Why do I always have to scribe books to feel the shelf ?
Why do I always have to crack my poor little brain as to gather
Findings than just putting together what is going on around me
Presenting it to see how reality seems to be as an illusion ?
I'm almost tired but not giving up in anyways
O okay, it is very good to be creative so as to forge right ?
But what about being real and passionate for once
About what one does for a living as a matter of fact, Hmmm
Is scribbling actually supposed to be a less payable job ?
Mind you, the scribbler is the master piece of the story line Yet the inappropriate characters featured in these lines are the
You think all life is about is what you know ? sorry then, since
you know nothing. Your educational background and all those
staffs that projects you famous ? Time the chief controller of life
as in seasons would not permit me to say that which I would have
said but HELL
It is actually you and how you make it my dear,
Sit up, boggle up your shoes and be sincerely discipline to
Do the do, feel free, dislike the don't(s) and be good.
With this intend, me as a scribbler would like to be myself
And live my little writing job life as I suppose is right
Dear scribbler, the shelf upon which your true identity is
revealed gaze at you
Make a difference, now is the time and moment, grab your glow.