Chereads / Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit / Chapter 88 - Chapter 87 - The Steel Sword

Chapter 88 - Chapter 87 - The Steel Sword

Sitting at the kitchen table while Malty made my wives' morning coffee, I skimmed through the day's big articles. On the front page of the Toyko Post, All Might announced that he would be retiring from Heroing and would focus on teaching at UA full time. Citing the record low crime rates in Japan over the past year, he decided that now was the best time to hand things over to the next generation of Heroes.

"...I can retire comfortably knowing that Heroes like Endeavor and Kessler are keeping our cities safe in my stead.", I read aloud before remembering something important, 'I have to go meet with Endeavor, and tell him that I am marrying his daughter. Fuyumi told me to do it last week but I forgot.'

I had been putting off talking to him for a while now because he wasn't the easiest person to talk to. When I first started dating Fuyumi I tried to get his approval for our relationship but was quickly blown off without any hesitation. Telling me that he didn't care who his daughter was fucking, he simply told me not to bother him for money or favors. Fuyumi was so upset by his words that I almost went and strangled him.

'In the end, she talked me out of it but I swear I will kill him if he ruins her special day.', I thought knowing she and the other four women were planning their dream wedding, 'I refuse to have my future father-in-law destroy one of the most important days in his daughter's life. That asshat already stole her childhood from her, I won't let him take any more."

As I was plotting his demise, I heard a few of the children start to cry in their cribs. Setting my phone and coffee down to go check on them, a few moments after opening the door I understood what was wrong. Greeted by the scent of several dirty diapers, I closed the door behind me and got to work getting them cleaned up. Carrying them to the kitchen table once everyone was clean again, the next step was getting them fed before they started crying again.

Getting some sweet potato and green peas ready for them, I heard the sound of my wives rolling out of bed. Hearing them shuffle out of the bedroom and into the nursery, a few moments passed before I heard them say anything.

"Cole, do you have the children..?", Purlin inquired with a slightly worried tone, "They aren't in their cribs."

"Yes dear, they are down here in the kitchen with me. I am making them breakfast right now while Malty takes her sweet time making your coffee.", I chuckled.

"Shut up!! It's only taking so long because I have to measure each fucking scoop of coffee by weight!!", Malty spat in anger, "Why the hell are they so picky about their coffee!? When you make it they don't make you do this shit!!"

Truth be told my wives weren't coffee snobs, they were absolutely fine with cheap coffee. Since they disliked Malty though, they told her that they liked their coffee to taste a specific way every morning. To ensure that it always tasted the same, Malty had to painstakingly measure every single scoop by weight and brew it with special water she had to go pick up every morning. No matter how bad the weather was Malty always fetched the water and brewed the coffee to their exact specifications. In the event they were unsatisfied, her punishment was two weeks of ice-cold showers. The last time she failed them Celestial and Esmeralda chilled the water coming out of the shower head to thirty-three degrees.

The first night that happened, Malty screamed so loud I thought someone was trying to kill her. Having left me out of the loop on her punishment, I barged into the bathroom and saw her stark naked in the shower. Telling me that the water was freezing, as she covered her body with the shower curtain, I told her she better not be lying to me. Confirming that she wasn't exaggerating, I went downstairs to check what was wrong and found the two Elves dying on the floor laughing their asses off.

'That nightmare will be burned into my mind for several years to come…', I thought as Shino and company came downstairs, "Good Morning ladies, I hope you slept well. You are looking wonderful today."

Giving me mischievous smiles in response, they walked over and gave me a kiss on the lips. Telling me they slept well, the three walked over to the fridge to see what they felt like eating. Staring at their butts for a few moments, I returned my attention to the children's food. Starting to feed them as their mothers came down to eat, the question of the day was what the plan was for today.

"I want to scope out the Cal Mira Archipelago, the next Wave will happen there. Since we are less than a week away now, my hope is that fractures have already started to form. If they have, we can preemptively strike the other side first.", I said as I cut Eri's waffles, "To scope it out properly I will need some assistance, feel like giving me a ride Sapphire?"

"Of course, dear!", Sapphire replied enthusiastically, "Who else would like to come?"

"Me me me!!", Yesenia shouted, "I can search underwater for us, and report back my findings!"

"We can use our magic to locate fractures on land!!", Celestial volunteered.

One by one the women volunteered to help which confused me for a moment. Remembering that the archipelago was home to a renowned resort, had many beautiful beaches, and many delicious places to eat…their true reasoning became clear. Deciding against calling them out on it, I just went with whatever made them happy.

'After all, someone is going to have tanning oil and I am not about to pass up seeing them in bikinis.', I thought imagining the scene in my head, 'Today is going to be a good day!'

—Cal Mira Archipelago—

Flying high over the islands, Ventrice, Sapphire, and I looked around for the breach point while the rest of our group searched below. Feeling the rush of air blasting past my face memories of Alestar came flooding back to me. Sapphire and I would fly around for hours on end together running supplies and messages across the world. Most thought it was quite boring work, but they didn't get to experience this wonderful sense of freedom.

"This reminds me of home again.", Sapphire said over the wind.

"I was just thinking about that.", I laughed, "The Sky Islands were especially fun, joining the mile high club was a lot of fun up there."

"Hehe, I remember that too.", she giggled.

"Cole and I did it in a floating castle!", Ventrice protested unwilling to be outdone, "You remember that, right?"

"Of course I do, your mother drugged you and barred the door from outside the room.", I reminded her with a smirk, "If I recall, she didn't let us out for three days straight all so she could have a grandchild."

Looking away with embarrassment, Ventrice didn't want to remember that experience. She was fully aware of what happened and everything she said. Having poured her heart out to me while we made love the poor woman couldn't look at me straight for a month afterward out of embarrassment. While Ventrice may have thought it was embarrassing, I found it to be quite comforting in a dark time of my life.

Cutting our reminiscing short, Esmeralda reached out to us telepathically saying they found something. Heading back down to the beach we expected her to point out the breach, but instead, she presented us with a heavily corroded steel sword. For a moment I was concerned that she had called us down for this, but then I felt a pulse of magic come off of it.

"Think you can work your magic?", I asked offering the sword to Gearnia.

"Does a Dwarf grow a long beard?", she remarked with a smile, "Of course, I can fix this give me a moment."

Having Celestial and Esmeralda help her, the two Elves got a very hot fire going with magic. Putting the sword's blade into the fire till it became red hot, Gearnia quickly pulled it out and began hammering it on a rock with her hammer. Telling Yesenia to cool it off with her magic, Gearnia held it tightly as the torrent of water tried to tear it from her hands. Once the blade was cool again, my Dwarven wife pulled out a special cloth and wiped away the remaining imperfections.

"Here you go!", Gearnia said handing it back to me, "These are some fine Gnomish Runes, are there Gnomes here?"

"I haven't heard of any Gnomish Smiths in Melromarc…", Melty stated with confusion, "Wait, I haven't seen a sword like this either."

"That's because it's not from here…this is Ciri's Sword.", I replied swinging it around, "This isn't good, if she doesn't have this it means she is unarmed."

"Ciri is that girl you mentioned, the one with the Elder Blood right?", Malty asked.

Nodding my head, I acknowledged it was the same woman. Feeling faint traces of power coming from the sword, its pulsing seemed to elicit a response from somewhere out over the water. Using a spell to visually trace out where the response was coming from, a tear appeared a few hundred feet offshore.

"Well all be damned…it appears the sword has residual energy from Ciri's travels. It might not lead us to her, but it has shown us where we need to go next!", I replied as I froze the sea in front of us, "Let's go pay a visit to the other side."