Chereads / Apartment 4B / Chapter 6 - 06. Let's move to Ethiopia

Chapter 6 - 06. Let's move to Ethiopia

'This has to be a dream.'

I'm screaming. Reece is screaming. Nico is somehow in our corner, screaming. Collin has woken up from all our screaming, spotted the man with a hole in his chest and is currently screaming.

'This has to be a dream,' Is the only thought at the back of my head

"Hey, hey," The man takes a step closer to Collin, which sends him running into our corner

Collin tries to hide behind us, but all three of us are simultaneously hit by the realization that he's big enough for us to hide behind.

"I know this looks bad—" The man—ghost—intruder says. Then he winces a little "Can you guys stop screaming?"

"Look here, you bastard," Reece points the bat at him from over Collin's shoulder "I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Yeah," I'm holding onto Collin's arm for dear life "We're going to put that, er, right through your chest hole!"

"That's very rude, young lady." He crossed his arms, chains clinking

"Who're you calling lady, you weirdo?" Collin is almost squishing us as he steps back

"Oh, uh, guess I'm mistaken," The man looks surprised "See, its kind of hard to tell who's who when you can only see energy."

"Speak up," Nico narrows his eyes from over Collin's shoulder "What is this, some sort of practical joke? Did Gerald send you?"

"I don't know any Gerald." The intruder says "Except for Gerald Winston. And he's an absolute bookworm, not the type to pull pranks."

The intruder walks over to the bed and sits down, looking around the room.

"Man it's pretty much the same," He laughs "Except for all the mattresses. What year is this?"

"No, you tell us," Reece says stubbornly "What year is this?"

"I wouldn't know," The intruder crosses his legs, smiles bitterly

"Ghosts don't really have watches."

All of us stare at him mutely. I'm fairly certain I've lost the feeling of my legs.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My voice is oddly quiet

"Why don't you guys sit?" The self-proclaimed ghost says "I find things much easier to understand when seated."

All of us exchange looks. Then slowly sit down by the wall, keeping our suspicious gazes on the intruder.

"My name is Edward Scotts." The intruder says "And I'm 28. Or I was, when I died."

"You look older." Reece gives him a suspicious look

"It's the chains, isn't it?" Edward frowns "They're such a nuisance."

"Do you want us to leave this room?" Nico asks "Because I don't have any intention of ever coming in again."

"Sure. But I don't think that'll get you what you're thinking of." Edward scratches the back of his neck sheepishly "You guys, uh, you have to help me find someone now."

"I'm sorry, who's doing what now?" Reece shakes his head

"You four," Edward points the index fingers of both hands to us "Are going to help me find out who killed me."

"Oy, who do you think we are?" Collin glares at him "The FBI?"

"Hey, I don't make the rules," Edward holds up his hands "It says so in my contract that whoever stays here for three hours has to help me."

"What sort of bullshit contract is that?" Reece says "It should be at least a whole night."

"I don't make the rules, kid." Edward sighs "Also, why do all of you curse so much? Are you delinquents? Is this apartment your base?"

I press my eyes close "Can you please start from the start? Nothing you say is making much sense."

"How do we even know you're really dead?" Reece points the bat at him "You could just be a hologram."

"Excuse me, I just walked out of a wall?"

"That shit aint convincing no one." Collin crosses his arms

"Fine," Edward yields "What do you want me to do?"

"How about you disappear right now?" Nico says

"Hah! Easy," Edward says smugly

Right before our eyes, he fades out, leaving a fresh chill in the room.

"He's gone." I look at the others, bewildered

We realize the meaning of that statement simultaneously.

All of us scramble to get out of the room. Collin slam the door shut behind.

"Jesus, you were right." He pushes his hair back from his forehead "That room's messed up."

"I'm half convinced the Walmart staff swapped our food with something long expired," Reece lets out a long breath. Then attempts a weary grin "But man, what a dumb ghost."

"He's too eager to prove himself," Nico shakes his head "Probably how he got where he is."

"Ha, ha. You guys are hilarious."

All of us whip out heads towards the source of the very annoyed voice, and find Edward sulking on the couch, his chains draped around him.

"I hate teenagers." Edward mutters "Why couldn't it be some nice mid-aged guy?"

"I've seen some pretty messed up things," Collin barks out a panicky laugh "But this is by far the craziest shit I've ever seen."

"Try becoming a ghost." Edward sinks deeper in the couch, arms crossed

"Try being followed by one," Reece crosses his arms as well "Just what is your deal?"

"I just told you," Edward stands wearily "You guys have to help me find someone."

"How about a no?" Nico deadpans

"You can't do that." Edward says, with a hint of sass in his voice "You've already accepted the task by staying in my room for three hours."

He holds up his wrist and I see a faint glimmer coming from under his chain cuff. Instinctively, I look down at my own wrist.

It's almost like an optical illusion, a fleeing light.

100, it says.

"The hell is this?" Nico says, the sleeve of his shirt pushed back

"It's your time limit," Edward tells us "You have to find my murderer within a 100 days."

"What after that?" I ask

"Either you find him and all of us can get peace," Edward says, gesturing with his hands "Or you fail, and my contractor takes your souls as a penalty."

Silence stretches out in the lounge.

"That's it?"

All of us turn to Reece.

He puts his hands in his pockets, thumbs peeking out, a laid back expression on his face.

"Is he alright?" Edward asks the rest of us

"You're giving us more than 3 months to solve one case?" A lazy grin curves at Reece's mouth "To think you almost had me scared for a moment."

Now that he's saying that… 3 months is actually enough time to figure something out. We could find someone knowledgeable to take help from.

"What if we move to Ethiopia?" Nico murmurs "Would that give us a few more years for this?"

"Wait, no—

"Heck yeah, I wanna try the food there!" Collin cuts Edward off

"I don't know," I find myself saying "Wouldn't that be expensive? Nico did break his card."

"Way to go, genius." Reece gives him a look

"I was having a moment—

"Enough!" Edward cuts off our discussion "Are all you even taking this seriously? I'm a ghost! You're facing a deadly ultimatum!"

"Listen man, have you ever had to fight guys twice your size to earn money for highschool?" Collin gives him an unimpressed look "This aint half as scary."

"But, you guys will do it?" Edward looks at us in confusion

"What choice do we have?" Nico spares him a cold glance

"Huh," Edward looks taken aback "Well, I guess I'll see you later then."

With that, he fades away, leaving a chill in the air.

"Well," I sigh "That was interesting."

"You think that was interesting?" Reece raises his brows at me "We should tell you about senior year."

"Shss," Collin pats my head as if I'm a kid "He's too young for that."

"Agreed, but," Nico points at the closed door of my ex-room "Who's going in to get all the mattresses?"

Before any of us can deny, the mattresses plop down on the floor in a neat pile, along with our pillows. I spy my repacked bag at the back. All the time I spent on unpacking today has definitely gone down the drain.

"And no," Edward's voice echoes "Going to Ethiopia won't give you extra time. I just checked."

"Oy, get up."

I wake up to the feeling of someone nudging the mattress.

"What?" I mutter, bleary eyes cracking open

Reece is standing over me, as impeccable as ever, with his ever present devilish grin.

I remember last night Nico and Collin placed their mattresses back in in Nico's room, and all of us shifted the furniture in Reece's room to accommodate mine.

"I said get up, pretty boy." Reece nudges the mattress again

"It's time for college."