All of them were very tired and decided to take some rest and sat on stones, had there food and slept for some time .
As all were sleeping Sunny woke up and was enjoying the beauty of the woods.
Sunny saw Nikhil walking to some place as like he was in very hurry so Sunny silencly follow him and saw that he was rushing to some place where there was no one.
Sunny got afraid and as it was getting very dark and when he look back he couldn't find his way out so he decided to stop Nikhil and get back to there friends.Sunny called Nikhil but he didnt hear and was walking blindly as he was not in his sense.
Sunny ran towards him but he went inside a cave.The cave was very dark so he couldnt find Nikhil. Sunny got very nervous and ran outside the cave and was hurry in finding his friends.When he see his watch he felt that he was finding his way to his friends since 4 hours.
After walking a long distance he finally reached his friends and got very tired and sat on ground.
He saw that all of them were sleeping including Nikhil.