Chapter 21 - CHAPTER 21

It's pretty clear that they need some love in their life and if I am the one man enough to make it happen: then I need to make sure I would be able to survive such an endeavor.

So let's Do it.

I thought while calculating every possibility as next second I used  "DRAIN" as superheated yellow flames came out of the sword the flames were so hot that they can burn even stars and even I felt a burning sensation as it doesn't want to separate from the sword of I put more power on the Sword.

"Come creature come out DARKSEID WILL NOT BE DENIED"

As I put more strength in it the Phoenix also replied with more strength but how long it could last so I pulled my aura and put full might on it and just after this it didn't last long against me as I felt a great power fly into me.

While in the shadows I saw a giant flaming bird that was bigger than galaxies as I felt something was pulling me somewhere while my eyes were closed but I don't want to see her so I put all my might to resist which was hard very hard after all I was facing will of multiverse being but I was Darkseid. As I started to hear whispers of power, the promise of power.






"NO 00%"










I Spoke every word we both put more and more power so much so that the makeshift space around us started to break apart as we both struggle to take control or hold superiority over us even if this a Multiverse force of Creation and Destruction my mind was impenetrable because of my system no we fought for wills the control of my body.

We just like that fought with more and more power and just like that I don't know how much time but  "SHATTER" as space around us shattered by our sheer will alone as this was not a contest of power As I don't stand a chance in that field but DARKSEID WILL IS NOT SOMETHING ANYONE CAN PLAY WITH.

As space shatters into billions of pieces like a mirror. As I felt I was returning to my body as now my body was absorbed a part of Phoenix making it, mine breaking the connection between us now it was no more part of Phoenix, no no it was mine.


"I Am Sure we will and sooner than you expect"

As I opened my eyes I saw my hand that used to drain on the sword was burned so much that I could see the veins but not longer as my healing factor kicked in and the next second my hand was healed while the sword was no more only broken pieces of metal lying below me.

As yellow flames were surrounding me.

As I felt great power flowing through me that was comparable to 25 percent of my total power if I don't count Great Darkness I felt I could do anything but I truly knew how much of a lie this was. Now I can understand why mortal minds get corrupted by this power or they corrupt this power as their mortal minds can't withstand this power and they become Dark Phoenix. She is driven mad by mortals their greed for power or the new experience of a cosmic entity dealing with human emotions,

extremes of human emotion and sensuality and her The Phoenix Force becomes the Dark Phoenix.

It's understandable after all that even I could have been tempted by the power if I didn't know the truth.  This power is a good to boost but all is not for me alone as I called it for her plus I can summon as many times as I want but I will not absorb them as I let my cells build up all the energy as it is for Jean and this will be same for

Madelyne when she wields the full might of Goblinforce but I will first remove its consciousness as I don't my girl to hell bend of destruction as for Phoenix it is different for Jean become it literally copies Jean's mind now it becomes a second Jean and it not all about mindless destruction but aside powers like this I will just take a small bite and let my body do the work.

I thought while playing with the pure fire in my hands. It was hot enough to burn even the space but now I was immune to and will remain immune forever. That shows moments I know there is something in her that sees, hears, and reacts on a very small level the memories Jean is in her it is a subconsciousness but still it shows no matter even without me coming alive.

How it could very easily be explained is that some beings don't have a soul but they live like Blackheart, the son of Mephisto, or Johnny Blaze selling his soul, or Illyana creating a sword with a piece of her soul. Beings like these define what the soul could be or which form it could take after all there is some logic even I can't use to explain.

Plus it could easily be explained as with time and her mental powers that are on Omega level she will create a soul with time. Of course, that soul will be nothing in front of the soul I will give her and she is alive even if on a subconscious level that's why her heart is betting her cells are absorbing radiation like a Brain dead person.


As I started to call out 90% of Phoenix's power and then started to reform it into a pure soul in a long life you can learn many things especially when you are a new God so Darkseid did Soul Manipulation which is one of the most important things in any universe he Can manipulate souls to the point where he put Cyborg Superman's soul into a sphere. Necromancy, Resurrection,

Entity Creation, and now I am combining 4 of them to create a new soul that has the same frequency as Jean and Laura combined. While putting some of my memories of how to control the powers and Laura's love for me in her mind. And using the full totality of my corruption on the soul.

Since I started the progress of pulling Phoenix out of the Sword Jean had all concentration on me while looking at the Phoenix with special shining eyes I can feel how her true power that bald head looked inside getting free her real self as currently who sits in front of me is not full it's not her full conciseness no one part of her is looked into depths of her mind that wants to free so I can blame both bald head and mater mind for the creation of  Dark Phoenix.

In Fact, I am sure she will be jumping on me to ask thousands of questions to know more if she knew me and I don't need to read minds to know this. She was watching with all her interest and wide eyes. Now I just need to plant a seed into her mind so she comes running to me for the knowledge and then I will handle it all.

Once I was done forming the soul it had taken at least 60 percent of Phoenix's total power to create this soul so I reabsorbed any extra energy and I also noticed Madelyne's new cells trying to absorb radiation even from Phoenix's flames but they were not powerful enough to do this.

So once everything was ready and her body was fully stabilized I move forward as Glass in front of me disappeared I put my right hand on her face she looked beautiful and now mine now she will have a great life much great than the comics as a new soul was floating just above was my left and it was in the form of the ball as it needs to take the body to get a form. this Soul is formless and genderless for most of the part besides my Laura and Jean's imprints on it, unlike the souls we have in an Astral Projection form or any land of the dead.

But it Knows its creator that's why it's not moving on or trying to inhabit anybody. So after giving all the final checks I allowed the soul as it floated into her while taking her physical form as it disappeared. Now it was time to wait and see the fruits of my labor. I even faced a Cosmic Being that is on power with the Living Tribunal.

As we all waited with our hearts in our hands as everyone wanted to see what would happen, especially Jean, Essex, Hank, and of course me as silence descended into the room where only the heartbeat displaying a hologram could be heard that was beeping. But the silence didn't last long as just a few seconds later her heartbeat increased exponentially so much that it could be heard even from far away and broke every human limit while the temperature of her body skyrocketed that it first boiled the liquor then it vaporized. Its glass tube also melted.

The Melted glass spread everywhere on the table and everyone got up from their chairs as there were no people that would not be burned by this as while I and Zelda remained floating above the table keeping eyes on everything that was happening in her body. As this continued for a small time where her body was continuously heating up more and more so much so I had to stop the heat from reaching their bodies. And Now her hair was on fire and fire was a light violet color

In the next second, she opened her beautiful purple eyes that shined red and "Swiss" she fired heat vision at me which doesn't do shit as I don't move an inch or feel the heat. In a desperate attempt to stop herself she puts her hands on her eyes.  she was not getting hurt but her heat vision was still flaring in her hands. So first I created a force field around everyone as I knew this could go wild.

Madelyne Pryor Pov.

I was in this cage for since I remember I can't do anything from getting out of this glass cage I know Sinister is the man who cloned me but he was disappointed with what I become as I can't move even my eyelashes he mention many time how I was just one of the failed clones of his and how the clones he made after me were successful.

I got her memories and when I looked into them I saw how good her life was. She was living happily and I was in this glass cage and couldn't even watch what the sun felt like. If I would say I was jealous of her it would be wrong no I hated her.

She got all the things she ever needed and I remained here and just like that time passed for her I was put into a corner and she was only in front of Sinister when he needed to do some test or needed her blood I locked here where no one cares about me and with time I learn to develop my psychic field were I able to reach out on the upper levels and in those time I noticed How Sinister had put everything aside and to reacher one mutant that he cant clone or change his DNA structure no matter what he does and they can't kill him without going to extreme lengths which they never try as they still wanted to do the researcher.

During those time I get to know, he has his own ways of how he cares about Mutants and how much he cares about POWER that I can't have so I was locked here with time I learn more and got to know more but still, but I was unresponsive and one-day great energy hit everything and I watch a Man seems to be power incarnated without any limits he literally pulls moon to earth created a giant machine.

Some hours later he showed up here and played with Sinister I thought Sinister will die but I get to know both men had the same ideologies about power and Sinister gave him a gift and Frist time I saw fear on his face which looked good on him after this over what shocked me most that he knew my existence and it was not enough called me out and first some put his hand this glass cage even we were far from each other I could feel the warmth of his hand it was an indescribable feeling that happens that I got that time.

When Sinister said I was a defective piece that is useless and more dead than alive what can I do I was Hurt but he was not wrong as only was incapable of doing anything but I was a clone had clone that can be alive but he didn't react I thought it was the end I will be here forever.

But How I was as not only he goes into a deep explanation about souls but he also called me special and I was just incomplete I was alive for him it was like a dream to me and all was over he said he will complete me then I appeared in an area where only thing could I felt is send but besides that, I felt the heat of the sun first time it looked beautiful then I enjoy the sun for few hours and after these sudden changes take place and whole area turned into a beautiful scenery.

Then few more minutes later I appeared in a huge room then he said to watch the magic of true science then they did some science staff that was beyond my understanding and by looking at Sinister I can say he was also clueless then they displayed my genetic structure then they moved so fast my sense aren't able to keep up when they were done I felt the alive computer name Zelda inject something in me.

I thought now pain will hit but no nothing like this happen first my mussels increased so much that I was more than 11 feet tall but then they decreased back as I felt great power running through me I don't know How I looked like now but I was much bigger than before even after all the power and energy that was running through me I was still didn't able to move.

I thought he would be disappointed in me even after all this. I didn't move NO matter how much and how hard I tried. My body didn't move as It was not in my control it didn't want to move or all my neurons were disconnected from my body. But how wrong I was he called a sword and then pulled out a fire creature and absorbed it then he started to create something as I felt new memories were in my mind he moved forward and put his hand on my face I don't know how but I fell for him even without seeing him.

Maybe it was because of new memories or maybe because he is the only person that showed love to me after feeling the warmth of his hand at such a small distance I felt great as he let the glowing ball inside me and I once again felt great power running through me and I felt something I never felt before I felt I will be complete.

As I try to move my body but I was unsuccessful, I didn't give up not after this and just some seconds later some moments happen as I felt I was merging with the Soul he created I felt some control over my body so I put all my will into it as I don't want to remain here in this glass case not anymore when he is with so I did and I moved the green liquid around vaporized and glass melted when everyone run he reminds in the place looking at my condition as I moved my body.

I felt such strength in my hands that I am not able to control strength as I opened my eyes to look at him but before I even glanced at him red beams came out of my eyed and last thing I ever wanted to do is hurt him so in speed I put my hand on my eyes and saw my eye beams continue to fire in my hands but my hands didn't hurt.

As next, I heard so many voices from everywhere the meeting of hearts the blowing air how some of their bodies were quivering how they were sweating how some of them were preparing to attack me how much sound was getting create by machines I can feel hear microbes moving on their bodies or on my body and so much more. It gives me a headache. Then I heard his voice. 

"Close your eyes and concentrate."

I follow his instructions.  And close my eyes but the voice is so many so many. shut up. As the next second I felt I was hovering in the air. 

"HOW" I don't know how loud I spoke but I can feel everything around me was sent flying but the voices

"Aaaaaaa  Shut up shut up all of you shut up." 

"Crack crack"

I spoke so loud that it cracked the ground below me. I then place my hands on my ears and say in a very very loud voice.


This time large flames erupted from my body releasing so much heat that everything around me started to melt but I don't care I want these voices to stop. 

I don't know what was happening but I want these voices to stop at any cost. I was in so much pain. I didn't notice anything as these voices didn't stop but increased. As a forehead was placed on mine I can feel it was him as no creature was on his body and he is the only one who seems to not be affected by those flames that burn all it touches. Our foreheads were together.

Darkseid: "Listen, it's just me, only me. Focus on the sound of my voice. Tune everyone out, come towards my voice because I am here with you. Feel my warmth, feel my hands, feel only me." He spoke so softly that I felt it could be a different person. 

"So many voices, so loud in my head. I can feel moments everywhere this power is trying to run out of me. I Cried with my eyes closed.

"That's fine Madelyne search out for me, feel me. My voice Madelyne picked out my voice. Listen as my voice soothes you, concentrate on my heart beats on your heart beats forget about everything, feel the tune in my voice let go of everything besides us reach out for the memories I put in you control yourself" 

I listen to what he said and I did what he said and stop controlling everything let me search for his heart beats that we're most unique and powerful let my let my consciousness do the controlling while I concentrate on his heart, beats listen to it while meeting my worries go as It's time to move Now I had found one or he found me it doesn't matter now he was here for me. 

I know there will be in my weakness and in my strengths how do I know I don't know that it is just something that even my soul is telling me that this body that seems to be able to break planets apart doesn't have any effect on him. No matter how much strength I put on his hand was holding me tightly it doesn't show any injury at an even microscopic level. 

As our heads remind together I don't know what happened to me. I looked up and opened my eyes and this time nothing happened, fire was still burning around us. Then I did what I always saw that could soothe someone's raging emotions. And I need this now more than ever. I sealed his lips with mine and lost myself in the taste of his. 

important to read 

So what powers cod best suit for Magneto please commant and I know today's chapter was more concentrated on him but Hii this character least deserves a chapter and now he is part of Darkseid army. And that's why he had Mutants with him all the time he is forcing them to open their eyes while corrupting the Dame's. 

Please leave a review with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.

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The Mjolnir can destroy galaxies. 

The Mjolnir is the hammer that Thor is often seen using for a weapon. This hammer is so powerful that its wielder can create force fields so great, it can destroy entire galaxies. 

It can also travel through planets to return to its wielder's hand and can also move and manipulate large structures such as the Washington Monument and the Taj Mahal. It is also able to molecularly manipulate objects and control magnetic forces.


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