Chapter 71 - CHAPTER 71

Maria watches with fearful eyes as to what f is going on as it claims its mission is to bring peace and order to the world and is about to finish that mission. It will soon extinguish mankind. 

Back at the Avenger mansion, We see Wasp is in disbelief that Thor has died. She, Hawkeye, Black Panther, and Hulk stare down at the new Mjolnir forged by Odin himself, and his helmet. The mystical enchantment shines across the weapon.

"None are worthy"

She wonders if they should move Mjolnir and asks Hulk to do it. He replies that he could not. When she asks why he responds that he is not Thor. He looks down to see the inscription fade away.

Wasp is still in disbelief that Hank would have anything to do with this. Hawkeye points out that her "Husband's" pet robot went nuts putting Captain America in the hospital and almost defeated the team. He claims that while they were lucky Thor was not.

Elsewhere, Hank puts an Ultron body in the incinerator, destroying it completely. He too does not believe this is happening. Nearby, Tony Stark wonders how many others there are.

Hank reassures him this is the last of the Ultrons, every last one in the mansion. He claims that Prison 42 and the lab at Grayburn College are clear.

Hank walks over to the last remaining Ultron head wondering what went wrong since they were for peace and order. Tony claims it wasn't his fault and that he is equally guilty. He reminds him that he pushed for using Ultron as a weapon.

Hank is standing behind Tony at a desk. Tony explains that there was a series of upgrades to Ultron's CPU. He begins searching for a reason and pulls up schematics on Ultron-5.

Hank interrupts to explain that he used human brain patterns to create the machine and that there are numerous things that could have gone wrong. He stops when he remembers that he used his own mind as the template. He realizes that his mind made Ultron go to Madness.

Tony counters that the first signs of deviation came after the invasion by Kang. He points out that Ultron did interface with Kang's technology.

Hank replies that they were his responsibility and he allowed it to happen. He again wonders how he could have created something that would commit such violence and kill Thor.

As we see another entirely different location in the green field we see. 

Somewhere, Thor lies in a field under a tree. Vast mountains stretch into the sky beyond. He stares into the sky with a smile on his face.

Beside him is what seems to be an extremely beautiful woman with long blond hair, green emerald eyes and a very attractive and perfectly fit body wearing a green and black costume. She is Amora, The Enchantress. 

Amora: "Ooh, this is why I saved you, my love. Even if you had become kind of useless after that incident the loss of your hammer had hit you hard. But you still had your uses. This is all I ever wanted. To the two of us alone, We will be together. Forever."

Amora sits up next to him. She tells her love that this peace is why she saved him, so they could be alone at last. Thor wraps his arm around her and they lie down.

Just then he hears thunder rumbling. He looks around confused. She puts her glowing hand on his face and his eyes light up. She reassures him that they will be together forever.

[rumble in distance]

Back at the mansion. 

Hank stands behind Tony at a desk. Tony explains that there was a series of upgrades to Ultron's CPU. He begins searching for a reason and pulls up schematics on Ultron-5.

As he searches the database, he realises that this head isn't that of Ultron-5. Hank asks him to explain. Tony claims that this isn't the original body. The programming has been uploaded into it according to his data from the last encounter. He explains that Ultron has been transferring its intelligence into several new bodies and that it last did it an hour ago.

Hank realizes that was after they destroyed it. Tony wonders where the A.I. went to. Just then, their controls all go red.

Deep inside the mansion, the lights in the armory all turn red. The safes open up and we see more than 50 new Iron Man armors it seems Tony did learn the lesson from the last fight but like always his overconfidence, self-absorbed, and ego got the better of him again the Iron Man armors turn red. 

Tony still thinks originally created it was literally just I am a robot and I do robotic things and

blah blah blah blah I'm a villain of the week I want to kill superheroes nothing too unique

Ultron himself is incredibly intelligent when he was

about that but what he has done is over the time that every time Ultron faced off against the

Avengers or any hero for the fact of the matter he learned and he expanded his capabilities and that's why he would always come back more capable and almost destroy the Avengers every time and Tony all his intelligence Tony Stark a future man trapped in the present. A prisoner raging against the slow crawl of human evolution still underestimates the capability of a Machine. 

Across the city in Stark Tower, the armory there is quiet. Weapons fill the area hiding a new Ultron body. Its eyes suddenly glow red as it turns on.

It blasts its way outside and flies into the air.

Back in the mansion, Black Panther walks with Hulk, Hawkeye, and Wasp down a hall. He had come here just after Ultron incidents started to happen Wakanda was attacked by Ultron as he want to take Vibranium in which he was successfully able to take a big chunk of a small mine and in the fight, Wakanda suffered a huge loss one of them which it's King T'Chaka. 

He was sent here by his sister to collect all the information about Ultron. So they do something about it. And when he came here he found Avengers seemed to concentrate on Ultron so he is here. 

Just then a wall explodes in on them. Wasp looks up through the dust to see the Hulkbuster Armor staring at them.

It swings a massive fist knocking back Hulk and Black Panther. The Wasp has been knocked aside in the wake.

Hawkeye fires an arrow, but it stops in midair just beyond the armor. He looks confused when Iron Man's Stealth Armor suddenly appears. He calls out to Stark, wondering what is going on. It's not again right' he asked the other who just looked at him. 

[power drains]


[all grunt]

However, the room suddenly explodes around them. As the dust clears, they find themselves surrounded by armors readying their repulsor beams at them that include the Iron Man Armor Mark II, Silver Centurion Armor, and Nose Armor.

"Stark, what are you–"

Wasp notes that this would be a lot of Iron Mans.

Then, Ultron's voice calls out from the smoke. 

Ultron: "You attempted to destroy me, Avengers."

The primary Iron Man armour stands there. It says that the Avengers tried to destroy it. 


Ultron: "You failed." 

Hawkeye realises it is actually Ultron. The robot points out that they have failed.

Back aboard the helicarrier, we see agents sweating like hell trying to work this out. 

Hill: "I want all systems back up, right now."

And, Sitwell, get me Tony Stark.


[cries out]

Just then the door to the control room explodes. Maria runs to grab her laser pistol as Ultron emerges from the smoke. Agents stand and one readies a rifle.

"Swiss splash splash splash"

Ultron then proceeds to repulsor blast the agents. From left to right agents were cut down by him and their blood splashed everywhere Despite the agents' attack, they all fell one by one dying a gruesome death.

[all scream]


As Ultron approaches Maria, agents line the balcony and fire at the robot. 

"Swiss" Ultron turns and fires a beam from its mouth destroying the balcony and vaporizing all the agents. It is suddenly blasted from behind.

It turns out see Maria making a last stand. It slowly approaches, the pistol having no effect. She grabs the gun with both hands for better aiming. Ultron continues his advance unhindered.

Eventually, she backs into the console and a ricochet knocks the gun out of her hand.

Ultron: "Maria Christina Hill, New director of SHIELD. As such, you are in possession of information not contained in any database on the planet. The security codes for the worldwide SHIELD arsenal.

She definitely stands up to him with a firm look on her face without any fear in her eyes. And said, 

Hill: "And you think I'm gonna hand them over to you?

Hearing this Ultron's hand moves at blinding speed and grabs her face holding it very tight but still, there was not even an ounce of fear on her face. 

Ultron: "You misunderstand, I am not asking.


Back in the mansion, Hulk roars as the Hulkbuster punches him in the face. He races forward to battle it.

"Iron Man is too bad at his job"

Meanwhile, Wasp flies around attacking the Nose Armor. It reaches for her, but she flies away and it gives chase. She continues to dodge its repulsor beams. She turns and blasts it in the face. She flies around forcing it to stop before it chases her again.

Hawkeye dodges an explosion from the Mark II. He bounces off a wall and fires his arrows. One hits the hand beam, another in the eye, and the third in the chest beam. The armor begins to short-circuit before the arrows exploded.

Meanwhile, Black Panther leaps over the Silver Centurion to knock back the Stealth Armor. It looks and sees Black Panther standing over it readying his claws. The armor then turns invisible.

Black Panther turns around to see the Silver Centurion standing behind him. It fires a repulsor beam forcing Black Panther back.

"Tony was busy"

Hulkbuster slams Hulk into the wall. Hulk grabs the hand and then twists it slamming the modular add-on into the wall. He leaps up to punch it. The armor flies back and Hawkeye sees it crash into a wall.

He fires an arrow knocking the Nose Armor down. Mark II and Silver Centurion turn to face him. He readies another arrow when Stealth appears behind him readying repulsors.

"Hawkeye Behind you"

Wasp warns him and he dodges out of the way just in time. Hawkeye lands and readies an arrow. However, Stealth runs and disappears.

Black Panther changes vision modes in his helmet. He sees the thermal image of Stealth stopping behind Hawkeye. Black Panther launches off Nose and Silver Centurion and flies over Hawkeye to land on Stealth.

Stealth crashes down short circuiting while Black Panther crouches nearby. Nose approaches but Wasp fires at it. She radios Tony to inform him that Ultron has taken over all the armors.

In the lab, Tony types at the desk in the Grey Armor. His Mark I that he had made some changes to increase its usability and destructiveness without adding any counter in it Tony learns from his mistakes. Hank puts on his helmet offering to go with him. Tony puts on his helmet and orders him to stay to destroy all the Ultron pieces.

Ant-Man then receives a communication and informs Iron Man that the helicarrier is under attack. Iron Man wonders what Ultron would want with S.H.I.E.L.D. Ant-Man notes what Ultron said before, it can only achieve peace by destroying humanity, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has that ability.

Back in the field, Thor and Amora continue lying together. He is suddenly awoken by the memories of himself in battle with a machine and Wasp calling out to him.

He sits up noting that this is not right. He claims he was in battle until there was a flash of light. Amora frowns, then raises her glowing hand and tells him not to be worried. She claims that the memories will go.

Realising the truth 

As her hand nears his hand, he suddenly grabs her. He stands ordering her to return him to Midgard as he lifts her up. 

Amora: "Thor Ahh! Asa! Thor, wait!"

He drops her saying that if she does not she will see him angry.

Thor: "You will return me to Midgard now, filthy Witch. Or by Odin you will know my fury."

Amora: "I am trying to save you, fool."

She rubs her wrist claiming that she was trying to save him. He retorts that he wants neither her help nor affection. He warns that if she wants to fight then he will.

She warns that she could hurt and torture him, forcing him to stay. She readies her glowing hands. She goes on to say that if he loves Midgard so much that he can go die with it.

[grunts] [strains] [growls] [electricity crackles]

Back in the mansion, Hulk pounds Hulkbuster but is grabbed in its massive hand. It slams the jade giant into the ground. It then uses its other hand to fire a massive repulsor blast.

Wasp flies to it and begins firing. Though doing no damage, she succeeds in distracting it as it tracks her.

"Too much for one man"

Black Panther runs and leaps to avoid the attack of Nose and Silver Centurion. He throws vibranium daggers that cut into Silver Centurion's shoulder. The nose fires its beams and flies forward.

Meanwhile, the primary armour picks up Hawkeye. He begs for help. As it prepares its repulsor, Iron Man in Grey Armor crashes through the wall and tackles his advanced armor.

Iron Man flies across the room and slams his armor into the wall. He grabs it and then slams it into the floor. He grabs the back slamming it into the wall once more. 

Tony: " How did that again forget it Get out of my suit." He orders Ultron out of his armor.

Ultron: "Your armor, like all of

humanity is obsolete. Accept your end.

Tony:  "Yeah, I don't think so." 

Iron Man disagrees and repulsors the armor. The armor falls over in a smoking heap.

Black Panther becomes trapped between Nose and Silver Centurion. As they approach, Iron Man blasts them both back. Black Panther looks over to see Hulk, Iron Man, and Wasp nearing.

Iron Man fires his repulsor knocking Stealth into a wall. Silver Centurion flies up but an arrow knocks it down. Hawkeye fires another one knocking it back as it is crashing.

Black Panther rubs his aching head when Hawkeye offers his hand. They stand and look around.

Wasp flies to Iron Man wondering what is going on since they supposedly destroyed Ultron.

Wasp:  "What's happening? I thought Ultron was destroyed."

Tony:  "Yeah, so did I. The real Ultron is attacking the SHIELD helicarrier Right now."

Hawkeye and Black Panther back up towards the group ready for more battle.

Hawkeye:  "- We've got to stop him. Stop it from doing what?

Panther: "What does he even want?"

Tony: "It wants to end all life on earth."


Hawkeye: "You go, take Hulk and Wasp. Panther and I will finish up here.

Panther: "- Clint-"

Hawkeye:  "-Go!"

while he and Black Panther finish there. Iron Man starts to reason with him, but Hawkeye cuts him off, ordering them to leave.

Iron Man flies out of the hole he made followed by Hulk and Wasp. The primary armour and Panther both stand up to face them. Silver Centurion rises behind them. Hawkeye sees Stealth stand.

Hawkeye:  "Yeah, I know, I'm dumb."

Aboard the helicarrier, Maria throws a punch that Ultron easily grabs. 

[grunts] [strains]

It grabs her other hand and then twists her wrists back forcing her onto the ground. She looked up at him still with no signs that she was in great pain. 

Hill: "Never. I'll never tell you." claims she will never tell him anything.

Ultron: "As I said, your compliance is unnecessary.

"Scanning and replicating the human mind was the first thing I ever learned. 

It explains that the first thing it learned was to scan and replicate the human mind. Its chest opens up and three cables extend.

[Aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaa]

The cable grabs onto her head and she cries out in pain. She stops when all she can see is data.

Suddenly, a repulsor cuts the cables and she drops. Ultron looks up and closes its chest. An enormous unibeam pushes it back. However, it fires its own repulsor to counter it.

When the beams end, it sees Iron Man and Wasp floating as she fires at it. Hulk lands and blocks the repulsor attack, doing no harm to him. 

Hulk:  "Gonna enjoy this, robot. This is for Thor! 


The giant looks at him saying it will enjoy this and punches it for Thor.

Ultron flies back but engages an energy shield to softly land on the wall. It leaps down claiming that it cannot be defeated,

Ultron: "I cannot be defeated, monster. But I do not expect you to understand that.

Hulk:  "I smashed you before.

I'll smash you again.

but Hulk won't understand. Hulk walks forward pounding his fist into his hand. He notes he smashed Ultron before and will do so again. Ultron replies that he will not. Hulk reaches Ultron and growls as he towers over it. He raises his arms to smash,

Ultron: "No, you will not. 


Hulk:Smash... you…



As suddenly Ultron raises its arm and begins absorbing energy. Hulk then transforms into Bruce Banner who falls to the ground. It seems he is again able to somehow able to grasp the concept of energy absorption from Sentinel that fought him but looking at green smoke it seems he can only absorb it and release it back he can't store it in his body. 

Bruce looks on in horror as Ultron prepares a repulsor.

Iron Man flies up and tries to punch it. Ultron shields itself and then blasts Iron Man back. Pieces of the armor fly off and he crashes to the ground. Iron Man lies there in his smoking armor staring at Ultron. His chest light dims.

Tony: "Even if you take us down, there are more avengers on their way."

He claims that there are more Avengers coming even if they are defeated. Ultron knows this is a lie, 

Ultron:  "You are lying, but that is inconsequential. have what I need." Ultron claims that even if it were true he has what he needs.

'Ultron in control'

Wasp:  "What does he mean?

Hill: "The codes, He's got SHIELD's missile codes."

Wasp helps Maria up, Maria explains that Ultron has the missile codes for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s arsenal. The two women look back to see a map of the world come up. Locations all across the globe begin to glow.

Female voice: "Director Maria Hill,

security codes accepted."

Female voice: "Nuclear missile launch in progress."

A computer voice notes that Maria's codes have been accepted and missiles are ready for launch. Ultron flies over to the display.

Wasp: "He's firing a nuclear missile?" 

Wasp is shocked that Ultron would launch a nuclear missile. 

Hill: " No, not a missile. All of them, not just the one under SHIELD but all of the world's nuclear missiles. 


Maria corrects her that it is launching every single one.

High above the Earth, the satellite continues in its orbit relaying signals across the globe

High above the Earth, the satellite continues in its orbit relaying signals across the globe. While their few space satellites were loaded with Nukes as they all fired. 

'Beginning of the end

Beneath the ocean, the nuclear submarine cruises along the bottom. Suddenly, all the doors on the sub open up. Six nuclear missiles were launched from the vessel. They break through to the surface and fly in different directions. And that happens across all oceans across the world. 

Deep in China, a few missiles were launched from its tube. It flies over the mountains towards an unknown destination followed by another. And another and this all happens across mountains that we're around the world. 

The spy plane drops a missile that races forward

Ultron:  "I am Ultron-6, A cybernetic intelligence

created by doctor Henry Pym. My imperative is to bring peace and order to this world. I am about to fulfill that imperative. For the extinction of humanity begins now. Humanity has failed as a species. You have accomplished much with your limited capacity, but ultimately you were

too greedy and too frail ever last in the environment you have created. Soon the earth will no longer be inhabitable for any biological organism. Man, woman, child, plant, animal, fungus, or bacterium. All life will cease to exist.

This is not a threat. There is nothing you can do to stop it. The process has already begun. I receive no pleasure in this. It is simply the only solution. There must be peace and order.

[cries out]

The end of life on earth

will ensure that.



Meanwhile, the people in the world listen to the rantings of Ultron. As there were two screens on the display one showing all the missiles and their leading location while the other showed Ultron his speech. 

As In the Mutant School, the Giant Sentinel instantly acts and separates into three pieces creating three huge 3000 feet tall Sentinel, two of which instantly flew away at hypersonic speeds which increased insane speeds. while the one remained standing as a huge doom surrounded the whole area under 5 kilometres. Everyone inside the school watched the tv with horrified looks while some ran to see what happened and they were shocked to see the huge red force field. 

While in the air one Giant Sentinel continues to fly and while others start to split into small pieces all his fingers, legs, hands, back neck, and even eyes and lips all separated and become their own small Sentinels nearly few thousand each nearly six feet tall and all of them flew away in different directions leaving no sound behind. 

When the Giant Sentinel reached its destination it was a huge Island as before anyone was able to do anything just like before a huge red doom surrounded the island. 



Some new name in possible Harem

- Bei the Blood Moon

- Laynia Petrovna (Darkstar)

- Seol Hee (Luna Snow)

- Linda Jane Carter (Night Nurse)

- Veranke

- Nico Minoru

- Karolina Dean (Lucy in the Sky)

Come on, give me some power stones. And do some comments.  why comments are going down so much come on man show some appreciation by commenting a few good lines nothing more.

So how about this new way of writing? As I realized that if I throw all this in one time then I give females their own chapters it feels like fillers and we had to skip it this way and they even get boring fast. We got stories and love interests of females while the story is still going on. and this is how I am going to write all of my work....

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating. everything princess single circumstances



Amalgam comics fuse heroes from both DC Comics and Marvel comics together. 

Amalgam was known as a publishing imprint that was shared by both DC and Marvel Comics. In the fused publications, superheroes such as Batman and Wolverine were fused to make the character Dark Claw, Superman and Captain America became Super-Soldier. 

The publishing house was founded in 1996 and went defunct in 1997.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

please join my discord server for Fiction knowledge

Please share

- Jessica Drew (Ultimate Spider-Woman)

- Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)

- Julia Carpenter (Spider-Woman)

- Charlotte Witter (Spider-Woman)

- Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Woman)

- Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy (Spider-Gwen)

- Cynthia "Cindy" Moon (Silk)

- Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

- Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

- Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

- Felicia Sara Hardy (Black Cat)

- Silvija Sablinova (Silver Sable)

- Anna Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue)

- Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

- Nebula (maybe not)

- Hela

- Brunnhilde

- Elektra Natchios

- Death (maybe not)

- Jean Grey

- Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde

- Jane Foster

- Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) (maybe not)

- Tamara Devoux (Captain Universe)

- Shuri (maybe not)

- Monica Rambeau (Spectrum)

- Neena Thurman (Domino)

- Susan Storm (The Invisible Woman)

- Emma Frost

- Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)

- Daisy Johnson (Skye) (Quake)

- Jemma Simmons

- Barbara "Bobbi" Morse (Mockingbird)

- Maria Hill

- Sif

- Thena (Azura)

- Gwendolyn Poole (Gwenpool)

- Ororo Monroe (Storm)

- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

- Laura Kynney (X-23)

- Jessica Jones

- Caiera

- Galacta

- Elizabeth "Betty" Ross (Red She-Hulk / She-Rulk)

- Cassandra Web

- Sersi

- Thena

- Ajak

- Selene

- Medusa

- Illyana Nikolaievna (Magik)

- Kwannon

- Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock 

- Lorna (Polaris)

- Tessa (Sage)

- Ruby Summers

- Monet St. Croix, (M)

- Rachel Summers

- Clarice Ferguson

- Heather Cameron(Lifeguard)

- Amara in Disguise(Magma)

- Amelia Voght

- Meggan

- Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind)

- Martinique Jason (Mastermind)

- Succubi

- Morgan le Fay

- Hisako Ichiki (Armor)

- Kara Kilgrave (Persuasion)

- Sooraya Qadir (Dust)

- Megan Gwynn (Pixie) FC

- Adrienne Frost

- Angela Jones (Firestar)

- Laynia Petrovna (Darkstar)

- Vanessa Carlysle (Copycat)

- Petra

- Sway

- Irene Adler (Destiny) Maybe not

- Eva Bell (Tempus) Maybe not

- Crystallia Amaquelin (Crystal)

- Patsy (HellCat)

- Greer Grant (Tigra)

- Yelena Belova

- Viper (Madame Hydra)

- Tandy Bowen (Cloak)

- Melissa Gold (Song Bird)

- Dr. Karla Sofen (Moonstone)

-Hope Summers(A summer how can he let go)

- Zarda ( Power Princess)

- Amora the Enchantress

- Angela Del Toro (Tiger)

- Shanna

- Thundra

- Elsa Bloodstone

- Satana

- Kate Bishop (Maybe not)

- Spitfire

- Clea

- Saturnyne

- Umar

- Agatha Harkness

- Bei the Blood Moon

- Laynia Petrovna (Darkstar)

- Seol Hee (Luna Snow)

- Linda Jane Carter (Night Nurse)

- Veranke

- Nico Minoru

- Karolina Dean (Lucy in the Sky)


With it all marvel women who will be in heram if they are not in this list they would not be in Harem..
