Chereads / Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit / Chapter 154 - Chapter 153 - Total Recall

Chapter 154 - Chapter 153 - Total Recall

AN: Apologies for the chapter delay, I have spent the last few days at a Ren Faire a few hours from my home. It was Highlander Weekend and there was plenty of whiskey and scotch to be had. After taking a few days to recover from the merriment that was had, I am back at it again till October 22nd when I will be taking a week's vacation to relax with family.


"...and done.", I said completing the command line scripts on Desaad's tablet, "Darkseid's forces will start being pulled back to Apokolips in ten minutes. Ten minutes after that, a large Boom Tube will open in the planet's center causing the planet to fold in on itself. We will be rid of Darkseid and Apokolips permanently once the tube collapses."

Nodding their heads in agreement, everyone was on board with this plan. While there were countless slaves here on Apokolips, they were far too gone to be helped any longer. Centuries of enslavement and brainwashing had stripped any free will from them and leaving any of them alive could potentially spell disaster in the future. They saw Darkseid as the one and only deity in existence, if we let any of them live, they would likely find a way to bring him back from the grave. The only humane option here was to kill them without any pain and let them rejoin the Reincarnation Cycle.

"Here is the plan, I will head toward Darkseid and company to engage them in combat. While I keep them preoccupied, you three will head to the Parademon Production Area to free any hostages that have yet to be turned into soldiers.", I advised them.

Looking at one another, they asked me if I had forgotten how to count.

"There are four of us here.", Black Canary remarked, "Why did you say three?"

"Because you are not joining us for this operation.", I told her, "I am not going to endanger your unborn child because you want a piece of the action. Letting you do that would be irresponsible of me, and would give your poor husband a heart attack."

"Wait, you are pregnant!?", Power Girl gasped in horror, "Why did you not bother to tell anyone?! We would have never let you go out and fight if we knew that! What if something happened while-"

Cutting her off, Black Canary did not want to have the discussion now.

"I am an equal member of the League, same as you. Just because I am pregnant does not warrant me receiving special treatment.", she argued crossing her arms.

"Unfortunately for you, this is my operation and I call the shots here.", I countered opening a portal beneath her feet, "See you in a bit."

Transporting her back to the House of Mysteries for her own safety, she started cussing me out as I closed the portal behind her. Now that Dinah was away from any further danger, I repeated my plan to the three Heroes asking for their input. Agreeing to the plan as it stood, they inquired how they would evacuate any potential prisoners as they could not use magic.

"Not only can we not use magic, but if we attempt to use one of the Boom Tubes the hostages and all of us will be pulled right back through will we not?", Wonder Woman inquired.

"Actually no, all of the Parademons, foot soldiers, and equipment the Apokolipians use are tied to the Mother Box System. When the recall initiates anything tied to the system will be pulled back through to Apokolips, and everything else will remain on Earth.", I assured her, "If you need a Boom Tube, I can have a special one opened for you in the production area."

"Let us go with that, they may spot us if we attempt to use the other tubes.", Superboy requested, "I assume you want us to kill on sight if we run into enemies?"

"You run into any enemies, I will eat my shoes.", I chuckled patting him on the shoulder, "What I am going to do will bring everyone toward me without a doubt. If beating the breaks off their leader does not send them running for me, they were never loyal to Darkseid."

Programming a script for the special Boom Tube, I shattered the tablet removing any potential way of undoing my work. Incinerating the tablet for good measure, we split up and made our way to our destinations. Launching myself into the lower atmosphere, after giving them a two-minute head start, I began to create a storm over the capital.

Drawing on the intense heat of the planet and every drop of moisture I could collect, lightning began to crackle all around me as the winds started howling. Down below me Darkseid and his men were observing the storm with confused looks as they had not authorized its creation. Dropping several bolts of lightning all over the city, the enslaved people began fleeing for cover wanting to avoid instant death. Once the storm was as strong as I could make it, as there was little water in the air to begin with, I dropped down on Darkseid and his men with a Thunder Drop.

Redirecting most of the energy at them, Darkseid managed to slide back only a few feet while everyone else was blown off the wall. Watching some of them splatter against the inner castle walls, a smile crept across my face. 

"Who are you?", Darkseid asked looking at me as I dusted myself off.

"Names Kessler, I am here to remove you from this universe permanently.", I remarked staring him dead in the eyes, "Since the League continues to pussyfoot around dealing with you properly, it falls to me to remedy the situation. Unlike the Boy Scout, I have no qualms about wiping Apokolips from existence."

Sizing one another up, Darkseid cracked an amused grin as he looked at me.

"You dare threaten Lord Darkseid in front of us!?", Bernadeth shouted as swung her arm over the edge of the outer wall trying to pull herself back up, "Your corpse will decorate the walls of this castle as will the hostages!"

"Insects should know when to keep their mouths shut!", I retorted shooting a beam of light through the center of her head, "The rest of you will remain silent while the two men speak."

Hitting his immediate subordinate with a small fraction of my bloodlust, their legs gave out from under causing some to fall to their knees. His most devoted followers struggled against their fears but found their bodies were unwilling to heed their commands. Ordering his men to stand down, Darkseid appeared to want a diplomatic solution to our fight.

"It appears the Justice League has finally seen fit to request aid from a true warrior. While I would enjoy testing my strength against you, it would be a waste to not try and convince you to join me.", Darkseid said unfolding his hands from behind his back, "I see the eyes of a conqueror in you, you have seen countless battles rarely ever have seen defeat. Join me in destroying the League and I will reward you handsomely. You may take as many of their women as you wish and hold a position in my court, what say you?"

"I have no desire to destroy the League nor strong-arm their women into my bed. While I am a Conqueror my worlds are ruled with a firm and just hand, not with tyranny and threats of violence.", I said refusing his offer, "My time is precious and I would rather spend it on my family than speaking with ilk like you. Make your move already, I am waiting."

Without another word, he stepped forward and swung at my face with his right hand. Turning my head into smoke his fist passed through me without resistance. Seizing upon the momentary opening this created I slammed my knee straight into his chest causing his armor to buckle under the blow. Feeling several ribs crack as well, he stumbled backward as a small bead of blood formed at the edge of his mouth

Wiping the blood from his face, he observed it for a moment as if he was shocked I pulled it off in a single blow. Looking back up at me Darkseid tucked his left hand behind his back and threw his right hand forward with a single command.

"Kill him.", Darkseid ordered his men.

Spurred on by their Lord's command, his commanders and guards picked themselves up to fight. Blindly charging at me, Mad Harriet and Lashina were the first to attack with the others close behind them. 

"Pitiful.", I said with a cold gaze, "Time Stop."

Activating my Time Freezing ability, the world around me came to a complete stop in an instant. Pulling out my phone to check the time, I saw I only had a few minutes left till dinner was ready. Seeing no reason to draw this fight out any longer than it need to be I began delivering crippling blows to every one of Darkseid's men. Shattering their spines, legs, and arms none of them would be able to fight after this. Releasing my hold on Time once I was finished the symphony of painful cries began to play all along the wall.

Reappearing right in front of him, Darkseid took a large step back in shock. Turning his attention to his men momentarily he locked up as their cries of agony hit him. Seeing their crippled bodies lying there unmoving he became enraged that they had fallen so easily.

"You have proven your strength…take the hostages and leave.", Darkseid stated with a scowl.

"Haha, you have no room to negotiate with me.", I remarked after quickly confirming the Heroes were gone, "I already rescued the hostages before coming to face you. When I said Apokolips would be erased from existence, I meant every word of it."

As I finished my sentence, the recall command initiated forcing all of his troops back home. Looking past me at the Boom Tubes his scowl grew larger as thousands of troops came violently flying back to Apokolips. Hearing their bodies pepper the castle walls and the city below, I began laughing at him.

"Now then, our brief time together has come to an end.", I told him as blasted him off the wall with an Electromagnetic Shockwave.

Slamming my hands together, I slowly parted them as a ball of Ray Sphere Energy began to form between them. Siphoning energy from the storm I created the charge began to rapidly build up to critical levels. Once it was ready I stared over at Darkseid as he was picking himself up.

"May the Presence show you no mercy in death.", I stated as I released the energy all at once.

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