him at the King's feet, "Do you have any idea how much damage your incompetence has caused this nation? I have had the displeasure of meeting many stupid Kings and Emperors, you take the fucking cake with your inept handling of your nation. You had a snake for a Prime Minister, sheep for Ministers, and loyal subjects who you were more than happy to throw to the wolves the moment things got tough. If I were a nobleman in your country, I would be making my escape plan as this country will not last another ten years unless you fix things."

"How dare you talk to me that way!", the King spat, "What right does a commoner like you have to insult a King like that?"

"You seem to forget your place in the pecking order…", I said, using my Omega Beams to instantly destroy the castle around us.

Atomizing the throne next, the King and Queen fell to the ground in a heap. Realizing that their castle was gone, both of them clung to one another expecting them to be next.

"Here is how this will go, James Boreas Greyrat will shoulder the burden of the Teleportation Tragedy. In exchange for sparing his family, he told you all about the crimes the Prime Minister and his colleagues had committed during the time they held their positions. You will strip them of their titles, assets, and lands before executing all the Cabinet Ministers for their crimes. All the assets you seize will go toward their victims and their families, make sure they are adequately compensated or I will come back here and beat it out of you.", I told him, dragging James over to them, "Overcome with grief from his son's despicable actions, Lord Boreas Greyrat has put forward half of his family's fortune toward rebuild the Fittoa Region and has decided to step down as Lord of Fittoa. With no heirs to take up his mantle, you will need to select a new family to take over ruling the Fittoa Region. I will leave picking that to you, but be warned…choosing the wrong Lord will either revive the country or seal its fate. Do you understand me, boy?"

"Ye...yes sir!", the King shrieked, nodding his head violently as I dropped James at his feet again, "Everything you have stated will be done immediately. Guard Commander, send your men out to arrest all of the ministers before they leave the capital!"

"By your orders, Your Majesty!", the Royal Guard Commander said, holding back his laughter, "Thank you again, Adventurer, for saving my daughter, you gave me my light back again."

Nodding my head at him, I wished him luck locating his wife to reunite his family again.

"Now that the matter is settled I expect that any bounties on the Boreas Greyrat family will be rescinded. If further attempts on their lives are made, noble families are going to start disappearing from your registry faster than you can replace them.", I warned him, before turning around to leave, "I bid you all a good day."

Extending my arm out for Hilda as I approached, she smiled and happily took my arm. Happy to hear that no further harm would come to the family, Ghislaine and Sauros thanked me for settling the dispute for them. Assuring them that it was no problem, we headed back to the mansion so we could prepare to leave.