I've only been with the Raiders for a year now, but there has been chatter about cannibalistic attacks happening in other parts of the world. My best estimate is there's a little under 2 years before it comes stateside. With this information, it's probably best I retire to spend the rest of my time beefing up the base, and training the new guys.
Within the year the compound has come along nicely. Solar power has gone up compound wide so we have power when we need it. There were already wells on the property so water won't be an issue for the foreseeable future. We built more walls around the new houses. It's starting to look like a small town, a shitty town with just basic houses and a few storage warehouses, but nonetheless a town. I had to buy the land behind us to make it happen, but paper money will be obsolete very soon. There are currently only 2 families that haven't made the move yet, but that's honestly way less than I thought. I figured people wouldn't take it seriously and just lollygag till the very end. This is very good news because we have the compound already up and running so when shit does hit the fan we will be ready since day to day life won't change much.
I've figured out I can control how diluted the serum I give people is. With this knowledge I'm keeping my 10 friends with the original diluted serum they received, but giving their underlings an extremely diluted dose. The good news is the loyalty effect stays. I won't lie, I took advantage of this and gave all their family members basically a smidge of the serum to ensure their loyalty. I know that sounds controlling and it is, but I would rather be safe than sorry. Also everyone on-site has been given a basic hand to hand combat course, and a basic gun course since at the very least the people should be able to defend their loved one and themselves.
Everybody has their own jobs on-site, but the guys and I decided we should offer them a chance to join us as operators once everything goes down. The ones that wanted to actively serve and guard our community came out to 55. That's a total of 102 active bodies. Not all of them will be able to become elite like us, but that doesn't mean they're weak. Out of the 55, only 20 seem promising to surpass their limits. The 20 were taken out of the homemade boot camp we had going on and put in an advanced course. Of course all 55 still have a long way to go, but in the roughly 2 years we have left I'm sure they could beat anybody in the chair force.
I've kept up appearances and regularly visited the Greene's under the friendly neighbor guise, but the real reason is to be on friendly terms when the apocalypse starts. Okay, the actual real reason was to get to know Maggie since this is real life now and tv knowledge may not hold up. She's still a dime piece.
With these last 2 years we have left, we will be doing next to no recruiting. Instead we will spend this time strengthening our foundation by keeping everybody on their toes with basic drills and refresher combat classes to keep the general populace ready. Of course they're still under the impression this is just some little backwoods rag-tag militia family type thing. Little do they know this will become so much more.
The time quickly passed till the day I got a call from Lori out of the blue... "David, your brother has been shot. We're at Harrison Memorial hospital in King County."
"I'm on my way. Carl and you hang in there. I love you guys."
"See you soon, love you too."
So it's finally beginning...
At the flip of a switch it seemed, the somewhat peaceful United States of America came over ran with, THE WALKING DEAD.
*AN: Introductions to his 'main circle' or 'important' members of his group will be in the next chapter.*
*AN: Another shorter chapter, but I just really wanted to release another one tonight because the next chapter I can finally get to the juicy part of any TWD fanfic. The chapters from now on will be longer, but releases might take a tad longer. I plan on trying to keep future chapters at a 10 page minimum. I do have a route I'm going to take this planned a little bit, but nothing is set in stone entirely. Also if it wasn't painfully obvious, this is my first time writing for other people to read so bare with me. I'll get better... hopefully. LOL. Oh and ain't no way in hell am I introducing 170 plus people. So characters from David's group with names will be limited to the main circle. If that ruins it for you, I do apologize. That doesn't mean they aren't important though. When the no names do come up it will end up something like 'soldier 1' and 'soldier 2'. I guess if people were to comment on those future sentences with names, I would give them names but for now that's just how it's going to be.*