Chapter 10 - TISDES PLANET

TISDES PLANET has three continents. They are USAD, THADES and a no name continent , which is now called as DRAAEVIL continent . The USAD and THADES had been interconnected but separated by vast mountain ranges known as "Great Dividing Range" . Between "Great Dividing Range" there are some forest patches which further separates the mountain range in many small mountain ranges .

On the left side is the Usad continent , the continent which predominated by humans . On the right side is the Thades continent, where many species like vampire, elf , mix race of beast exist by establishing their own

kingdom and empire .

USAD can be divided into three parts: the northern part, mainland part, and the southern part .

The northern part of this continent contains three barbaric tribes : HEFAR , DAIN and VAPIS from east to west . These three tribes form " Great Northern Tribesmen " by Uniting their tribe in the form of an alliance .

Previously around 100 years ago, these three tribes existed separately, not bounded by any alliances but these three tribes always have a motive to move towards the mainland, as the North has harsh climate and does not has much fertile land for cultivation . But their campaign was always strongly repelled by the mainland forces and there was also a time when their defeat led them to move deep in the north by losing much of their territories . But around 100 years ago, the three chieftain of these three tribes held a conference and unanimously agreed to form this Great Northern alliance . After forming the alliance they not only captured their previously lost territory but also some parts of the mainland which their ancestors always wanted to capture .

Now, moving towards the mainland part, it contains four territories: WYDER DUCHY, LAVIAN KINGDOM, GRAND DUKEDOM OF BELPH and VAAD COUNTRY from east to west.

These are the forces which prevent the northern forces to move toward the mainland . Among these countries, the Grand Dukedom of Belph is the main force which prevents the "Great northern tribesmen" military expedition . Due to their fierce military power, they were also known as Iron gate of the mainland .

Southern part of the continent contains 3 countries: LEAI KINGDOM, AIGR DUCHY, AND INVA EMPIRE .

LEAI KINGDOM is present in the east side of the southern part of the USAD continent and AIGR duchy is present in the West part of the southern part of the continent .

Southern most part of the USAD continent is ruled by the INVA empire and their empire also covers the largest chunk of land in the USAD continent . In the USAD continent, it is an unofficial but unanimously agreed opinion among general people and also some group of high officials that the INVA Empire is the military super power but other leaders decline this claim as they say their country is the strongest, like Great Northern Tribesmen and Grand Dukedom of Belph .

The INVA Empire always had an expansion policy, 2 centuries ago they were a very small nation located in the corner of the southernmost part of the USAD continent but due to their expansion policy mindset they slowly but steadily conquered their surrounding territories to become the largest nation in the usad continent, INVA Empire has expanded either by promoting the political instability in Target nation

and amid this political turmoil, they extend their helping hand to unstable countries coated with the term of good will, in return they secretly place their empire's people in key positions of Nation's administration and military post and finally backstab the nation by shallowing the whole nation from outside and inside . Or by directly overpowering the nation with their military might .

Bodh LEAI Kingdom and AIGR duchy have become victims of the INVA Empire expansion policy . The AIGR duchy had lost most of their land to the INVA Empire during the past 2 decades due to a series of attacks led by empire in the name of liberating the peoples from the tyranical rule of "House of AIGR" in AIGR duchy .

The west part of the continent is called the Thades where dragons, elf, vampire, and mix race of beast lives by forming their nations .

The whole Northern part of the THADES continent has under the control of Dragonian Empire .

The mainland of the Thades had been not claimed by any nation and it is known as a "Great plains of Thades" which is covered in a dense forest in the eastern part and has vast plains in the western part of the Great plain . The reason is not clear even why the dragonian Empire, overlord of Thades has not claimed the Great plain, as it is well known that mainland contains a great amount of resources .

The southern part of the continent has nations of vampires, elf and mixed beast races .

Many centuries ago the species resided in the Thades continent had started the war among themselves to exert their dominance on the continent . Then one day, dragons suddenly appeared on this continent and all the species were defeated one by one and pushed them to the southern part of the continent, so to prevent the dragons from taking total control of continent these 3 Southern species of Thades form an alliance to defeat the dragons which is known as the "Coagulation of the Races". But even after forming an alliance they were not able to defeat the dragons . After a long war, dragons have come to a conclusion to stop the war with and announce themselves as an overlord of this continent .