Still writhing on the ground a high pitched sound came tugging at his brain numbing his hearing, making all his hairs to stand alert, he continued hitting his head with his hands, wishing for his pains to stop, he tried gritting his teeth again to try stopping himself from shouting.
Seeing her husband on the ground in pain tugged painfully at her heart she wanted to comfort him or even stop his pain, although she was curious to know the vision but she was also worried. Tearing her gaze from her husband she looked around apart from the cursed having a somber but eager and curious expressions the immortals looked amused like they were watching something funny, she knew they had no pity for her husband and they would be cursing him their mind 'my husband doesn't need their pity, they are all rotten!' she thought furiously. It made her angry to know that she was helpless over his situation removing her gaze from the small crowd, she landed her gaze on her husband who had stop screaming and clutching his head in pain and had laid still, looking like he has spaced out, the colour of his eyes which has turned to dull grey, she knew he is seeing the vision.
He cursed himself endlessly for experiencing this kind of pain that he had no control over, his mind felt like it was about to blow but then a bright light appeared into his dark vision dulling the pains and sounds 'this is it' he thought and stilled, images started appearing in his vision, evil and dark images filled with death, war and gore, villages being destroyed, demons and monsters, vile creatures every where, people screaming and running, in other words, it was not something that someone would look forward to. The images stopped, coming back to the present he opened his eyes and dropped his hands from his head only to see his wife in front of him, supporting him she stood him up and put his hands around her neck with her other hand around his waist, without another word or giving him the chance to explain his vision she started walking him to their hut.
''cursed I say, you people are cursed!"
"You are not wanted here, you think you can trick us!"
Go to hell, you people are disgusting!"
" What an abomination, you deserve to die!"
Cursing, mockery and laughter sprang up as Abdera walked her husband and the cursed ones who were curious to know what the vision is, quickly finished their job and went to the direction of Tornac house.