The shock on fabia's face couldn't even be described. She was utterly flabbergasted.
"She's asking to see you, and I've deduced that she would ask you to tell her what's going on with her body. My advice to you is to give her an excuse other than the truth. My reasons for that are she's currently unstable and the truth would throw more confusion into her. Most important, we do not know the specie of the child that's growing inside of her. King Aragon is a mysterious man, and so is Raziah. Telling any one of them might lead to a disaster, especially the mother herself who seems to hate our kind. I myself do not know what to make out of the baby, but I can tell you that the mother's body is strong enough to carry it. For now, we just have to keep stalling,"
Fabia's eyes were beginning to spin from the news. What was she supposed to make out of it? There were so many unanswered questions in all that he just said.