"Year 1702 July 27, a rift suddenly appeared in USA California, people started to wonder what it is and started to take videos and photos, slowly a pitch-black stick appeared via that rift, some opened their mouth widely in awe some froze in fear, what is going to happen (a civilian voice), some started to panic and started to running away from that rift but one thing that all people thought in that very moment, whatever that is coming from that hole(rift) it is not good.
That stick starting to change its form, first it became like a balloon next it stretched further now it started to tear itself 8 times, it started to became like a balloon again after 5 minutes it took a form with 6 hands 2 legs with a pitch black face, in a blink of an eye surrounding one kilometer range of that city became a crater.
Now many different ugly monsters starting to come out, US government without a thought dispatched all of its military force to annihilate whatever it is but all end up in vain.
Without any choice president "(confidential)" approved to use nukes, barrage of nukes started to rain in California 60% of US became waste land in a mere minute but those creatures still standing there without a dent not even moved a single inch.
After knowing nothing happened to those monsters US contacted nearby countries in hopes of getting help but little did they know that this phenomenon is not only happening in US but all over the globe.
Abandoned their hopes leaders started to flee to save their lives, millions of people became ash or food for that monsters.
Humans called this unfolding event "PRALAYAM".
(Approximately 8 months later)
[In south Korea (Seoul)]
After some months a mysterious man suddenly defeated a monster that looked like 4-meter-tall bird with razer sharp tooth with hideous face, that man pummeled that monster to ground make a meat paste out of it, the people who watched this, started to call him HERO.
After that day one-by-one people with mysterious power started to appear and started to fight against monsters.
These people are called by people as HEROES, some of them call themselves hunter or awakened but public call them HERO.
After countless sacrifice humanity first regained its stronghold in south Korea one-by-one other nations started to revive but unfortunately many countries lost most of their lands because of nukes and some countries are not inhabitable for humans those places are filed with countless monster most of them are S-Rank and it is believed these S-Rank monsters have a monster that reigns over them it is called 'Demon Lord' literally those are not demons like in myths but it has the devastative power that makes it 'Demon Lord'. It won't come out of that place but if it is nobody can imagine how much loss it will inflict or is there anything remain to call that planet inhabitable if it started to attack.
Hoping there will be heroes that will slay this 'Demon Lord' we can only wait patiently.
[1 august 2057 after 85 years later]
But the HEROES didn't wait patiently they gathered all in the name of 'INHO' stands for International Hero Organization, they were lead by the strongest hero 'Ho Soo-ho' he led the heroes brilliantly but they can't even put up a fight with Demon Lord who boasts power like sun itself, most of the heroes died in that tragedy but Ho Soo-ho managed to save remaining heroes with the loss of his right arm, but surprisingly Demon Lord didn't pursue remaining heroes it is like a miracle.
After the loss some of the sly foxes started to pinpoint it as mistake of Ho Soo-ho to take control over him but the brilliant hero never shook in front of these sly foxes even after the loss he still is the no 1 HERO, unfathomable".
Apart from Ho Soo-Ho the Sword God, there are other Heroes who contributed greatly in the war between Humans and
All of these powerful Heroes are ambitious and banned together, they took control of the INHO, and stood as 7 pillars, only Wayne Dragon(Contractor of Golden Dragon) left himself out of this, he is not greedy, he values life more than anything.
Ho Soo-Ho can't do anything about this, if he fought them he will at least kill 3 of them and damage others, but the remaining one's will make this world more miserable, so he backed from this and created his own clan which grew strongly to rival them.
Later Dragon also found his own family in the name of Dragon, which also became a prominent family in Europe.
As time passed, now year 2122, 65 years after the tragedy, 150 years after the PRILAYAM.
The power struggle grew stronger as time passed HO Soo-Ho's first born son,
named Ho Moon-Chul, he is a strongest Hero who is currently in the top 50, he also excels in the politics, as he is a great help to maintain power and overlook those 7 sly families.
But this is not about Ho Soo-Ho story...