Nora broke down in tears. To think that her brother would actually lay his hands on her was undeniably unthinkable.
After all, he was the only remaining family that she had in the world. As her tears fell steady, the morning breeze blew.
All of a sudden, she felt a lone. she was a little girl in a very big, scary world, with no father, mother or big brother to protect her.
All she had were the memories of the home she once occupied and the incredible pain of it all. She missed her father, she missed her once upon a time good, and loving big brother. Now, she was all alone.
She cried for hours on end. Until she fell asleep. And by the time she woke up, she was surprised to see that she had been slinged across the shoulder by a rope like she was sack of meat.
She struggled and complained, beating against the back of the huge gorilla man that carried her. However, her struggles were useless.