Chereads / The Vale of Broken Bones / Chapter 17 - Epilogue

Chapter 17 - Epilogue

I had to get rid of Illia somehow. It wasn't pretty and I know that. But Malaki and I would never be happy if Illia remained alive. My child would never know the love of two parents if Illia remained alive.

She stole him from me. Like the selfish woman she is. I fell in love with Malaki when I was just a princess. He loved me too. But I saw how Illia looked at him. She loved him too. I did feel bad for her, because I knew that Malaki was devoted to me. Only me. But she didn't know that.

So I used Illia's love for Malaki against her and she didn't even know it. I used it against her for her entire reign. As a princess and as a queen. But when Illia saw me falling for Dreyden, she assumed she was safe with Malaki. Which is exactly what I wanted her to think.

I only pretended to love Dreyden so that I could continue Astrean's heir. Malaki and I are happy now with my son, Erin. Malaki trains him to be a warrior and I rule over Aesira.

Nobody knows that I hired the assassin five years ago today. And nobody will ever know. Illia was a problem my entire life. She challenged me for the throne, I got it, then she stole the love of my life. It was obvious that the only solution was to eliminate the problem. So I did.

After I became pregnant, the next step was to eliminate my second problem. Dreyden. So, I invoked Illia and sent Dreyden to her castle, knowing what she would do. And when she did it, I had nothing else to do but plan the final steps.

I pretended not to know Malaki, even in private. You never know who may be right around the corner, listening to every word you're saying. Then I sent him to Illia's castle. I told him to pretend he loved her so she would believe she was safe with him.

It's not like I'm the only villain in this story. Malaki helped me every step of the way. He schemed and planned with me until we had our futures planned to an exact.

The sickness was real, but I knew that when Illia saw me in that condition that she would grow weak and help me. And when she did, I used my power and strength over her.

She kept whining about how she wished Selene was there with her, but now they finally can be together.

"Mom?" a little voice squeaked from Adeline's bedroom door. She put down her quill and turned to find Erin. Malaki was standing over him with a guilty expression on his face.

"What is it?" Adeline said, opening her arms for Erin. He ran into them and sat on her lap.

"I got cut," he lifted his arm and showed Adeline a scrape on his wrist.

"How did this happen?" Adeline asked, looking at Malaki.

"We were just sparring but he tried using the real sword instead of the fake one I told him to use."

Adeline scolded Malaki silently with her eyes but looked back to Erin. "It's all right, we can fix this right up." Adeline held her hand over Erin's wrist as a light shimmery dust drifted from her hand. His wound sealed up, not even leaving a scab. Adeline smiled and placed Erin back on the floor.

He ran to Malaki and he rubbed his head. "Go wait over there, I'll be out in a moment." he smiled and watched Erin run away.

Malaki stepped into the room and looked at Adeline's paper. "For her grave?"

Adeline nodded and folded the paper. Malaki rubbed her back as she stood.

"How did I get so lucky for such a caring wife?" he smiled as he brought Adeline into his arms.

Adeline grinned as her blood rushed to her cheeks. She released herself from the embrace and walked away from Malaki. She hugged Erin before descending the stairs and putting on her fur coat.

She decided that today, she would walk to the grave and enjoy the winter breeze. She stepped outside and began walking down the castle bridge. Adeline waved to the passing merchants and villagers. She picked up a handful of wildflowers to bring to Illia's grave.

Adeline began walking up the hill that led to the cemetery and picked up her skirt. She continued up the hill until she reached the top. When she did, she followed the path back to the very end of all the gravestones.

She found Illia's grave which lay next to Selene's. She placed the flowers down on the dirt and placed the letter on top of it.

"Oh, Illia," she sighed, placing her hand on top of the grave. "I'm sorry it had to come to this. There's not much in the world that I wouldn't do for Malaki. And now you know that. I hope you're living your best afterlife with Selene and Isa. They were both great women. Great queens. Oh and I hope Valethar was happy to see you as well. He just got in my way, Illia, it's not personal. I love you Illia, but I love Malaki more. That's why I did what I did." Adeline stood slowly, but she had a bad feeling.

A feeling that someone was watching her, listening to her. She could hear the ruffle of dried leaves from behind her and turned quickly. Nothing but a silly rabbit. She sighed and chuckled to herself before walking back down the hill.

What Adeline had not seen was Illia. Standing behind a tree, watching her sister say awful things about her.

Illia was beginning to regret wearing armor underneath her gown and not letting the arrows kill her. But she knew when she saw the look on Adeline's face as her kingdom fell, it would be worth it.