Chapter 93 - CHAPTER 92

she used his name and he allowed her to do so, well technically he allowed everyone if know the right way to say while anyone under him should always call him with the greatest of respects to know,

She doesn't seem to mind too much, since she still eagerly digs into her food.

While everyone around them looked at him as they wasted to see if the answer he gave them one time remained the same or changed, or if he would provide more info on it.

Darkseid: "Dear Wanda I am not a Mutant I never could be a Mutant, In fact, I am not even like you all are, Far from it I am a Cosmic Being, No No that would be wrong," As Darkseid stood up and started to think intensely then next second he glanced at all of them,

"Yes Let me put in simple words and examples, Darkseid Is, Darkseid says he is because everything else is it it's a significant phrase because i'm informing you that you're being visited by an entity higher on the ontological scale than anything else you've encountered I actually exist while you and everything else you're surrounded with don't or at least not from where he's standing a similar story pops up in the Bible Old Testament Exodus in which God appears before Moses in the form of a

the burning bush that refuses to be consumed by its flames Moses basically asks when I tell people about this encounter who should say sent me and

God responds with a I sure AM or I am he who is Yahweh the idea that there might be

things out there that exist more than you do can be frightening to some people or confusing to others but as hard as it might be to wrap your head around you don't actually have to believe in God or a string theory to believe in Darkseid

you just have to believe in the colour red

take a look at this Apple"

Said Darkseid as an apple aspired in his hands.

"it's physically made up of matter subject to time and causality most of us can agree that it

exists but does the color red exist not the red peel but the color itself what about triangles or happiness or dances I'm not asking if triangular

objects or happy people or instructions on how to dance exist I'm asking about the ideas themselves these are called abstract objects or abstract.

and if I found and burned every single copy of the Lord of the Rings would it really be appropriate to say that the story of the Lord of the Rings doesn't exist maybe you could say

no copies of it exist but the story itself if there's a chess move that has literally never been seen before is it appropriate to say that that move isn't real, numbers also seem to exist independently of their various representations you don't get any closer to ridding the world of five by erasing the number five then you do to getting rid of me by tearing up a picture of me

add to that the fact that science relies on numbers to predict reality and they really don't seem like arbitrary constructs Mortal invented they're part of how the universe works that exists whether we discovered them or not

they exist more than you do.

these things have to be timeless causal and immaterial to have these weird properties mean if the concept of a book is not actually any particular instance of a book then it must exist beyond time and space where nothing in your universe can truly affect it sound familiar ancient Greek philosopher Plato called this area the realm of the fortress with forms essentially being the name he gave to abstract in Greece when a large number of stone decorations needed to be made the master would carve a single perfect version of the sculpture called a form and regular stonemasons would be enlisted to copy the design across dozens of iterations just like abstract and I exist beyond space and time.

That's why in the past you wouldn't be seeing me. There is only one of me that lives in the present time.

I am personification forms are Abstracted. I don't just exist with more length width depth and power than every other being we are literally the abstract a' of things we encounter every day and they shape the multiverse we

exist in with every breath the universe bends around our footsteps with every action we could change the fundamental laws of nature; they are in a lot of ways integral to existence.

We are few but each of us represents a mortal ideal so if you were to somehow kill that being like me for example the personification of love

you've done a lot worse than just kill an immensely powerful higher dimensional entity

you've literally killed the concept of love and it no longer exists gods and Darkseid is self-aware ideas they use concept weapons anti-life equations hunter-killer metaphors the

We are incredibly powerful living ideas from a kind of platonic archetypal world.

We exist by necessity, like dreams and reality,

Dreams there are two sides of the same coin if one exists so does the other by simply saying this is the reality you're classifying everything that's not in reality as dreams and vice-versa making a

Reality without dreams is hard because making a reality without reality is hard. There are two things that exist by necessity: they just kind of have to be there and they aren't alone.

consider if you were omnipotent and wanted to kill one of them mean sure you might be able to kill one aspect of Abstracted them one point of view of a concept that alone would cause realities to fall spin and shatter across time in

existence but said the point of view would just be replaced with a new one. How can you kill the personification of an action or an idea that exists by necessity you can't because doing so is even out of hand? 

I'm like this body even if it is wholly atomized, vaporized, obliterated, I would still exist, I just have to create a new body this is just a shell for me to interact with the physical world, that's how much of an Immortal I am, and those who follow me loved once would have the same immorality as soon I would create my one astral plan in which souls of my followers and loved once would go.

And then I would be able to revive them without caring about the cycle of reincarnation. Or hell or heaven.

But aside from that, So I am an ABSTRACTA, but unlike any other ABSTRACTA, I am more than just that as most of them are addicted to the abstracts I am not like Mistress Death she didn't just want to kill everything but to keep the balance between life and death, or Mistress Love wants everyone to fall in love, or me who just doesn't want everyone to be evil, we represent balance more our abstracts, but where Mistress Death had to kill or Mistress love had spread love, I don't do that I am not

addicted to my abstracts, I am a pure energy being but I have DNA.

My genetics are so crazy that they can't be cloned or decoded, and they get complex as I grow powerful, so I am able to co-create, I can fall in love, I am able to feel the feeling of love, feeling of pleasure feeling of sex, the emotions of marriage, the feeling of heartbreaking, love at first sight, tastes of bad food, and just like you I can feel love, hate, jealousy, anger, frustration, awkward, just want to die and so on, I can feel all the seven deadly sins

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. I can feel all of it so I am not like them, as they are limited to what they have but I can develop all of it as they are limited to the power they have. I do not, I grow stronger, that's one of the reasons why I am born in so much of a lover dimension.

Darkseid said while he took small breaks so what he said could sink in their minds, and again just like before the atmosphere was silent as everyone was speechless most of the young students around them didn't even understand what he said besides the thing that he can't be killed if it comes to pass the whole universe had to pay the price. And he can feel the feelings. And this was what made them speeches less.

While the other group who understood everything realized how big of a Universe and Multiverse is it housed everything, and they were nothing more than a speck of dust in front of it, now they realized their inner struggles their problems were so small that those can't even think anything out of it, or don't even bother with it, Good and Evil both are important to them. And what they thought their whole lives had changed drastically as their bellies, hopes, and rules are being challenged here, and they are just following the scripts that were for them. In short, they are having an existential crisis.

They thought they were taking their own decisions, their own choices their own dreams and hopes, but now they realised they are just following the path that layout in front of them, a path with infinite sets of infinities with their own will to walk which one they want in a way they were giving free will but a free will that still flows the paths of infinities decided by higher beings.

While they were having an existential crisis, deep down they all were very happy that he was with them telling them everything ready to give them all this for their loyalty, he is forge his own path and want them to walk on it, a path which just didn't end with their worst deaths yes they could be more strictly be controlled but least they would happy.

While the Women in the room felt a little too happy about it in fact all the Women were overjoyed after hearing this as now they all knew he can feel everything and can return their feeling in the same compensation, they had seen many times when how Laura and Domino behave around him or when his name is mention.

But they hold back their subconscious mind after hearing he sees nothing more than Ants, it automatically reaches to collagen of how he could love them if just sees them as ants, they could be just his toys and nothing more, is there a possibility he even has emotions feelings is he even capable of loving someone.

After all, if he is a God a Cosmic Being, then beings could even love, even when the truth was in front of them, as when Laura had her transformation the Metal on her skeleton was changed he was holding her hand while looking into her eyes, and this could only be done by someone who loves unconditionally, or just a few hours ago the matter between him and Domino.

All clues were in front of them but the human brain is always like this always remaining ignorance, which you normal day ignorance, What they saw in front of them was denied by their subconscious minds, or just their luck, they met him before he turned into this, they had lived long time, they are sure he could love as much as they could and equally. 

But now it was clear as day that he does love them and care for them. they now have one more chance to try their luck 

does that really work some people think

at the end of the day this really


Reed, I'm telling you, we need to do this, and soon! "I don't care how dangerous this could be are; having a reality warper running around and using the whole planet as his own personal playground is exactly the kind of thing we formed our group to stop!"

It had been a long day for Tony Stark; things had mostly settled down on the streets and most of SHIELD's registered metahumans had returned to their regular duties, but now they had to deal with the fallout of what just happened his return to the international community, something that was causing shockwaves all over the planet. Not only did the Magistrates refuse to allow any sort of SHIELD presence on the island or School or anywhere near their area, even if they were allowed the Giant Sentinel was there several attempts at placing spies in the place to have some sort of idea of what was going on had failed and their operatives had disappeared without a trace. On top of everything else, Norman Osborn had been sniffing around Congress, trying to take advantage of the political chaos for some plot or another.

Rubbing his temples, trying to stave off the encroaching migraine, Stark was currently trying to persuade Reed to move against the man who was endangering the fragile peace he had sacrificed so much to build. It wasn't going well.

"Reed, I NEED you on this! I already talked to Xavier, and he claims he'll soon leave them, as he also seems to have head hit hard on something as he claims to have no contact with ud, and he also refuses to use his own team, in fact, I'm hundred percent sure with time all Mutat would rally behind him, against us. against Humans, and how winds are blowing am sure a big part of humanity would stand with him… 

If we're going to have any chance against a damn reality warper, I need you to work it on with me, you know it I can't do it alone.  

"Tony, you're gone mad. So you really want to create that thing again, the same thing that nearly wiped our whole Universe and got in the hands of the Mad man and if we didn't have those two people we could be gone."

"Yes that all happened because it had gone into the wrong hands. 

"And who gets to decide whose hands are right, who has the right to decide? You and You and me, who had a hard time even getting near it. Power corrupts all, and I just don't want us to become another example of absolute power corrupting absolutely."

Yes that's true but we don't have another way to do this. Sometimes you have to take risks. As without expertise I won't be able to create that alone and your expertise to maximise the potential of the others!"

On the screen, Reed barely paid attention to him, too busy with whatever latest project had popped up in his head. "Tony, it's not that I don't think this Darkseid is dangerous, but I am not convinced the danger is serious enough that the ? Is it called for?" "What has this man really done other than fix what had been damaged?"

In fact he stopped the world from ending and now without nukes we would have one less thing to care about."

"That's not the point, and you know it! It's not about what he's done; it's about what he CAN do! You worked with me on the SRA; you know why we had to convince the others to register and work with the government instead of against it! Someone who can just wave their hand around and change the world to fit whatever random crap they thought up on a whim is going to tear everything apart all over again! This is why the SRA exists, to keep untrained metahumans from irresponsibly using their powers however they want! Imagine if he gets pissed off over something; it'd be worse than a thousand Stamfords!

What went unspoken was the underlying fear the two had: that the remaining unofficial government would look at what  could do and what he had already and decided that the SRA wasn't restrictive ENOUGH. Just like their worst-case scenarios And in those scenarios, they didn't have to take an angry reality warper into the equation.

But could do anything lights just turn off as both of them looked in confused as how this was even possible then they looked around and saw whole world was eloped by Darkness as Tony was informed though that this was the same for every place on this planet then before they could react they saw a golden glow, and then they saw two huge angel wings that were huge nearly thousands of kilometres and they were still growing. 

And with a few gulps Finally, Reed responded. "...alright. Call the others. We meet in the usual"./


So now on I would take Sunday's off as I need time to settle the story do the research and so on and after 100 chapter we would stop and I would put a pool to my 3 fiction to ask which one should we continue



Hyperion and Thor once fought the Beyonders and even managed to kill one... before both of them got killed by the other Beyonders.



That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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