.. Crock held his left hand up with a bat and ready to strike at any moments. his right hand was already on the door knob and was about to open it.. Crock was just looking for the right moment..
Anyone would be panicking by now but Crock is calm as hell!
the thing's growl was cut short after the door suddenly opened and.. a bat was already approaching the thing's head after the door was opened suddenly.. without giving it to do anything the bat landed on its head! making its eyes to pop out..! after a few seconds the thing's body lifelessly fell on the ground with a thud with blood flowing and coming out from its eyes and head..
then a figure slowly came out from the house as he looked at the thing that's obviously a man with its eyes popping out from the eye sockets.. he then looked at the man's neck and noticed that a huge chunk of it was gone..!
"Hm.. that's hella painful."
Crock then heard a groan from someone and it was from the man that's laying on the ground just behind him.. Crock then looked at there's stomach.. and noticed that there was a hole on it.
"Woah.. what the hell..?"
the man then tried to get up from the ground while looking at Crock with a red eyes.. but failed to do so..
"I really feel bad for this person..! Let me end your suffering..!"
said Crock while swinging his bat around.. he also have a small smile π on his damn face..!
then a bat suddenly hit the man's bloodied face! the man then stopped moving.. then just after 5 seconds.. the body started to move again..
".. the hell that's clean hit!"
Once again the bat landed on the man's face but this time Crock.. didn't stop hitting man that just won't die from his bat! After about 7 hit from the bat landing on the man's face it finally stopped moving after its head was bashed into pieces!
"..Damn.. he just won't die.."
Crock wiped a sweat that's on his face.. and looked around him.. and it was total chaotic!
bodies was lying on the ground with either their hand and legs was missing! Cars was on fire after crashing with one another and people was screaming there and everywhere! he doesn't even know what's happening!
"Damn am I dreaming..?"