It was evident the Deans were all uncomfortable about the revelation the Government diplomat made. It was equally uncomfortable to our ears as it was uncomfortable for the Dean to know one of their secrets had been let out to all of our hearings.
The diplomat seemed to care less as he proceeded to resume his speech. " There will be further changes in the magical schools as it is now evident that without the government intervention, the magical school cannot independently function well. I will begin with the number one-ranked school which is the All supernaturals college" he halted and turned over the sheets of paper in front of him to the next page.
" Oh, it's beginning. They are going to send Teacher Hunter away and I'm sure Dean Androcles is going too" Pandora shrieked.
I shifted in my seat immediately then, I turned to her " Stop spouting nonsense. Dean Androcles is going nowhere" I snapped.