Chereads / LANCELOT (FIRE BREATHER SERIES) / Chapter 74 - The death of Kubo!!!

Chapter 74 - The death of Kubo!!!

Chapter 74: The death of Kubo!!!

"Grab her for me" Kubo barked at his subordinates, who rushed towards General Wang, initially they wanted to shoot but they felt it was overkill, and besides their boss wanted to have his way with her, if they killed her it would make things messy so they decided to grab her, in their minds they were being efficient.

They didn't even take cognizance of the strength she possessed as they approached her at full speed.

"For these rats, I wouldn't wield my element." General Wang unsheathed her sword, the one tied around her waist.

She swung the blade slowly, brandishing it in a manner that seemed to suggest to the opener to give it their best shot.

Lightray flitted through the reflective surface of the sword to reveal its smooth shimmering surface.

The first attacker rushed at her at full speed, she reduced the gravitational pull on her, allowing her to become nimble.

Being at level 5 of the earth element, she had such a high level of control over gravity, she could at any time lighten the gravitation pull and move as light as a feather or even transfer that activity to someone else and make them as heavy or as light as her abilities could dictate

She beheaded the first attacker with her sword without giving him room to balance, the second attacker couldn't stop in time and his neck collided directly with her sword, the head flew off like a launched projectile leaving the body behind.

Using her nimble movements and agile body, she killed 3 more of the attackers, in a few seconds 5 of the 16 attackers were dead, and it happened so fast, they couldn't escape in time.

The people around were stunned, even though they expected this outcome, they were still surprised and looked in amazement,

"What a wonderful sword skill."




Xavier Xu was stunned, he was looking at the power of a level 5 elemental, he came out of the van and had witnessed the scene, he couldn't help but gulp.

"Her power is terrifying" he murmured to himself.

He had read so much about her, he had heard so much about her, he didn't really put much to her abilities, he was of course a member of the legendary void assassins, known as the deadliest force in the world because of their bodily advantage,

'That is, they cannot be harmed by any element as far as the target was not their head, the exception being the blood-curling ability of the blood Nation, and they were unusually strong and agile, specially gifted with the sword, however, seeing General Wang on her crazy rampage, he had to rethink that belief.

The people around were also whispering, "did you see how she beheaded that guy, it's almost like his head was begging to be decapitated'

"She feels like the god of death, unleashing massacre like it is a precious item given free of charge"

'In my next life, I will surely marry her"

"What a superhero"

"General Wang, I'm your biggest fan from today on'

The murmuring and whispering continued from all angles as the battle halted.

The remaining eleven were now scared to take her on, they could clearly see the five headless corpses around them. In a couple of seconds, these corpses had been headed.

The fear made them rethink their initial assessment of the opponent.

One by one they started to bring out their guns, "if you dare shoot her, I will kill you" Kubo shouted from behind.

They didn't care at this

point, their life was on the line and this opponent was formidable, they felt their boss hadn't accessed the situation properly.

They didn't immediately shoot but they held their guns tightly. Indecisiveness rocked their minds as they stood there, unsure of what to do.

General Wang didn't stand on ceremony either, as she murmured to herself, "since you're begging to be beheaded, I will gladly oblige".

She increased her speed by pushing off more of the influence of gravity from her, while she increased the gravitational pull on the attackers , she dashed in between them, beheading one, two, three, till the eleventh one was beheaded.

They fell simultaneously as General Wang sheathed her sword.

She had a different plan for Kubo.

Despite witnessing all these Kubo wasn't in the least intimidated,

To him, she was impressive enough, since only a powerful woman was qualified to be his lady, he also saw his men as cannon fodder who were rather unimpressive and useless.

"darling, I hope, you feel good after killing my men," Kubo said with a smile.

"l think he has lost his mind"

"This fool has fallen for general Wang, such an idiot"

"Is he seriously unable to see what is right in front of him, or is he under a spell or something?"

The murmurs from the crowd grew as they couldn't fathom why Kubo wasn't running away or pleading for his life.

General Wang gave a flirtatious smile to Kubo and blew a kiss, which Kubo caught as she moved closer to him.

"Let's get married today" Kubo shouted, "l like a strong woman by my side a real powerful one, I've never seen one as crazy as you, will you be my bride?"

For some reason General Wang stopped, she had never been asked out like this before, she

took who she wanted to take to bed, and did what she wanted because everyone was afraid of her, it was the first time someone was bold enough to ask.

"It's a pity though, this dude was on the wrong side of my rage, he could have been my toy" she said as she stepped in front of him and slammed his chest with her palm before he could say any more word.

The earth element, of sand, soil and cement , rushed into Kubo's body and filled every interspace, it filled him up like a bloated balloon he exploded after the pressure had reached the peak, and by that time, General Suzie Wang had established a wall to prevent the smithers from touching or coming in contact with her.

The great Kubo has been slaughtered, now the road was free!! General Wang looked around at the crowd, who started to move backward, in fact, some started to run far away, they had seen her in action, she was not to be trifled with.

"You can go" she barked to the driver of the van

who put on the ignition of the van as it roared back to life after he had recovered from the shock of witnessing the might of General Wang and drove over the dead bodies in front of the van and sped off into the distance leaving general Wang behind.