Chereads / Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit / Chapter 132 - Chapter 131 - New Earth

Chapter 132 - Chapter 131 - New Earth

—Next Day, Cole POV—

Heading to the Biblical God's Heaven before sunrise, I had something I wanted to discuss with him before annihilating an entire universe. Causally walking through the different levels of Heaven, surprisingly the Angels did not pay me any mind. Whether they did not notice my presence or were trying to make themselves scarce I was not sure, but it made reaching the Workshop much easier. Arriving at the door to the shop, I found several layers of protective spells in place which would usually prevent people from entering his space.

'I am not just anybody though.', I thought as I hijacked his spells and disabled them, 'Still though, he should really consider upgrading his security for his workshop. If memory serves, he has a lot of dangerous shit in there that should never see the light of day. Maybe I can offer my services, and let my daughters play with Gaberial while I work.'

With the protective spells disabled, I quietly pushed the doors open to have a look. Seeing him at his workbench tinkering with something, my curiosity was piqued when I noticed a familiar red hue. Closing the door behind me I cautiously approached him from behind so I could have a look.

"Is that Ddraig's Boosted Gear by chance?", I asked him as I looked over his shoulder.

"That is correct Cole, I am trying to balance the finer settings of this Sacred Gear.", the Biblical God acknowledged with a chuckle, "Wait a moment, what are you doing here Cole!? How did you get into my Workshop without triggering any alarms?"

Setting his tools down, the Biblical God turned around as I took a step back. Apologizing for the unannounced visit, I told him that I let myself in through the front door. Glancing past me at the door, he noticed that his spells had been undone without him noticing. Letting out a sigh of defeat, the old man let the topic go and asked about my reason for visiting him today.

"I need your knowledge on how to create Angels.", I answered him, "Later this morning I am going to be annihilating an entire universe, and rebuilding it from scratch. The human inhabitants of this universe caused an extinction event that is still currently ongoing. They went from a population of nearly seven billion to two billion in a few years, and it is only getting worse for them."

"An entire universe you say, that sounds a bit extreme.", he remarked with a surprised look, "As someone who nearly erased humanity for their sins in ancient times, I can tell you that it is not a pleasant experience. In killing the sinners, many innocent people got swept up in the mess and died because of it. From deity to another, is there any chance you might consider sparing them?"

"I understand your perspective, the humans are your creation and it pained you to kill them off like that. While it is reasonable to be that way, these humans are far more despicable than yours were.", I replied with a scowl, "They unleashed a dangerous virus on themselves that turns infected people into hideous, rabid monsters. Unfortunately, after a few years, individuals with immunity to the virus began showing up and they were treated like they were monsters themselves. Parents threw their daughters out on the streets because they were afraid of them. Those girls went to extreme lengths to try and win the affection of their families back, some mutilated themselves for their parents' love. As the orphan population grew, governments began turning them into soldiers to fight the monsters with simplistic weapons or just their bare hands."

Sensing that he had struck a nerve, he apologized and acknowledged that the situations were completely different. Agreeing to show me how to make Angels, the old man looked around the room for something.

"Alright, so you want to know how to create an Angel then.", he acknowledged as he walked over to his bookshelf, "Since you have an advanced understand of magic that exceeds my own, I will just let you see for yourself how it is done."

Retrieving an old book off the shelf, he brought it over to me and unlocked the special latch. Opening the old tome up, I discovered he had gone to great lengths to notate how he created all of his living creations. Skipping ahead to the Angel section, what I found shocked me a little. Using a heavily altered Familiar Creation Spell, he had created the Angels from nothing more than millions of magic spells.

"So you used Divinity instead of magic as their base, I see now why you do not want them to Fall.", I remarked, "It could have very negative effects on their minds if they do not have a strong will."

"Exactly, I have done all that I can to prevent it but there is only so much I can do since I gave them Free Will.", he agreed, "Since you understand the basics, go ahead and create one. Be careful not to use too much Divinity, you may create a deity instead of an Angel."

Nodding my head, I set the book down and began collecting a decent quantity of Divinity. Once I had enough to work with the process of imbuing spells into it began.

"Alright, let me start by stabilizing the Divinity so it will not go on a rampage.", I mumbled to myself, "Once that is done I need to build out their magic lines, impart wisdom and patience into them, and above all else a teacher's heart. Those knuckleheads are going to need all the assistance they can to survive in their new world."

Writing all the spells and enchants out in the air, I could feel the Biblical God's eyes watching my every move. Likely mesmerized by spells he had never seen before, he had to be curious about how this would turn out. Watching me manually map out the Angel's magic lines and personality, his face contorted into confusion.

"Hmm, you are going much more in-depth than I ever did. I wonder if that might help with preventing my children from Falling.", he muttered as he began notating things down, "By the way Cole, how did you come to learn so much about magic?"

"I focused the better part of four hundred years on delving into the Source of All Magic. At the time, I was being repeatedly stripped of my loved ones by a very cruel deity which I am now hunting. You understand better than most, there is nothing we would not do for our family.", I said with a sad look, "My heart goes out to the children of the world I am about to destroy. I would have given everything up to be there for children, and those fools tossed their greatest treasure away like yesterday's garbage. While I have relocated the girls to a new home where loving families have taken them in…those bastards must suffer for what they have done."

Refocusing my attention on the Divinity Orb in front of me, the last step required my full attention. Creating an Artificial Soul for my Angel, I carefully merged the two and let the magic happen. Watching the orb slowly morph into the shape of a person, an elderly old man appeared in front of us wearing a grey robe and carrying a wooden staff. Realizing that I had accidentally created a being that looked like Gandalf mixed with Santa Claus, I could not help but smile.

"Good Morning, My Lord.", the Angel said bowing his head respectfully, "How may I be of assistance to you today?"

"I would like you and a few other Angels to be in charge of helping a group of humans in rebuilding a new world. As they have wrecked their previous world, which I am about to remake, I want to make sure that all my effort does not go to waste. While I forbid you from directly doing everything for them, offering guidance and wisdom is more than welcome.", I instructed him.

"I understand My Lord, it will be done.", he chuckled with a smile, "May I ask what my name will be?"

"Genesis is a fitting name for you, you are the beginning of their new, brighter future.", I stated placing a hand on his shoulder, "Alright then, let me create a few more of you then we will be on our way!"

—3rd Person POV—

Waking up just before sunrise, Rentaro and company looked out the window to see that a storm had blown in. Hearing the winds howling outside, everyone felt a bit uneasy as their impending death drew near. Unsure what time it was as the lightning strike last night fried all electronics in the city, all they could do was sit and wait for the end to come. Sitting on the edge of his bed between Kisara and Miori, Rentaro wanted to lay everything out here and now so he could die knowing he had told them his feelings.

"Kisara, Miori, Seitenshi, and Enju…I want you to know that out of everyone left in this world, all of you are the most important to me. While I understand each of you has feelings for me, I can only admit to having feelings for one of you.", Rentaro admitted, "I love-"

"Wait a moment!", Kisara protested as she gripped his sleeve, "Please do not say anymore, if we are going to die…I want to die happy and not sad."

"Agreed…", the others spoke up.

Accepting their request, he held his tongue and looked out the window again. Watching the rain and wind begin to pick up again, lightning started dropping all around the city. Realizing that it was likely almost dawn, Rentaro wanted to make their last moments together special. Since he cared about each of them, he did not hesitate to kiss each woman with a smile on his face.

"I am happy I got to meet all of you in this life.", he told them, "Hopefully we can reunite in our next life."

"Absolutely…", Kisara said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, and I will be your wife for sure!", Enju chimed in as she hugged him from behind.

"Haha, may the best woman women when the time comes.", Seitenshi agreed.

Suddenly a massive bolt of lightning erupted from the center of the city as a giant humanoid being appeared from nowhere. Watching it start to rampage through the city unimpeded, the five huddled together waiting for death to take them.

"Am I interrupting something?", Cole remarked, "If you are about to do the whole survival instinct thing, I can come back in a bit to collect you."

"Cole!?", Kisara gulped, "Are you here to kill us personally?"

"Uh…no?", Cole replied with confusion, "The five of you are innocent people so you are going to New Earth with the others. Everyone else is going to get barbecued by my main body, the current me you are seeing is just a Magic Projection. Either way, let us get moving so you can select a good home to live in together."

Snapping his fingers, the projections of Cole teleported them to New Earth. Upon arriving there, the group felt a weird sensation come over them as if a weight had been lifted off of their shoulders. Realizing that they all had felt it, they started looking at each other trying to figure out what happened. Seeing nothing different about Miori, Kisara, Seitenshi, or Rentaro the four turned to look at Enju who appeared completely different.

"Is that you Enju!?", Kisara questioned as she poked Enju's nose, "Your eyes are brown now!"

"Wait what!?", she shrieked as she looked around the immediate area for a reflective object.

As she began looking, Enju discovered that they were currently standing on a beautiful, sandy beach. Seeing homes running down the beach, she momentarily forgot about what she was doing. Snapping back to reality when Rentaro asked if something was wrong, she ran out into the water to have a look.

"They really are brown!!", she said with excitement, "What does that mean, Mister Cole?"

"It means you and everyone else here are no longer carriers of the Gastrea Virus. I honestly would have thought Rentaro would have noticed his arm and eye having been restored, but I guess not.", Cole shrugged with a smirk, "As repayment for relocating everyone, I am healing their injuries and ensuring their health is in top condition. Sadly, only about six million people made the cut to come here so all of you have your work cut out for you. Luckily for you Rentaro, you have three stunning women ready to marry you and a potential fourth once she is of age."

"You hear that Rentaro, I can marry you in a few years!!", Enju cheered.

"Wait a moment, I cannot marry more than one woman!", Rentaro stated trying to stick to his morals.

Giving him a concerned look, Cole explained that he would have to do it otherwise the population would die out in a few generations. Out of the six million people coming to New Earth, only just over a million were men as most treated Cursed Children like trash. Understanding what Cole was saying now, he still was not sure if he could manage it.

"You have time kid, take things slow and give them a chance. It is obvious you care about them, so let them convince you that a harem is the right move.", Cole chuckled, "Believe me, if you can maintain a healthy relationship with all of them it will be well worth it. Anyways, let me show you around so you can pick the home you want to live in."