Imazz requested another spell from Skuri shyingly, saying he almost forgot and it will be of great importance. Skuri turned and looked at Icarus, who gave him a sign of approval to grant Imazz the spell he wanted to complete the task.
And what will the spell be? Skuri asked Imazz.
A spell to pass through doors and barriers, Imazz replied.
Skuri walk back again annoyingly, swinging his long hands alongside with short foot steps into the portion chamber and dashed out holding another magic portion and hands it over to Imazz.
Icarus reminded Imazz again not to fail in bringing The Seal of Fire to him, after all he had been given the spells he requested for.
Imazz reassures him that he will deliver the bracelet to him as promised before he hurriedly went on to mount the teleportation dock, and disappeared.
Imazz appeared at the back of the cabin and walks anticlockwise over to the front door. He turned, backing the door and recite some incantations. After he recited it for the third time, the door became transparent without it's physical form, he took three steps backward and he was inside the cabin, with the door still perfectly locked.
He didn't touch anything inside the cabin, but took his time surveying every little details. It had been a long time since he came to his father cabin. A lot had happened in the past, which had cost so many sacrifices and actions that still haunts him.
He had done so many unspeakable things that even Qilexon will find it hard to believe. He had choosing these paths for a very long time, to be with the dark; that is where he believes lies greater power.
His father, Qilexon, had told him about a wooden box in his custody that contains a bracelet called The Seal of Fire, and it's protected by arcane creatures that only the last son of Adini has the power to wield it.
There were certain times that Qilexon will spend few days in his study, and he use to wonder what he will be doing inside his study for a very long time. He didn't also forget that he used to hear noises beneath the floor of the cabin and told his father, Qilexon about it but he just kicked it aside - saying it's just his imagination.
Imazz later got to find out when he was eighteen, that there was a secret basement inside his father's study. He climb down out of curiosity and saw the small wooden box, he tries to open it and was attacked by the arcane creatures, but was saved by his father, who suddenly appeared from nowhere and snatched him away, teleporting with him to the open field outside the cabin. And cautioned him never to visit the basement again.
Imazz wasn't looking for the small wooden box, he already knew where it is, but something specific this time, "Qilexon's purple journal and his golden pen."
He had known him to be carrying the journal since he was a kid. He believes it will contain a manual on how to tame the arcane creatures and on how to wield the bracelet, or even vital knowledge concerning things he never dreamt of.
He went to the study but didn't find the purple journal and the golden pen on the table, just some few books, a spinning map and a hand lenses.
Imazz felt that Qilexon is not that stupid to just leave the journal and the golden pen to the open without hiding and protecting them with magic. And he is certain that the only person that can easily get access to his crafts is his nephew, Leon.
He went behind the table and lifts the slab open, he brought out a small torchlight he always carried with him and began to climb down the ladder. When got to the foor of the basement, he saw the wooden box not too far on the floor. It looked so ordinary just like the way he saw it, when he was attacked years back.
Imazz took his time to search all the cardboard boxes, but didn't find the purple journal and the golden pen.
He concluded that the only way out is to prepare and wait for Leon to show up the next morning as he promised. He would cast all the spells and wait for him down here at the basement in invisible form, he would lure Leon to the wooden box and once he opens the box, he will snatch the bracelet from him, and flee even before the arcane creatures revives.
Imazz starts to implement his marked out plans, he ensures that he unlocks the front door and also left the study door slightly open. He cast the taming spell around and on top of the small wooden box, and also the deceiving spirit voices spell behind the study door, underneath the basement cover and on top of the small wooden box. He made sure he covered the basement and returned the carpet over it and used the barrier passing through spell to climb down the basement.
Imazz could hear Leon calling out his name at the front door of the cabin. He made himself comfortable underneath the basement and switched off his little torchlight. He prays the deceiving voices lures him fast down the basement.
Then it sounded like Leon had made his way into the cabin, because his voice became a lot clearer when he calls, with his footsteps stomping as he moves closer.
He knew when Leon walked into the study. And after some minutes, the basement wooden slab top cover slides opened. With Leon at the top looking down into the dark basement and calling out his name. Imazz shifted to a corner quietly and wait, still in his invisible form.
He watched Leon as he began climbing down the ladder, when his phone that he held as torchlight, suddenly fell from his hand leaving the entire basement in darkness.
The phone fell very close to his feet, he gently shifted some few steps backward. Thankfully, he had created much space for himself, so as not to create any noise and arouse any suspicion. He watched as Leon successfully switched on the light, after he almost stumbled. He picks up his phone and puts it back into his pocket.
Then the right moment he had been waiting for - Leon walk over to the small wooden box and was about to open it.
At this time Imazz was already set near him. As soon as Leon opens the box, Imazz puts his hand inside the box but was blasted away by a great force of shield energy into a different world before the small wooden box disappeared.